
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend
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Shakespeare in Love 最后一场戏。

女皇登车离开后,Viola 奉旨去剧场后台与莎士比亚告别。心知Viola 马上要远航美洲,莎士比亚万念俱灰,对Viola 的言辞亦不甚友善。在 Viola 耐心的开导/启发下,两人泪眼最后厮守片刻后,便踏上各自的旅途 : Viola 则转身登船,航向 Jamestown, Virginia;  莎士比亚动笔一部新的话剧,"第十二夜".  这就应证了伊丽莎白女皇(一世)的那句话,"All stories must when love's denied, with tears and a journey (世间故事皆如此,爱情受挫后,人们含泪踏上漂泊的路)"。以下是这一电影片段的部分对话和视频。


莎士比亚: My Lady Wessex. ( Wessex 勋爵夫人)

Voila:  A hired player no longer. Fifty pounds, Will, for the poet of true love. (Will, 这是你描写真实爱情的诗挣来的50英镑,你以后不用再为钱演戏了)

莎士比亚: l'm done with theater, the playhouse is for dreamers. Look what the dream brought us(我不会再与剧院有关了,它是异想天开的人们去所, 看看我们异想天开的下场)

Viola: lt was we ourselves did that. And for my life to come, l would not have it otherwise. (我们自愿的。如果有来世,我还会这么做)

莎士比亚: l have hurt you, and l'm sorry for it. (这么伤害你,我很难过)

Viola: lf my hurt is to be that you write no more, then l shall be the sorrier. (如果我受到的伤害是你就此罢笔,那我会比你还难过)

Viola: The queen commands a comedy, Will, for Twelfth Night.(女皇要你写个喜剧,庆祝第十二夜)

莎士比亚:   A comedy,  What would my hero be ?  The saddest wretch in all the kingdom, sick with love ?(喜剧, 剧中的英雄是什么?人间最悲催的人,因爱生厌?)

Viola: lt's a beginning. Let him be a duke, and your heroine-- (那只是开始。让他贵为公爵,女主角...)

莎士比亚: Sold in marriage,and halfway to America. (卷入一场交易婚姻,在去美洲的路上)

Viola:  At sea, then,A voyage to a new world. (在海上,一个通向新世界的航行)

莎士比亚: A storm. All are lost (遇上了一场风暴,一切都沉没了)

Viola: She lands... on a...vast and empty shore. She's brought to the duke--Orsino.(她登上了一片广阔无垠的海滩,被带去见了公爵..Orsino)

莎士比亚:Orsino ? Good name (Orsino? 不错的名字)

Viola: But fearful of her virtue, she comes to him dressed as a boy. (但害怕暴露真实身份,她女扮男装)

莎士比亚: And thus is unable to declare her love.(因此无法表露她的爱)

Viola:But all ends well.(但结果圆满)

莎士比亚: How does it? (怎么会呢?)

Viola:I don't know. lt's a mystery. (不知道,那会是个迷)



PublicReport 发表评论于
William Shakespeare:
My story starts at sea... a perilous voyage to an unknown land... a shipwreck... the wild waters roar and heave... the brave vessel is dashed all to pieces, and all the helpless souls within her drowned... all save one... a lady... whose soul is greater than the ocean... and her spirit stronger than the sea's embrace... not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story... for she will be my heroine for all time. And her name... Viola.

故事在海上开始,在一个驶向未知大陆的危险航行中,船失事了。风高浪急,顽强的船身在风浪中被击成碎片,所有无助的生命都丧生海底。除了一位女士,她的灵魂比大海大,她的意志比漩涡坚定。对她来说,海底不是生命的终点,奇异的海岸才是新生活的开始。那是个爱情故事,她是我心中永恒的女神。她的名字是 ...Viola.
PublicReport 发表评论于
Viola: lt was we ourselves did that. And for my life to come, l would not have it otherwise. (我们自愿的。来生我还会这么做。)