Katherine Hille Financial Times:
We‘ve heard a lot about unweaving support for Taiwan. Now If there were Chinese attack, do you think American people would be OK with America sending troops or really stepping in to defend Taiwan?
McCarthy:That’s a hypothetical question we never want to get to. The reason why we’re together here with both parties sitting down is because we never want to see that question get asked. We never want to see that come to fruition. And we understand through history. We understand through the history of what Ronald Reagan would do with others that day you don’t want to have happened. I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on. And how do you deter that? You foster a great relationship about peace, freedom and democracy. You deter the ability for one side to create a war. You stick to the three communiques and six assurances that has fostered peace and grown economics on every side of the aisle, be it Taiwan, Be it China be it America. So that’s what we’re doing today. So when you look back on history, at a critical time around the world, what did your law makers do? They stood up. They built relationships to friend and foe. They deterred the ability for one to foster war against the other. They built economic ties with both. And they fostered a greater relationship for freedom and for peace around the world. Because no one wants to get to a hypothetical question she just asked.
这个问问题的Financial Times记者没有画面,但是后来蔡英文有一个媒体茶叙会,会上一位金融时报女记者提问,是外国人,但是讲一口标准国语,说她名叫席嘉琳(音),应该就是Katherine Hille。她可能是台湾出生的?没有一点口音。