My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore
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Attached topics in the end of article
Some daily thoughts sfter writing this topic
1... The death of a Canadian business owner.
2... Canada’s Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure in Workplace.
3... About Peter Shoore, the owner of Sunrise Farms, Vancouver B.C. Canada.
4... The wealth view of Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong business magnate.
5... The comments of the American legal elites on company in 100 years ago.
6... The difficult process of humanizing industrial civilization in recent centuries.
7... The tragic inspiration for Karl Marx producing the communist vision.
8... The greedy and bloody of the capital looting on real economy.
9... The harm of the Universalism in supporting capital looting on real economy.
10... It is the greedy looting of finacial economy on real economy in causing financial csisis
11... The radical difference of the civilization between China and the west
12... The key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job
13... Deng Xiaoping and Economic reform of China
14... Western Individualistic Civilization corrupted productivity and in destroying economy
15... British ancestors kindly prepared medicine poinsoned social productivity in Britain
16... Margaret Thatcher saved the Britain and the United States by beaten mob
17... The White Man's Burden: Why the West to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill So Little Good
18... The rational politicians and social elites of Canada disappointed for childish democratic play
19... Enlightenment in China helps settled complex relationship between major social existences
20... The darkside of human nature and Crowd Psychology badly impact social governance
21... Recruit employee by the quality of brain not the academic degree
22... The mechanism of human intelligence and the fatal flaw of liberal democracy
23... The way out for humans in social governance is at non-partisan civil legislature
24... The wisdom of Confucius who was the founder of Confucianism
25... Why did China not produce harmful native religions
26... The quality of civilization decides Covid-19 deaths
27... Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature
28... The DNA of the Success of IBM and America’s best-run companies
29... The DNA of the Success of German Manufacturing
My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore
Frank Li June 25, 2013, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Updated in Mar. 11, 2015, Mar 29, May 6, Sept 17,18, 20, 25 & 27; Dec. 21, 2018. Feb. 26, Mar. 29, Apr. 2, 4, 2019. Jan.3, 2020; Mar. 2, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 21, 26, 31, April 3, 9, 16, 17, 2021; May 9, 2022
Keywords: Sunrise Farms; DC Foods, Li Ka-shing
Dr. Peter Shoore, the owner of Sunrise Farms, Vancouver B.C. Canada, who has studied classical music in the Netherlands for seven years to have earned his doctorate in music, however, he becomes an entrepreneur in chicken industry Canada in 3 decades ago. As a doctorate of Music, obviously, the music is his favorite. I could not imagine his feeling when he has to play immetrical music with chicken by giving up own favorite?
A two times heart attack sufferer from the pressure of business operation, after sold his 20 years operated business, wrote on company's news letter with that: "Now that we have been delegated to the back pages, the pressure is off to be profound, witty, and entertaining at the same time. But that still doesn't stop us from wanting to have something to say, that will inspire and be interesting to read. We can reminisce, about the old days, like your grandfather carrying a bucket of water up hill, in a snowstorm without shoes."
After reading above, I am tearful. I think, even himself would not understand the meaning his 20 years hard working, two times heart attack, have exchanged as the jobs for many families survival and the revenue for social governing.
In Canada, I am familiar with some Entrepreneurs, as a result of too much psychological pressure from business operation, among them, besides above two times heart attack sufferer, there one was dead earlier.
The sadness inspired me wrote article The death of a Canadian business owner. I attached this article at the end of this page or copy the link:
(Special note, yestoday, from a phone chat, I learnt that above entrepreneur of the two times heart attack died in years ago after left his sold business shortly. The new owner once allowed him working about 6 yeras on his request at my suggestion. Now I am tearful - Frank Li; Morning, July 31, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) .
The sad facts cause me to think about the meaning of the enterprises and entrepreneurs.
The Entrepreneurs run Enterprises to create job position for citizen living making and tax revenue for social governing, from this point of view, the Entrepreneurs are the best civil servants in reality in playing the role of communists.
However, historically, in worldwide, it has been lacking of concerning and supporting for Entrepreneurs, even, until now, there great many people are with hostile attitude toward them. The law seems to have ignored this group also, but tended to protect employees without updating of the outdated traditional concept of ideology from the times of Industrial Revolution with ignoring that modern society has provided thoughtful social welfare and comprehensive legal protection.
The outdated ideology and practice has badly affected the work ethic of employees and to have made Enterprises difficult for managing, even, encouraging some mindless employees' pranks boldly in the workplace without the fear of being punished. It is not only badly affecting the production efficiency, but more terrible, it even caused the closure of some Enterprises.
The article Canada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure (Reproduced in below) was written according to my personal experiences after shocked by the death of my boss of my first worked company in Canada, in which I have taken DEF Company(Anonymous)as example to introduce that a gentleman who was in a very good appearance with good personal accomplishment of civilized, cultured, and polite, but he was teaching others to slow down their work with smile in a production line’s final stage, and to have lowered the production capacity of whole line to 50% around. Thus, made a good Enterprise closed before outbreak of Financial Crisis 2008. He made himself and other 1300 people lost high quality jobs - Prime Minister Stephen Harper once said that he would like to provide, which is good paid with good work environment.
The company was a branch of listed transnational manufacturer of banking and cashing machine located in Waterloo, On. Ca.. As listed enterprise, the identity of business owner has faded, so the hostile attitude of employee toward the owner of the enterprise should also be watered down. Our jobs were like that of assembling a big computer with the parts that assembled by the teams in top of the production line. This kind of jobs was not heavy physically and it could not work fast also. I am still wondering that why the gentleman did that? His behavior was no any benefit or interest for any others and himself? If it was not what I have seen, I would never believe that was true.
People may ask that why supervisor did not play its supervising role? Indeed, the supervisor was just nearby every day and was clearly seeing and hearing what was playing in the workplace, but, besides hard works as general operator, he seemed have never taken his supervising role. Maybe, due to my work attitude was different with others, supervisor often talks to me.
Because of low productivity, every year before Christmas, the company must recruit a lot of temporary workers to complete the backlog of the orders, it was just in such a busy time, one day, the Supervisor told me that he will leave for vacation about two weeks. At first, I was very surprised and even doubted whether I misheard what he said, or he was in joking.
A few days later, my team colleagues told me that: in other department, the night shift temporary workers collectively made trouble, even to have smashed some equipments after learnt that they were laid off. At that time, I understood the reason that Supervisor left for vacation, he was to dodge for avoiding trouble.
Also, we may easily imagine that the Supervisor leaving for vacation might become routine manner at the busy juncture in before Christmas every year.
It is really an incredible matter. A Supervisor as middle management in a legitimate multinational company, his work should be aboveboard and dignified; however, he had to act as that of criminal to dodge some time every year, but conversely, the criminal manners of those workplace troublemakers were acting as aboveboard and dignified, there no one dared inhibit them.
This might be the most absurd thing in the world. It is simply as that of the sky and the earth has been swapped the position.
At the entrance of factory, there were often union workers handing out flyers. I asked a colleague in our team and he said that don’t pay attention to them. If you join the union, they will deduct 4% of your salary as membership dues.
I guess that the gentleman who made the company closed was a union member, the union charged the membership dues; then returns the members by destroying their job position and uprooting the foundation of the existence of human society.
The appeals that government is a necessary evil and give me liberty, or give me death were all for fighting against colonial government during British colonial rule in the United States; but in today, people are still pick them up as bible play. The individualistic people dug out died thoughts from graves as guidance to fight against government and made government has no place, then people freely ganged up as social societies as replacement.
Humans are inborn selfish animals, any behavior is driven by selfish instinct, and the more people grouped the more harmful. The civil societies are the most popular model.
Now the civil society of NGO has reached in shocking numbers of 10 million; they are under the banner of non-profits fighting for public good, however, actually they are all in personal gaining by harming public interest. they are all in looting human society for profit.
Among those social societies; the worst one was those NGOs that were purposefully used as political tools to purposefully overthrow the legitimate governments of a peaceful country to make people cannot make living in home place to have to enter refugees.
The so called human rights organizations are in making living by badly interfering with social governance and acted as vampire parasites on society.
The trade unions charge 4% of members' salaries as dues, and then return by organized striking for more by doing less to uproot survival foundations.
It said that there 70% of donated money was put in the pockets of charity organizers.
Among all of people grouping, the partisan one is the evil most, by driving the power of Sate Apparatus as purpose.
In democracies, regardless quality, as long as any one puts on the cloak of democracy, freedom and human rights, the one will gain the power to command whole world.
The facts have been clear, the only role of the democracy, freedom and human rights are enabling social garbage to make a living by endangering social governance and messing the life of people.
Now, we can see the difficulty of the corporate management.
Above is only a simple example of mindless employees’ making trouble in the workplace. As my personal experiences, such acts of sabotaging production are common in Canadian Enterprises, the difference is just the sabotaging forms.
Those mindless employees have no ability and no mind for doing good job, but with ability and full-hearted for trouble-making endlessly. It is an important cause of production inefficiency with an unpredictable consequences due to no one know what kind of bad idea would be put into production. The result not only harms business owner, but also harms society badly. The basis for Canadian economy is being damaged in such a simple way.
Since that I have been concerning about the corporate management, in past 12 years, I specifically worked in different types of enterprises in Canada to have observed their management with the mind that cultured with the culture and philosophies, which experienced before and after economic reform from the rigid planned economy to the market economy of China - the other side of the globe.
Inspired by the experiences from both China and Canada, I have written some articles regarding the improvement of corporate management. Above mentionedCanada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure is the one of them, in which I introduced some true Enterprises by anonymous as good and poor managed examples.
Feb. 13, 2013, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) issued the survey report to have given a proof with exact data – Canada's mid-sized firms have declinedby 17% — from 9,370 to 7,814 — from 2006 to 2010, in which, the manufacturing sector reduced more than half, from 2,807 to 1,381 between 2001 and 2010.
In the Era of market economy, living space has changed into market space from geographic space of agricultural economy; the decline of Canada’s manufacturing is in destructing the living space of Canadians.
According to personal observation, I dare say that the management of great many domestic Canadian businesses is not worth for appreciation. I guess that, the decline of Canada's mid-sized firms was caused by the mismanagement, in which few mindless employees lacking of responsibility, and boldly making trouble plays significant role.
The reason of those mindless employees dare do so, I think, firstly is from the hostile attitude toward Entrepreneurs, secondly is lack of management rules and regulations to follow, thirdly is from the interpersonal relationship factors, management staffs dare not manage strictly with the fear of undermining the friendship with employees, and fourthly is from the emboldening of the protection of outdated legislation.
(As my view, this is the dead harm of liberal democracy, for pleasing voters, democratic players dare support anything mindlessly. Please look at current Brexit of Britain and yellow vest of France , the two countries are in eating the bitter fruits that planted by their ancestors. The fruits made two countries in hopeless and has been ruining world since it was born. It was the Great Britain invented the representative political system with dead flaw that legally encourages free campaign without quality control on players by ignoring that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature, and France Montesquieu invented the separation of powers at the base of despised French Enlightenment Leader Voltaire respected the governance of China, under the imperial power (stable), by imperial examination recruiting social elites as officials to participate in legislation and governance in Technocratic Democracy by prioritizing merit over birth in facing whole country, no matter Rich or Poor.
(Maybe, for the sake of exerting own idea, Montesquieu intended ignored the humanized practice of China that selects learned people in Technocratic Democracy that started in 2000 years ago; but maliciously slandered by distorting the humanized facts. In the "The Spirit of the Law", he made a lot of criticisms on the autocracy of the Chinese Empire. It was just the wrongful deeds of the Montesquieu provided the westerners confidence to criticize today’s China as dictatorship in ignoring the fact of the humanized practice of China is in Technocratic Democracy, the lawmakers in central government and the government at all levels are all the globally renowned entrepreneurs and scholars, such as, Jack Ma of Alibaba, Ren Zhengfei of Huawei and Li Shufu of Geely.)
(An entrepreneur can run an enterprise to be world renowned in nowadays hot competing market, at first; the entrepreneur has acquired profound knowledge as that of philosopher, strategist, psychologist, military conductor, and more. It is just such unique social elites enable China outstanding among any others. The West is hopeless under unchangeable democratic play. Democracy is a dirty ladder in helping brain defectives to climb on the seats of steering the Apparatus of the country.) --- Apr. 2, 2019 in Canada.
(The childish play of the Brexit of Britain and yellow vest of France demonstrated sdaness that the democracy is in dysfunction of government by legally supporting improper democratic play, while the values, the rights, and the freedom are in playing the role as legislated encouraging the individuals, the groups and the political parties put their own interests on the top of the interests of country and public; in facilitating the infinite expansion of personal interests with the infinite shrinkage of national interests.)
