- natty adj. Neat, trim, and smart; dapper.
- natural philosophy n. The study of nature and the physical universe before
the advent of modern science.
- natural selection n. The process in nature by which, according to Darwin's
theory of evolution, only the organisms best adapted to their environment tend
to survive and transmit their genetic characteristics in increasing numbers to
succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated.
- nature trail n. A trail, as through woods or by a seashore, usually with
natural features labeled especially for study.
- nave1 n. The central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the
chancel and flanked by aisles.
- nave2 n. The hub of a wheel.
- navel-gazing n. Slang Excessive introspection, self-absorption, or
concentration on a single issue: "The optimistic trend masks a looming
problem, which has sent the travel industry into a renewed bout of
navel-gazing" (Financial Times).
- navvy n. Chiefly British A laborer, especially one employed in construction or
excavation projects.
- naysay tr.v. To oppose, deny, or take a pessimistic or negative view of: They
will naysay any policy that raises taxes.
- neap tide n. A tide that occurs when the difference between high and low tide
is least; the lowest level of high tide. Neap tide comes twice a month, in the
first and third quarters of the moon.
- near beer n. A malt liquor that does not contain enough alcohol to be
considered an alcoholic beverage.
- near gale n. See moderate gale.
- near miss n. 1. A narrowly avoided collision involving two or more aircraft,
ships, boats, or motor vehicles. 2. A missile strike that is extremely close
to but not directly on target. 3. Something that fails by a very narrow
margin: Her campaign for the Senate was a near miss.
- nearshore n. The region of land extending from the backshore to the beginning
of the offshore zone.
- near thing n. Something that barely succeeds or nearly ends in failure or
- neat2 n. Archaic A cow or other domestic bovine animal.
- neatherd n. Archaic A cowherd.
- neatnik n. One who is habitually neat and orderly.
- neb n. 1a. A beak of a bird. b. a nose; a snout. 2. A projecting part,
especially a nib.
- nebbish n. A person regarded as weak-willed or timid. [Yiddish nebekh, poor,
unfortunate, of Slavic origin.] - nebbishy adj.
- Nebuchadnezzar II 630?-562 B.C. King of Babylonia who captured (597) and
destroyed (586) Jerusalem and carried the Israelites into captivity in
- nebular hypothesis n. A hypothesis concerning the origin of the solar system
according to which a rotating nebula cooled and contracted, throwing off rings
of matter that contracted into the planets and their moons, while the great
mass of the condensing nebula became the sun.
- necessitous adj. 1. Needy; indigent. 2. Compelling; urgent.
- [idiom] of necessity As an inevitable consequence; necessarily.
- necrobiosis n. The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as
distinguished from necrosis or pathological death.
- necrology n. 1. A list of people who have died, especially in the recent past
or during a specific period. 2. An obituary.
- necromancy n. 1. The practice of supposedly communication with the spirits of
the dead in order to predict the future. 2. Black magic; socery. 3. Magic
- necrophagia/necrophilia/necrophobia/necropolis
- needle n. 5. See dragonfly. 9. Informal A goading, provoking, or teasing
remark or act. -tr. 2. To goad, provoke, or tease. 3. Slang To increase the
alcoholic content of (a beverage).
- negativism n. 1. A habitual attitude of skepticism or resistance to the
suggestions, orders, or instructions of others. 2. Behavior characterized by
persistent refusal, without apparent or logical reasons, to act on or carry
out suggestions, orders, or instructions of others. -negativist n.
- nekton n. The collection of marine and freshwater organisms that can swim
freely and are generally independent of currents, ranging in size from
microscopic organisms to whales.
- nelly or nellie n. Offensive slang Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate
homosexual man. [Probably from Nelly, nickname for Helen.]
- nelson n. Any of several wrestling holds in which the user places an arm under
the opponent's upper arm or armpit and presses the wrist or the palm of the
hand against the back of the opponent's neck.
- nematode n. Any of several worms of the phylum Nematoda, having unsegmented,
cylindrical bodies, often narrowing at each end, and including parasitic forms
such as the hookworm and pinworm. Also called round worm.
- neologism n. 1. A new word, expression, or usage. 2. The creation or use of
new words or senses. 3. Psychology a. The invention of new words regarded as a
symptom of certain psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia. b. A word so
invented. 4. Theology A new doctrine or a new interpretation of scripture.