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Praise?Aim to praise at all times-over all your mistakes and over all others' mistakes, over all disappointments, and peoples' blunders. As the feeling of disappointment comes upon you, you should be watchful - at once rise up against it, and keep clear of it, stop it, commit it to the Lord, let it alone, think away from it, speak happily, keep bright in countenance, never mind what happens, rest, and let it be in God's hands. Large trouble, small trouble, keen disappointment, light one, keep in praise and faith, and look away from it and yourself, to Jesus.

You do not know what would happen to you if you would from day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment praise the Lord. It would eclipse all that you have ever seen. You would always see Him. There would really come into your being a marvelous change--delights in His own way, and His desires instead of the desires of the natural man, revelling in His presence, blessing and praising and magnifying His holy name. These are the ones who are overcoming and conquering.?- MARTHA W. ROBINSON


