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        1  1990年代之前

二十世纪初年,在澳大利亚悉尼著名华商梅光达(Quong Tart)去世七年后,其英裔妻子Margaret Tart于1911年编辑出版了The Life of Quong Tart(《梅光达的一生》)。[1]该书是以法文出版,篇幅不大,受到的关注度较小,而且也属于这位著名华人在澳经商及成功的传记,并非出于学人之手,但在1901年澳大利亚联邦建立后“白澳政策”成为其国策的情况下,却是最早记录和反映十九世纪后半期华人在澳大利亚商业发展的著作,有相当的研究价值。此后,反映澳大利亚华人事务及历史的研究和出版物难觅[2],直到1950年代,澳大利亚华人的历史及其它相关问题才开始受到关注。

1952年,学者Margaret Patricia Rendell完成了她的硕士论文,探讨十九世纪华人在南澳及北领地发展的历史;[3]六年后,Robert Tan对十九世纪昆士兰限制华人的相关政策进行了初步探讨;[4]1959年,Geoffrey Oddie也完成了其硕士论文,梳理1870-1890年代华人移民在维多利亚生计的艰难历程。[5]这几项研究,主要关注的是华人在来到澳大利亚之后从社会层面和政府的立法方面所面临的诸多问题和限制,但也涉及到早期来澳华人的商业活动,比如开设店铺及从事种植业等情况。[6]虽然1950年代的这些研究数量有限,但却都聚焦于十九世纪时期华人在澳大利亚不同的殖民地所面临的歧视问题,显示出澳大利亚华人研究的起步的特点,是与十九世纪各殖民地不同的发展状况而导致的对待华人移民政策之先后不同和差异相适应的。1970年,Katheryn Cronin对1870年代昆士兰北部淘金热后到中国人入境采金和经商而出现的“华人问题”并由此所导致的对华人敌视和限制政策的研究,也是上述学者研究范围的延伸。[7]其后二十年里,相关的华人研究涵括了澳大利亚的各个州,其所涉及的年份,也从十九世纪延伸到二十世纪上半期,并包括了当代华人社区的变迁,也同样多多少少涉及到了华人商业在不同领域的发展和变化。[8]在这样的基础上,1968年,Arthur Huck出版了The Chinese in Australia(《澳大利亚华人》)一书,是首部全景性探讨澳大利亚华人在这块土地上之发展历史的著作。[9]该书虽被视为澳大利亚华人问题研究的开拓之作,涉及历史与现状,华人的融入等等,但都是比较粗略的阐述,缺乏深度,对于华人商业的发展,基本上也未有涉及。[10]或许是因为澳大利亚各州的发展路径有所不同,华人的涌入该地也处于不同时期,导致华人分布也有差异,如果没有团队协力合作,对澳大利亚华人的历史发展及相关问题做全景式的深度探讨,仅靠个人是难以胜任的。或许由于这个原因,此后,同类著作出现的很少。

在澳大利亚州际层次的华人研究已经展开的情况下,1970年代开始,学界开始了对华人在特定的区域和行业做有深度的研究。在1870年代之前,昆士兰州北部地区尚处于未开发状态,只是恰于此时该地发现金矿而在短时期内吸引了数万中国人前来淘金,几年后因金矿枯竭他们再分散于该地之广柔区域,其后果是直接促进了这个地区的开发和建设。作为澳大利亚主要的历史学者,Geoffrey Bolton早在1963年便出版了一部研究昆士兰北部地区开发与发展的通史[11],书中涉及到华人来此先淘金后成为种植园主的历史,便成为后来的学者开展这方面研究的先声。梅凯娣(Cathie May)的博士论文题目就定位于华人移民在凯恩斯(Cairns)地区的历史,成为首位专门研究昆北地区华人历史的学者。她在读研期间,就于1974、1975及1979年分别发表了系列涉及凯恩斯地区华人社区发展、其营生及商业网络以及华人与当地主流社会关系的论文,[12]1981年顺利完成其学位论文[13],并于1984年以《拓荒者,1870-1920:肯斯区华人奋斗史》为名正式出版。[14]与梅凯娣同时期的学者Noreen Kirkman,则着重探讨在1870年代昆士兰北部地区白马河(Palmer River)流域淘金热时期大批华人的采金形式及由此而形成的一系列商铺、旅馆、食品店和肉店等商业模式。[15]与此相呼应的是,Christopher Anderson根据土著人Norman Mitchell的亲身经历,结合田野调查结果,也探讨了昆士兰北部淘金热后到第二次世界大战前华人与当地土著人的相互关系,其中包括了他们之间的商业联系。[16]在其1986年完成的博士论文中,George Beattie着重探讨的是当代移居布里斯本的华人现状,他们如何适应新的环境以及使自己尽快地融入当地,亦即一体化的问题,这其中自然也包括中国移民的就业模式及他们所经营生意的开展。[17]这一着重现状的研究,与此前的着重探讨的早期历史有着极为密切的接续关系。

