硫辛酸(Sulforaphane) 的营养价值

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  1. 花椰菜:花椰菜苗中硫辛酸的含量特别高,含量比成熟的花椰菜植株多100倍。
  2. 抱子甘蓝(布鲁塞尔甘蓝)
  3. 卷心菜
  4. 菜花
  5. 羽衣甘蓝(甘蓝)
  6. 羽衣甘蓝(芥菜)
  7. 小白菜
  8. 芥菜
  9. 小萝卜
  10. 芜菁
  11. 西洋菜


Sulforaphane is a naturally occurring compound found in cruciferous vegetables. It is a sulfur-rich compound that has gained attention for its potential health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. Sulforaphane is formed when the enzyme myrosinase reacts with glucoraphanin, a type of glucosinolate, which occurs when the plant cells are damaged or chewed.

Cruciferous vegetables that are rich in sulforaphane include:

  1. Broccoli: Broccoli sprouts are especially high in sulforaphane, containing up to 100 times more than mature broccoli plants.
  2. Brussels sprouts
  3. Cabbage
  4. Cauliflower
  5. Kale
  6. Collard greens
  7. Bok choy
  8. Mustard greens
  9. Radishes
  10. Turnips
  11. Watercress

To maximize sulforaphane content, it is recommended to consume these vegetables raw or lightly cooked, as overcooking can destroy the enzyme myrosinase and reduce the formation of sulforaphane. Chopping, crushing, or chewing the vegetables can also help release more sulforaphane by facilitating the reaction between myrosinase and glucoraphanin.



  1. 生吃沙拉:在你最喜欢的沙拉中加入一把花椰菜苗,为沙拉增添丰富的口感和营养。

  2. 三明治或卷饼:将花椰菜苗作为三明治或卷饼的馅料,增添脆爽的口感和温和、略带辣味的风味。

  3. 果昔:将一把花椰菜苗与你喜欢的水果、蔬菜和液体基底(如水、牛奶或酸奶)搅拌均匀,制成富含营养的果昔。

  4. 炒菜:将花椰菜苗与其他蔬菜、蛋白质和你选择的酱料轻轻翻炒,制成简单易做的炒菜。

  5. 煎蛋卷或炒蛋:将切碎的花椰菜苗加入煎蛋卷或炒蛋中,制成营养丰富的早餐。

  6. 谷物碗或佛碗:将一份花椰菜苗加入谷物碗或佛碗中,增加口感和营养。

  7. 汤或炖菜的点缀:将花椰菜苗作为汤或炖菜的点缀,上桌前加入以保持脆爽口感和营养。