(The West despises China by self-proud of rich achievements in the thoughts of the enlightenment, politics, philosophies and ideologies, but, actually, those thoughts are precisely the evidence of the chaotic social governance of inhuman civilization, because the initiation of these thoughts were from chaotic barbaric social environment under the social system in which the governing power were mainly religious and imperial mixed, while entangling with the knight classes, the nobilities under long Dark Ages, endless wars and endless religious killing, which did not happen in China at all.)
(It was not that there was no potential for budding such stuff, but due to the soil for such budding was destroyed in 221BC after China reunified from 550 years of wars between the enfeoffment states since 771BC Imperial Court out of control; and to be governed in Ministries, Provinces and Counties as that of today by selecting learned people as officials, which was exactly as today's Technocratic Democracy; while strictly control ideologies and took Confucianism as only moral guidance to have cultured people in high quality with collectivism of safeguarding collective interests.)
(The inborn beast instincts of human beings are the same, no matter Easterner or Westerner, once get chance everyone will barbaric play. The 550 years of wars in ancient China was a best proof. The tragic life of wars enlightened ancient people of China timely eliminated the soil for the exertion of human beast instinct from the design of political system by eliminating the source of war - stopping the tradition of enfeoffment states that are economic independence to produce uncontrollable military power and strictly controlling the quality of people who participate in social governance.)
(In contrast, in the west, in 2000 years later, the civilization of China came to trigered the Renaissance.)
(Gavin Menzies, the British submarine lieutenant-commander, as career needs, he once visited many countries and shocked by the ancient monuments that left by Zheng He Fleet of China. After retirement, on own spending, he cost 14 years to have researched on Ming treasure Voyages by visiting historic sites of 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archives. Then accordingly wrote books 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (2002) and 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (2008).)
(In book 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance, the writer Gavin Menzies wrote that, in 1434, a Chinese fleet, official ambassadors of the emperor, arrived in Tuscany in 1434, where they met with Pope Eugenius IV in Florence. The delegation presented the pope with a wealth of knowledge, from a diverse range of fields: geography (including world maps that the author believes were passed on to Christopher Columbus), astronomy, mathematics, art, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, civil engineering, military weaponry, surveying, cartography, genetics, and more. This gift of knowledge sparked the inventiveness of the Renaissance, including da Vinci’s mechanical creations, the Copernican revolution, Galileo’s discoveries, and more. From 1434 onward, Europeans embraced Chinese intellectual ideas, discoveries, and inventions – all which have formed the basis of European civilisation by changing the way we see ourselves, our history, and our world; and all of which form the basis of Western civilization today.)
(Thanks Mr. Gavin Menzies for discovering the truce of history. But, the Renaissance trigered French Revolution caused bloody massacre, and Britons colluding Frenches fabricated liberal democracy without quality control on the players with fabricated and still in fabricating large amount of confused inhuman philosophies and ideologies that enable low quality people to confidently ruin the world, the world has been pushed into new Dark Ages again.)
(Please look at the barbaric deeds of the West: Feb. 20, 2015, America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 Years – Since 1776; Aug. 22, 2008, The White Man's Burden: Why the West to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill So Little Good.) --- Morning 2:29 am, Apr. 4, 2019 in Canada; updated in Mar. 9, 11, 12, 18,19, 23, and June 19, 2021.
In viewing of above, I have wrote Family Business and Management Board, My View on the Argument of Social Polarization with the purpose to reduce or avoid the hostility of Employees toward the Entrepreneurs by properly understanding the Rich, in which I indicated that the money of those Rich is not in handy for self enjoyment but mostly being used in the business' running with creating employment and revenue. Therefore, in fact, it is being shared by public actually in playing the role of public wealth.
In some extent, in fact, the Enterprise is a life boat that is shared to make living by Employees & Employers together.
To view in this practical way, we can draw a general conclusion: it is that the means of production is not personal consuming goods, no matter who owns it, the owner only possess the power of disposal or organization of the production of social material wealth. Actually, the Enterprise and the means of production is shared socially as public wealth.
To view in this practical way, the Poor are not poor as some people complained; and the Rich are not rich as some people fantasized at all.
For well understanding this issue, I will reprint an article that introduce Peter Shoore, the owner of Sunrise Farms, Vancouver Canada, a private business that primary focus on processing and distribution of quality poultry and other fine protein products. I hope that from the hard experience of Peter Shoore to help public to further understand the nature of the Rich and their money, the nature of Entrepreneur and Enterprise, thereby to improve their work ethic and to care every thing in enterprise as that of at home.
Perhaps, for business owners, the purpose for launching a business, initially, is just for breadwinner, for a better life of their families. However, even if the business’ scale is gradually larger, even if they got enough money, the majority of the entrepreneurs and their families are still very frugal in daily life. The consumption of their families is similar with those of general employees. The money they earned was to be invested to make business stable and to expand the production.
However, compared with common employees, those Entrepreneurs and their families are taking high psychological pressures on their business running, such as, business managing, marketing, financing, etc. The more terrible stress may come from the worries for potential legal responsibilities in unseen.
In consideration of social effect, the Entrepreneurs running the Enterprises are to create job position and tax revenue for Community. Thus, the meaning of their personal behaviors was sublimated from the parochial self-interest originally to the public interest actually.
There are s lot of facts showing that the majority of Entrepreneurs are more concerning the macro-social issue and the life of their Employees, but rather than their own personal interests. This is the big different between Entrepreneurs and Employees.
From this point of view, the Entrepreneurs are the best civil servants, and the communists in reality.
Forbes makes The World's Billionaires List every year, I think that they may be ignored the nature of the Rich and their money. The World's Billionaires List has been playing a role to arouse public aware of Social Polarization from time to time. It may easily cause misunderstanding and to induce public hatred mentality toward the Entrepreneurs.
The concept of Social Polarization is worth serious reflection. It is playing a bad role to harm the society in many ways.
Now, I would like to take Peter Shoore as example to show the nature of the Social Polarization.
After 30 years hard working, now Peter Shoore has qualified as so-called -Billionaire, but, as Entrouprenour, his money is used in the means of production with nearly 20 foods processing branches and the daily running, with provides jod for social employment and the tax revenue for social governance, rather than in handy for self enjoyment.
On other hand, he has studied classical music in the Netherlands for seven years to have earned his doctorate in music, but he becomes an entrepreneur in chicken industry Canada. As a doctorate of Music, obviously, the music is his favorite. I could not imagine his feelings when he has to play immetrical music with chicken by giving up his favorite?
One point is clear, when our ideal conflicts with the reality, we tend to, to have to give up the ideal, to surrender to the reality, because of, and first of all, we need to survive. However, when we obtained the economic capacity to engage in our favourite, the prime time of our life has been past. Maybe, this is the sad and helpless of life.
I am tearful.
However, as smart people, whatever engaged, they will be doing well. In particular, for Peter Shoore, who is rich in musical talent, and he has written an alternative life movement with successful running Sunrise Farms, with rapid expansion, and innovations.
In Top 100 private companies in B.C. in 2011, Sunrise Farms is ranked as 41, in Top 100 private companies in BC in 2012, Sunrise Farms is ranked as 40, which is according to the annual revenue of the fiscal year.
Above I have mentioned that the majority of Entrepreneurs are more concerning the macro-social issue and the life of their Employees also was inspired by Dr. Peter Shoore.
I am working in a branch of his business, recently the payment of all staff here was increased and the walls of workshop were newly decorated when other companies are tightening spending.
Dr. Peter Shoore said that, I would like to see my employees work in a comfortable environment.
Please remember: Peter Shoore - a Billionaire Entrepreneur, his first concerning is his Employees rather than that of money.
--- Frank Li Jun 25 2013 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Some daily thoughts sfter writing this topic

The humanized thinkers who have deeply insight into human nature of inborn instinct of life-long greed in driving people looking for survival, thereby acting as basic driving force to drive social development and support the existence of human world. But the dark side of human nature of over play of greedy instinct with evil and bloody is in playing extremely bad role of harming human life; and thus they joined hands to promote human beings to live in the humanized way of contributing what oneself can do and taking what oneself needs; by which way avoid the harm of the dark side of human nature.
But the humanized idea of suppressing the over play of people's greedy instinct was just failed by the over play of people's greedy instinct.
The sorrow of the western civilization is at it always curbs the implementation of humanized ideas, while is always conducive to evil mentality unimpeded exerting; in taking wrong as right; taking stupid as smart and promote bad for good.
The communist vision of Karl Marx promoted communist movement and triggered the socialist practice led by the former Soviet Union for over 70 years and which involved the countries of half of world.
Now, though the socialist practice has basically collapsed, but the communist ideology has rooted far-reaching influence. To this day, even if in those veteran capitalist countries that once and still vigorously oppose communism and socialism, but they still reserve the socialist-style state-owned economy and the communist-style social welfare and security system from the cradle to the grave. It shows that Marx's ideological brilliance is still creating happiness for the people world widely.
Now through large scale nationalization and based on which established comprehensive communist style social welfare system has developed as unbearable burden, due to market fundamentalism encouraged private capital unlimited plunders on public wealth.
People never get rid of animal instinct for civilizing with rational sense, in 100 years later today since Karl Marx visioned communist idea, many people are cursing Karl Marx and his communist ideology, while eagerly striking for enjoying more communist style social welfare without sense to contribute for.
The anxious face of the father of DNA, who has well understood human nature in the level of genes composed of the most basic physiological structure; which determines that it is not all people in human feature are in proper human nature and thus deeply worrys for human fate that has been beast people kidnapped self-destructing, so that he warns that hman beings must improve social governance from the level of policy making; thereby suppressing the harm of the reckless behavior of the people who have not humanized in eagerly playing under the Law of Jungle to ruin the lives of human beings and their own families together.
Because of speaking out of truth affected academic career, the Nobel Prize winner and the father of DNA, the Professor James Watson who was forced to sell out his Nobel Medal for survival.
The sorrow of the western civilization is at it always curbs the implementation of humanized ideas, while is always conducive to evil mentality unimpeded exerting; in taking wrong as right; taking stupid as smart and promote bad for good.
In the last 20 years......;U.S.A. spends trillions fighting Afghan war; China invests trillions bulding infrustructure.
Photo source: , written By Dick Polmanguest Column; Aug. 17, 2021;
Recently, Iraq invites China to rebuild thousands of schools that destroyed by the United States.
The cause that humans live in the state of the law of jungle is that low-quality people seizing the leading position
The civilization that based on European killing and plundering of long Dark Ages has been in nourishing everything against humanized zivilization, the philosophies, ideologies, political design, social element settings all look and sound extremely humanized but the actual effects are in the opposite. Such stuffs are all in conducive to the free exertion of the beastial instinct of the brain defactive people that have no humanized brain cells.
--- Frank Li, July 12, 2021, updated in Aug. 1, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The heartbreaking words of a protester in the freedom convoy
Frank, Feb. 12, 2022, in Waterloo, Canada
I was shocked by the heartbreaking words of Gardon Fiala of a protestor in the freedom convoy from Feb. 9, 2022 YouTube video: Canada cracks down on anti-vax trucker protests, seize fuel and ban honking;
Below are the photo and his heartbreaking words of protester Gardon Fiala.
Protester Gardon Fiala: "When they froze our economy; they didn't freeze any loans; there was no legislature that caused them to freeze any of our loans and they didn't lower taxes respectively; so people are losing their homes; they're losing their businesses; they have no income and they're being extorted to get the vast scene in order to just stay employed; so they don't lose their houses."
European bloody Dark Ages based Western Civilization is not humanized yet
The humanized design in social elements in regardless of human quality made the European based Western Individualistic Civilization went out of old Dark Ages into new version of Dark Ages to continuously stay in the inhuman state under the Law of Jungle.
The computer program AlphaGo beats human professional Go player demonstrated work mechanism of human brain or human intelligence in compared with the structure and work mechanism of computer; it is the acquired knowledge as reference in supporting brain reasoning for signaling physical behaving. Views in this way, humans are acting as a kind of Robot in driving by acquired knowledge as software driver. The wrongful knowledge will drive people wrongful behaving; and the confused philosophies and toxic ideologies are just playing such a bad role.
MRI brain scan reveals that it is specific population of brain cells in supporting specific physical action; the abnormality of brain will cause abnormality in behaving.
The antisocial behavior of criminals were caused by the abnormal in brain - the regions that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognizing were strikingly smaller and caused them cannot produce the feeling of guilt, so that they brutally hurt others without hesitate. The brain of the bullies was abnormal in wrongfully perceiving pleasure from intentionally inflicting pain on others.
