医诺维第一篇引用的文章是今年二月23号发表在 " Immunity "期刊上,第一作者是来自 美国西奈山伊坎医学院的Dr Henrike Janssen, 西奈山伊坎医学院位于纽约,在全美研究型医学院中排名第11,Henrike Janssen 很了不起,她是个敢挑战潮流发表不同意见的人,在Twiter上她说,I think that timing between fasting and immune challenge, as well as the length of the fast is very important. As most of the time, a blanket statement doesn’t work.大多数情况下,一揽子声明是行不通的。 我同意DrJanssen! 此文的第二作者来自 马萨诸塞州总医院和哈佛医学院。好了,第一篇文的权威性就不用质疑了。
现在我们就来看看这篇由美国西奈山伊坎医学院、哈佛医学院的研究人员在" Immunity "期刊上发表的题为" Monocytes re-enter the bone marrow during fasting and alter the host response to infection "的研究论文到底说了些什么,他们是怎么得出这一结论的。
二, 单核细胞通过空腹诱发的激素应激反应增加CXCR4
三 ,长时间禁食后重新进食导致循环中单核细胞的激增
Dr Janssen和她的同事的这一结论是从两组小老鼠实验得来的。第一组小老鼠很幸运,在醒来后立即给吃早餐,另一组不给吃早餐,两组小老鼠都在醒来时、四小时后、八小时后分别采集血液样本。
The concept of eating three meals a day, consisting of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, has evolved over time and varies by culture and historical period. Here's a general overview of the history of three meals a day:
Ancient Times: In ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome, people typically had two main meals a day. The first was a light breakfast, and the second was a larger meal later in the day, which could be referred to as lunch or dinner depending on the culture. These meals often included a variety of foods and were sometimes followed by a lighter evening snack.
Middle Ages: During the Middle Ages in Europe, the practice of eating three meals a day began to emerge among the upper classes. The first meal was a light breakfast, the second was a midday meal, and the third was dinner in the evening. This pattern gradually spread to other social classes over time.
Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries brought changes to work schedules and lifestyles. With more structured working hours, people started adopting the three-meal-a-day pattern as it fit better into their daily routines.
Modern Times: In the modern era, particularly in Western cultures, the three-meal-a-day pattern became the norm for many people. Breakfast is usually eaten in the morning, followed by lunch around midday, and dinner in the evening. However, it's worth noting that eating habits can vary widely from person to person and culture to culture.
It's important to recognize that not everyone follows this three-meal pattern today. Some people may prefer to eat smaller, more frequent meals, while others may practice intermittent fasting, which involves periods of fasting and eating within a specified time window. Cultural and individual preferences, as well as lifestyle factors, continue to influence eating patterns in the modern world.