Light and Shadow-9 Moon and Tide

Moon and Tide

In your eyes shone a full moon

In my heart rose a high tide

Beyond a beach in maroon

we sailed to an island’s curbside

You dreamt a rainbow

you said, hung over the horizon’s window

I was blinded by moonlight

I said, on a starless silent night

Sun rose and tide fell

Could you kindly tell

Where I was last night


"Moon and Tide" is a short poem that evokes themes of love, longing, and the contrast between different perspectives. Let's analyze it stanza by stanza:

Stanza 1: "In your eyes shone a full moon In my heart rose a high tide Beyond a beach in maroon we sailed to an island’s curbside"

This stanza sets the scene and introduces the central imagery of the poem. The speaker describes seeing a full moon reflected in the eyes of the person they address. This image suggests a sense of beauty, brightness, and perhaps even a romantic or ethereal quality. Additionally, the speaker expresses their emotional state by saying that a high tide rose in their heart. This metaphorical language implies a surge of intense emotions or passion. The mention of a beach in maroon and sailing to an island's curbside indicates a journey or escape from the mundane reality to a more enchanting place.

Stanza 2: "You dreamt a rainbow you said, hung over the horizon’s window I was blinded by moonlight I said, on a starless silent night"

In this stanza, contrasting perspectives are highlighted. The person the speaker addresses mentions dreaming of a rainbow, symbolizing hope, beauty, and positivity. The rainbow is depicted as hanging over the horizon's window, indicating a distant but alluring possibility. In contrast, the speaker states that they were blinded by moonlight on a starless and silent night. This suggests a sense of being overwhelmed or consumed by their own emotions, unable to perceive the positive elements mentioned by the other person.

Stanza 3: "Sun rose and tide fell Could you kindly tell Where I was last night"

The final stanza brings a shift in the imagery and tone. The sun rising and the tide falling signify a transition from the darkness and intensity of the previous night. The speaker seeks clarification, asking the person they address if they can kindly tell them where they were the night before. This question could imply a longing for connection, an acknowledgment of the disorienting nature of their emotions, or even a sense of being lost in their own feelings.

Overall, "Moon and Tide" explores the interplay between different emotional states, perspectives, and the impact they have on the perception of reality. It employs vivid imagery and contrasts to convey a sense of longing, beauty, and the complexities of human emotions.
