
作者的话 受近代乡人马益著先生的《庄农杂字》的启发,我写了这篇《 受近代乡人马益著先生的《庄农杂字》的启发,我写了这篇《保健杂韵》。希望感兴趣的乡亲读了之后,对常见病和多发病多一些了解。 受近代乡人马益著先生的《庄农杂字》的启发,
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June 21, 1788: New Hampshire becomes the ninth and last necessary state to ratify the Constitution of the United States, thereby making the document the law of the land.

By 1786, defects in the post-Revolutionary War Articles of Confederation were apparent, such as the lack of central authority over foreign and domestic commerce. Congress endorsed a plan to draft a new constitution, and on May 25, 1787, the Constitutional Convention convened at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. On September 17, 1787, after three months of debate moderated by convention president George Washington, the new U.S. constitution, which created a strong federal government with an intricate system of checks and balances, was signed by 38 of the 41 delegates present at the conclusion of the convention. As dictated by Article VII, the document would not become binding until it was ratified by nine of the 13 states.




The Qing government declared war on the powers

公元1900621日( 庚子年五月廿五),八国联军进攻大沽炮台,中国清政府发布诏书,号召全国军民与西方侵略者们一决雌雄。后来,这份诏书一般称为宣战诏书


不久,北京都城沦陷,朝廷逃亡,史称庚子事变。随后,清政府又答应八国议和大纲,被迫接受赔款要求。赔款共计45亿两,分39年还清。也就是说,列强让每一个中国人都感受到了赔款的存在,蒙受了国家无能的耻辱。这笔巨款连本带息,总数达白银10亿两以上,相当于清政府年财政收入的12倍,史称庚子赔款。但列强似乎有良心发现,先后又对庚款进行了有条件的退赔。 [4]






1970 FIFA World Cup Final, Estadio Azteca, Mexico City: Brazil and Pelé become first team and player to win World Cup 3 times, beating Italy, 4-1 in front of 107,412









John Hinckley Jr., who attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan, found not guilty

John W. Hinckley, Jr., who on March 30, 1981, shot President Ronald Reagan and three others outside a Washington, D.C., hotel, was found not guilty of attempted murder by reason of insanity.

The June 1982 verdict of “not guilty by reason of insanity” aroused widespread public criticism, and many were shocked that a would-be presidential assassin could avoid being held accountable for his crime. However, because of his obvious threat to society, he was placed in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, a mental institution. In the late 1990s, Hinckley’s attorney began arguing that Hinkley’s mental illness was in remission and thus he had a right to return to a normal life. Beginning in August 1999, he was allowed supervised day trips off the hospital grounds and later was allowed to visit his parents once a week unsupervised. In 2018, he was fully released.






Earthquake devastates Iran

An earthquake near the Caspian Sea in Iran kills an estimated 50,000 and injures another 135,000 people on June 21, 1990. The 7.7-magnitude tremor wrecked havoc on the simply constructed houses in the area.




1993 English mathematician Andrew Wiles proves last theorem of French mathematician Pierre de Fermat after 356 years, the world's most difficult maths problem.
