Zaluzhnyi is Commander-in-Chief Ukraine's

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[Marijn Markus]
Marijn MarkusMarijn Markus• 2nd• 2ndAI Lead | Managing Data Scientist | Public SpeakerAI Lead | Managing Data Scientist | Public Speaker
5h • 5h •
"They are coming here to ???????????????? us."
? Calm, collected and straightforward. ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? explains why #Ukraine defends itself against #Russia

Zaluzhnyi is Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of #Ukraine

Times named him one of the most influential people in the world, for his #Leadership skills, his rapid adaptation of changing tactics, effective delegation and info gathering during the full scale invasion.

As a four-star General, Zaluzhnyi has been in charge
Of Ukraine's #military since halfway through 2021 
Also, he wears a #NAFO patch at times

In this rare #Interview he shares his thoughts: 
"It's confusing that it's happening in an era where science is advanced. When there are still grandparents who lived through all this during World War II. And despite this, they deliberately go to ???????????????? Ukrainians."

? Zaluzhnyi isn't shy about it. Doesn't try to be nice about it.
Doesn't dabble in what-ifs or political poetry.
As doing so only distracts from the ???????????????? ????????????????????

Like all soldiers of Ukraine, Zaluzhnyi is fighting
To prevent more Ukrainians from ????????????????????.

"We will fight to the last drop of blood. 
Otherwise, they will ???????????????? us. 
There is no other way out. 
Everything is just that simple."

#Military #Motivation #Ethics
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[Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM]


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Patrick C. Flood 1st degree connection1stFull Professor of Organizational Behaviour at DCU

Slava Ukraini!
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Oksana ZabolotnayaView Oksana Zabolotnaya’s profile • 3rd+Owner and director (Pradas D) suspension of activity 24.02.2022 Owner and director (BMHBEL) suspension of activity 09.08.2020

Good never attacks, but this does not mean that Good should not defend itself and resist Evil.
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Marijn MarkusView Marijn Markus’ profileAuthorAI Lead | Managing Data Scientist | Public Speaker

Ukraine taught the World an important lesson:
Neutrality is the opposite of Pacifism.

Neutrality means arming yourself to the teeth
Because when invaded by a neighbour,
You're on your own.

Netherlands and Belgium learned this in WW2
Finland and Sweden learned it last year

Either join a military alliance or be ready to fight
Or be colonized again and again
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Angelo WijdhView Angelo Wijdh’s profile • 3rd+Managing Business Consultant

Marijn Markus ... for sure with backwards neighbors as Russia!
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orville coleView orville cole’s profile • 3rd+Project Manager - Energy and Volunteer @ The ARK of Veterans Charity

Marijn Markus Thank you for posting this segment, There is no choice, Slaval Ukraini!
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Marijn MarkusView Marijn Markus’ profileAuthorAI Lead | Managing Data Scientist | Public Speaker

And we should never forget it.

For years, 'neutrality' was forced upon Ukraine.
As a 'neutral buffer state'.

But neutrality doesn't mean peace.
Neutrality means preparing for War.

Because no one will protect you.
Once war arrives at your door.
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Shannon FaraziView Shannon Farazi’s profile (She/Her) • 2ndOCI Software Engineer (In memory of Honorable Mr. Bob Miner ?) | Personal Account | My opinions are mine and mine only | Human Rights |

Marijn Markus slightly disagree. Ukraine is never neutral as we are always was/is/will be from planet Earth. In his movie, Mr. President Zelenskyy did apply to NATO and here we are. ?
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Viktor StefanivView Viktor Stefaniv’s profile • 3rd+Process Modeling Manager at DTEK, E.I.T. (APEGA)

Shannon Farazi In the movie? Ukraine was attacked in 2014, being entirely neutral, with majority of its population not supporting joining NATO. Little you know about this as I see.

David ColemanView David Coleman’s profile • 3rd+Soloist, Chamber Musician

He sees the situation clearly and correctly, and states the truth in simple language.
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Marijn MarkusView Marijn Markus’ profileAuthorAI Lead | Managing Data Scientist | Public Speaker

Many hashtag#Leaders worldwide could learn from him
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Angelo WijdhView Angelo Wijdh’s profile • 3rd+Managing Business Consultant

???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? is a genuine Ukrainian Hero! ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? is - as any good leader should be - calm, objectively, focused, collective and in clear language honestly straight forward!

I guess Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin wished he had such a General under his command. This commander, 5 star General ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????, inherited over a million € which he invested in the Ukrainian military as support for his men and women in service.

In Russia the Russian General would have invested that money in his yacht or second house in London or send his children not to a Russian university but to a prestigious European or American school and buy high end fashion clothes join the high society clubs and parties (even when they are gay or something LGBTQ+) while keeping up the entire charade "All Western things are Nazi's and against Russia(ns)" which is obviously the good old LIE (Kremlin Propaganda) to bombard the Russian people with in order to brainwash them ... keep doing that for generations and it becomes part of ones DNA.


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David GrayView David Gray’s profile • 3rd+Design and Build of disruptive Technologies for Access Control/ Hybrid Working and Event Spaces

Russia is digging itself a grave not a monument. Let us hope that this time "we" do not allow them to re-coup and recover. The time is now to say never again, Russia (irrespective of what China' game is ) must be nullified. This will send an unequivocal message to Russia and other terrorist and fundamentalist states - your time is up, we will not allow you to act with impunity.
This is the rubicon, we must not fail, Ukraine is the front line between good and evil, simple as that.
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Vitalii VereshchaginView Vitalii Vereshchagin’s profile • 3rd+I am from Bucha / Ukrainian

Zaluzhnui is historically person! The greatest!
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Paul RozvadovskyView Paul Rozvadovsky’s profile • 3rd+Open to work: Engineer within the Semiconductors, Medical Devices, Microelectronics, and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.

I fully agree, Mr. Commander-in-Chief General Zaluzhnyi!
A GENOCIDE against Ukrainians. Again. And again.
Only one country will survive. Let's make sure to take ruZZia down through it's complete disintegration. The Empire of Evil needs to go down in flames. Stand up to the Evil... until the Evil is there no more...
Thank you for your Leadership, Sir!
Crisp Salute!
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Hans WarmenhovenView Hans Warmenhoven’s profile (Business consultancy ) • 3rd+Multi inzetbaar team en solo.

Doet me denken aan een oude politie serie in de jaren '81 en verder namelijk Hill Street Blues. De "roll call" was altijd "Let's do it to them, before they do it to us". Dat geldt ook voor de Ukrainers aan het front en daarachter. Onze "vrijheid" staat mede op het spel.
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Steven WorthView Steven Worth’s profile • 2ndStrategy and Operations Executive – Equipping Corporate, Nonprofit and Government Organizations to Profitably Capitalize on Global Market Opportunities ? Strategic Planning ? Globalization ? Innovative Funding

There is a uniform and remarkable clarity of purpose among the Ukrainian people about why they are fighting--from generals to simple soldiers to civilians of all ages. A recent television interview with a Ukrainian soldier on the front lines went something like this: "We will not stop until every last Russian invader has been expelled from our land. They are all going to die....." said in an animated but matter-of-fact way with a slight smile on his face. You could see, he meant every word