The difference in brain structure and acquired knowledge make the difference in the intelligence; some are rational; some are radical; some are impulse, some are antisocial and some are eagerly looking for venting evil soul by provoking for wars; which mean that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature; some are in beast mentality by looking for harming others as pleasure.
Dunning-Kruger Effect shows that low-ability people wrongfully self-estimated as more superior and capable than others did, without reasoning function for bad consequence, so that they are over confidence with over impulse to show up without anything for worrying about, and thus make them over active to occupy leading social position to wrongfully behave by evil mind to mess human society.
British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who indicates that: “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” It is just the doubt and indecision of high quality people paved the boulevard for low-ability or low quality people seizing the power of State Apparatus.
The father of DNA, Dr. James Watson once said that all our social policies are based on the fact that all people are same in intelligence as ours, whereas all the testing says not really.
In the West, the philosophies, ideologies and social element settings all look and sound perfect right and perfect humanized from the purposefully design for going to opposite with those suffered in the long Dark Ages; but their social effects are on the opposite; due to that they are all fitting into the free exertion of brain defected people.
European Dark Ages based democracy is a psychotic drama of madman
Feb. 8, 2022 in Canada
Liberal democracy without qualiy control on players are acting as a dirty ladder for brain defectives seizing the power of the State Apparatus to eveil play as personal crutch to harm others for pleasure in dooming human world .
1992, in views the pushed down of Berlin Wall, the American political scientist, Dr. Francis Fukuyama expanded his 1989 essay "The End of History?" as book titled “The End of History and the Last Man” to argue that the Western liberal democracy may signal the endpoint of humanity's sociocultural evolution and the final form of human government.
1992, in response to above argument of his student, the political scientist Samuel Huntington made lecture at the American Enterprise Institute; and 1993 made the lecture as article "The Clash of Civilizations?", then the 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order to indicate that "In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.
“He also argues that the widespread Western belief in the universality of the West's values and political systems is naïve and that continued insistence on democratization and such "universal" norms will only further antagonize other civilizations. Huntington sees the West as reluctant to accept this because it built the international system, wrote its laws, and gave it substance in the form of the United Nations”.
The comment of Samuel Huntington was perfect right. In 22 years later 2014, after experienced childish play of liberal democracy disabling government, it is same Dr. Francis Fukuyama, who completely despaired with new inference by writing article America in Decay was “NO WAY OUT”.
In Oct. 2, 2019, incumbent Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honorable Chrystia Freeland said Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” Freeland said this theme exists in the “unhappy liberal democracies,” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.”
April 12, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist Dr. Adrian Wooldridge jointly published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West indicates that: “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.”
“Since Hobbes’s time, the world has come full circle. When he wrote “Leviathan,” China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence. China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s biggest city (Beijing had more than a million inhabitants), the world’s mightiest navy and the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.”
“Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families.” “Indeed, it was the struggle for mastery in Europe that propelled Western government forward: Europe’s monarchies seized on technological innovations — particularly new ships and weapons — to improve their chances of survival. When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.”
“The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul? Asia is catching up with the West, and in some smaller countries has overtaken it, in large part because Confucian Asia in particular has taken government seriously over the past few decades while the West has allowed it to ossify.”
Jan. 24, 2022, in YouTube video The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the White House coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas said that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”
The West touted values, freedom and rights are acting as the noose in hanging society up
Feb. 9, 2022 in Canada
In 1996, in the book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order; the greatest political scientist Samuel Huntington, who pointed out the fatal problem in the Western Individualistic Civilization: "In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.” Thanks Samuel Huntington for making us understood that the increasingly unlivable of the world were derived from the dangerous Western culture.
The big survival threat from the West is nothing else, but they advocated the universality of Western culture; in which the poisonous stuff is that individualism based thoughtful ideologies of the values, liberty or freedom; human rights or something as so; the valuable value of such stuff is to corrupt society and undermine social cornerstone.
They acted as shackles in binding the legal enforcement of government; culture many people in the quality of ungovernable; antisocial criminals boldly harm innocents without worry about; and people are boldly fighting against any regulations of government; so that the anti-pandemic measures of government cannot be properly implemented and caused epidemic uncontrollable.
But, the fatal harm of those thoughtful ideologies is at that they have destroyed social cornerstone for human survival by breeding union culture to encourage people legally ganging up to strike for more by doing less to have destroyed social productivity.
Due to that there various people need the values to look for attacking to show their nobility for living making by cheating and therefore they are continuously fueling the values to push society into grave.
Now, facing with epidemic impacts on economy, the politicians are trying to develop economies by increasing the investment for renewing infrastructure, however, the thoughtful effort will be a beautiful dream besides the play in one hand waves the flag of developing economy, while on other hand waves the flag of values; freedom and human rights.
Actually; in the values played countries; the social productivity has gone forever along with the left of the quality generation that suffered tragic life of World War II; the quality generation was hard work with a thrifty life.
Now, for pleasing voters; the democratic politicians endlessly yelling values; freedom and human rights have totally destroyed social environment for efficient productivity. No matter how much money invested, it will be no infrastructure renewed; besides plundered by greedy capital to push high inflation, and make people unable to make a living.
Please look at the sad facts.
Britain has been hanging up by values, freedom and human rights
Britain is the one of the initiators of the toxic ideologies, values, freedom and human rights; for decades; Britons are eating the bitter fruit of their ancestor kindly planted for them.
In last century, Britain as pioneer nationalized economy to have established the social security system from cradle to grave. But, toxic ideologies corrupted social environment and destroyed social productivity to have caused the loss of state-owned economy as irreparable bottomless pit. So that since 1979, former British PM Ms. Margaret Thatcher associated with American President Ronald Reagan to echo cheer each other up to have privatized economy.
Years ago, I once watch a Mandarin TV talk show of Hong Kong in memory of British former British PM Margret Thatcher by focusing on the event that some British people publicly cheer celebrate on the street for the death of Margret Thatcher.
A gentleman said that he once times went Britain before privatization. At that time, the unions organized strikes arbitrarily, garbage was piled up on the streets in stinky, and trains were not operating regularly, social order was completely disrupted. More worse is that arbitrarily strikes in state owned economies have greatly undermined social productivity and, as a result, badly worsened the finances of British government. The government has been too exhausted to fill the bottomless pit of the loss of state-owned economy.
The gentleman of Hong Kong concluded with that, at that time Britain, the privatization was an only feasible way out without any other alternative available.
Now, the private economy also fails to continue; the leader of British Labor Party vowed to renationalize again. I think, in 35 years later, the economic foundation and social immunity that established by Margret Thatcher has rotted, and the old social disease has relapsed again.
Feb. 12, 2016, a report How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation indicates that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer and force these sectors to become more competitive, efficient and deliver better value for customers. But over the long term, it has become clear that private services do not deliver good value.
For the ticket of 35-minute railway journey, in Britain was £358 monthly, but in Italy was £37 only. The most recent data show that for Department of Health projects which delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, the undiscounted cost of the unitary charges to be paid until the end of these projects was around £80 billion.
Now, Britons was ready to renationalize their failed infrastructure again, it is not willingly, but have to; and which will be the second time in repeating the same business.
Now, I really doubt the feasibility of the renationalization; whether Great Britons have fixed their teeth that has broken by the hard nut of state owned economy or they have cultivated the wand for taming the monster of state-owned economy - a monster that once beats Great Britain in decades ago.
If this time renationalization finished, the Great Britain will finished the cycles of playing their beloved economy from private – nationalized – re-privatized – re-nationalized again, and which will outstand Great Britain as a unique country that flips their economy upside down twice as that of baking pizza in double sides twice, and now is ready to turn to once failed side.
This is the actual social value of their admired values.
Besides the value of the some people using to self-beautify for cheating to destruct the economy of own home place; no one can think of other value or any contribution of the values.
Obviously, the economic thoughts of the best sons of the Britain, Adam Smith and John Keynes, was beaten by the toxic ideologies and so failed in saving the economy of own motherland, even if their micro and macro economics have been conducting world economy for centuries by complement of each other.
Britain is just a mirror of the democratic play ruined countries. In faced with such a sad tragedy of the values make own home place as valueless garbage pile, some people are still in open mouth values closed mouth values; in fact, they are ignorance without humanized brain cells to reason that what the value is? They have no humanized brain cells for judging that what humanized value is.
The Great France is hanging up by values, freedom and human rights
Feb. 21, 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory."
"Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France."
"'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote."
An on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss.
The Great United States is hanging up by values, freedom and human rights:
2018, in book Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap, the American political scientist at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, the professor Graham Allison has indirectly proved that the United States has lost essential vitality along with the loss of social productivity.
The Professor introduced disappointed project of the silver line of the Washington Metro, it began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed.
The professor introduced another project that was the bridge across the Charles River between the Kennedy School and Harvard Business School in a distance that can be seen from his office window. In 2012, the State of Massachusetts said they were going to renovate this bridge, and it would take two years. But, in 2014, they said it wasn't finished. In 2015, they said it would take one more year. But it was finished until 2017 with three times over budgeting.
As sharp contrast, the professor introduced a project in Beijing China; a much bigger bridge called the Sanyuan Bridge was renovated within 43 hours. The Professor disappointed said that now China completed project in hours is more than that of the United States completed in years.
The terrible is at that in the U.S.; such idling play for adding budget is not limited in the public project; but corrupted in the project of individual home. My friend told me that his neighbors in both sides are suffered idling play when building fence of back yards; so that they have to three times adding supplementary budgets that were nearly reaching the half of the price for buying the house.
The West should thank the generation who suffered the tragic life of the Great Depression and World War II, for their hard work and live a frugal life as that of well cultured by Confucianism of Asian Values, so that they laid the material foundation for today’s generation to waste.
It is not the faults of politicians, or people, but the social atmosphere has cultured in such a state
Such sadness was not the faults of the politicians, who are neglecting their duties, or the low quality of their people, but the social atmosphere has been individualistically cultured in such a state; in which under the protection of toxic ideologies - values; freedom and human rights; people dare to do anything for selfish purpose whatever they like without worry about.
The manmade disaster of the social atmosphere is at that the whole social system fills with the individualistic selfish wind that has magic force to kidnap all social members as sailboats towards same way – a way undermining social cornerstone of own home place by union-culture destructing social productivity; even if the most of people are unwillingly.
The facts are clear; the West touted values, freedom and human rights are the noose in hanging society up.
European Dark Ages based Western Medicine is not suitable for human life
Feb. 8, 2022 in Canada
I must declare that I never deny the great contribution of Western medicine in massively saving human lives in the past years; however, the failure in anti-pandemic Covid-19 in uncontrollable deaths and the failure in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases are all in urging us to reflect the flaws of Western medicine in the philosophical basis.
Daoism is an ancient philosophy of China in dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance; which composed of many components or subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance. By Yin and Yang represent the two opposites. Daoism embodies the harmony of unity of the opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance and view human body as one of the components of the universe.
Traditional Chinese Medicine–TCM is developed by taking the principle and terminologies of Daoism, views human body as emotion driven organic whole; with thousands of years’ belief that disease treatment is seven tenth in psychotherapy and three tenth in medication, by natural therapeutic methods and compound medication of botanicals and minerals to restore Yin and Yang balance of body as treatment.
Modern studies proved that the compounded medication of TCM is able to produce synergistic interaction; the more medicinals compounded, the stronger cure effects, the fewer side effects. Because of; any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions developing; the multi-medicinals can cure multi-lesions as that of shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot.
The philosophy Reductionism is described as a belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts; the scientific attempt to provide an explanation in terms of ever-smaller entities. A newer theory does not replace or absorb an older one, but reduces it to more basic terms. For years, the descriptions of the Reductionism are in increasing the contents in modern biology to color it in the rationality as medical guidance.
Western medicine develops by taking the principle of Reductionism, views body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body as more and more micro unit; such as, genes, proteins, or RNA to study the development of diseases; by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; ignores the fact that it is psychology in decisively affecting disease development.
In 1955; found that placebo is able to achieve 50-60% clinic cure, and sadly found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did; but have fatal side effects in killing people; so that double blind clinic trial set as regulation for proving the drugs is effective than that of placebo did. Terribly, since then, the Western medicine has been in massively killing people by kicking away the effective drugs that used in combo by testing in single.
Wrongful philosophy guided Western medicine distorts the quality of people; so that they act as the killing-aid of Covid-19; if they didn’t ban the use of HCQ; the 50% Covid-19 died people would be still alive; if they didn’t ban the use of medicinals of Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM, there are more than 90% Covid-19 died people would still survive.