与此同时,在区域化研究成为学术探讨新趋势的推动下,对澳大利亚其它州相关地区的华人历史包括个案研究也相继出现。1981年,Jean Gittins将眼光放在早期来到维多利亚金矿区华工的生活,涉及到他们所从事的职业和经营的生意;[18]1982年,Kathryn Cronin则转向探讨殖民地时期维多利亚的华人与西裔之间也包括与西裔女性的关系,其中亦或多或少地涉及到华人商业的营生形态;[19]1985年出版的口述历史学家Morag Loh的著作,也是阐述早期华人在维多利亚的生活及对社会的贡献,对其商业经营及有影响力的商人予以介绍。[20]对于十九世纪后半期新南威尔士华人的研究,有Vivien Suit-Cheng Burrage在1984年完成的硕士论文,特别着重于悉尼的华人社区,包括不同群体所从事的商业活动。[21]与昆士兰北部淘金热的同时,1870年代在塔斯马尼亚东北部地区出现的锡矿开采热潮,同样也吸引了众多华人前往,并在余后的十数年间成为该地矿区开发的主体;到十九世纪末,这里的华人社区萎缩凋敝。Helen Vivian在1986年完成的博士论文中,挖掘该地区华人遗迹的同时,也展示了当时众多华人锡矿主及其经营商业的经历。[22]北领地在1863年划归南澳管辖,但该地为促进开发,许多措施与其它殖民地略有不同,比如进入该地的华人更大程度上是由政府引进,并在十九世纪末的20年时间里其人口数都超过3000人[23],在首府达尔文形成了较大的唐人街。1987年,Charles See-Kee对这里早期华人的生存状况及唐人街的商业经营作了介绍。[24]此外,这一时期,学界也对华人早期在澳大利亚经营的行业给予了关注。1974年,Andrew Markus将墨尔本的华人木行作为个案研究,探讨其在十九世纪最后三十年里的经营起伏和所遭遇到的歧视和困境;[25]在1987年于墨尔本举行的第三届澳大利亚美食研讨会上,Jilian Stone发表了探讨1870-1920年间华人菜农的经营以及对澳人蔬菜消费模式之影响的论文[26],将华人研究的议题带到了菜农及种植业这一领域。可以说,这一时期的华人研究开始兴盛,也都涉及到了华人商业经济活动,只是没有专门的华商研究,但已显示出华人商业研究领域的范围。

        2   1990年代之后

如果说1980年代之前与商业史相关的澳华研究属于起步和开拓阶段,那么从1990年代开始就进入了大发展时期。概括地说,在前一个时期学者所开拓研究的基础上,州际及地区华人历史的研究则更为扩大及深入,是这一时期的首要特点。在与商业方面相关的华人历史研究方面,虽仍有涉及西澳、南澳及塔斯马尼亚这三个州及北领地的,但数量不多;[27]而其它的几个州华人历史受到的关注更高,相关的研究更多、更广泛及深入,这也与华人的数量在澳洲东部的这几个州较多也较为集中的历史与现实相符合。对于新南威尔士州的华人研究,不仅有专注其早期发展的,即着重讨论十九世纪末后半期的华人[28],也有研究将华人在该地的历史延续到第二次世界大战之后进行探讨的;[29]悉尼作为该州的首府,对该处的华侨研究便是重点[30],其中以费雪莉(Shirley Fitzgerald)所撰的悉尼华侨史作为代表,其中对于二十世纪初年前后在当地的华商活动有相当且具份量的阐述;[31]与此同时,华人在其它的城镇乡村地区之研究也受到重视。[32]而对于维多利亚的华人历史,学界把着眼点放在殖民地时期,既有州范围的研究[33],也有侧重于各个淘金重镇(如Ballarat和Bendigo)的深入探讨[34],都涉及到当时华人的商业经营活动。学界对于昆士兰华人的研究,也基本上是与维多利亚相同的路径,并在对昆士兰北部地区华人历史原有研究的基础上,更为深入,更多地涉及到当时在该地区经商的企业及家族。[35]1995年,在梳理档案和公私企业记载的基础上,西澳学者Jan Ryans出版一部反映殖民时期西澳的华人史著作。该书披露华人来到西澳的方式与其它殖民地不同,是在1870年代作为契约劳工而来,以详实的档案记载揭示他们此后在这块地方生存和经商所遭受到的种种不为人知的待遇。[36]而所有这些研究,都得益于自1980年代以来澳大利亚的考古学家和人类学家对这些早期华人淘金和经商遗址及遗物持续不懈的勘察和蒐寻之相关成果。[37]由是,作家Eric Rolls在1990年代先后出版的两部著作,展现十九世纪后半期之前半段中国人在澳大利亚淘金的苦难历史(亦即《旅居者》)[38]、及十九世纪末至二十世纪中后期“白澳政策”结束后到1990年代这段历史时期华人打拼、定居和融入生活(亦即定居入籍成为《公民》)[39],因没有很好地吸收这些考古成果,只是依赖于他所能收集到政府相关档案记录及一些游记报导和传媒新闻,对一些事件和人物缺乏考证,在学术上显得创新不足[40],算不上完全的历史研究作品,但其著作全景式阐述华人在澳大利亚的淘金活动以及探讨他们定居后的经济生活及经商过程,对澳大利亚社会和经济发展的贡献,则为读者了解当时的华人商业活动提供了宽阔的场景。

直接探讨华人商业经济活动的研究成果增加,是1990年代之后华人研究的另一大特点。首先涉及的是早期华人的一般商业活动。学者们除了对十九世纪后半期及二十世纪上半期的华人商业活动作为研究对象[41],更多的则仍然是聚焦于各州及主要淘金地区,比如维多利亚的Ballarat[42]和Bendigo[43]及昆士兰北部地区[44],以及与中国的商业贸易往来[45],包括金融服务,比如“金信”。[46]在探讨澳大利亚华人与中国的商业联系方面,韦迈高(Michael Williams)选择了从中国的角度来看待这一问题,即中国人如何从广东珠江三角洲地区来到澳大利亚,他们在澳所取得的经济成就如何通过香港中转回馈故里,造福侨乡。[47]更进一步的则是,费约翰(John Fitzgerald)和郭美芬等学者也把注意力放到了二十世纪上半叶澳大利亚华商在中国的投资上。[48]同时,对早期出色的华商人物,比如悉尼的梅光达[49],北领地的华人矿主Ping Que[50],也挖掘资料,对其进行了个案研究,揭示他们对当地社会经济发展及华洋文化交流方面所做出的贡献。

