拜登与“垃圾保险”作斗争。 医疗保健费用
作者:乔什·博克 2023 年 7 月 7 日
华盛顿(美联社)——周五,乔·拜登总统推出了一系列降低医疗保健成本的新举措:打击他所谓的“垃圾”保险计划,这些计划将消费者视为“傻瓜”,制定了防止意外医疗费用的新指南,以及 努力减少与信用卡相关的医疗债务。
拜登正在之前限制医疗保健费用的举措的基础上,卫生与公众服务部发布了新的估计,显示 1870 万老年人和其他医疗保险受益人将在 2025 年每年节省大约 400 美元的处方药费用,因为总统将 作为去年《通货膨胀削减法案》的一部分,限制自付费用。
由于通货膨胀仍然是选民的主要担忧,这位民主党总统正在为 2024 年连任竞选做准备,他强调了帮助家庭管理开支的政策,以及政府采取的一系列激励措施,鼓励私营部门开发电动汽车、清洁能源和 先进的计算机芯片。
“在美国,这听起来很老套,但公平是我们所期望的,”拜登说。 “我不知道有谁喜欢被视为被愚弄的人。”
拜登邀请科里·多德在白宫活动上讲述他的故事,以突出这一倡议。 2019 年,多德在加纳和平队服役返回美国时,在开始读研究生并能够参加学生健康计划之前,购买了一项高免赔额医疗保健计划。 他认为该计划可以在发生医疗紧急情况时保护他。
但就在他开学前几周,他不得不接受紧急手术切除阑尾。 几个月后,医院打电话告诉他,保险公司只能支付他账单的一小部分,他必须自掏腰包支付超过 37,000 美元。
多德说:“对我来说,经济和情感上都有损失。”他补充说,在有关他的情况的新闻报道后,保险公司态度软化了。 “我一直认为自己是一个非常负责任的人。 但这确实损害了我的自尊和我的身份。”
拜登还宣布了源自 2020 年《无意外法案》的医疗账单新指南。 该指南将限制与医院签订合同的保险公司声称所提供的护理不在网络内并让客户支付更多费用的能力。 健康计划还需要披露向患者收取的越来越多的设施费用,这些费用可能会在医疗账单中作为意外费用出现。
“伙计们,这不是健康保险,”拜登说。 “那是一个骗局。 它必须结束。”
消费者金融保护局和财政部也在寻求有关第三方信用卡和专门用于支付医疗保健的贷款的信息。 较高的费用和利息费用可能会阻碍需要治疗的人寻求护理。
总统在讲话中还强调了之前为降低医疗保健成本所做的努力,包括一项允许 Medicare 谈判降低处方药价格的计划,以及为 Medicare B 部分的人提供每月 35 美元的胰岛素价格上限。
Biden takes aim at ‘junk’ insurance, vowing to save money for consumers being played as ‘suckers’
Biden battles 'junk insurance.' health care costs
President Joe Biden rolled out a new set of initiatives Friday to reduce health care costs, crackdown on what he calls “junk insurance” plans, and provide new guidance to prevent surprise medical bills. (July 7)
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday rolled out a new set of initiatives to reduce health care costs: a crackdown on what he called “junk” insurance plans that play consumers as ‘suckers,’ new guidance to prevent surprise medical bills and an effort to reduce medical debt tied to credit cards.
Biden is building on previous initiatives to limit health care costs, with the Department of Health and Human Services releasing new estimates showing 18.7 million older adults and other Medicare beneficiaries will save an estimated $400 per year in prescription drug costs in 2025 because of the president placing a cap on out-of-pocket spending as part of last year’s Inflation Reduction Act.
Gearing up for his 2024 reelection campaign as inflation remains a dominant concern for voters, the Democratic president has emphasized his policies to help families manage their expenses, as well as a spate of government incentives to encourage private sector development of electric vehicles, clean energy and advanced computer chips.
Republican lawmakers have criticized Biden’s policies by saying they have spurred higher prices that hurt the well-being of families.
Biden said his administration was taking aim at what he called “junk” insurance plans, such as short-term policies that can deny basic coverage as people transition between employers and still need temporary health care coverage.
The new proposed rules aims to close loopholes that allow insurers to offer products that can discriminate based on pre-existing conditions and market to consumers coverage that provides little or no coverage.
“In America, it sounds corny, but fairness is something we kind of expect,” Biden said. “And I don’t know anybody who likes to be viewed as having been played for a sucker.”
Biden invited Cory Dowd to tell his story at the White House event to spotlight the initiative. Dowd in 2019 purchased a high-deductible health care plan when he returned stateside after serving in the Peace Corps in Ghana but before he started graduate school and was able to get on a student health plan. He thought the plan would protect him in the case of a medical emergency.
But just weeks before he started school, he had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix. Months later, the hospital called him to tell him his insurer would only cover a small portion of his bill and that he would have to pay more than $37,000 out of pocket.
“For me, there was both a financial and emotional cost,” said Dowd, who added that the insurer relented after news coverage about his situation. “I’ve always considered myself a very responsible person. But this really took a toll on my self-esteem and my identity.”
Biden also announced new guidance on medical billing stemming from 2020’s No Surprises Act. The guidance would limit the ability of insurers that contract with hospitals to claim provided care was not in network and have customers pay more money. Health plans also would need to disclose facility fees that are increasingly charged to patients and can surface as an unexpected cost in a medical bill.
“Folks, that’s not health insurance,” Biden said. “That’s a scam. It has to end.”
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Treasury Department also are seeking information on third-party credit cards and loans that are specifically used to pay for health care. The higher costs and interest charges can discourage people in need of treatment from seeking care.
The president in his remarks also highlighted previous efforts to reduce health care costs, including a plan allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs and a $35 monthly price cap on insulin for people in Medicare Part B.
拜登在白宫活动上邀请民众讲述亲身经历,其中登台的多德(Cory Dowd)表示,自己曾加入和平工团(PeaceCorp.)前往非洲国家加纳,2019年返美准备报读研究生课程时,因为无法申请学生医疗保险,因此另行购买了计划,希望在紧急时能有保障,开学前数周需要切除阑尾,手术后几个月居然收到医院通知,表示保险公司只能支付一小部分账单,他必须自掏腰包支付超过3.7万元。
拜登在7日的活动上又宣布,根据2020年生效的《无意外法案》(No SurprisesAct),政府将会制定医疗收费新指引,保险公司即使与医院签订合同,也不能以个别护理服务不在覆盖范围为由,向民众收取更多费用。保险计划亦需披露所谓的“设施费用”,让病人提前有心理准备,不会临时被高价额外开支杀个措手不及。