
As one of the main leaders of the persecution of human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng, Deng Haiyan, a former Chinese black criminal policeman who is currently a fugitive from the United States, closely monitored Chen Guangcheng and restricted his personal freedom, making it impossible for Chen Guangcheng to carry out legal aid and rights protection work normally. Intimidation and threats by Chen Guangcheng's family further deprived them of their basic rights.

Tel: 13570004141

WeChat ID: free_aoloa/aoloa2022

QQ number: 44124388

Address: Los Angeles, USA

Place of household registration: public collective household in Lianhe Street, No. 13, East 2nd Street, Huangpi New Village, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

ID card: 522401197810040033