其次,自华人进入澳大利亚之后就一直从事的行业暨种植业,则是最受关注的研究领域。在澳大利亚的水稻等农作物的种植方面,早期的在澳中国人贡献巨大;[51]而由中国人经营和种植的蔬菜和水果,构成了澳大利亚华人社区得以在这块土地生存发展的最主要的一个行业。自1980年代以来,学界对这个领域的研究也比较多,新南威尔士州受到的关注最多,其集大成者是Joanna Boileau。她的专著Chinese market gardening in Australia and New Zealand: Gardens of prosperity (《澳大利亚和新西兰的华农:繁盛的蔬果种植业》)一书,通过梳理澳、新两国的档案材料和考古资料,以新南威尔士的华人菜农研究为基础,进而扩展至澳大利亚全境及新西兰,对华人在蔬果种植业的资本和人力投入、技术的使用、管理销售等相关问题予以探讨,彰显了华农在这一领域里对当地社会发展所做出的贡献。[52]对于悉尼[53]、五龙岗地区[54]、以及新南威尔士的其它地方的华人蔬果种植业[55],相关的学者也都分别给予了关注。对于昆士兰华人的菜农研究,北部地区仍然是学者关注的重点。[56]同时,也有学者对西澳的华人菜农历史进行了研究。[57]作为商业活动的流通和最终结果,果蔬生产属于产业链的上游环节,其中下游环节便是销售和消费,因而众多华人在主要城市及港口经营的果栏和杂货店便承担了销售这些产品的责任,也是这些中小华商得以在这里生存和发展的基础。对此,相关学者给予了极高的重视。比如,柯素非(Sophie Couchman)对早期墨尔本唐人街销售香蕉店铺的研究[58],Lisa Law对早期凯恩斯菜市场华人果蔬摊档的研究,[59]郭美芬对十九世纪末二十世纪初悉尼几家华人果栏及商号的研究;[60]而Janis Wilton和Sophie Loy-Wilson两位学者则把眼光放在了新南威尔士广柔乡镇的华人商铺上,她们以一系列的研究揭示华人商业网络的开设起着维系地区日常生活所需甚至文化交流的功能。[61]

上述澳大利亚华人历史包括华商历史研究的深入,也是与这一时期华人口述历史的开展、家史(包括家族企业经营史)的整理及有关华人与欧裔及土著人的混合婚姻及多族裔关系研究的展开密切相关。从1980年代开始,Morag Loh在维多利亚州陆续进行的华人口述历史记录[62],到Janis Wilton等学者在新南威尔士州北部地区开展的华人家庭口述史[63],以及Diana Giese在1995年完成的反映北领地华人历史的口述记录Beyond Chinatown: changing perspectives on the Top End Chinese experience(《超越唐人街》)一书的出版[64],这些记录都涉及到此前华人家族的经商情况及现状。由此而推动的家史整理及个人回忆录[65],以及据此而产生的学术成果[66],则为了解这些自十九世纪以来到第二次世界大战结束前后所建立的华商企业及他们的商业活动提供了第一手的资料。而开展对留有历史记载及相关痕迹的华人与西裔及华人与土著之间结合及相互关系之研究,除了旨在揭示“白澳政策”下华人之融入主流及保持中华文化认同方面的艰难之外,也在很大程度上披露了华人的商务活动是如何与其他族裔互动的,亦即主动式的或被动式的融入当地经济范畴,提供了许多不为人知的华人商务内情。[67]

再次,涉及早期华人参与的其它商业领域活动的专项研究成果也陆续出现。例如,郭美芬对悉尼北京大酒楼的研究[68],Peter Gibson等人对早期华人木行及华商参与羊毛加工业的研究[69],Brendan Fry涉及的华人洗衣业的研究[70],相关学者对华人参与维多利亚、新南威尔士、南澳和北领地捕鱼业的研究[71],以及Stephen Gapps对早期在昆士兰北部及北领地制作中国舢板帆船的研究。[72]这些专项研究的拓展,开阔了我们对华人在澳大利亚所涉及和经营企业的认知。



Dec 2022

[1] Margaret Tart, The Life of Quong Tart, or, How A Foreigner Succeeded in A British Community, W. M. Maclardy, “Ben Franklin” Printing Works, 1911. 当时,该书是以法文出版。90年后,在澳大利亚新南威尔士州联邦世纪委员会(New South Wales Centenary of Federation Committee)的资助下,悉尼大学(University of Sydney)在2001年将其译为英文,网上发行。链接:http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/fed/

[2] 1931年有学者在维多利亚历史学报上发表了一篇探讨华人在该州历史的论文,但对华人经商情况未有给予关注。见:Charles Daley, “The Chinese in Victoria,” Victorian Historical Magazine 14.1 (1931), pp. 23-34.

[3] Rendell, Margaret Patricia. The Chinese in South Australia and the Northern Territory in the Nineteenth Century: A Study of the Social, Economic and Legislative Attitudes Adopted Towards the Chinese in the Colony. Diss. University of Adelaide, 1952.

[4] Tan, Robert. The Chinese question in Queensland during the nineteenth century: a brief history of racial conflict. Diss. University of Queensland, 1958.

[5] Oddie, Geoffrey A. The Chinese in Victoria, 1870-1890. Diss. University of Melbourne, 1959.

[6] 例如Oddie根据其硕士论文而写的反映同时期华人低层与华商问题的研究,在1961年的《澳大利亚历史研究》上发表。见Oddie, Geoffrey. “The lower class Chinese and the merchant elite in Victoria, 1870–1890.” Australian Historical Studies 10.37 (1961): 65-70.

[7] Cronin, Kathryn. The Chinese question in Queensland in the nineteenth century: a study in racial interaction, B.A.(Hons.), The University of Queensland, 1970.

