最早的时候,Ethnicity,只有两种选择,黑与白。后来增加了亚裔和西班牙裔。近几年蓬勃发展,增加了许多选项,但仍然是单一性的国家或地区为区分,所以有一群人找不到归属,他们是混血儿。这些混血儿经常碰到的问题已经不是“你从哪里来?”(Where are you from?),而是“你是什么?”(What are you?)
回复 'elfie' 的评论 : Totally agree, they don't mean any ill intentions by asking 'where are you from'. Nonetheless, ethnicity or culture identity questions seem to pop up more often for us immigrants. And that prompt this self examination: who am I? where do I belong?
回复 'elfie' 的评论 : True, in my case when I answered 'Boston', I usually get the follow up question: where are you originally from? That's the difference.
碼農學寫字 发表评论于
回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 谢谢菲儿。祝菲儿新周愉。
海风随意吹 发表评论于
武胜 发表评论于
elfie 发表评论于
It's really no big deal. Don't need to be overly sensitive.
If you go to a party for random friends, sometimes you'd hear people asking each other this question. It really has nothing to do with race.
Another occasion is when you go to a meeting with new people, colleges or churches, you're assumed to be from elsewhere. Just give it a smile and say, I'm from another state. I've lived in Georgia for a decade, then moved to NC, so I always tell people I'm from Georgia. Normally people would stop over there. If there's more deeper questions that are getting overboard, I'll just find something else to distract the conversation or move on. Generally, some people are more curious and persistent than others, but it's quite rare. Just ignore them. They don't mean to be offensive.
mikecwu 发表评论于
因为我口音基本和美国出生长大的人一样,又在加州,所以白人一般不问“where are you from?"而是:"what's your nationality?" 我很高兴地说我来自中国(I'm originally from China),"然后告诉他们我来自湖南,如果他们不清楚,我解释说是香港以北,上海以西。他们清楚后,我就问:“How about you?" 他们一般会说:"I'm Italian" or "I'm half German."然后我就说我去过意大利或者德国,非常美,很喜欢你们的食品和建筑,我一个德国朋友家乡在波恩,等等。我看到白人之间都互相这么问,很多时间都自己报上祖籍:我们意大利人喜欢吃,你看我这个大肚子,云云。
Americans like to ask this question if you don't have the local accent, like you're obviously not from this town. It's not because you're Asian. Most people are not locally born. Americans move a lot during their lives.
So they will continue questioning each other: where are you from?