第一,关键点,在我的博文里没有任何 White House Chief of Staff的字, 在肯尼迪政府所有的官职中也没有 The White House Chief of Staff , 所以把胡说的争论放在 White House Chief of Staff,就没有意义了。
第 二,根据WIKI ,White House Chief of Staff 繁体字翻译成白宫幕僚长,而简体字翻译成白宫办公厅主任,我们用简体字交流,而我的文里没有 白宫办公厅主任,所以和 White House Chief of Staff还是没关。
第三 让我们移步到John F Kennedy Presidential library and Museum去看一看索伦森的官职,它叫做 Special Counsel to the President而不是 The White House counsel, P. Kenneth O'Donnell的官职是Special Assistant to the President而不是 White House Chief of Staff,
在所有的官职中都没有现在所叫的 The White House Chief of Staff 和 The White House counsel
第四,在繁体字Wiki,百度百科中把 White House Chief of Staff也译为白宫幕僚长,但是细读全文就发现下面三个问题
那么说索伦森是白宫幕僚长怎么来的哪? 那是因为在所有介绍索伦森的材料中,大家都公认索伦森是肯尼迪总统的 special counsel, adviser, and primary speechwriter。我不知道怎么用中文一词概括就问了问ChartGPT:
截止到我知识截止日期(2021年9月),白宫总统的贴身顾问通常被称为国家安全顾问(National Security Advisor)和白宫幕僚长(White House Chief of Staff)。但具体的人员可能会在不同时间发生变化,因此你可能需要查看最新的新闻或政府官方网站以获取最新信息。至于2023年的具体情况,我无法提供最新的信息。
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约翰·F·肯尼迪总统(John F. Kennedy)在任内有几位不同的幕僚长。最知名的是肯尼迪总统任内的幕僚长是特德·索伦森(Ted Sorensen),他在1961年至1963年期间担任这一职务。特德·索伦森是肯尼迪总统非常亲近的顾问,曾在肯尼迪总统的演讲和政策制定方面发挥了重要作用。
然后,在肯尼迪总统被暗杀后,林登·B·约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)成为总统,他选择了沃尔特·拉鲍德(Walter R. Rostow)作为自己的幕僚长。
Who was the White House chief of staff in the Kennedy administration?
The White House Chief of Staff during the Kennedy administration was Kenneth O'Donnell. He served as Chief of Staff from 1961 to 1965, during President John F. Kennedy's time in office. O'Donnell played a significant role in Kennedy's administration and was a close advisor to the President.
由此可见中文的白宫幕僚长和white house staff在有时是等同的,在有时是不同的,就好像这本书是红的,而红的不都是这本书。
如果有什么人坚持 The White House Chief of Staff 就等于幕僚长,说幕僚长就是说 The White House Chief of Staff ,那么请移步Chart GPT。Chart GPT不是张家的大嫂,也不是李家的大叔,所以不是没根据的瞎说,你可以用我同样的问话去问它,如果得到的答案一样,你还执意坚持他是胡乱说,就打他好了,越狠越好,斩草除根吗!它可是影响千千万万人,最适合作为消除污染源。如果它换了一种说法,然后你可以指控它有欺骗行为。当然了,你也可以在百度百科,和繁体版的Wiki打胡乱说。至于我吗,就免了,我的博文里没有 White House Chief of Staff,而且在肯尼迪的政府中就没有 White House Chief of Staff的官职,只有人执行的是和 White House Chief of Staff一样的功能。我这里所说的幕僚长不是索伦森的官职,而是表示是肯尼迪最高的助手( special counsel, adviser, and primary speechwriter)这也是有根有据的。
"幕僚长" (Taiwan Translation) and "白宫办公室主任" (Mainland China Translation) are recognized translations for "White House Chief of Staff" in different Chinese contexts, and these translations have been used in various official and journalistic sources. This is a straightforward fact and not open to personal opinion or interpretation.
"白宫办公厅主任(英语:White House Chief of Staff),台湾译为白宫幕僚长,全称为总统助理兼幕僚长(英语:Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff),是美国总统行政办公室的最高级别官员,同时亦是美国总统的高级幕僚,领导白宫办公厅的运作。"
"白宫其实有两个“大管家”,一个是行政事务大管家,即Chief of Staff,中文常翻译成“办公厅主任”或“幕僚长”;另外一个是White House Chief Usher,本文称之为“内务大管家”,简称大管家。"
Ted Sorensen was not a chief of staff. He served as a speechwriter and advisor to President John F. Kennedy. While he held a significant and influential role in the Kennedy administration, he did not serve as a chief of staff.
Therefore, the title of your blog article is clearly incorrect.