[8] 这些研究成果主要是不同大学的学位论文及相关研究论文。详见:Easteal, Barbara Vivienne. The Chinese in Tasmania, 1870-1900. Diss. University of Tasmania, 1965; Yong, Ching Fatt. The Chinese in New South Wales and Victoria, 1901-1921, with Special Reference to Sydney and Melbourne. Diss. The Australian National University (Australia), 1966 (作者杨进发将该博士论文修改后在1977年出版,见Yong, Ching Fatt. The new gold mountain: the Chinese in Australia, 1901-1921. Richmond, Australia: Raphael Arts, 1977. 该书的中译本于1988年出版。见杨进发著:《新金山:澳大利亚华人,1901-1921》姚楠、陈立贵译,上海译文出版社,1988年版); Inglis, Christine Brenda. The Darwin Chinese: A Study of Assimilation. The Australian National University, 1967; Wang, Sing-Wu. The Organization of Chinese Emigration, 1848-1888, with Special Reference to Chinese Emigration to Australia. Diss. Australian National University, 1969 (王省吾的这篇硕士论文经修改后于1978年出版。见Wang, Sing-wu. The organization of Chinese emigration, 1848-1888: with special reference to Chinese emigration to Australia. No. 25. Chinese Materials Center, 1978); Choi, Ching Yan. Chinese Migration and Settlement in Australia, with Special Reference to the Chinese in Melbourne. Diss. The Australian National University, 1971 (该博士论文于1975年出版。见Choi, Ching Yan, and Cheng-jen Ts?ai. Chinese migration and settlement in Australia. Sydney University Press, 1975); Atkinson, Anne. Chinese labour and capital in Western Australia, 1847-1947. Diss. Murdoch University, 1991。

[9] Huck, Arthur. The Chinese in Australia. Longmans, 1968.

[10] Tigner, James L. “Book review: The Chinese in Australia”. The International Migration Review (1969), pp. 82-84.

[11] Bolton, Geoffrey Curgenven. A thousand miles away: a history of North Queensland to 1920. Australian National University Press, 1970. 这是该书的第二版,1963年的第一版也由澳大利亚国立大学出版社出版。

[12] May, Cathie. “The Chinese community in far north Queensland.” in B. J. Dalton (ed.). Lectures on North Queensland History. James Cook University, 1974: 121-138; May, Cathie. “Chinese and Europeans in North Queensland: a study in race relations.” in B. J. Dalton (ed.). Lectures on North Queensland History: Second Series. James Cook University, 1975: 135-146; May, Cathie. “Chinese-European Relations in Cairns during the Eighteen Eighties.” in B. J. Dalton (ed.). Lectures on North Queensland History: Third Series. James Cook University, 1978: 157-168; May, Cathie. “The Chinese in Cairns district, 1876-1920”. in Henry Reynolds (ed.). Race Relations in North Queensland. James Cook University, 1978: 225-236.

[13] May, Catherine Rosemary. The Chinese in Cairns and district 1876-1920. Diss. University of Queensland, General Photographic Unit, 1981.

[14] May, Catherine Rosemary. Topsawyers, the Chinese in Cairns 1870-1920. Townsville: History Dept., James Cook University, 1984. 说明:该中文书名及著者中文名出现在这本书封面上。

[15] Kirkman, Noreen. “From minority to majority: an account of the Chinese influx to the Palmer River goldfield 1873-1876.” in Henry Reynolds (ed.). Race Relations in North Queensland. James Cook University, 1978: 237-254. Kirkman对白马河金矿区华人社区的探讨,是其读博期间的研究方向,并在1984年完成了她的博士论文。见Kirkman, Noreen Suzanne. The Palmer goldfield, 1873-1883. Diss. James Cook University of North Queensland, 1984.

[16] Anderson, Christopher, and Norman Mitchell. “Kubara: a Kuku-Yalanji view of the Chinese in north Queensland.” Aboriginal History, 1981, Vol.5(1), pp.20-37。

[17] Beattie, George, The settlement and integration of the Chinese in Brisbane. Diss. The University of Queensland, School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, 1986. 在完成其博士论文之前一年,该作者就与其他学者合作,发表了一篇与其选题相关的论文。见Crissman, Lawrence W.; Beattie, George; Selby, James, “The Segmentation and Integration of the Chinese in Brisbane, Australia.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 1 July 1985, Vol.16(2), pp.181-203.

[18] Gittins, Jean, The diggers from China: the story of Chinese on the goldfields. Melbourne; New York: Quartet Books. 1981.

[19] Cronin, Kathryn. Colonial casualties: Chinese in early Victoria. Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press; Beaverton, Or.: International Scholarly Book Services, 1982. 亦见:王孝询:“研究澳洲华人史的几部重要著作”,《华侨华人历史研究》1997年第2期,第67-70页。

[20] Loh, Morag, and Joan Grant. Sojourners and Settlers: Chinese in Victoria 1848-1985. Victorian Government China Advisory Committee, 1985.

[21] Burrage, Vivien Suit-Cheng. The Chinese Community, Sydney, 1870-1901. Diss. Macquarie University, Sydney, 1974.

[22] Vivian, Helen. Tasmania's Chinese heritage: an historical record of Chinese sites in North East Tasmania. Diss. University of Tasmania, 1986.

[23] 1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 1925. 引自澳大利亚联邦统计局在线资料:https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/featurearticlesbytitle/4A6A63F3D85F7770CA2569DE00200137?OpenDocument.

[24] Charles See-Kee, Chinese contribution to early Darwin, Darwin: Northern Territory Library Service, 1987.

[25] Markus, Andrew. “Divided We Fall: The Chinese and the Melbourne Furniture Trade Union, 1870-1900.” Labour History 26 (1974): 1-10.

[26] Stone, Jillian M. “Chinese market gardeners and their impact on vegetable consumption patterns in Australia, 1870-1920’.” Symposium of Australian Gastronomy Proceedings. 1987.

