



“开完长会,祝贺你,印象中韩裔Dennis Choi做过Department of Neurology的主任,现在那系也是韩裔系主任。你是首位医学院重要系的华裔主任,我们的骄傲。华大遗传系在Human Genome Project中功勋卓著,与Sanger Center, MIT和Baylor共同解密了人类基因序列,现在该你领导了,Cheers[Grin][ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp]”


“Dear School of Medicine Community:

I am very pleased to announce that Ting Wang, PhD has accepted our offer to become the next Head of the Department of Genetics, starting on August 1. Dr. Wang is currently the Sanford and Karen Lowentheil Distinguished Professor of Medicine in the Department of Genetics at Washington University School of Medicine. He was the unanimous selection of a search committee led by Drs. Lila Solnica-Krezel and Ben Garcia and was endorsed enthusiastically by the Executive Faculty and by faculty of the Department of Genetics. Many commented on his unique experiences in our research environment and his passion and energy for advancing the growing opportunities in the field of Genetics. Our Department of Genetics has a long track record of leadership and for many years has been the envy of the world of academic bio-medicine. It has a very strong faculty and we believe, under Ting’s leadership, is ready for growth and innovations and for new knowledge that will lead to improvements in health conceptualized by the unique platform within the virtuous cycle of academic medicine.

(ChatGPT翻译:我非常高兴地宣布,王艇博士已经接受我们的邀请,将于8月1日开始担任遗传学系主任。王博士目前是华盛顿大学医学院遗传学系的Sanford and Karen Lowentheil杰出讲座教授。他是由Lila Solnica-Krezel博士和Ben Garcia博士领导的招聘委员会一致推荐的人选,并且得到了行政人员和遗传学系教职员工的热情支持。许多人都赞扬他在我们的研究环境中的独特经历,以及他在遗传学领域不断增长的机会中所展现的激情和活力。我们的遗传学系在生物医学的学术领域长期以来处于领导地位,并且一直是全球生物医学学术领域的榜样。我们相信,在王艇的领导下,我们的遗传学系已经准备好去迎接增长和创新,并且通过医学学术研究的独特平台去获得能够改善健康的新知识)

Dr. Wang received his undergraduate degree in the College of Life Sciences of Peking University and then completed a Masters in Computer Sciences and a PhD in Computational Biology at Washington University. His thesis studies focused on regulatory motifs for transcription factors, under the mentorship of Gary Stormo. For postdoctoral studies, he was a Helen Hay Whitney Fellow and concentrated on the evolution of mammalian regulatory networks in the laboratory of David Haussler, a world leader in computational genomics at University of California Santa Cruz. He joined the Washington University faculty in 2009 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Genetics and the Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, rising to Professor in 2018, at which time he was also named to the Lowentheil Professorship for his international leadership in advancing understanding of the epigenetic impact of DNA methylation and transposable elements on gene regulation.

(王博士在北京大学生命科学学院获得本科学位,然后在华盛顿大学完成了计算机科学硕士和计算生物学博士学位。他的博士论文专注研究转录因子的调控元件,导师是Gary Stormo教授。在博士后研究阶段,他获得了Helen Hay Whitney博士后奖学金,并且在圣塔克鲁兹加州大学的计算基因组学世界级学者David Haussler教授的实验室专注于哺乳动物调控网络的进化研究。他于2009年加入华盛顿大学遗传学系和基因组科学与系统生物学中心担任助理教授,并于2018年晋升为教授。因为对DNA甲基化和转座元件对基因调控的表观遗传作用所拥有的国际影响力的成就,他同时被任命为Lowentheil讲座教授)


His work over the years has used computational approaches and systems analytical tools to define the widespread contribution of transposable elements to the evolution of gene regulatory networks as well as to the three-dimensional genome architecture, revealing that epigenetic dysregulation of transposable elements plays a major role in driving oncogenesis. His lab developed widely used DNA methylomics technologies, algorithms to identify regulatory motifs and modules, and analytical and visualization tools to integrate large genomic and epigenomic data. His lab is home to the WashU Epigenome Browser that is now used by scientists around the globe. Dr. Wang directs the NIEHS Environmental Epigenome Data Center, the NHGRI Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, the Data Coordinating Center for the Impact of Genetic Variation on Function Consortium, and the Organizing Center and Genome Characterization Center of the Somatic Mosaicism across Human Tissues Network.


In a recent publication in Nature Genetics, Ting and his team showed the importance of cryptic promoters within transposable elements that can be reactivated in multiple tumor types to create immunogenic antigens, a major advance for the future of tumor-specific vaccine therapies. His research program has a long history of investigator-initiated R01 funding from NIH, and currently holds three active R01 grants and six Center grants. Ting is recognized as a leader who advances science by enabling team science and collaboration. For example, he leads the Human Pangenome Project, which will provide a new generation of reference human genomes that are sequenced to completion and represent global genetic diversity, thus redefining genetic variations in populations as well as in association with diseases. This project reflects the history and the critical role that WashU Genetics has played in the Human Genome Project.


Last but not least, Ting is passionate for and has dedicated much of his efforts to graduate and medical education ever since he joined the WashU faculty. For more than a decade, he has served as the course director of Bio5488:Genomics and during that time, the class size more than tripled. He also has served as co-Director for the Computational and Systems Biology program of DBBS for seven years and will continue in that role. He is a respected member of the Scientific Counsel for the McDonnell Genome Institute. Known nationally for his expertise in genetics, he has served on multiple study sections and special emphasis panels for NIH, the American Cancer Society, and the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute Texas Academic Research Program (CPRIT). In 2018, he was named an Eminent Scholar by the International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine.


