
YouTube 美国财政部面临金砖国家贸易结算




珍妮特·耶伦 (Janet Yellen) 近 90% 的法定美元在国际交易中使用的统计数据具有误导性,因为该数据来自法定货币贸易配对。 由于总是涉及两种法定货币,因此实际数字需要除以 2,因为法定货币对数据加起来为 200%。

因此,事实是,法定美元仍然占主导地位,这一比例接近 43%,而国际贸易中十分之九的法定交易涉及法定美元,目前接近十分之四。


上个月,美国拜登政府确认贾里德·伯恩斯坦为新任经济顾问委员会主席。 早在 2014 年,他就在《纽约时报》专栏中主张废黜“美元之王”。 然后他表示,我们需要更高的持续通胀率,而拥有世界储备货币是美国无法再承受的特权。

自2008年全球金融危机以来,金砖国家承认的官方黄金储备几乎增加了四倍。 去年 2022 年,主要新兴市场国家的央行购买的官方金条储备数量超过了历史记录。

世界中央银行的中央银行,BIS 或国际清算银行正在发布白皮书和 YouTube 视频,庆祝其成功的移动 CBDC 试点计划,涉及中国、香港、泰国和阿联酋(最大的金融中心)中央银行。 美国主导的西方金融制裁后俄罗斯黄金进口)。 这种移动 CBDC 系统可能是主要主权贸易结算的下一代,并且通过其直接双边设计,随着它很快实现,它可能会长期利空法定美元需求。

鉴于东方世界白银价格数据目前已总计接近 315 美元/盎司,而西方世界衍生品受到抑制,现货价格仍比其看似古老的名义记录价格高点 50 美元/盎司低 50%。


US Treasury Confronted on BRICS Trade Settlement News

SD Bullion  2023年7月14日

US Treasury's Janet Yellen asked about BRICS currency trade settlement news while visiting China last weekend.

Janet Yellen's nearly 90% fiat US dollar usage in international transactions statistic is misleading as the data is from fiat currency trade pairings. The actual figure needs to be divided by 2 as fiat currency pair data adds up to 200% given that there are always two fiat currencies involved.

So the truth is the still dominate fiat US dollar is nearer to 43% than the implication that 9 out of 10 fiat transactions involve fiat dollars in international trade, its currently closer to 4 out of 10.

And that figure is likely to shrink further given a few of the following reasons.

Last month, the US Biden administration confirmed its new Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, Jared Bernstein. Who back in 2014 argued to Dethrone 'King Dollar' in a New York Times Op-Ed. He then stated that we needed higher persistent inflation rates and that having the world's reserve currency is a privilege the USA can no longer afford.

Since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, the BRICS nations have nearly quadrupled their admitted Official Gold Reserves. And last year in 2022, while central banks mostly in emerging markets bought more Official gold bullion reserves than ever recorded in history.

The world's central bank of central banks, the BIS or Bank for International Settlements was publishing white papers and YouTube videos celebrating its successful m-CBDC pilot program involving the central banks of China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the UAE (the largest hub for Russian gold imports following US-led western financial sanctions). This m-CBDC system is perhaps the next iteration of major sovereign trade settlement and by its direct bilateral design, it will likely prove to be long-term bearish for fiat US dollar demand as it comes to fruition soon enough.


Given that aggregated eastern world silver price data has now aggregated to nearly $315 oz while western world derivative suppressed spot price is still lagging pathetically 50% below its seemingly ancient nominal record price high of $50 oz.

My suggestion still stands, for the Eastern and Western silver markets to come back into equilibrium is going to require substantially higher spot prices and by the time that happens those who held silver from here to there will likely be very happy they patiently did so.
