【专辑名称】:SSS Series No.4 - Nightingale
【專輯藝人】:Various Artists
【發行公司】:ABC Int'l Records
This is an album of serenade with famous artists’ performance, hi-end recording, beautiful classic, which all satisfy your most strict standards. Every music is chosen carefully, dedicated to every non-compromised ear. Fortunately, we are all music paranoea. I hope it is not only the rare recoding in your ear, but your idea nightingale in your dream. Now, are you ready to faint with the music.
01. Mozart - Serenade in G Major G大調弦樂小夜曲 K.525 第一樂章快板 作曲:莫扎特
02. Schubert - Serenade 小夜曲 作曲:舒伯特
03. Kreisler - LIebesfreud 愛的喜悅 作曲:克萊斯勒
04. Beethoven - Piano Sonatas No 14 in C Sharp Minor Op 27 No 2 升C小調鋼琴奏鳴曲《月光》第二樂章 作曲:貝多芬
05. Handel - Ombra Mai Fu 綠樹成蔭 選自《塞爾斯》作曲:亨德爾
06. Dvorak - Humoressque 幽默曲 作曲:德沃夏克
07. June - Barcarolle Op 37 六月—船歌 選自鋼琴套曲《四季》作曲:柴可夫斯基
08. Chopin - Trisitzze 離別曲 作曲:蕭邦
09. Dvorak - Songs My Mother Taught Me Op 55 媽媽教我的歌 作曲:德沃夏克
10. Pauio Gienn Rucchlus - Nocturne 夜曲 作曲:蕭邦
11. E.Grieg - Cancion De Solveig 索爾維格之歌 作曲:格裡格
12. Borodin - Song of Our Homeland 歌唱祖國 作曲:鮑羅丁
- (01) Serenade in G Major
- (02) Serenade
- (03) LIebesfreud
- (04) Piano Sonatas No 14 in C Sharp Minor Op 27 No 2
- (05) Ombra Mai Fu
- (06) Humoressque
- (07) Barcarolle Op 37
- (08) Trisitzze
- (09) Songs My Mother Taught Me Op 55
- (10) Nocturne
- (11) Cancion De Solveig
- (12) Song of Our Homeland