[27] 与西澳华人研究相关的论著,见Atkinson, Anne. "Placing restrictions upon them: controlling'free'Chinese immigrants and capital in Western Australia." Studies in Western Australian History 16 (1995): 69-88; Cai, Tian Ming. Astride two worlds: The Chinese response to changing citizenship in Western Australia (1901-1973). MA thesis, Edith Cowan University, 1999.与南澳华人早期及战前历史和现状相关的研究有:Jeffery, Bill, and Sarah Kenderdine. “Chinese emigration to South Australia aboard foreign-owned vessels: The Guichen Bay shipwrecks of 1857.” Bulletin of the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, The 15.1 (1991): 31-36; Young, Janette, Janet McIntyre, and Murray Drummond. “Overlapping identities in pre-WWII South Australia: lessons for 21st Century Australia.” People and Place 15.3 (2007): 42-52; Pan, Qiuping. “Ethnic Identity and Immigrant Organizations: The Deployment of Ethnicity by Chinese in South Australia.” Journal of Chinese Overseas 14.1 (2018): 22-53.与塔斯马尼亚的华人历史及商业发展相关的研究,基本上都集中在其东北部,这与早期华人糜集于此开采锡矿和经商相关。见Gaughwin, Denise. “Chinese settlement sites in north-east Tasmania.” Histories of the Chinese in Australasia and the South Pacific (1995): 230-248; Scott, Joan. Celestial Sojourn: The Chinese on the Tinfields of North East Tasmania. St. Helens History Room Assoc., 1997; Alcock, Jacquelyn. “The Middle People”, A History of the Launceston Chinese Community. Diss. University of Tasmania, 1998. 有关北领地的研究,见Stone, Shane, and Roger Steele. “Progress of the Chinese community of the Northern Territory.” Northern Perspective 18.1 (1995): 28-35; McCarthy, Justin. “Tales of the Empire City: Chinese miners in the Pine Creek region, Northern Territory, 1872-1915.” Histories of the Chinese in Australasia and the South Pacific (1995): 191-202.

[28] 例如:Darnell, Maxine Lorraine, Christopher Lloyd, and Graydon Henning. “The Chinese labour trade to New South Wales 1783-1853: An exposition of motives and outcomes.” (1998); Williams, Michael. Chinese Settlement in NSW: a thematic history. NSW Heritage Office, 1999; Mcgowan, Barry. “The Economics and Organisation of Chinese Mining in Colonial Australia”. Australian Economic History Review, 2005, Vol.45(2), pp.119-138.

[29] Wilton, Janis. “Chinese whispers in New South Wales. (how Chinese immigrants to Australia expanded through sponsorship and economic activity).” History Today, Nov, 1997, Vol.47(11), p.45(7); Tan, Carole. “Golden Threads: The Chinese in Regional New South Wales 1850–1950.” Journal of Chinese Overseas 3.2 (2007): 267-268; McGowan, Barry. “Shoulder yokes and moon cakes: The Chinese diaspora in the Riverina district of New South Wales, Australia, 1850 to the present.” Historic Environment 24.1 (2012): 26-34.

[30] 如:Burnley, Ian H. “Evolution of Chinese settlement geographies in Sydney, Australia.” Urban Geography 23.4 (2002): 365-387; Kuo, Mei-fen. “The making of a diasporic identity: the case of the Sydney Chinese commercial elite, 1890s-1900s.” Journal of Chinese Overseas 5.2 (2009): 336-363.

[31] Fitzgerald, Shirley. Red Tape Gold Scissors: The Story of Sydney's Chinese. Halstead, 2008. 该书由张威译成中文,在悉尼出版。见:雪莉·费兹杰尔德著:《悉尼华侨史》,张威译,悉尼:澳大利亚悉尼市政府出版社,1998年。

[32] 如:McGowan, Barry, and Tana Li. “An Example of Usury Within the Chinese Community: an Account from Wagga Wagga, 1923-1927.” (2013); Gibson, Peter Charles. “Dark dragon ridge: Chinese people in Wollongong, 1901-39.” (2014); Kwok, J. “Chinese mining on the Turon: From beginning to end”. Journal of Australasian mining history17(2019), 75-95.

[33] 例如:Chou, Bon-Wai. The Chinese in Victoria: a longterm survey. Diss., University of Melbourne, 1993.

[34] 参见Reeves, Keir. “A songster, a sketcher and the Chinese on central Victoria's Mount Alexander diggings: case studies in cultural complexity during the second half of the nineteenth century.” Journal of Australian Colonial History 6.2004 (2004): 175-192; Trevarthen, Cora. “After the gold is gone: Chinese Communities in Northeast Victoria, 1861-1914.” Journal of Chinese Australia 2 (2006); Lovejoy, Valerie. “Chinese in Late Nineteenth-Century Bendigo: Their local and translocal lives in ‘this strangers’ country’.” Australian Historical Studies 42.1 (2011): 45-61.

[35] Fitzgerald, Ross. “The Chinese in Queensland.” Quadrant 34.5 (1990): 34-39; Kirkman, Noreen. “From minority to majority: Chinese on the Palmer River gold-field, 1873-1876.” James Cook University, 1993. 243-257; Rains, K. “The overseas Chinese and Cooktown: An historical archaeological study of isolation.” (2002): 45-59; Wong, Kevin Hoy. “Thursday Island en route to citizenship and the Queensland goldfields: Chinese aliens and naturalised British subjects, 1879-1903.” Journal of Australian Colonial History 6.2004 (2004): 159-174.

[36] Ryan, Jan. Ancestors: Chinese in Colonial Australia. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1995.

[37] 例如,Jack, Ian, Kate Holmes, and Ruth Kerr. “Ah Toy's garden: a Chinese market-garden on the Palmer River goldfield, North Queensland.” The Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology (1984): 51-58; Comber, Jillian. “The Palmer Goldfield.” Australasian Historical Archaeology (1995): 41-48; Grimwade, Gordon, and Peter Reynolds. “Report on the Atherton Chinatown, North Queensland. I.. Unpublished report.” Material Culture Unit, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld (1987); Grimwade, Gordon. Rusty's Markets Re-Development Site Archaeological Excavation Report. 2004.

