## Chandelier_Stops
## linus, 2014-07-18, v0.2
#hint: thinkScript adaptation of Chandelier stops.
#hint n: lookback length for highest highs, lowest lows.
input n = 15;
#hint atrLength: Period length of avg. true range.
#hint atrMult: Multiplier of avg. true range.
input atrMult = 3.0;
#hint atrType: Moving average type of ATR.
input atrType = AverageType.WILDERS;
#hint shift: Offsets the data this many bars.
input shift = 1;
#hint hideOppositeStop: Set to No to see the inactive stop.
input hideOppositeStop = Yes;
#hint label: Toggles P/L label.
input label = Yes;
#hint bubbles: Toggles P/L bubbles.
input bubbles = Yes;
input price = close;
input fastLength = 23;
input slowLength = 59;
input displace = 0;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def fastAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], fastLength);
def slowAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], slowLength);
input AtrPeriod = 12;
def TrueAtr = MovingAverage(atrType, TrueRange(high, close, low), AtrPeriod);
def atr = TrueAtr * atrMult;
def smax = Lowest(low, n)[shift] + atr[shift];
def smin = Highest(high, n)[shift] - atr[shift];
def dir = CompoundValue(1, if close > smax[1] then 1 else if close
def rUB = CompoundValue(1, if dir > 0 then if smax > rUB[1] then smax else rUB[1] else if dir
def rLB = CompoundValue(1, if dir 0 then if smin > rLB[1] then smin else rLB[1] else rLB[1], low);
input chanderAdj = 0.8;
plot UB = if (!hideOppositeStop or dir -chanderAdj * TrueAtr then rUB else Double.NaN;
plot LB = if (!hideOppositeStop or dir > 0) and (fastAvg - slowAvg) > -chanderAdj * TrueAtr then rLB else Double.NaN;
def rUB1 = rUB;
def rLB1 = rLB;
plot subUB = if (!hideOppositeStop or dir chanderAdj * TrueAtr then rUB1 else Double.NaN;
plot subLB = if (!hideOppositeStop or dir > 0) and (slowAvg - fastAvg) > chanderAdj * TrueAtr then rLB1 else Double.NaN;
def orderDir = dir;
def isOrder = orderDir crosses 0;
def orderCount = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder then orderCount[1] + 1 else orderCount[1], 0);
def noBar = IsNaN(open[-1]);
def orderPrice = if isOrder then if noBar then close else open[-1] else orderPrice[1];
def profitLoss = if !isOrder or orderCount == 1 then 0 else if orderDir > 0 then orderPrice[1] - orderPrice else if orderDir
def profitLossSum = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder then profitLossSum[1] + profitLoss else profitLossSum[1], 0);
AddLabel(label, orderCount + " orders | P/L " + AsDollars((profitLossSum / TickSize()) * TickValue()), if profitLossSum > 0 then Color.GREEN else if profitLossSum
AddChartBubble(bubbles and isOrder and orderDir > 0, low, profitLoss, if noBar then Color.LIGHT_GRAY else Color.GREEN, 0);
AddChartBubble(bubbles and isOrder and orderDir