Clay was so so in love. He couldn't have fallen for anyone else like that. Just love Dylan's acting. Hannah and Clay forever 

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This is why you have to be so careful about how you treat people. We go through so many things nobody knows about. Tell someone you love them while you still can

I think the writer was trying to let us know through Hannah and Clay that you shouldn't wait longer to confess your love, have the courage (which he portrayed through Clay and showing his pain to us) and also you must have the patience for love no matter how many times your heart has been broken, you must have the faith on others to ask for help no matter how many times others have turned you down... Otherwise you will do a mistake which can't be done right again... I hope this heartfelt emotions fans have for Hannah and Clay will also help people in their future I freakin cried
this is so emotional... But at 1:37...which episode was that? They just kissed once, didn't they? It’s so sad because he loved her so much and she loved him! Whenever they look at each other you can litterally see it in their eyes. Maybe if he had just put his arm around her in the scene where they were looking at the moon or if he had told her he loved her she’d still be alive. 
Anis the scene when Hannah came to Clay crying saying "Clay.. can we talk." 
Clay and Hannah ~ 13 Reasons Why

Eve Tarascio
5 years ago