Henry Ford Health System in Detroit reports Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients by retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients between Mar. 10 and May 2, 2020; 13% of those treated with HCQ alone died compared to 26.4% not treated of HCQ. None of patients documented serious heart abnormalities from HCQ.
13 natural medicinals of TCM Lianhua Qingwen capsule was many countries banned in use by the pretext of unscientific. But it contains 160 bioactive components to cure COVID-19 through 57 target proteins, involves 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. This is the reason that China has less Covid-19 deaths and survivors’ complications.
In China, In 2003 SARS treatment, TCM cured patients no death without sequelae; but treated by antibiotics and hormones caused death and sequelae of the necrosis of femoral head, and cured patients have been living in the life of poor quality, and this has been a household truth. But, in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; the expert in Western medicine is still rejecting the participation of TCM; the top leadership of China has to hold a special meeting to have replaced the resistant and forced Western medicine integrating TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patient.
In the West, by the name of unscientific banned the use of medicinals of TCM (Lianhua Qingwen)caused over 90% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the achievement of China and the magic therapeutic effect of compound medication of TCM - the 13 medicinals of TCM Lianhua Qingwen capsule has total 160 bioactive components to cure COVID-19 patients through 57 target proteins, involves 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.
In France, Professor Didier Raoult who happily announced that HCQ is effective for curing COVID-19; but the work did not inspire people to save lives; but instead caused academic attacking, even sued and now is in replacing professor as fire. Such psychotic play caused the ban in the use of HCQ to have caused over 50% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the report Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients.
By endlessly yelling unscientific, unproven; or unsafe; medical experts, officials and news reporters successfully banned the use of experience based medication; by which simple way; they successfully blocked the only way that people self help seeking survival and caused 90% of more deaths. Western medicine has the magic to dehumanize the soul of people.
Masking is a simple, but effective way to block the virus out of the respiratory tract of virus replicators and block virus to be inhaled in the respiratory tract of not infected people; but some leading higher animals are endlessly trying to stop it. SARS-CoV-2 happily thanks great many times for some higher animals keeping insisted in taking stupid as smart.
Jan 24, 2022, YouTube The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the former White House coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas said that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”
According to those Dr. Scott Atlas said, America’s once noble institutions are mostly in misleading anti-pandemic by wrongful judgment from simple guessing or wrongful conclusion from serious studies; as you see; such an unbelievable wrongful behavior is not limited in the US, but filled in everywhere globally.
The failure of anti-pandemic is stemmed from flawed social elements - dysfunctioned governance, ungovernable people; flawed Western medicine cultured medical professionals. Clearly; the process of anti-pandemic is a psychotic attack of social diseases from the Individualistic Social System of the European based Western Individualistic Civilization.
It is clear that the process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack globally. Now we have enough reason to question that whether this batch of Man has properly humanized as that of self prided higher animals should be; why the higher animals are behaving in the way of stupid than that of low animals.
Human beings self-pride as high animals with the intelligence that is superior to that of lower animals; but in the actual practice; their superior talent is far poor than that of lower animals, so, they never consider to stop virus replication; but, takes stupid as smart to develop vaccines and issue vaccine passport to cheat people sacrificing their bodies as hosts for virus reproduction to destroy this ignorant filled world.
Human civilization on Earth is brain defectives hijacked ongoing toward the Cemetery of vast self-destructed civilizations in the Milky Way; and Western Individualistic Civilization breeds social system is the orbit in perfecting the process.
It is clear that the threat for human survival is not in the physical disease, but in the social disease; so that for wining over the epidemic; the key is at cure social diseases; in philosophies, ideologies; politics; but all in all, it is the mind of people.
The lessons of manmade disasters historically and modern MRI brain scans are all showing that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature; some are in low quality of beast mentality by looking for harming others as pleasure.
It is high time that humans have to get rid of the state of low quality people kidnapped; by selecting high quality people as officials as that of China has been in doing since 2000 years ago; otherwise, this batch of Man is not finished by virus; must be finished by low quality taking the power of State Apparatus as personal crutch to exert their beast mentality.
The low quality people have no human brain cells for reasoning the bad consequence for what they are in doing and going to do; never care about that they are in dooming the life of themselves and the life of their families.
China, selectively control ideology cultured people in quality of self-discipline to form Asian Values
Feb. 8, 2022, in Canada
The nature of Social governance is a minority of people ruling the majority of people; so that it has to understand the nature of people at first. A skin wraps 206 bones to form body of people or Man, the survival seeking activities of many such bodies form so called human society. The bodies succeed appear struggling for about a certain years and then return to eternity as nutrition to nourish new bodies, thereby forming so called history with breeds a so called civilization.
In playing China’s 2,500 years old board game Go; the computer program AlphaGo beats human top professional Go player; which reveals the fact that Man is a kind of Robot in driving by acquired knowledge as software driver. It is that the difference in brain quality and the difference in acquired knowledge caused different in the quality of people. The wrongful philosophies and toxic ideologies will act as wrongful software to distort the behavior of Robot - people; so that, since ancient time; the government of China strictly controls philosophies and ideologies and cultured people in high quality.
Since ancient time, in Asia, the neighboring countries were deeply affected by the culture of China; there many countries were using the character of China. Even there foreigners were working as official in China through Imperial Examination, which civilized a peaceful cultural cluster in neighboring countries of China in Far East Asia. The people in neighboring countries are able to share the values with people of China to be called as Asian Values.
The people cultured by the culture of China with the quality of pursuing social order and harmony; the mutually cooperated life made people in tending to collectivism with the quality of strong sense in self-discipline for collective interests; so that in Asia, surrounds China, people are able to help each other; the long peaceful life bred China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization.
In contrast, the West allows the thinkers freely wild play to have produced proud of rich in thoughts; as that of prosperous garden in rich of species, but filled with highly toxic stuff; such as, Hegel's philosophy touts anarchism and fascistism; so that the wrongful philosophies and toxic ideologies make that West has long been in barbaric looting, occupying in endless wars until this day.
Until today China, the academic play of so called thinkers in so called Think Tank must be in line with the need of social governance. But in the West, it is proud of freedom in leading academic plays; so that the studies depart from social need to have caused society ungovernable by making wrongful software driver to mal-conduct the behaving of Robot - Man.
Due to the thinkers addicted in chewing individualistic social garbage; many so called Think Tank; actually are the Jars in fermenting social poisons as that of Hegel once doing; it is the root cause that “The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.”
The harm of the wrongful thoughts of so called thinkers is much bad than that any of criminal behavior of individuals; because of their harm is limited; but the wrongful thoughts of the thinkers may lead unlimited social unrest to badly affect social life. This was the reason that the government in ancient China kills hundreds scholars and burnt books that mess social governance to have helped the people of China able to enjoy a longer time of peaceful life.
A humanized livable social environment is derived from purposefully quality culturing the Robot - people into humanized quality; which needs to strictly control the development of philosophies and ideologies of software drivers; at first, it needs to control and conduct the behavior of so called thinkers - the manufacturers of the thoughts.
Everyone is willing to live in a living environment that is in free talkative without any restrictions, but due to people are in different quality, it is not all people in rational mind; especially even anti-social criminals are also living in the same environment, so that, without restriction can only help bad people easily harm good law abiding people.
The process of economic reform of China was the process of breaking the shackle of ideologies
Feb. 8, 2022, in Canada
The process of the economic reform of China was a process of seeking for the good use of the advantage of capitalism and socialism
People are inborn selfish instinct; the selfish survival seeking activities is the basic driven force the development of human society; without selfish instinct of people without human society. The selfish instinct is double edged sword in impacting social governance.
It said that the capitalist society is the capital controls a nation, and the socialist society is the nation controls the capital. No we may say that the capitalist society is the greedy controls the nation, and the socialist society is the nation controls the greedy.
By meeting the desire of people inborn selfish instinct; the market economy promoted the economic prosperity of capitalist society; but that over relying on meets the desire of people inborn selfish instinct is also has dead side effect.
Sep. 12, 2017, Professor at the University of California, Robert Lustig published book The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains to expose that industry has manipulated the most deep-seated survival instincts of people for profiting, the science that drives these states of mind, and the government actors who facilitated it.
Jan. 4, 2022, Jeremy Menchik, Professor at Boston University, published Confessions of a 'human guinea pig': Why I'm resigning from Moderna vaccine trials. When participating in the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trials; he found that for maximizing its profits; Moderna did not let vaccine going all out to end the pandemic as quickly as possible, but is in helping prolong it by not making its mRNA technology available to the the U.S. government or other manufacturers so global production can be scaled up quickly. So that the Professor concludes that the process of science and the products it yields are noble, science for outrageous profit that costs people their lives is not noble.
The fact is clear that capitalist society allows greedy controls the nation has been in making disaster.
The socialist society is mainly based on the communist idea of Kari Marx of contributing what you can contribute and taking what you need; but that over relying on people's consciousness and self-esteem also there is dead side effect; which is to destroyed social productivity by suppressing human selfish instinct; so that, in compared with capitalist society, the socialist social system makes poor.
The fact is clear that socialist society allows nation controls greedy has be also in making disaster.
For developing a better livable society, the integrated use of the advantage of capitalism and socialism is the best way. The process of China’s economic reform was the process of integrating the advantage of capitalism and socialism by nation control major economy; while by broken the equal payroll system of socialism to enlarge that contribution linked payments; by which optimized the advantage of capitalism and socialism.
Company is the basic organization for creating people a prosperous life and a stable society
In 100 years ago, the Justice of the US Supreme Court, Stephen J. Field (1816-1899) who has recognized that almost all businesses that need to use a large amount of capital are organized in the form of company; and said that it is just company that provides food and clothing for people, beautifies their houses, relieves them from suffering diseases, relieves the poor in life necessaries, and enables people to live a prosperous life while also possessing noble sentiments.
According to the view of the Justice Stephen Field on company, as the founder and the operator of company, the entrepreneurs should be respected nobly, however, in reality, people are not grateful to entrepreneurs for providing job making livings to support their families, which is caused by some people specially make livings by framing entrepreneurs as exploiters on the Poor to arouse public hatred mentality; such people are not only ignorant, but also typical bastards of social garbage.
The sorrow of Western civilization lies in being kidnapped by ignorant mentally retarded people, allowing them to mess around at will; so that they are making livings by recklessly relying on making nonsense, never care about the bad consequences, never care about the disruption of social governance and never care about the bad result of making world increasingly unlivable. Such ignorant mentally retarded people are in ruining the life of themselves and others together.
The sorrow of Western civilization lies in breeding too many social bastards with the brain cells different from humanized people, without humanized reasoning function; in taking wrong as right, taking stupid as smart and promoting bad for good. Endlessly fabricating and advocating nonsense, such as, Social Polarization, World's Billionaires List, Hard Power, Soft Power, exhausted wild thinking, animalistic provoke social disturbances, lest the world peaceful without chaotic.
--- Frank Li, June 19, 2021, updated in June 21, 22, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The hopeless reality arouses deep worries of properly humanized politicians and social elites
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Canada, Ms. Chrystia Freeland, who is one of properly humanized politicians.
In Oct. 2, 2019, article Chrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians"> reports that Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland indicates childish reality of liberal democracy: “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” Freeland said this theme exists in what she called “unhappy liberal democracies,” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.”
The President and Chief Executive Officer – Business Council of Canada, Mr. Goldy Hyder, who is one of proper humanized social elites.
In May 12, 2019, Mr. Goldy Hyder, who wrote article Our Politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action> to have disappointedly indicated that: “The political pendulum has swung too far to one extreme.” "We suffer from analysis paralysis. The only thing created is the illusion of action." “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create,” “politicians are no longer capable of exercising their political authority.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”
Nowadays, social governance has evolved as that sets orbit by legislation and then society run accordingly; so that it is the lawmakers composed legislature in decisively deciding the quality of our life. However, what Ms. Chrystia Freeland and Mr. Goldy Hyder worried tell us that the low quality lawmakers make legislature in dysfunction state that cannot exert its humanized role.
The disappointed worries on childish liberal democracy of Ms. Chrystia Freeland and Mr. Goldy Hyder revealed a fact that only properly humanized people are pragmatic and seeks truth from facts, never self blindfolded to deceive. Their humanized concern revealed the fact that the sorrow of human beings is nothing more than being kidnapped by ignorance to govern own society that determines the national economy and people’s livelihood by street boys and street girls with the intelligence that can only make the sacred legislature as an amusement playyard for toddlers.