[38] Rolls, Eric C (Eric Charles). Sojourners: the epic story of China's centuries-old relationship with Australia: flowers and the wide sea. St. Lucia, Qld.: University of Queensland Press, 1992. 该书中译本见艾瑞克·罗斯著:《澳大利亚华人史(1888-1995)》,张威译,广州:中山大学出版社,2009年。

[39] Rolls, Eric C (Eric Charles). Citizens: continuing the epic story of China's centuries-old relationship with Australia ...: flowers and the wide sea. St Lucia, Qld.: University of Queensland Press, 1996. 该书中译本见艾瑞克·罗斯著:《澳大利亚华人史(1800-1888)》,张威译,广州:中山大学出版社,2017年。

[40] Moore, Clive. “Sojourners: Flowers and the Wide Sea. The Epic Story of China's Centuries-Old Relationship with Australia.” Labour History, No.66 (May 1994): 172-173.

[41] 具代表性的研究有:Ryan, Jan. “The business of Chinese coolie immigration.-In special issue: Private Enterprise, Government and Society.” Studies in Western Australian History 13 (1992): 24-35; Couchman, Sophie; Fitzgerald, John; Macgregor, Paul; Kwok, Jen, “After the rush: regulation, participation and Chinese communities in Australia 1860-1940”. Australian journal of politics and history, Vol.52(1), pp.136-137 (Mar 2006); Austin, Denise A. “Chinese Business Christians in Early Twentieth Century Australia.” “Kingdom-Minded” People. Brill, 2011. 185-212; Bowen, Alister. “The merchants: Chinese social organisation in colonial Australia.” Australian Historical Studies 42.1 (2011): 25-44; Kuo, Mei-fen. “Enterprising Chinese Australians in the early 20th century: capital, sociability, and diaspora nationalism.” (2018).

[42] Kyi, Anna. “Unravelling the mystery of the Woah Hawp Canton Quartz Mining Company, Ballarat.” Journal of Australian Colonial History 6.2004 (2004): 59-78.

[43] Rasmussen, Amanda. “Networks and negotiations: Bendigo's Chinese and the Easter Fair.” Journal of Australian Colonial History 6.2004 (2004): 79-92.

[44] Law, Lisa, “The ghosts of White Australia: Excavating the past(s) of Rusty's Market in tropical Cairns.” Continuum, 01 October 2011, Vol.25(5), p.669-681; Rains, Kevin. “Doing Business: Chinese and European Socioeconomic Relations in Early Cooktown.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 2013, Vol.17(3), pp.520-545; Rains, Kevin. “Webs of Association: Examining the Overseas Chinese Social Landscape of Early Cooktown.” Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies 6 (2013).

[45] Macgregor, Paul. “Lowe Kong Meng and Chinese engagement in the international trade of Colonial Victoria.” Provenance 11 (2012): 26-43; Guoth, Nicholas Dennis. Beyond a cup of tea: Trade relationships between colonial Australia and China, 1860-1880. Diss. Australian National University, 2017.

[46] Kuo, Mei-fen. “Jinxin: the remittance trade and enterprising Chinese Australians, 1850–1916.” in Benton, Gregor, Hong Liu and Huimei Zhang eds. The Qiaopi trade and transnational networks in the Chinese diaspora. New York: Routledge, 2018: 160-178.

[47] Williams, Michael. “In the Tang Mountains we have a big house,” East Asian History, vol 25/26 (2003), pp 85–112; Williams, Michael. “Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta qiaoxiang,” Modern Asian Studies, vol 38, no 2(2004) , pp 257–282; Williams, Michael. Returning Home with Glory: Chinese Villagers Around the Pacific, 1849 to 1949. Hong Kong University Press, 2018.

[48] Fitzgerald, John, and Mei-fen Kuo. “Diaspora Charity and Welfare Sovereignty in the Chinese Republic: Shanghai Charity Innovator William Yinson Lee (Li Yuanxin, 1884–1965).” Twentieth-Century China 42.1 (2017): 72-96; Loy-Wilson, Sophie. Australians in Shanghai: Race, rights and nation in treaty port China. Routledge, 2017.

[49] Couchman, Sophie, “‘Then in the Distance Quong Tart Did We See’: Quong Tart, Celebrity and Photography.” Journal of Australian Colonial History, 2006, Vol.8, p.159-182; McGowan, Barry. “The Making of a Legend: Quong Tart on the Braidwood Goldfields.” Journal of Australian Colonial History, 2007, Vol.9, p.69-98.

[50] Jones, Timothy G. “Ping Que, mining magnate of the Northern Territory 1854-1886.” Journal of Northern Territory History 15 (2004): 107-116.

[51] Johnson, Conor. “The Chinese Contribution to Agriculture in the Cairns District from 1870 to 1920.” James Cook University, HI3284; Woods, Michael. “Rural cosmopolitanism at the frontier? Chinese farmers and community relations in northern Queensland, c. 1890–1920.” Australian Geographer 49.1 (2018): 107-131; Frost, Warwick. “Migrants and Technological Transfer: Chinese Farming in Australia, 1850–1920.” Australian Economic History Review, 2002, Vol.42(2), pp.113-131.与此同时,华人在澳大利亚早期烟草业种植方面的贡献,也受到了学者的关注。见:Jacqueline Verrocchio, “Historical tobacco kilns in north-east Victoria”, Historical Environment 14.1 (1998), pp.29-38.

[52] Boileau, Joanna. Chinese market gardening in Australia and New Zealand: Gardens of prosperity. Springer, 2017.

[53] Morris, Colleen. “Chinese market gardens in Sydney.” Australian Garden History 12.5 (2001): 5-8.

[54] Gibson, Peter. “The Market Gardens of Dark Dragon Ridge, New South Wales, Australia, 1876–1930.” Australian Economic History Review 60.3 (2020): 372-393.

