I never voted or heard anyone vote to pay for the public schools.
Apparently it has been decided not by the public but by the city council.
Schools are community based, it's true. Just two blocks away, there's often a separation of low income and middle income communities and so are the schools.
One side is poorer schools and the other side is richer schools.
Is it fair or unfair? It seems segregation never goes away.
蒋闻铭 发表评论于
回复 '山地羊0822' 的评论 : 近几年这个事有些变化,不像以前那么统一了。详细的情况,只要把 pledge of allegiance 打到 Google 里就出来了。pledge of allegiance 在美国应该人人会背。
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States, to the republic for which it stands: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.