The greatest sorrow of mankind lies in without quality contriol on the political players in ignoring the difference in the innate quality of human brain, which leads to the difference in the level of acquired knowledge to lead the difference in the level of intelligence. Some people are high quality in fully humanized, some people are not fully humanized in semi-humanized state that only able to childish play and some people are still in non-humanized beastly anti-social state. Though the semi-humanized people are not anti-social but they are bad than that of anti-social due to their intelligence is only able to take wrong as right, take stupid as smart, and promote bad for good under kindhearted intention.
British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who indicates that: "One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” Dunning-Kruger Effect shows that low-ability people wrongfully self-estimated as more superior and capable than others did, without reasoning function for bad consequence, so that they are without anything for worrying about, and thus make them over active socially.
The people who feel certainty and self-estimated as more superior and capable than others did without humanized reasoning function; in taking wrong as right, taking stupid as smart and promoting bad for good.
Unfortunately, when people grouping in social activities will naturally produce Crowd Psychology or called as Herd Mentality, in which rational people are over concern for the bad consequence and caused indecisive in action to have to blindly follow others and thus paved the boulevard for low quality people easily occupying the leading social position for wrongful deeds; so that any good humanized political designs or humanized thoughts will be inevitably mis-used by low quality people.
It is just those people who feel certainty and self-estimated as more superior and capable than others did make the sadness of Ms. Chrystia Freeland indicated “liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” And Mr. Goldy Hyder said that “The political pendulum has swung too far to one extreme.” "We suffer from analysis paralysis. The only thing created is the illusion of action." “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create,” “politicians are no longer capable of exercising their political authority.”
It is just the complexity of human nature and the complexity of Crowd Psychology leads social governance kidnapped by low quality people and this is the reason of the power of State Apparatus is often used for exerting the beastly mentality of some individual; and which is the root cause that the Europe once stays in long Dark Ages and world has been in forced towards increasingly unlivable with manmade large amount nuclear weapons for times destruction of the world.
--- Frank Li, 18, 25, 26, 28, June 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The civilization that developed based on the Law of Jungle; its social designs can be only conducive to low-quality people ruling high-quality people.
--- Frank Li, July, 1, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The sorrow of a sorrow civilization lies in its irrefutable deceptiveness that sounds perfect humanized, but the actual social effect is in the opposite.
The sorrow of the sorrow people lie in their taking trash as treasure to promote erywhere to endanger the survival of human beings and themselves.
--- Frank Li, June, 30, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Rational man urges U.S. politicians to see how the politicians of China governing own country
By Newton Gingrich, the 50th Speaker of the US House of Representative
As I watched the long, stale vaudeville-like performance over the infrastructure bill, I kept noticing the amazing steady progress of the Chinese Communist Party as it continued to build.
While we debate, impeach and campaign for office, they build. The contrast between Chinese progress and American paralysis has been growing greater and greater. And it's a serious problem.
To get American politicians, interest groups, lobbyists, unions and bureaucrats to realize they had better get their national goals together—just for our survival as a country—they ought to all go ride a Chinese high-speed train.
--- Frank Li, July 5, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Too many social garbages foolishly fabricates garbage ideologies lead the miserable civilization
Many social elites who mainly dominate the trend of the times seem to have not realized the social crisis that has been in badly destructing the conerstone of human society, that is, the irreversible loss of social productivity. Because of with the generation who experienced the suffering of World War II, and which tragic war life cultured quality generation of those who lived frugally and worked hard, has gone forever and taken away social productivity together. Left a generation that there is no sense caring about for self survival, this is a miserable civilization.
The cause of the miserable civilization is at that it wrongly nourishes too many ignorant social garbages that foolishly fabricates and plays with all kinds of absurd ideologies that are incredible and unimaginable for humanized people. They put full energy in looking for useless arguments and beastly looking for targets for ideological attacks, without slight sense for caring about how to help people survival, and even their thoughts play bad role in destructing the production of life necessities. Such social garbages neve have brain cells for caring about bad social results.
The miserable civilization is at that its social members who dominate social governance have no sense for caring about the fate of human society. The political system kidnapped by populism is also a lethal gene that dooms politician childish play.
--- Frank Li, June 23, 26, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The covid-19 virus sadly discovered that human civilization is far from humanized yet
The covid-19 virus specially comes to examine the quality of human civilization in the quality of people, the quality of government, the quality of medicine.....; the results are sadness due to that so called human civilization is in ignorance kidnapping socially, politically, even medicinally.
This is a deceptive civilization, in which everything looks and sounds perfect right and perfect humanized, but the actual social effects are in the opposite. Those perfect right and perfect humanized stuffs are the handy tools to be used by low quality people destructing human life.
The cause of such a Deceptive Civilization is nothing else but the civilization mal-cultured too many people with distorted mentality in making livings by extraordinary imagination fabricating social poisons endlessly under the protection of extraordinary imagination fabricated social poisons.
--- Frank Li, May 31, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Companes are shared socially as public wealth, so called Social Polarization is a false proposition
The means of production are not personal consuming goods, no matter who owns it, the owner only possess the power for disposal or organization of the production of material wealth of life necessaries for supporting people survival.
Views in this practical way, the Companies are shared socially as public wealth; the Poor is not poor as people complained; and the Rich is not rich as people fantasized at all. The so called Social Polarization is a false proposition.
As a typical false proposition, the Social Polarization has been playing extremely bad role by inducing people to hate entrepreneurs and undermine employees’ production enthusiasm to badly damage the efficiency of productivity.
The World's Billionaires List has been playing a misleading role to arouse public aware of Social Polarization from time to time. It may easily cause misunderstanding and to induce public hatred mentality toward the Entrepreneurs.
Above behaviors revealed a fact that the cause of the Deceptive Civilization is nothing else but the civilization mal-cultured too many people with distorted mentality in making livings by extraordinary imagination fabricating social poisons.
--- Frank Li, June 18, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
It is the brainless advocated freedom bred toxic ideologies in destroying social cornerstone
The ideologies, such as, values, freedom, rights, unions and social polarization; their starting points are good, but, the social outcomes are bad; so that I call them as confused ideologies.
The cause of Canada's manufacturing decline is nothing else, but the mess in corporate management, since it has been in confused ideologies kidnapping by the reckless brain defectives.
In the Era of market economy, living space has changed into market space from geographic space of agricultural economy; the decline of Canada’s manufacturing is in destructing the living space of Canadians.
--- Frank Li, May 18, 2016
The value of the valueless values of the valueless people developed valueless civilization
Now, globally, only Confucianism cultured Asian Values cultured people of China have humanized quality that is able to finish large scale construction project timely.
While, the others, the false proposed valueless values cultured valueless people focus on valueless play without reasoning function for that what they are doing with valueless values. The valueless people brainlessly develope valueless civilization to culture valueless people to destroy the foundation for own survival by destroying social productivity.
This was the reason that, in Feb. 13, 2013, the Business Development Bank of Canada issued survey report to have disappointedly indicated that Canada's mid-sized firms have declined by 17% — from 9,370 to 7,814 — from 2006 to 2010, in which, the manufacturing sector reduced more than half, from 2,807 to 1,381 between 2001 and 2010.
--- Frank Li, June 6, 2021, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Management is the art of playing human nature to drive ordinaries achieve extraordinaries
Human behaviors are determined by dual natures: The cultural nature of those acquired altruistic qualities, and natural (animal) nature of those inborn selfish instincts. The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with the culture nature driven by meeting the animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations. Therefore, the Management is the Art of playing human natures.
People attribute economic success of China to the magic of the Invisible Hand; but, that was not fully true with ignored the essence - it was that China broke the egalitarian wage system that implemented for decades in socialist period to have increased the share of work performance-linked payment.
The famous American management consultant Peter Drucker said that: “The purpose of an organization is to make ordinary people do extraordinary things.”
Management is efficiency. Management is profit.
--- Frank Li ; Feb. 09, 2014.
In writing, some paragraphs named for the convenience of reading without edited carefully. I apologize for poor wording......
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1... The death of a Canadian business owner
Frank Sep. 11, 2014 in Waterloo, On. Ca.
Updated Oct. 23, 26, & 29, 2019
People will experience many things in the lifetime, many of them would be forgotten, but some of them can never be forgotten, and often, they are haunting in the mind, some of them are happy, but the most of them are sad. Maybe, this is the part of life. it is such a feeling motivates me writing this topic.
--- Frank Oct. 23, 2019 in Waterloo, On. Ca.
1.. The hardship of Canadian business owner
2.. A supervisor makes trouble for business owner
3.. The death of my former boss Jerry
4.. The separation of the business founder
5.. The friendship with the busses owners and my supervisor
Birth, sickness, aging and death is the law of nature, it may be the only equality and fairness that can be enjoyed by every human member on this chaotic globe, whether Easterner or Westerner, the Rich or the Poor.
I often think of my Grandpa(s), Grandma(s), Dad, and Mama, though they have died in decades or years ago, however, their figures and faces are still able to clearly show in my mind.
The saddest was the death of my Mom. My Mom has been in stroking hemiplegia for 25 years, and died in a sudden large area of myocardial infarction in China, at that time, I live in Canada and had years not meet my Mom besides phone calls about twice a week.
For my mother's death, at the first, I was no strong feelings of sadness, in most of time, I was in the hallucinations that my Mom is still alive, until about two years later, the fact that I have lost my Mama was fixed in my mind and since then I am easier tearful, even when facing a slight sad matter that has no any relation with me.
I miss them, I tear for them, because they once paid me a lot of love and I loved them very much also, which is with kinship that cannot be separated.
However, there a figure and face of a foreign man is also often showing in my mind and also making me tearful.
He was Jerry who was an Armenian from former Soviet Union and died years ago in Toronto.
Jerry was my first boss of my first job after I newly landed in Canada as an independent technical immigrant with a senior engineer background.
I miss him; I tear for him, am not due to the kinship reason, but, was the tough life of him, as an immigrant and a business owner of Canada.
I never forget that, in the fourth day of my working in his business, we met each other at first time, he increased my payment initially based on that has been settled in job interview days ago. I guessed that might be due to we were both immigrant in sharing same feeling of difficult life. His hard experiences made him easily understand the difficulty of me as a new immigrant.
My grandparents and parents died due to irresistible natural aging at their age of about 80 with enjoyed their later years. But, Jerry died due to psychological pressure from business operation at his prime age of about 60 without enjoying his later years.
His kindness and hardship in business operation induced me long thinking for the meaning of the enterprises and entrepreneurs.
This is why that I mentioned him again and again in my articles, and today, I specially recall him with a special title.
Now, I am tearful again.
1.. The hardship of Canadian business owner
Jerry was the big boss and was too busy to see him in the workplace; we were rare chance for chatting, so that I cannot tell more about him directly. However, from some of my experiences we can imagine the hardship of his life as a Canadian business owner.
April 11, 2013, in my article Why am I concerning the corporate management?, there a section relates with Jerry, I excerpt some as follow.
Jerry and Adam were the owners of Auto Parts Company in Toronto, after landed in Canada, my first job was in their company, and Albert was my supervisor.
Jerry was the big boss, and Adam was the second boss. Jerry was too busy on business running to see him in workplace. Adam was aged with full head of white hair and all day busy in the warehouse.
In the second day of my newly working in the company, I heard Adam scream loudly, I looked toward the place of he was working; found that he sat down on an Auto Parts box. I ran to see him.
His right arm was lifted, and his left palm was under the right elbow, which seemed to want to touch but dared not touch. The pain made his face grimacing with sweating profusely. I did not know what should I do, and froze there with scare.
After a while, Adam recovered from the pain. He asked me that, have you scared, right? I nodded my head as answer with tears in my eyes.
He said that, 30 years ago, he and Jerry escaped from Armenia, former Soviet Union to Turkey and Iraq in the period of the reign of Stalin. Then they moved to Canada. In order to make livings, he and Jerry started to make auto parts. At that time, the most of the jobs were heavy physical one. He and Jerry was both suffered arthritis on the elbow of the right arm. After said that, he rolled up the sleeve of his clothe and untied wrapped gauze on the right arm, to expose the elbow.
Previously, I had read the article about arthritis causing femoral head deformation and effusion. However, when I saw it in true one, I was shocked, the bone ends grew up in heavy deformed to form a large gap between the two side bones. The water of joint effusion caused the skin falling; it looked like a yellow light bulb in bout 6 cm height.
He said that he was old enough for retirement. However, he could not stand without the smells of lubricants oil and the noise of CNC Lathe. He had to work in the warehouse every day, otherwise, he would sick.
He continued, when his working, he often forgot the arthritis on the elbow to use right hand, and repeatedly made painful as that of today.
I said: “in the future, if you have something to do, please call me, I am your right arm and hand.”
Since then, we became good friend. Also, since I worked with full heart, and became good friend of my supervisor Albert. Until now, I left the company for more than 8 years already, but, we are still in contacting each other, and concerning each other.