[55] McGowan, Barry. “Chinese market gardens in southern and western New South Wales.” Australian Humanities Review 36 (2005): 1-15; Stanin, Zvonkica. “From Li Chun to Yong Kit: a market garden on the Loddon, 1851- 1912. [Paper in special issue: Active Voices, Hidden Histories: The Chinese in Colonial Australia.].” Journal of Australian Colonial History 6 (2004): 14-34; Henning, Rachel. “‘Vegerable Johns’: Wong Gee and the forgotten Chinese market gardeners of Illawarra.” https://www.academia.edu/download/64985373/VEG_FINAL.pdf

[56] Robb, Sandi. "'Wanted-Chinaman gardener; first class wages-references required'." Australian Garden History 32.3 (2021): 13-16; Rains, Kevin. “Behind the wattle fence: the Chinese market gardeners of early Cooktown.” Rediscovered past: China in northern Australia. Melbourne: Chinese Heritage in Northern Australia Inc (2009): 21-30.

[57] Richards, Oline. “Chinese market gardening: a Western Australian postscript.” Australian Garden History 13.1 (2001): 19-21.

[58] Couchman, Sophie. “The banana trade: Its importance to Melbourne’s Chinese and Little Bourke Street, 1880s–1930s’.” Histories of the Chinese in Australasia and the South Pacific (1995): 29-45.

[59] Law, Lisa, “The ghosts of White Australia: Excavating the past(s) of Rusty's Market in tropical Cairns.” Continuum, 01 October 2011, Vol.25(5), p.669-681.

[60] Kuo, Mei-Fen. “Enterprising Chinese Australians and rethinking remittance network: the reflection of Wing Sang and Co. 1890-1916.” (2015); Kuo, Mei-fen. “Chinese rural entrepreneurs in the White Australia era: the case of Harry Fay of Hong Yuen & Co.” (2018).

[61] 例如,Wilton, Janis. Chinese voices, Australian lives: Oral history and the Chinese contribution to Glen Innes, Inverell, Tenterfield and surrounding districts during the first half of the twentieth century. Diss., University of New England, 1996; Wilton, Janis. “Chinese stores in rural Australia.” Asian Department Stores (1998): 90-113; Wilton, Janis. Helen Andreoni, and Anne-Katrin Eckermann. “Chinese voices, Australian lives: Oral history and the Chinese contribution to Glen Innes, Inverell, Tenterfield and surrounding districts during the first half of the twentieth century.” (1997); Wilton, Janis. Golden Threads: The Chinese in Regional New South Wales 1850-1950. New England Regional Art Museum in association with Power House Publishing, 2004; Loy-Wilson, Sophie. “Peanuts and Publicists: ‘Letting Australian Friends Know the Chinese Side of the Story’ in Interwar Sydney.” History Australia 6.1 (2009): 06.1-06.20; Loy-Wilson, Sophie. “Rural geographies and Chinese empires: Chinese shopkeepers and shop-life in Australia.” Australian Historical Studies 45.3 (2014): 407-424; Loy-Wilson, Sophie. “The gospel of enthusiasm: salesmanship, religion and colonialism in Australian department stores in the 1920s and 1930s.” Journal of Contemporary History 51.1 (2016): 91-123.

[62] Loh, Morag. “‘You're my diamond, mum!’: Some thoughts on women married to immigrants from China in Victoria from the 1850s to the 1920s.” Oral History Association of Australia Journal, The 6 (1984): 3-10; Loh, Morag. “A County practice: Thomas Chong, herbalist of Bairnsdale; his place, his practice, his peers.” Histories of the Chinese in Australasia and the South Pacific (1993): 15-25.

[63] Wilton, Janis. “Chinese whispers in New South Wales. (how Chinese immigrants to Australia expanded through sponsorship and economic activity).” History Today, Nov, 1997, Vol.47(11), p.45(7); Wilton, Janis. Helen Andreoni, and Anne-Katrin Eckermann. “Chinese voices, Australian lives: Oral history and the Chinese contribution to Glen Innes, Inverell, Tenterfield and surrounding districts during the first half of the twentieth century.” (1997).

[64] Giese, Diana. Beyond Chinatown: changing perspectives on the Top End Chinese experience. National Library Australia, 1995; Young, Faye M. “In pursuit of the dragon: researching Chinese Australian family history.” Descent 34.3 (2004): 120-128.

[65] 例如,Hunt, Stanley. From Shekki to Sydney: An Autobiography. Wild Peony/University of Hawaii Press, 2009; Kwok, Juanita. The Chinese in Bathurst: Recovering Forgotten Histories. Diss., Charles Sturt University, 2019; Chong, Carol. “The Chong family history at Mungana.” (2016): 51-65; Faulkner, Claire Veronica. Conquest: an inside story-the integration of a colonial Chinese - Australian family cluster. Ayr, Queensland, Australia: Claire Veronica Faulkner, January 2013.

[66] Dimond, Glenys. Sweet & sour: experiences of Chinese families in the Northern Territory. Darwin, Northern Territory: Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, 1996; Macgregor, Paul. “Dreams of Jade and Gold: Chinese Families in Australia’s History.” Australian Family: Images and Essays (1998): 25-36; Hales, Dinah. “Lost histories: Chinese-European families of Central Western New South Wales, 1850-80.” Journal of Australian Colonial History, Vol. 6, 2004: 93-112; Wu, Quianlong and Mobo Gao. “Decoding historical scripts in Chinese: The Tasmanian Chungs from Xinhui.” Journal of Chinese Australia, Issue 2 (2006); Bagnall, Kate. “Landscapes of memory and forgetting: Indigo and Shek Quey Lee.” (2013): 7; Dunk, Melissa. “Overseas Chinese Ceramics in Nineteenth Century Australia: the Dennis O’Hoy Collection.” An Angel by the Water: Essays in Honour of Dennis Reginald O’Hoy. Kennington Victoria Holland House, 2015; Couchman, Sophie, and Kate Bagnall. “Memory and meaning in the search for Chinese Australian families.” Remembering Migration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 331-346.