打胡乱说 发表评论于
回复 '华航8号' 的评论 : “BTW, I am not stirring the pot, and I have nothing to do with "打胡乱说." O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ ヽ(*^?^)人(^?^*)ノ
Ted Sorensen was John F. Kennedy's Special Counsel and primary speechwriter. He served in this role from 1961 until Kennedy's assassination in 1963. Sorensen was one of Kennedy's closest advisers and played a key role in shaping the president's domestic and foreign policy agenda.
Sorensen's role in the Kennedy administration was multifaceted. He was responsible for a wide range of tasks, including:
Speechwriting: Sorensen wrote many of Kennedy's most famous speeches, including the inaugural address, the "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech, and the "Ask not what your country can do for you speech." His speeches were known for their eloquence, clarity, and policy substance.
Policy development: Sorensen worked closely with Kennedy to develop domestic and foreign policy initiatives. He was particularly involved in the development of the New Frontier agenda, which included initiatives such as the Peace Corps, the Alliance for Progress, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
White House management: Sorensen also played a role in managing the White House staff and coordinating the president's schedule. He was known for his efficiency and his ability to get things done.
Sorensen was a highly respected and influential member of the Kennedy administration. He was known for his intelligence, his work ethic, and his loyalty to the president. After Kennedy's assassination, Sorensen continued to serve in the Johnson administration for a brief period of time. He then left government and became a lawyer and author.
The White House Chief of Staff is the president's closest advisor and the most powerful person in the White House staff. The chief of staff is responsible for managing the White House staff, coordinating the president's schedule, and advising the president on policy issues.
The chief of staff's role is both managerial and advisory. The chief of staff is responsible for selecting and supervising senior White House staffers. The chief of staff also designs the overall structure of the White House staff system and manages the flow of information to and decisions from the president.
The chief of staff is also the president's principal advisor on policy issues. The chief of staff helps the president to develop and implement his agenda. The chief of staff also serves as the president's liaison with Congress, the Cabinet, and other government agencies.
The chief of staff's role is highly influential. The chief of staff is often seen as the second most powerful person in the United States government. The chief of staff has a lot of control over the president's schedule, access to the president, and the flow of information to the president.
The chief of staff's role can vary depending on the president's style of leadership. Some presidents give their chief of staff a lot of power and responsibility, while other presidents keep a tighter grip on their own staff.
Here are some of the specific responsibilities of the White House Chief of Staff:
Select and supervise senior White House staffers
Manage the White House staff system
Control the flow of people into the Oval Office
Manage the flow of information to and decisions from the Resolute Desk
Direct, manage and oversee all policy development
Protect the political interests of the president
Negotiate legislation and appropriating funds with United States Congress leaders, Cabinet secretaries, and extra-governmental political groups to implement the president's agenda
Advise the president on any and usually various issues set by the president
The White House Chief of Staff is a critical member of the president's team and plays a vital role in the day-to-day operations of the White House.
I'm pleased that you're a different individual. Your blog is empty because you are relatively new here. I'm delighted that you not only read my article but also left a comment, even though it wasn't featured on the wenxueCity homepage or the blog's homepage, and you're only following 打胡乱说. This is a unique experience for me, as a stranger has never done this before. Whether you're aware of it or not, I confirmed this from ChartGPT, and it holds true.
Sorenson in 1983
White House Counsel
In office
January 20, 1961 – February 29, 1964
President John F. Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Preceded by David Kendall
Succeeded by Mike Feldman
白宫幕僚长(White House Chief of Staff)是总统的高级顾问,负责协调和管理白宫内部的日常运作,以确保总统的政策和议程得以有效实施。这个职位通常不同于部长,不是一个内阁职位,而是总统的最高助手之一。白宫幕僚长在白宫内部具有很大的权力和影响力,因为他们直接与总统合作,并协助总统在各个政策和政治问题上做出决策。
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约翰·F·肯尼迪总统(John F. Kennedy)在任内有几位不同的幕僚长。最知名的是肯尼迪总统任内的幕僚长是特德·索伦森(Ted Sorensen),他在1961年至1963年期间担任这一职务。特德·索伦森是肯尼迪总统非常亲近的顾问,曾在肯尼迪总统的演讲和政策制定方面发挥了重要作用。
然后,在肯尼迪总统被暗杀后,林登·B·约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)成为总统,他选择了沃尔特·拉鲍德(Walter R. Rostow)作为自己的幕僚长。
华航8号 发表评论于
The problem here is that the word "幕僚长 (chief of staff)" is a specific job title, just like 国防部长 (Secretary of Defense) or 司法部长 (Attorney General). It is not something you can just assign to someone, regardless of that person's importance. I don't care what ChatGPT says; this is a simple undisputed fact, not a matter of personal opinion.
