One cannot step twice into the same river,” is attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. It reflects the idea that everything in the world is constantly changing and evolving. The river serves as a metaphor for the flow of life and the impermanence of existence.
• 诗人与语言 (旧文) - dhyang_wxc -
(14817 bytes) (26 reads) 09/28/2023 07:45:35
• 又是一本1811年的书!William Cullen Bryant "Thanatopsis" ,现在很难找到英文原版吧 - 盈盈一笑间 -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 09/28/2023 08:01:50
• 没那么好运,那个可遇不可求。我只有1907年,众多不计其数版本里的其一。但是,但是, - dhyang_wxc -
(330 bytes) (4 reads) 09/28/2023 09:34:09
• “诗言志,歌永言,说者通,论者圜,义者议,讼者辩,有言才能成语,能语未必能言。”妙语!美坛诗人不少,有共鸣者乎?:)) - 盈盈一笑间 -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 09/28/2023 09:21:44
• wrong人不能一次踏入同一条河流One cannot step twice into the same river.. - TJKCB -
(458 bytes) (0 reads) 09/28/2023 14:24:12
诗人与语言 (旧文)
杨道还 1/30/2023
语言学家说:“你们两个,都在胡说八道。诗人所讲,谁也听不懂,没有听众的话,是废话。但哲学家所讲却是错误的,你所谓的客观,没有将语言自身作为一个客观对象来看,因而不知道语言有着自身的产生原因和发展规律。语言的本身就是自然的,它是因为人民协作劳动和交换劳动需要交流,而自然而然地创造的,人民的社会存在决定了语言的面貌。语言作为自然的东西是没有真伪之辨的。一个语言的好坏,只在于它便不便于人们使用。语言的发展不是由哲学家决定的,而是人民决定的,是鲜活的。概念的严格定义,是不可能实现的,你讲的其余也就不能成立。哲学家讲,‘人不能一次踏入同一条河流’。这是因为河流是瞬息万变的。你连一条河流都不能严格定义,怎么讲话?春夏秋冬,永无重复,如何讲起?等你们定义下来之后再讲吗?劳动人民没有严格的定义,糊里糊涂也过得很好。比如这把叉子,没有固定的定义,叉草时叫草叉,叉牛粪叫粪叉,用来揍哲学家时叫打傻叉,……,就是这么鲜活和幽默。 ”
哲学家对语言学家说:“你就是个叉粪的泥腿子,你根本不知道什么是智力上的享受(intellectual entertainments)。满足了低级需求的人,会产生满足高级需求的欲望,你却陷在像猪一样的低级需求里。还人民,人民都瞧不起你。”
William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878),"Thanatopsis" (《死亡冥想》,1811年)
“To him who in the love of Nature holds
Communion with her visible forms, she speaks
A various language”
Oliver Goldsmith(1728– 1774), “If you were to make little fishes talk, they would talk like whales.”
summarize and list of themes: "William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878),"Thanatopsis" (《死亡冥想》,1811年) “To him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks A various language” Oliver Goldsmith(1728– 1774), “If you were to make little fishes talk, they would talk like whales.”
The poem “Thanatopsis” by William Cullen Bryant explores the theme of finding solace and comfort in nature. It suggests that nature can provide a sense of peace and understanding about the inevitability of death. The poem also emphasizes the idea that all humans are connected and will eventually return to the earth. Additionally, it highlights the power and beauty of nature, and the importance of appreciating and respecting it.
Gee. nothing new from your summary. tell me new things in his poems. Would you?I apologize for the repetition. In addition to the themes mentioned earlier, William Cullen Bryant’s poetry often reflects themes of the sublime and the power of nature. He frequently explores the concept of mortality and the fleeting nature of human existence. Bryant also delves into the theme of the individual’s relationship with society and the importance of preserving the natural world for future generations. Furthermore, his work often explores the idea of finding meaning and purpose in life through an appreciation of nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
哲学家讲,‘人不能一次踏入同一条河流’。这是因为河流是瞬息万变的。你连一条河流都不能严格定义,怎么讲话?春夏秋冬,永无重复,如何讲起?等你们定义下来之后再讲吗?劳动人民没有严格的定义,糊里糊涂也过得很好。比如这把叉子,没有固定的定义,叉草时叫草叉,叉牛粪叫粪叉,用来揍哲学家时叫打傻叉,……,就是这么鲜活和幽默。 ” elaborate on its meaning why?The quote you mentioned, “One cannot step twice into the same river,” is attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus. It reflects the idea that everything in the world is constantly changing and evolving. The river serves as a metaphor for the flow of life and the impermanence of existence.
The meaning behind this quote is that the world is in a perpetual state of flux, and nothing remains the same. The river is always moving, with new water constantly flowing in and out, making it impossible to step into the exact same river twice. Similarly, life is constantly changing, and every moment is unique and fleeting.
This concept challenges the notion of strict definitions and fixed identities. It suggests that the nature of things is fluid, and attempting to rigidly define them is futile. It encourages a more dynamic and adaptable perspective, recognizing that everything is subject to change and transformation.
In the context of William Cullen Bryant’s poetry, this idea of constant change and the impermanence of life ties into his exploration of mortality and the transient nature of human existence. It underscores the significance of embracing and appreciating the present moment and finding meaning in the ever-changing world around us.