As same as most of aged people, Adam was also talkative. Every time, when he came in workplace, he would loudly shout my name.
At the start, I exchanged with my supervisor by eyes, later, I directly went to work with Adam, when my supervisor needs my help, he would show me the work list and said that was urgent, and I showed it to Adam and then worked on the task of my supervisor.
At that time, I understood that why Jerry was always wrapped right elbow with bandage, when taking short-sleeved shirt in summer. And his right arm was never pendulous straight.
Maybe, he also often made himself painful as that of Adam today when working or in daily life.
Also, Jerry has to taking the pressure for financing, production organizing, marketing……, he would worry when was short of order, he would worry for production when were too much orders….., while suffering elbow pain from time to time……
The common people never understood the hardship as business owner.
I am tearful…….
It was the experience in this company, especially the hard experience of Jerry, Adam and Albert in business running; I began to focus on the business management in Canada.
Apr 11, 2013, in my article Family Business and Management Board, also there some relates with Jerry, I excerpt some as follow.
Some employee, though, are not the family member, but, because of there is merit or great contribution for the business, will be produced in the same trouble as that of the family members.
2.. A supervisor makes trouble for business owner
In the Auto Parts Company, there was a supervisor John who was taking charge of shipping, receiving and a group of people of packaging. he said that he worked with Jerry from the business' starting on his 15 years old in 30 years ago.
He came to work at around 10:30 - 11:00 am every day, sometimes did not show up. Some operators had to do his job temporally.
The reason for John dared do so, I thought, it was that he thought himself to have contributed too much for the foundation of the Company, so he should enjoy the treatment as that of the father of the owners.
Maybe, as the same reason, for the preposterous behavior of John, the owner dared say nothing besides had to hire another supervisor - Albert to take part of his job, especially for some important jobs, such as, the shipping and receiving when John did not show up.
At that time, I worked with Albert. John told me that he was big supervisor, and all people there should follow that what he said. He always made trouble for Albert. Such as:
He often put received auto parts on the walkways of the area that was my supervisor taking the responsibility. Of course, that had badly affected the normal work of many others, they miss-complained that it was the fault of my supervisor. Sometimes, my supervisor was even tearful.
Finally, John was fired due to that he sold auto parts privately on the way for delivering.
3.. The death of my former boss Jerry
Years ago, when I visiting my supervisor Albert, I learnt that the big boss Jerry died. With the business decline helplessly, his health condition was also declined helplessly and finally on an operation bed he never stand up.
I will never forget the scene that day my Supervisor told me that Jerry has died: he was pointing a big photo of Jerry and the president of Armenia that hangs on the wall at entrance where was as the office and a retail store also. His red eyes with moist, we kept silent for many minutes.
On the photo, the two gentlemen were smiling with closely holding the hands of each other.
The President of Armenia might only know that his compatriot successfully running a business in Canada, but he might never know that what hardships of his countrymen has experienced in Canada......
Now, I think of a shocking experience in years ago, when driving, I saw a duck in the middle of the road in my front, after closer, I found a pile of squashed feathers with similar color of the duck. The duck was just wandering around the feathers with a low voice tweet. Obviously, it was not too long ago, a duck was killed by a car and then, there were a lot of cars rolling again and again.
What was the relation of the duck with the duck of the feathers on road? Was husband? Was wife? Was child? Or just was the companion......
The grief for dying is not limited in human
I knew that the death of Jerry was a huge psychological blow for Albert - years of friendship, peer’s farewell, forever......
Here, it is worth to mention that, when I worked in the Auto parts Company, the most people who worked there were Jerry's fellow man from same country - Armenia, former Soviet Union. Thus, the Auto Parts Company played a role as a refuge for those displaced compatriots to survive in Canada. As a normal human sense of morality, those who had to replaced people from the same country should thank for the merit of Jerry.
However, I felt that, for the great help of Jerry, his compatriots had no sense of gratitude for him at all. Especially supervisor John, at the time as a 15-year-old child, if there was no the help of Jerry, how could he live a decent life. I thought, it was due to that those Armenian believed that Jerry was making money by exploiting of their labor.
For this point, that deliberately made nonsense of supervisor John was a good example.
It is the common sense for majority of the people world widely, that operation of company is for making money, with failed to recognize the social significance that company in playing - to provide jobs for people making livings and revenue for social governance.
It was such a absurd ideology that resulted in supervisor John's absurd behavior.
The difficulties in business management
Here, there was example to show the difficult in business management of Canada.
With the increase of imported cheaper quality auto parts from Taiwan China, company stopped the production of own CNC lathes and prepared to layoff the operators.
My supervisor had two Indian guys of CNC operators to work in my workplace.
One day, my supervisor told me that he will be off in next morning until noontime, and he told me to direct the work of two Indian guys with a list of work tasks.
Next morning, I prepared for work of our three in separated area.
They found that supervisor did not come, the Indian guys went to smoke and chat at the area between shelves of auto parts with a little job finished.
Afternoon, my supervisor came back and happily asked me about the jobs of finished, I pointed the work of the two Indian guys finished; the happier expression on the face of my supervisor disappeared immediately, and since next morning, I never see the two Indian guys in the plant.
4.. The separation of the business founder
There were three founders of the auto parts Company; they were all running own family retails of auto parts.
Maybe due to the good relation with all people there, they often ask the help from me. This reason made me experienced the sadness of the separation of the business founder.
One day in morning, the big buss Terry handed me a list and led me to a skid that put some auto parts in mess with broken boxes and dust, said please to pick up for me according to listed.
In about 10 minutes later, the second buss Adam came to handed me a list and said please do this one at first.
In about 20 minutes later, Jerry came and asked me that did you finish them all? I said no while showed him with the list of Adam. Soon, I heard that two bosses happened fiercely argument in Russian, and later, I heard Adam said I quit, and Jerry said ok, that’s fine.
Adam one gave me a phone number and said the gentleman was his neighbor from Hong Kong, he was very nice, and suggested me to make friend with him. But I never made phone call. Now, it was really useful.
I called by phone number and learnt that Adam fallen in heavy sick and said that his business was robbed.
One day, in the workplace, I heard the argument between Jerry and Arto of his son in law. From what they talked, I guessed that Adam requested Arto to persuade his father-in-law to make concessions and allow him to return to business, but, from the arguing loudly, I realize that the effort of Arto has failed.
Why did Arto so hard help Adam? I imaged that as business copartners, the kids of each other have been treated as own, the intimate connection as blood relative has been established between each other.
The decades of friendship of business co-partners were so easily broken.
--- Above section was added in Oct. 23, 2019.
5.. The friendship with the busses owners and my supervisor
In the fourth day of my working in the auto parts company, when I taking two auto parts with two hands to go down on a tall metal ladder, maybe the loud sound caused by my fast step hitting the steel ladder, Jerry suddenly rushed to my front from the back of the parts shelf and pointing the parts in my hands to ask me: “which number?” After I showed him the papers with the parts number, he went away immediately, and just after several steps he turned back again, and told me that:”Give you one dollar more pays, keep in mind don’t tell others”, and then he went away with fast paces immediately.
One dollar more pays meant additional expenditure of 40 Canadian dollars per week. At the time, I guessed, maybe the second boss Adam introduced our talks in one day ago, and he learnt that I was a new immigrant, once worked as senior engineer with a good educational background, and a lot of rewarding certificates, which I showed to my job interviewer.
Anyway, as an old immigrant, jerry have experienced tough life, and understood the hard of me as a new immigrant.
Months later, my supervisor Albert told me that: Company cannot increase your payment any more, your payment is higher than others who came company at the same period; I knew that you need money as a new immigrant, please come in Saturday morning to work half day and to get four hours over time pay, and please tell me what you would like to eat and drink, I make phone call to order for you.
He also proudly said that: there are so many people in company, only I have right to sign for ordering foods and drinks. At that time, I came to understand why that at the lunch time, often there some people pulled and pushed him to go out with loudly laughing.
From here, we can feel the trust of the Jerry for Albert, and the sudden death of Jerry was a big blow for Albert.
There was still one thing that I must talk here.
After I left the Auto Parts Company, I moved to other city where my son entered University. I have to send resume looking for new jobs. Each time, the phone call to ask my reference, Albert has told me in detailed.
The enthusiasm and concern of Albert deeply inspired me and gave me courage to overcome difficulties in the new city as immigrant.
Please remember that Jerry and Albert was both Armenian, from former Soviet Union, and I was from China, we never met each other before I work with them.
This was the reason that I visited my supervisor after years left Company, and learnt the death of Jerry, thereby made the hardships of Canadian business owners was lingering in my memory, and forced me to write this article to commemorate.
I am tearful again.
This is probably the reason of my greater concern in business management in Canada with many articles to discuss about such issues.
My first writing in English on corporate management was discussing how to reduce psychological pressure in the workplace - Canada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure in Workplace in Dec. 21 2010.
Now, to review back, the motivation for writing the article might be inspired by the death of Jerry. Follow is some excerpt of the article.
"Many modern studies have shown that stress or psychological pressure is the main inducement for most diseases."
"Pathogenic role of stress cannot be changed; however, the stress can be reduced even avoided. This article is try to discuss how to reducing the psychological pressure."
"Nearly 1 / 3 of the prime time of our life are spent in the workplace, and that's where a lot of psychological pressure comes from. Therefore, there is necessary to consider seriously."
In June 25, 2013 article My view on Entrepreneurs and Enterprises inspired by Peter Shoore, I comment with that:
"A two times heart attack sufferer by the pressure from business running, after sold his 20 years running business, wrote on company's news letter with that: 'Now that we have been delegated to the back pages, the pressure is off to be profound, witty, and entertaining at the same time. But that still doesn't stop us from wanting to have something to say, that will inspire and be interesting to read. We can reminisce, about the old days, like your grandfather carrying a bucket of water up hill, in a snowstorm without shoes.'"
"Enterprise is the important organization of social production to create material wealth for human survival, and the entrepreneur invests their money to run the enterprise with a frugal living and risk taking, to provide employment for public living and revenue for social governing."
"The entrepreneur is the best social servant and the communist in the reality."
"However, historically, in worldwide, it has been lacking of concerning and supporting for Entrepreneurs, even, until now, there great many people are with hostile attitude toward them. The law seems to have ignored this group also, but tended to protect employees without updating of the outdated concept from the times of Industrial Revolution with ignoring that modern society has provided thoughtful social welfare and comprehensive legal protection."
"The outdated ideology and practice has badly affected the work ethic of employees and to have made Enterprises difficult for managing, even, encouraging some mindless employees' pranks boldly in the workplace without the fear of being punished. It not only badly affecting the production efficiency, but more terrible, it even caused the closure of some Enterprises."
In Feb. 09, 2014 article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I comment with that:
"Essentially, the Enterprise is the lifeboat to be sharing by owner and employee to struggle for survival in nowadays hard time."
Feb. 2012, I learnt that my supervisor Albert and his son had left the company together. I worried about very much and contacted him by email immediately. He returned me a new address in Toronto. I drove there eagerly. He has his son Sasoun as the manager opened an auto parts retail store.
Best Way Auto Parts, 416 499 2378
25 Glendinning Ave. Unit 5, Scarborough, Toronto.
Here, it is necessary to make some explanation. When I landed in Canada newly, due to my poor oral English, it was difficult to get a job. One day, I found a job post of an auto parts company; I sent my resume with my senior engineer background on metallic profession.
The interviewer was the third boss of the company, before interviewing, he has prepared many parts on table, and asked me about the materials and technology for manufacturing, of course, I was successful, while, I showed him with my certificates of education, professional qualifications, professional training, and many rewards for my outstanding work …...
Maybe, that was the reason that Jerry increased my payment in first time met me, and my supervisor treated me as old friend.
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2... Canada’s Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure in Workplace
Frank Li Mar. 1, 2008, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Updated in Nov. 9, 2010, 2013, Oct. 23, 2019; Mar. 15, 2021
1…Grote Electronics, a best managed company
2…Sunrise Farms – DC Foods, a best managed company
3…Extruded products Company
4…The closure of Triton Company
5…The relocation to Mexico of NCR Waterloo
5.1…A NCR’s supervisor dared not supervise in work
6…Mrs. Joyce, a sober lady
Note: In 2010, the death of the boss of my first job shocked me very much, I wrote article Canada’s Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure in Workplace with the hope to help business owners, and later I wrote many articles with the hope of improving business management in Canada, and then enlarged the writing scope to Political, Economical, Religion, Philosophy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
For some good managed businesses that cited in article Canada’s Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure in Workplace, I want to use true name, and I went to DC Foods to ask for permission, Monica said that needs read my article at first, and soon I got permission to use any name of company and people.
