- neon n. 1. Symbol Ne A rare, inert gaseous element occurring in the atmosphere
to the extent of 18 parts per million and obtained by fractional distillation
of liquid air. It is colorless but glows reddish orange in an electric
discharge and is used in display and television tubes. adj. 2. Extremely
bright or vivid; fluorescent: neon purple; neon running shoes.
- nepenthe n. 1. A drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy for grief. 2.
Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or eases pain. -nepenthean adj.
- nephology n. The branch of meteorology that deals with clouds.
- nephritic adj. 1. Of or relating to the kidneys; renal. 2. Of, relating to, or
affected with nephritis.
- Nereid n. 1. Greek Mythology Any of the see nymphs, the 50 daughters of Nereus.
- nerve n. 2. The sensitive tissue in the pulp of a tooth. 3. A sore point or
sensitive subject: The criticism touched a nerve. 5. nerves Nervous agitation
caused by fear, anxiety, or stress: an attack of nerves. 6. A vein or rib in
the wing of an insect. 7. The midrib and larger veins in a leaf.
- nerve block n. A blocking of the passage of impulses along a nerve, especially
by administration of a local anesthetic.
- nerveless adj. 1. Lacking strength or energy; spiritless; weak. 2. Lacking
courage; cowardly. 3. Calm and controlled in trying circumstances; cool.
- nerve-racking adj. Intensely distressing or irritating to the nerves.
- nervy adj. 1. Arrogantly impudent; brazen. 2. Showing or requiring courage and
fortitude; bold. 3. Chiefly British Jumpy; nervous. 4. Archaic Full of
muscular force; sinewy.
- nescience n. 1. Absence of knowledge or awareness; ignorance. 2. Agnosticism.
- ness n. A cape or headland.
- nether adj. Located beneath or below; lower or under: the nether regions of
the earth.
- nethermost adj. Farthest down; lowest.
- netherworld n. 1. The world of the dead. 2. The part of society engaged in
crime and vice: "In this black-white nether world, nobody judged the customers"
(Malcolm X).
- netiquette n. Etiquette practiced or advocated in electronic communication
over a computer network.
- netting n. 1. An openwork fabric; a net. 2. The act or process of making a
net. 3. The act or process of fishing with a net.
- nettle n. 1. Any of numerous plants of the genus Urtica, having toothed
leaves, unisexual apetalous flowers, and stinging hairs that cause skin
irritation on contact. 2. Any of various hairy, stinging, or prickly plants.
tr.v. To sting with or as if with a nettle. 2. To irritate; vex.
- neuralgia n. Sharp, severe paroxysmal pain extending along a nerve or group of
nerves. -neuralgic adj.
- neurosis n. Any of various mental or emotional disorders, such as hypochondria
or neurasthenia, arising from no apparent organic lesion or change and
involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational
fears, but without psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations. No
longer in scientific use.
- neurotic adj. 2. Informal Overanxious: neurotic about punctuality. n. 2.
Informal A person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional upset.
- neutron bomb n. A nuclear bomb that would produce great numbers of neutrons
but little blast and thus destroy life but spare property.
- Newburg adj. Served in a rich sauce made of cream, egg yolks, butter, and
sherry: lobster Newburg; seafood Newburg.
- newel n. 1. A vertical support at the center of a circular staircase. 2. A
post that supports a handrail at the bottom or at the landing of a staircase.
- newfangled adj. 1. New and often needlessly novel. 2. Fond of novelty.
- new moon n. 1. The phase of the moon occurring when it passes between the
earth and the sun and is invisible or visible only as a narrow crescent at
sunset. 2. The crescent moon.