It's really not a big deal for you to admit the mistake and move on.
BTW, I am not stirring the pot, and I have nothing to do with "打胡乱说."
yy56 发表评论于
回复 '华航8号' 的评论 :
Jared Kushner cannot be compared to Ted Sorensen in any way. I've already explained why I used that word, please read my explanation.
Are you simply registering on Wenxuecity to exercise your right to argue? Are you the same person as 打胡乱说? Thanks.
I used Chinese to ask ChatGPT because I wrote this blog in Chinese. Please refer to my other note.
When people talk about Sorensen, they emphasize the roles he played, such as being President Kennedy's special counsel, adviser, and primary speechwriter, as mentioned on Wikipedia.
If you believe that using 幕僚长 (chief of staff) to describe his role exaggerated it, then this argument makes sense. Personally, I now think that using 幕僚长 to describe him actually understated his role. If you can think of a single Chinese word that fully emphasizes Sorensen's role, I would be more than happy to change it.
华航8号 发表评论于
"National Security Advisor" and "White House Chief of Staff" are specific high-ranking positions within the U.S. government, each with distinct titles and roles. These titles should not be used generically to refer to the President's closest advisers, as they have specific responsibilities within the administration.
Ted Sorensen was indeed one of President Kennedy's closest advisers, but he did not hold the position of White House Chief of Staff (白宫幕僚长,总统助理兼办公厅主任, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff).
A notable example is Jared Kushner, who is the son-in-law of President Donald Trump through his marriage to Ivanka Trump. He served as a senior advisor to Trump from 2017 to 2021 and also held the position of Director of the Office of American Innovation. There is no doubt that Mr. Kushner was one of President Trump's closest and perhaps most trusted advisers. However, it's important to clarify that he did not hold the titles of "National Security Advisor" or "White House Chief of Staff."
Therefore, the title of your blog article is clearly incorrect.
Theodore Chaikin Sorensen (May 8, 1928 – October 31, 2010) was an American lawyer, writer, and presidential adviser. He was a speechwriter for President John F. Kennedy, as well as one of his closest advisers. President Kennedy once called him his "intellectual blood bank".[1] Notably, though it was a collaborative effort with Kennedy, Sorensen was generally regarded as the author of the majority of the final text of Profiles in Courage, and stated in his memoir that he helped write the book. Profiles in Courage won Kennedy the 1957 Pulitzer Prize for Biography. Sorensen helped draft Kennedy's inaugural address and was also the primary author of Kennedy's 1962 "We choose to go to the Moon" speech.
这里强调的是He was a speechwriter for President John F. Kennedy, as well as one of his closest advisers.
这是Chart GPT介绍
Ted Sorensen, whose full name was Theodore Chaikin Sorensen, was an American attorney, speechwriter, and advisor to President John F. Kennedy. He was born on May 8, 1928, in Lincoln, Nebraska, and passed away on October 31, 2010. Sorensen played a significant role in shaping the rhetoric and communication strategy of the Kennedy administration during the early 1960s.
Ted Sorensen was an American lawyer, writer, and presidential adviser. He served as Special Counsel to President John F. Kennedy from 1961 to 1964, and was one of Kennedy's closest advisers and his primary speechwriter. Sorensen was also a frequent spokesman for liberal ideals and ideas, writing opinion-editorials and delivering speeches concerning domestic and international subjects.
从两个介绍可以看出索伦森在白宫的作用绝不仅仅是金笔杆,也不仅仅是首席法律顾问,他还是一个 one of Kennedy's closest advisers。
至于幕僚长怎么来的,是因为在所有介绍索伦森的材料中,大家都公认索伦森是肯尼迪总统的 special counsel, adviser, and primary speechwriter。我不知道怎么翻译就问了问ChartGPT:
截止到我知识截止日期(2021年9月),白宫总统的贴身顾问通常被称为国家安全顾问(National Security Advisor)和白宫幕僚长(White House Chief of Staff)。但具体的人员可能会在不同时间发生变化,因此你可能需要查看最新的新闻或政府官方网站以获取最新信息。至于2023年的具体情况,我无法提供最新的信息。
打胡乱说 发表评论于
回复 'yy56' 的评论 : 另外,Sorenson不是肯尼迪的白宫幕僚长。他官衔是白宫首席律师(The White House counsel)但他更大的贡献是肯尼迪的笔杆子,写出了肯尼迪许多传世名篇,包括肯尼迪的就职演说。可惜肯尼迪被刺,索的政治生涯也提前被迫结束。