Later, I applied to work in DC Foods, one day after job interviewed by Monica, when we went out from meeting room, the former owner Rob was waiting there and asked Monica: Ready? Monica said: Yes. Then Rob held my hand to a office where former owner Don shaked my hand and said that: “I appreciate your article very much.”
That was the first time that I met Don and Rob.
Later, I sent some of my writings to Don.
Many modern studies have shown that stress or psychological pressure is the main inducement for most diseases.
Jan. 8th 2008, a report Stress Causes Everything said that “Stress, to put it bluntly, is bad for you. It can kill you, in fact. A study reveals that stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer. Thanks to new research crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics, the mechanisms underlying the connection are rapidly becoming understood.”
Pathogenic role of stress cannot be changed, however, it can be reduced even avoided. This article is try to discuss how to reducing the psychological pressure.
Reducing psychological pressure in workplace
Nearly 1 / 3 of the prime time of our life are spent in the workplace, and that’s where a lot of psychological pressure comes from. Therefore, there is necessary to consider seriously.
Nowadays, more and more people are greedy for financial wealth with belittling the material wealth and moral wealth. However, no matter how the world changes, the wealth of material and moral are the prerequisites for human survival. Financial wealth would be a mirage once it loses the support of material wealth.
The material wealth production has a by-product – psychological pressure. It is invisible but severely influencing our emotional well-beings that is determining our healthy or not. So it is important to minimize its producing when optimizing the efficiency of material wealth production.
The objective world is constantly changing whether we are willing or not. The stuff inside the book is always lags behind the reality. Theory and practice is always biased in more or less. Truth only produces from practice.
For searching good method of enterprises management from practice, more than 10 years, I am intentionally as an ordinary operator to work in different Companies. The owner includes Russian, American, German and Canadian. Although, nowadays, there are many recognized successful management methods could be used to optimize the production efficiency. However, they were not being well adopted in many Companies.
In an immigrant-based multicultural country, the enterprises run by the people from different countries are inevitably in more or less maintaining the culture of their mother country. Management methods are different and the results are different. My observations suggest that whether an enterprise success is not entirely depending on the capital or market, but determined by management philosophy.
Human is an emotional animal that is sensitive to the psychological factors. The physical ability will be impacted by their psychological state. Thus, the process of optimizing production efficiency actually is a kind of psychological warfare. Besides reasonable payment that respects employees’ psychological feeling is crucial. Smart employer takes staff as the partners that invested by their labors of intellectual or manual to share the profit together associated with their contribution, thereby employees would do their best stimulated by enjoyable psychology and produce telepathy with employer to make them think together, make effort together and enjoy the fruits together. Such an enterprise will be invincible.
Now I’ll try to discuss it by some typical Companies as example with anonymous of company name.
I have no mean to offend any Companies or individuals only with a best wish trying to rationalize some smart managing methods.
Here, I only want to say a few words off the subject in somewhat, it is that the closure of many businesses, according to my personal experiences, is not due to fail in market competing, but, it was due to some mindless employees made trouble in workplace.
1…Grote Electronics, a best managed company
A branch of a transnational Company in manufacturing lightening products, the commendable point is that distinguishes the employees’ work performance accurately by computers, which can promote the production in highest efficiency with lesser psychological pressure producing.
In the production site, those needs to be processed semi-products are being put in the containers with a Work Log that provides the products’ information: name, quantity, batch number, barcode, a brief instruction of operations and the place for operator’s signature and stamp with a ID number stamp.
Usually, the operators take the semi-products to work individually without any people’s tasking in advance. This will save some work time.
The first step of operators was to take the Work Log to go to a scan-machine that looks like a telephone hangs on the wall, to scan own palm print, enter own work ID numbers and scan Work Log barcode, and then start to work.
After finished whole container of products, sign own name and stamp with a stamp of ID number on the Work Log and to repeat the first step again as an important procedure to entirely finish one container products. And then put them on a shelf for finished products before working on other products.
Team leader only acts as a nice teacher and consultant. Due to the employees’ team is stable; everyone knew how to do the best job. So, in most of time, in the workplace, you cannot distinguish who is team leader and who is general operator. The team leader is doing the same job with general operator together rather than as doing in the most of other Companies – just walking and looking around. Here, no one was doing this kind job that is directing with an old management method inherited from slavery. The method should be rest in their grave after the slavery was abolished long time ago.
In the working time, everyone is focusing on own job without free talking unless the operation needed because that of work efficiency of the individual is being calculated and recorded between the two time’s scan before and after finishing one container products, which is acting as an invisible eyes to supervise people to force them working harder without the negative feeling that produced under the slavery-like supervision.
Because of the work performance evaluated by computer based on the daily records, no one would doubt its impartiality. Thereby reduce the displeasure or even argument between the staffs or staff with management personnel, which is the main generator of psychological pressure.
The records may be used to peacefully solve the thorniest issue – layoff people when Company downsizing without hatred causing. Because the layoff process is based on the work performance backed by daily records. People would be self-convinced that they were being laid off by own work performance rather than by improper judgments of any individuals.
Of course, there is some room for improvement in this Company. Such as, take the Work Log as a ticket from start to terminal accompanying with a batch products going through the whole production process by recording the name of the operators in different processing procedure, so that the responsibility of defect products could be tracked clearly in case of some individual could not work well. The container should be marked with numbers, so that they can be recorded on Work Log to travel together without missing each other, and so on, there are much detailed job should and can be done with potential of further optimizing productivity.
Maybe you think that everyone works consciously without supervision is the most humanized. The idea is perfect but, it is impossible at all, because the nature of people is different, not everyone could work faithfully, especially in an immigrant-based multicultural country. Non-visually supervising is perfect and necessary for running well any enterprises.
No doubt that reasonable staff performance evaluation is the ideal way to promote the production efficiency to highest level with lesser stress causing. It is well run in Grote Electronics mainly due to their countable products. Their current experience* may not be able to be directly copied by most of other Companies.
However, management is an art rather than a rigid dogma. There is plenty of room for artistic creation. But, the art of management is unique because the creations must meet the practical situation of the business. It needs managers with the sense of taking the management position as a sacred duty rather than as a performing stage to personal soloing and dancing.
Two heads are better than one; since that more heads would produce more useful wisdom.
There would be many smart methods adoptable from employees’ mind rather than from textbook dogmatically, which could overcome any barrier in the practical production. Such as that invites employees to discuss the standard of work performance evaluation and update from time to time. Even if this method is still not work. We still have other method to study. DC foods is a good example, their human resource manager, Ms. Monica is an outstanding management artist that is worthy to be taken as a good model for establishing a humanized wok environment.
There is a necessary to point out the reason of my saying their current experience* in above. It is because of the Grote Electronics has the potential to develop new product and could flexibly develop well matched managing approach that would be worthily studied again regardless the product is countable or not according to my observation for their management team and their smart management manner in many other aspects.
Here was a story. They has quarterly update meeting to sum up the past and look to the future. Once, the top director asked the meeting attendees to raise some unclear issue regarding his quarter statement, but no one answered. For easing the embarrassing situation, I asked him about the new product development that was a question not being carefully prepared. However, the top director stepped close to me, listened and answered carefully.
Since then, I felt the top director paid much attention on me – a general operator. Also I felt him a person who is paying full attention on Company future and I got an idea that he will never be limited in current products.
I remember that I once saw information about a patent of Grote Electronics on Internet with the name of the top director.
Here needs special to mention that, when completely finished one batch of products, after repeated the first step, in the bottom of the screen of scan-machine will appear the words of Rank, and followed by a number. I guess that it was the work-efficient rankings.
I worked in night shift with about 30 people. In more than a year’s time, there were about 20 people from the Job Agency to have left. The shortest working period was only one day, the longest was two weeks. Those people, some individual capacity were not suitable for the job, some are capable, but did not try to do their best. Some even got smart.
A girl, in first day, was testing whether light-emitting of the diode on circuit board with test-instrument. Typically, a batch of products needed about 3.5 hours to complete. She only took half an hour to complete and put the products on the shelf of finished products. Obviously, she was not 100% tested. Since next day, I never saw her again.
It is suggested that accurate assessment methods in Grote Electronics can quickly identify and remove incompetent person.
2…Sunrise Farms – DC Foods, a best managed company
DC Foods, located in Waterloo city, Ontario, Canada, is a federally inspected food processor specializing in the custom processing of Par-Fried Batter Breaded quick-freezing products, it was found by Mr. Don Kilimnik and Mr. Rob Curik in 1991, and was acquired by Vancouver based Sunrise Farms on November 27, 2010.
The idea of profit-sharing with employee was initiated by the founder of DC Foods.
At the start, they took 5% of profit as dividend equally to all employees quarterly with the simple purpose of employee can share the fruit of they hard made.
Later, due to staff’s absenteeism seriously affected normal production, then the distribution of profit-sharing linked to the attendance of employees.
As a foods processing Company, in DC Foods, the most jobs are standing with both hands and eyes busy in a minus temperature environment. Working condition is not very good, but humanized management is good.
In nowadays hard life, perhaps, some times, some people might forgotten to celebrate own birthday. However, in DC Foods, you need not to worry about it. Ms. Monica will face you to sing happy birthday to you when your birthday. You may imagine the feeling when Monica is singing facing to you if you are not working there. Would you not be moved? Perhaps it is the happiest birthday in your life besides your mother’s celebrating for you.
In their employee’s team, there are lame, dumb, and even deaf. Every one works happy. Employer’s seeing is, is employee doing the best rather than how much could be contributed. Of course they would assign the job according to the ability of individual employees.
There is about 10% to 35% of total payment being paid as bonus based on the basic payment, which is floating with the profit quarterly. This kind of payment makes the employee produce the feeling as a partner to share the profit with the owner together to cheer them working harder with full heart.
They have an automatic packaging machine that is same model with the one that was using in another company. In that Company, the success rate of packaging was 80% – 85%, there was 15% – 20% of packaging defect boxes being shredded into the trash by the operators. However, in DC foods, the packaging machine has been carefully improved. Their method is extremely simple, only with some Plexiglas cemented on the specific area of the machine to make it functions properly. Thus, the success rate of packaging increased substantially. Even if occasionally produces some packing defect boxes, the operators would fix them manually, so that there is no any box is wasted. This is the positive effect of their smart profit-shared bonus policy. If the production cost is reduced, the profit will be increased, and the bonus will certainly be increased, too. Humanized management make the employees feel in working for their own. Although, the foods processing is not a high profit industry, the payment could not be very high. However, DC Foods is making up the shortfall with making the employees comfortable psychologically.
Traditional management is mostly to maximize the profit with minimizing the cost in payment, not to mention to let the employees sharing the profit. Now it is outdated. Running a business is like sailing a boat against the water current, it is easily to be forced going backward, which can be only avoided by more people paddling with concerted efforts. Profit-shared payment could make every employee doing their best in paddling to ensure a business boat to keep going forward, especially in nowadays hot market competing environment. The higher payment could be compensated from improved productivity by attracting and preserving smart and skilled employees and the long term steady development of the business.
The profit-sharing payment does not mean that eat all profit without preserving the fund for long term development of the enterprises. It only reforms the rigid payment style that paid annually or hourly regardless the company’s profit to make employees and employers shared their fate together. The operation may be as that takes a portion from the basic payment to be paid as bonus in floating with profit. The whole payment should be up or down with enterprise’s operating performance that determined by every employee’s work performance.
The profit-sharing payment is facing all the members of the enterprise rather than only facing top managers usually. It may play a leverage effect in promoting employees to exert their potential, which is different with the financial leverage because of only good no hazardous.
Employer should encourage the employee to joint working in development of products and markets with the profit–associated award, such as 20% to 50% of the first year’s profit from a new product or a new market. In information exploded today, the development of new products and new markets is not a matter limited in Company’s technicians and salesperson, every employee has the potential. There would some smart people be attracted in with their new products or potential ideas from outside the enterprise. There would be more products to be developed and more market to be opened from more people willingly to share the headache that is certainly belong to the employer. Doing business is to put up a performance stage for dancing and appreciating with smart people.
In fact, I once worked in DC Foods only 2 weeks from a job agency in 5 years ago, at that time, Ms. Monica was not work there yet. When I heard her story recently, I was tearful. As a personnel manager, her humanized manner is significant. We might have learnt that France Telecom employees committed suicide, Foxconn employees suicide by stepping down from high building. Their suicide is not just the end of their own life; the impact for their family members is fatal. For their colleagues and all of us also is substantial psychological harm. Maybe some people might say that those suicides are depressed. However, we should seriously reflect on that, why are more and more people being depressed in today’s society, a society is being believed as highly civilized. I think, it must be there some thing is not civilized yet.