[67] 参见:Karlsen, Christine Robyn. Cultural Exclusion and Interaction: An Historical Study of the Aboriginal, Anglo-Australian, Chinese and Greek Groups in Darwin, Northern Territory of Australia, 1880-1980. Charles Darwin University (Australia), 1996; Lancashire, Rod. “European-Chinese Economic Interaction in a Pre-Federation Rural Australian Setting.” Rural Society, 01 January 2000, Vol.10(2), p.229-241; Ramsay, G. M. “Contentious connections: Removals, legislation and Indigenous-Chinese contacts.” M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture 4.1 (2001): 1-6; Bagnall, Kate. “Across the threshold: White women and Chinese hawkers in the white colonial imaginary.” Hecate 28.2 (2002): 9-32; Robb, Sandi. “Myths, lies and invisible lives: European women and Chinese men in North Queensland 1870-1900.” Lilith: A Feminist History Journal 12 (2003): 95-109.

[68] Kuo, Mei-fen. “The Pekin Café in Sydney: consuming nationality and enterprising Chinese Australians in the early twentieth century.” (2018).

[69] Gibson, Peter. “Australia's Bankrupt Chinese Furniture Manufacturers, 1880–1930.” Australian Economic History Review 58.1 (2018): 87-107; Gibson, Peter. “Voices of Sydney's Chinese furniture factory workers, 1890-1920.” Labour History 112 (2017): 99-117; Gibson, Peter, and Simon Ville. “Australian wool and Chinese industrialization, 1901-41.” (2019): 265-287.

[70] Fry, Brendan. “A dangerous incline: the Victorian Laundry Association and the Chinese Employment Bills of 1903-1907.” (2013).

[71] Bentz, Linda. “Archaeology of the Chinese fishing industry in colonial Victoria.” Archaeology in Oceania 48.3 (2013): 168-169; Bowen, Alister M. “Colonial Chinese fish curing activities in Victoria, Australia.” Artefact: the Journal of the Archaeological and Anthropological Society of Victoria, The 29.2006 (2006): 4-13; Jolly, Bridget. “Early commercial fishing on Kangaroo Island: Netting, curing and canning, and Chinese fishermen's role in the industry.” Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia 45 (2017): 51-66; Chen, Li, and John Charles Ryan. “Abalone in Diasporic Chinese Culture: The Transformation of Biocultural Traditions through Engagement with the Western Australian Environment.” Heritage 1.1 (2018): 122-141.

[72] Gapps, Stephen. “Made in Australia: Chinese junks and sampans 1870-1910.” Signals 118 (2017): 30-33.

[73] 例如:Kee, Poo-Kong. Chinese Immigrants in Australia: Construction of a Socio-economic Profile. Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research, 1988; Collins, Jock. “Chinese entrepreneurs. The Chinese Diaspora in Australia.” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 8.1-2 (2002): 113-133; Gao, Jia. “Riding on the waves of transformation in the Asia-Pacific: Chinese migration to Australia since the late 1980s.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48.4 (2022): 933-950..

[74] 参见:Ip, David, Chung‐tong Wu, and Christine Inglis. “Settlement experiences of Taiwanese immigrants in Australia.” Asian Studies Review 22.1 (1998): 79-97; Ip, David. “A decade of Taiwanese migrant settlement in Australia: Comparisons with mainland Chinese and Hong Kong settlers.” Journal of Population Studies 23.1 (2001): 13-145; Chiang, Lan‐hung Nora. “The dynamics of self‐employment and ethnic business ownership among Taiwanese in Australia.” International Migration 42.2 (2004): 153-173; Lever‐Tracy, Constance, and David Ip. “Diversification and Extensible Networks: The Strategies of Chinese Businesses in Australia1.” International Migration 43.3 (2005): 73-97; Lund, Daniel, Woods, Peter, Hibbins, Raymond, Barker, Michelle. “Young Chinese Entrepreneurs in Australia: Migrant Networks in a New Land”. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 2006; Deng, Ling. “The aspirations of Chinese business migrants in Australia: Barriers, opportunities and implications for government policy development.” Migration Australia 2 (2012): 52-57.

[75] Collins, Jock, and Angeline Low. “Asian female immigrant entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized businesses in Australia.” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 22.1 (2010): 97-111; Selvarajah, Christopher, and Eryadi K. Masli. “Ethnic entrepreneurial business cluster development: Chinatowns in Melbourne.” Journal of Asia Business Studies (2011); Liu, Shuang. “Acting Australian and being Chinese: Integration of ethnic Chinese business people.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations 35.4 (2011): 406-415.

[76] Giese, Diana. Astronauts, lost souls & dragons: voices of today's Chinese Australians. St Lucia, Qld.: University of Queensland Press, 1997; Ye, Jing, Melissa Parris, and Dianne Waddell. “The influence of cultural attributes on intergenerational succession in the Chinese-Australian family business.” ANZAM 2008: Managing in the Pacific century. Promaco Conventions, 2008.

[77] Zolin, Roxanne, et al. “Impact of embeddedness in ethnic networks on business growth: Evidence from Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs in Australia.” Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC)(31st). 2012; Gao, Jia. “Entrepreneurship and community sustainability: The Chinese migrant experience in Australia.” ACRN Journal of Entrepreneurship Perspectives 2.2 (2013): 1-20; Gao, Jia. Chinese Migrant Entrepreneurship in Australia from the 1990s: Case Studies of Success in Sino-Australian Relations. Elsevier Science, 2015.

[78] Gao, Jia. Chinese Immigration and Australian Politics: A Critical Analysis on a Merit-Based Immigration System. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020; Liu, Xuchun. “Australia’s Chinese and Indian Business Diasporas: Demographic Characteristics and Engagement in Business, Trade and Investment.” Melbourne: ACOLA (2016).

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