I want to thank the members of the search committee, led by Lila Solnica-Krezel and Ben Garcia, for the extensive work that led to Ting’s recruitment. I also want to take this moment to acknowledge and recognize the work of Dr. Jeff Milbrandt in leading the Department over the past 16 years. The accomplishments of the Department and his contributions to the medical school as a member of the Executive Faculty have been extraordinary. He has established and masterfully run several core facilities that have been transformational for labs across the campus. We are fortunate that Jeff will continue in his role as Director of the McDonnell Genome Institute.

(我要感谢由Lila Solnica-Krezel和Ben Garcia领导的招聘委员会的成员们,他们进行了广泛的工作,最终招聘了Ting。我也想在此时感谢并表彰Jeff Milbrandt博士在过去16年来领导遗传系所做的工作。他对该系和作为教授执行委员会成员对医学院的贡献是非凡的。他建立并精心管理了几个公共核心设施,对校园内的实验室产生了深远的影响。我们很幸运,Jeff将继续担任麦克唐纳基因组研究所的主任职务)

Please join me in congratulating and thanking Dr. Wang for taking on this important leadership role at WashU Medicine.



David H. Perlmutter, MD

Executive Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs

Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Distinguished Professor

George and Carol Bauer Dean”




昨天参加了圣路易斯华盛顿大学为Ting Wang冠名讲座教授的庆祝仪式,非常精彩。他作为教授在遗传系工作多年,该系以完成30%左右的人类基因组测序而世界闻名。关于讲座或冠名教授,我是这样在群里解释的,教授的工资全部或部分来自捐赠人,这个仪式既是表扬教授,也是感谢那些冠名的捐款人。昨天的仪式恰好达到了这个目的,因为华大校长为捐赠的犹太夫妇(丈夫是华大校友)和Ting Wang都佩戴了奖章。这并不是华大首位中国大陆来的讲座教授,华中科大校友Lihong Wang多年前就是,包括商学院的华大主校园还有几位,美国工程院院士Lihong Wang后来去了Caltech。

我在华大的时间比较长,自然听过曾在华大当过Faculty的饶毅的报告,也听过来访的施一公的学术演讲,Ting的报告比他们都吸引人,他无论在对语言的掌控和对美国文化的理解上都更上乘。Ting具有娴熟的美国或西方式的幽默,这是很多华裔男性所不具备的,所以Ting不是经营的像Chinatown般的实验室,他所列举的实验室的几项重要成果分别为华裔、白人或印度裔做出来的,这样更像是一个美国实验室。Ting让我想起更为成功的也是华大出去的Genentech资深副总裁Andy Chan,阿肯森经常说Andy比他更像美国人。

圣路易斯华盛顿大学对这种仪式之重视,可从校长Mark Wrighton、候任校长Andrew Martin、董事会主席Craig Schnucks以及医学院院长和世界首屈一指的遗传系主任的倾城出动看出,有可能获得诺贝尔奖的Jeff Gordon也来了。这个仪式是为了一个华裔教授,当校长请包括扎中国辫子的小女儿的教授全家起立让大家致敬时,我这个在场的华裔倍感温暖。我没有预想到这种仪式会来这么多人,据说退休教授都来了,大量学生站着(他在华大的近十年教授期间带了16个博士生),把一个小会议室挤得满满的,可见Ting在同行中受欢迎的程度。

Ting Wang从北大生化本科毕业,我不认识他,连他的中文名字怎么写都不知道,所以说起来客观。他的前半生是随太太Helen的,太太来华大读Jeff Gordon的博士,他跟着来华大在肿瘤科Rainer Branchmann实验室做技术员。趁做技术员三年的业余时间, 他在晚上拿了华大的硕士,他充分利用了这个员工福利,几乎全免学费或只交半费。他后来入计量生物学标志性人物华大教授Gary Stormo实验室做博士,Gary本科在Caltech是学物理的;Ting的太太在博士后做完去了Genentech工作,他又随她去离旧金山湾区不远的UC Santa Cruz, 只做了三年博后华大就于2009年雇他为助理教授(这次太太随夫重返圣路易斯), 六年后于2015年升副教授,去年(2018)升正教授,今年成为讲座教授。

这是晋升很慢的华大的快节奏,饶毅为了掩饰他在圣路易斯华盛顿大学提升慢的难堪,他在公开的简历只说自己1994-2004在华大任教。大家可以看截图,这样别人就不知道他的助理教授或许做了超过七年,也不知道离开时在所有公共信息都指出他是华大的Associate Professor。但是他在履历上将从华大转道西北做的教授则说得很清楚,人做到这份儿何苦呢?


华大校长Mark Wrighton对Ting说,你更宏伟的发现还在后头,我们今天给你荣誉是为了你的未来。Ting的组已经发现基因非编码区拥有大量与转录因子结合的顺序,这些诺贝尔奖得主Barbara McClintock发现的所谓转座子或跳跃基因对包括癌症等疾病的机理都有重要作用。McClintock在我们密苏里也呆过,密苏里大学曾经留过她做实验用的玉米地。

虽然Ting Wang以Epigenome Browser的搜索工具知名 (别忘了他的那个华大硕士是计算机硕士,当时正是网络发烧岁月), 但是他的实验室不仅仅做基因测序,还做功能性生物医学实验研究,这更令人兴奋。让我们充满期待,他将在圣路易斯这个被他称为家的地方更有成就。

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