莎士比亞《致女王》(To the Queen)

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莎士比亞《致女王》(To the Queen)


走老路,報舊時,As the dial hand tells o'er

晝行夜出不停步, The same hours it had before,

終於此,又開始,Still beginning in the ending,

旋轉不已向原處,Circular account still lending,

滿朝恭祝女王壽,So, most mighty Queen we pray,

宛若日晷日復日,Like the dial day by day

引領四時常更替,You may lead the seasons on,

陳年告退出新意。Making new when old are gone,

娘胎一出即童稚,That the babe which now is young

初捲舌頭欲學語,And hath yet no use of tongue

多回懺悔我鞠躬,Many a Shrovetide here may bow

願向女王行大禮。To that empress I do now,

百年貴胄子孫多,That the children of these lords,

圍坐尊前議國是,Sitting at your council boards,

微臣即使生華髮,May be grave and aged seen

覲見女王顏如玉。Of her that was their fathers' queen.

我今立誓再效忠,Once I wish this wish again,

高呼阿門順天意。Heaven subscribe it with "Amen".

此詩直到1973年才在一個信封背面的手稿中發現,收錄在《皇家版莎士比亞全集》(The Royal Shakespeare Company)。詩中首字母大寫的「懺悔」(Shrovetide)指基督教懺悔節。據說1599年2月20日懺悔節那天,莎士比亞所在的劇團到宮廷為時年65歲的伊麗莎白女王演出《仲夏夜之夢》(或《皆大歡喜》)。此詩可能是莎士比亞特意為女王添加的戲劇收場詩,詩人巧妙把鐘表的時針人格化,並且以四季更替表達了非線性的循環時間觀,贊美伊麗莎白女王。
