巡洋舰USS Indianapolis 的舰长McVay被分配到这个最高级的秘密行动任务,把两颗珍贵的原子弹从美国本土以最快的速度运到了菲律宾的海军基地。跨洋运送当然非常成功,因为这是我们都知道历史的结果。不为公众所知的故事和悲剧发生在军舰的回程。
USS Indianapolis 这个中型巡洋战舰回程起航不久,不幸被日本潜艇发现,继而被两颗鱼雷击中。黑夜中,军舰上1000多名官兵,超过四分之一随着被击中快速下沉的军舰拖入海底。大约四分之三的将士沉船之前跳入海水,漂浮在海洋中。因为当初任务高度机密,海军情报所并不知道这所战舰在附近海域的活动,还有其它阴差阳错各种原因,侥幸离舰的官兵没有得到立即救援。
2017年USS Indianapolis 的残骸在菲律宾海域被发现,对当时的战斗和受损情况有了很多的了解。如果当初这个战舰没有被鱼雷击中,船上的每一位年轻的士兵都会成为英雄,开启在和平年的生活,拥有幸福的可以夸耀的人生。但是从另一个方面来说,如果这艘战舰在完成任务之前被击中的话,原子弹就永远上不了亚洲大陆,二战的亚洲战场也许会拉得更长一些。
回复 'fonsony' 的评论 : 上面 的link,还有这样的八卦,
In his book Abandon Ship, author Richard F. Newcomb posits a motive for Admiral King's ordering McVay's court-martial. According to Captain McVay III's father, Admiral Charles B. McVay Jr., "'King never forgot a grudge". King had been a junior officer under the command of McVay's father when King and other officers snuck some women aboard a ship. Admiral McVay had a letter of reprimand placed in King's record for that. "Now," he raged, "King's used [my son] to get back at me."[15]
Flakes 发表评论于
回复 'Muscadine' 的评论 : 谢谢补充!这个中学生后来成为飞行员
Muscadine 发表评论于
Over fifty years after the incident, a 12-year-old student in Pensacola, Florida, Hunter Scott, was instrumental in raising awareness of the miscarriage of justice carried out at the captain's court-martial. As part of a school project for the National History Day program, the young man interviewed nearly 150 survivors of the Indianapolis sinking and reviewed 800 documents. His testimony before the U.S. Congress brought national attention to the situation.[20][21][22]