Buffett and Munger lash out at stupid US-Ch tensions


这位 99 岁的老人说,任何一方试图激怒另一方的行为都应该“以互惠的善意”回应。
他们在说什么:巴菲特,这位 92 岁的“奥马哈先知”,其关于投资和市场的建议几十年来被广泛遵循,认为两国“必须相互相处”。

Buffett and Munger lash out at "stupid" U.S.-China tensions


Javier E. David Javier E. David

Warren Buffett at a 2007 panel discussion. Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Investing legends Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger on Saturday urged the U.S. and China to settle their widening differences, arguing the superpowers have a "mutual interest" in continuing cooperation.

Why it matters: On multiple fronts, the world's two largest economies have found themselves at repeated loggerheads, with few signs of near-term reconciliation.

  • As tensions have worsened, some observers have mulled the extent to which both countries can afford to decouple from one other, the consequences of which would cascade across the global economy.

Driving the news: At a question and answer session at Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting in Omaha, the billionaire dynamic duo insisted the U.S. and China need one another.

  • For his part, Munger cited tech giant Apple as a shining example of how the Sino-American relations should work, and blasted rising tensions as "stupid, stupid, stupid."
  • "If there’s one thing we should do is get along with China, and have lots of free trade with China … it’s in our mutual interest," Munger stated.
  • Attempts by either side to rattle the other should be responded to "with reciprocal kindness," the 99 year old said.

What they're saying: Buffett, the 92-year-old "Oracle of Omaha" whose advice on investing and markets has been widely followed for decades, argued both countries "have to get along with each other."

  • "Part of it is how far you can judge how far you can push the other guy without them reacting," Buffett said.
  • "The alternative will drive them both into destruction, and increase the probability of something going wrong."

Buffett likened U.S.-China tensions to the Cold War, where America stared down the Soviet Union under the threat of a nuclear conflict that would lead to "mutually assured destruction."

  • That policy "kept a lot of things from happening...but Cuba was a close call," Buffett said.
  • "It's imperative that both U.S. and China understand what the game is and both can't push too hard, but both can prosper."

巴菲特:美中紧张加剧很愚蠢 恐相互毁灭

2023-05-06 20:22:26  世界日报 | 5条评论 

高龄92岁的“股神”巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和他的长期伙伴、99岁的波克夏公司(Berkshire Hathaway)副董事长孟格(Charlie Munger)6日在年度股东大会上,批美中紧张局势日益加剧很“愚蠢”,敦促美中解决彼此日益扩大的歧异,强调两国需要彼此,双方应和睦相处。







参与会议的人来自世界各地。来自温哥华、40岁的吴先生(Sheraton Wu)说:“孟格99岁了,亲眼见到他是我的愿望清单之一,我非来不可。”从新加坡赶来首度与会的林先生(Chloe Lin)说,向两位投资传奇请益,“机会千载难逢”。

巴菲特:美中紧张加剧很愚蠢 恐相互毁灭

