【专辑名称】:SSS Series No.10 - Glory
【專輯藝人】:Various Artists
【發行公司】:ABC Int'l Records
This album is full of happiness and beauty. As far back as last century, we discovered that the wind instrument gradually moved into people's sight and occupied a more important position in the music world. We firmly believe that orchestral music will be in the spotlight in the 21st century. Adopting double-track analog recording method, the sound is mellow and natural. This album is really a must to your collection list.
Audio fans have been taking delight in the brilliance and grandeur of orchestra music. Whether used for test or appreciation, we can feel its brilliance, clarity, and splendor. The harmonious and splendid orchestral music conquers every listener's heart. This album is actually worthy of the name of "supreme stereo sound". The recording engineers, with superb skills and rigid attitude, present the largest extent the metal quality of orchestral music to the listener----the trumpet is graceful but with so strong power as to penetrate into the sky; the brass's metallic vibration is delicate but also strong with dynamic contrast between and change between ictus and off beat; the French horn is warm, graceful, and tinged with little sorrow and poetry; the trombone is proud, royal, full, loud, powerful....When the performance began, the recording engineers accurately caught the up and down of the orchestral sound and reproduced the performance with strong and natural transfer of power and precise dynamic changes. The producer spent lots of time and energy on finding the best recording site. At last, he found the ideal recording site in his heart in a 300-year church in Kent, Scotland, and recorded this album.
This album is a festival banquet of orchestral music, a baptism of the ear, and a most severe test for the audio equip. Are you ready?
01. Aaron Copland - Fanfare for the Common Man 凡人鼓號樂 作曲:阿龍?科普蘭
02. Wagner arr. Langford - Under the Double Eagle 雙鷹旗進行曲 作曲:瓦格納 改編:朗弗德
03. Alfredo Javaloyes - El Abanico 扇子進行曲 作曲:阿爾弗雷多?加瓦洛茲
04. Mozart - Rondoalla Turca 土耳其進行曲 作曲:莫札特
05. E. Bernstein - The Great Escape - March 大逃亡進行曲 作曲:埃爾默?伯恩斯坦
06. George Gates - Sol y Sombra 太陽和陰影 作曲:喬治?蓋茨
07. K. Alford - Bridge Over the River Kwai-Colonel Bogey 桂河大橋—博基上校進行曲 作曲:K. 奧爾福德
08. Bourgesis - Serenade 小夜曲 作曲:布林基西斯
09. Meredith Willson - Seventy Six Trombones 七十六支長號 作曲:梅裡迪斯?威爾遜
10. Trad arr. Langford - Dem Bones 復活 改編(自傳統音樂):朗弗德
11. F. W. Meacham - An American Patrol 巡邏兵進行曲 作曲:F. W 米查姆
12. Caerts/Rozenstraten - Y Viva Espana 西班牙萬歲 作曲:卡爾茲/羅珍斯特拉頓
13. Johann Strauss - Radetsky March 拉德斯基進行曲 作曲:約翰?施特勞斯
14. Ronald Binge - Elizabethan Serenade 伊莉莎白小夜曲 作曲:羅奈爾得?賓吉
15. Aram Khachaturian - Sabre Dance from 'Gayaneh' 馬刀舞曲 選自:《加雅涅》 作曲:哈恰圖良
16. Vivaldi - I - Allegro (Spring) from 'The Four Seasons' 春--快板 選自《四季》 作曲:維瓦第
17. Tchaikovsky arr. Hargreaves - Symphony No.2 - The Little Russian 第二交響曲—小俄羅斯 作曲:柴可夫斯基
18. J. Barry/M. Norman - James Bond - Medley 詹姆斯?邦組曲 作曲:J. 巴厘/M. 諾曼
19. Leonard Bernstein arr. Eric Crees - Mambo From West Side Story 曼波 選自《西城故事》 作曲:雷昂納德?伯恩斯坦
- (01) Fanfare for the Common Man
- (02) Under the Double Eagle
- (03) El Abanico
- (04) Rondoalla Turca
- (05) The Great Escape - March
- (06) Sol y Sombra
- (07) Bridge Over the River Kwai-Colonel Bogey
- (08) Serenade
- (09) Seventy Six Trombones
- (10) Dem Bones
- (11) An American Patrol
- (12) Y Viva Espana
- (13) Radetsky March
- (14) Elizabethan Serenade
- (15) Sabre Dance from 'Gayaneh'
- (16) I - Allegro (Spring) from 'The Four Seasons'
- (17) Symphony No.2 - The Little Russian
- (18) James Bond - Medley
- (19) Mambo From West Side Story