Tragic reality has presented us with a serious question: What is the purpose to run enterprises? Yes, it is for making profit, but the ultimate goal is to make people live better. If an enterprise can not make employees comfortable, then what is the significance of the enterprise’s existence? The most of human social activities are aimed at a better life with a beautiful hope. Why do we use unbeautiful manner to manage the beautiful activities? We need to call for humanized management. We need more Ms. Monica.
Good Ms. Monica enlightens me to expand the vision to the broader scope beyond the enterprise management.
French finance minister Mrs Lagarde said that, “most women in power, on the other hand, were less ruled by their libido and thus able to make more cool-headed judgments.” I think her comment is reasonable. Compared with the man, woman is more patient and humane due to their maternal instinct. Ms. Monica is a vivid example. Here, there are other examples.
In addition, recently, I am working in DC Foods again. I found good supervisors that worth to mention.
Dave, the supervisor of the day shift. As a production-line’s Supervisor,in all aspects of his work are great. Here, I just want to talk about one thing that he did, but, unrelated his duties. We work in a food processing plant that need to frozen foods with Nitrogen. The door of freezers can not help but have nitrogen leaking. Dave has been using the wet paper to seal the door to block the Nitrogen leaking every day for many years. I appreciate Dave initiatively considering lowering the production cost with practical practice and insisting for many years. His deed is rare and great. I heartily treat him as a good friend.
Paul, the supervisor of evening shift. The position as supervisor is to work by watching and instructing generally. However, Paul is to work as general operator that is busy all shift, once find some operator’ operation is wrong; he will make demonstration rather than instruction orally. Once some operator can not come to work, he would replace the post to work as a general operator. The rare and great is that he has been insisting doing so for many years. I heartily treat him as a good friend, too.
The operators exchange the job each other after every break, which may help operators to reduce the boring feeling effectively when doing a repeated job following an extruding machine.
4…The closure of Triton Company
A Canadian PCBs manufacturer once located in Kitchener Ontario, Job assigned by team leader, supervisor supervised there every day. Operators could talk each other whispered, some times some young operators speak loudly, supervisor would condemn them loudly.
As human culture nature, usually, most people have the self-esteem and eagerly to do perfect job to avoid being suspected by the eyes of contempt. In Triton Company no one can keep their self-esteem because they finished products were being put together in two or three operators’ group, which can not distinguish who is defects maker. They have bonus too, but the amount is not linked with the work performance and the profit. There were different in paid amount of bonus between the employees, but the determination was according to the personal impressions of team leader and supervisor without a convincible objective data supported. So, the result was negative. It acted as paying money to lower down the production efficiency with causing argument and psychological pressure.
In most of the time, the old employees worked as a teacher with the new comers because employees quit frequently. I think, the partial reason of those people quitting is due to the confused management can not preserve their self-esteem. In this kind of work mode, the products’ quality is certainly uncontrollable. The Company was being run as a training school paid training fee for their competitors. Finally, a large number of products’ returns happened, then the orders reduced, and then Company’ door was being shut down.
After first time large amount products’ returns, the site director was being fired. At the period of his two weeks’ waiting for leaving, I asked to chat with him with a hope to give him somewhat comfort. Before talking, he asked me to wait couple of minutes, he was going to washroom. Around 10 minutes later, he came back from a 10 steps distance washroom with red eyes and being new washed face. My eyes filled with tear immediately. I worry that as a being fired production director, he could not find a job as same position in future.
He told me that head Company control every thing without any flexible power for him to make decision according to the actual situation in a branch Company located in other province, such as, the salary and bonus, the basic incentive methods to improve the productivity by preserving skilled employees.
I asked him; “What is the plan for future?” “Prepared to open a consulting firm with friends in Toronto.” he answered. I wish him well.
Obviously, the top manager in head Company was dogmatically applying the management theory and controlling the costs without concerning the objective situation. Site director was being punished for others.
Until now, I often think of him. His figure was busy in the workshop and his red eyes after being fired. Here, once again, I remotely wish him every thing going well in Toronto. God bless him and us all.
There a operator named John is worth to special mention in this company, he was a drunkard and heavy smoker. Due to the bad habit damaged his brain, he was unresponsive with hands palsy. He obviously can not do a perfect job, especially the production of PCBs, which needs more mental concentration and deft hands. But, because of that supervisor also was a heavy smoker and at break time they belched out smoke and swallowed fog together.
John could not do any job properly, supervisor changed his job position many time, finally sent him to make final functional testing for PCBs by a test-machine. Obviously, this was a critical position that controls the quality before sending PCBs to customers.
Obviously, that John has played a key role in the closure of the Triton Company. We may say that is a mindless emlployee to have ruined a good business – good products with stable customers. But the key cause was the chaos in the management, it could not exclude such an incompetent staff timely.
I have a suggestion for young people, when you looking for a managing position, be sure firstly to make clear what the size of performing stage provided for you is? Is it large enough for exerting your talent? The payment is second, even ignorable. The exertion of the value of life is over the value of any amount of money. Also, it is important to avoid being fired due to the mistake made by a dogmatic boss and ruin your career earlier.
In fact, the products of Triton Company are similar with the products of Grote Electroniks. Only the purposes and the target markets are different. They could copy the management model of Grote in 100%. In production site of Grote, there are two team leaders, both works hardly with ordinary operators together. InTriton Company, there are two team leaders and one supervisor, in most of the time, they chat with operators after finished their production report on computer and answered some possible questions.
Since some individuals’ work harder, so they was hired as permanent employee much earlier than that of others and the bonus was higher than that of others, also those outstanding individuals was troubled by others, not only defamation, even being made defects on their finished products. This is the reasons that people are often willing to flow others and do not want to outstanding. This manner is no problem in daily life interpersonal activities. However, in the large-scale production, it is hazardous because it would reduce overall production efficiency, even force good employees to leave. Sooner or later the enterprise would be destroyed.
Some people have the nature of selfishness and hatred with unique concept of fairness. For example, there is $10 of bonus money for two people, they got $6, other’s $4 is unfair only they got $7, and other’s $3 is fair. Their more energy are not looking at how to work well, in contrast, specializes in how to do a bad job and not be found. Because their energies are not on the job, therefore, their work performances are not good, so that their salaries and bonuses naturally be affected. They do not try to find the cause from their own work attitude, but always feel being unfairly treated, thereby always think of ways to retaliate with endless complaint. The chaotic managed enterprise would provide an opportunity to those people. In their workplace, employee would negatively supervise each other, so that no one dared to work harder, the overall efficiency would be naturally declined. Work performance evaluation system has a function to distinguish such a person; they will soon be eliminated.
In the most of time, the most of people are self-esteemed. They more concerned about is not the money, but eagerly hope to be fairly and dignifiedly treated. A work performance evaluation system is the best way to meet the need perfectly. Grote Electroniks and Triton Company is a vivid example. First one is healthy running and second one was closed silently.
Talk about here, I think of my son’s comment after we landed in Canada couple of months. At that time, his second school teacher gave him homework of reading some English novels as a course to improve his English. After he read a few of the English novel, he had own thoughts. Said, Dad, in addition to the language and appearance, under the sun, the nature, feelings and family relationships of all the people are similar.
5…The relocation to Mexico of NCR Company
A machine assembles Company with good working environment once loctaed in waterloo Ontario. There is a Labor Union. When I newly work there is with 6 people to assemble a machine. My job is installation of electrical wiries and switches on the empty case-frame of the machine, then other people install the parts insides and make final testing for sending to customers.
The people are very friendly in the work team. After one hour of my first day’s work, a gentleman friendly told me that: “please do not work too hard like this; you may go to washroom to have a rest, or go to other work station to talk with friends. Any way, you should slow down the work.” Then, I noticed that other people were talking and joking with a slow working.
Compared with other Companies, that NCR Company have occupied the top of the food chain with a welcomed end products, it certainly has greater profit margins supported by an enviable team of skilled technicians and operators. So that it should be running better and sustainable. However, it was being shut down earliest before the Financial Crisis 2008.
The loss of more than 1,300 good payment jobs is not a trivial matter for a city of 100 thousands population. Besides local governors, there seems to be no other people concern the negative impact for local economy and the threatening for the life of local people, such as, social security.
Now, looking back the overall production efficiency at that time, in my work team, only reached about 50% of total production capacity.
About half a year later after the NCR Company was shut down; in a supermarket, I met the gentleman who once advised me to work slowly. We were talks a while. At that time, he was looking for a new job after worked for a job agency a couple of months.
Now, from whatever point of view, in NCR Company, he asks others to lower down the work speed are not associated with any reasons for his own interests. his payment was over $ 20/h, but for Job Agency or any other job may less than $12/h. I wonder that maybe was him to have made the Job Agency closed again, because that is his hobby.
From all aspects of assessment, the gentleman is well self-cultivated showing very nice and friendly without flaws in personality. His attitude on work also is common in most of people universally. As unique means of production with emotion, human beings are born with weakness and strength. One of significant aspect in management is to good use of the strength and avoiding the weakness.
Management is a kind of art rather than a rigid technology, it provides a special stage for performing intelligent dramas, however, some of them may be enjoyable, and some may be not.
Such as, for the shutdown of the NCR Company, one of important reason might be unsatisfactory productivity that caused by that of payment was not associated with the working-performance, which was no different for operators who finished 3 machines or 6 machines in a shift. Obviously, this kind of payment method was acting as a cooler to cool down employees’ working-enthusiasm. It also was one of the reasons that had triggered the collapse of former socialist countries. So I once said that in other article, capitalist countries are following the dust of the road that socialist countries have been past.
The romance of payment and work-efficiency is a good topic for a good management drama.
Suppose that, in the NCR Company, takes 3 machines as basic task of a team per shift, after finished first 3 machines, the fourth one pays $6 to each operator as bonus, the fifth pays $9, the sixth pays $12. Thus would incent the operators to work with full-load. In this way, every day will make extra profits from three extra machines by only extra payment of $189 that may only a little bit compared with gained extra profits. If so, the Company would be still running, that gentleman might still work there with a better payment rather than that of anxious for job-looking.
Here, there a more detailed account can be calculated. When production without bonus, finished 3 machines per shift, suppose the profit margin is 20% after deduction of raw materials, wages, utilities and other basic costs. On this basis, for finishing extra 3 more machines, only need to increase the cost of raw materials and bonuses, then, the profit margins from extra 3 machines may be much higher than that of 20% of from first 3 machines. The bonus possesses magical effect that can satisfy both employees and employers at the same time.
An important step of the success of China’s economic reform was have broken the old wage system that was continuation from that of the Soviet Union, and largely increased the share of payment that associated with individual’s work performance.
Some simple management measures could reduce the severity of the antagonism between employees and employers, and that will be good for all with reducing psychological stress in workplace, also can increase social wealth by improving the efficiency of production. That is the origin of that article.
5.1…A NCR’s supervisor dared not supervise in work
Here, there is a story that is worth to mention. Before NCR moved to Mexico, every year before Christmas, the company must recruit a lot of temporary workers to complete the backlog of the orders
One day, the Supervisor who took charge of my team told me that he will leave for vacation about two weeks. At first, I was very surprised and even doubted whether I misheard what he said, or he was joking.
Since that the production was so busy with so much new temporary workers, as a Supervisor who takes the main management responsibility, why, at this juncture to leave for vacation?
A few days later, I went to work, my team colleagues asked me that: did you watch the TV this morning, in other department, the night shift temporary workers collectively made trouble, even to have smashed some equipments after learnt that they was laid off.
Some people might doubt that how did this happen?
A few years later after the NCR closed, I talked with an acquaintance who once worked in NCR Waterloo, to have known that, in the NCR, the payment will be more than $14 per hour after hired as full-time employee, which is much higher than that of any other companies.
Now, we would realize the reason that Supervisor left for vacation in the busy juncture. He was to dodge for avoiding trouble. Also, we may easily imagine that the Supervisor leaving for vacation might become routine manner at the busy juncture in before Christmas every year.
It is really a incredible matter. A Supervisor as middle management in a legitimate multinational company, his work should be aboveboard and dignified; however, he had to act as that of criminal to dodge some time every year, but conversely, the criminal manners of those workplace troublemakers were acting as aboveboard and dignified, there no one dared inhibit them. This might be the most absurd thing in the world.
It is simply as that of the sky and the earth has been swapped the position.
Indeed, the supervisor never says any thing for that Jim slow down the work. He seemed have never taken his supervising responsibility besides hard work as a general operator.
Now, we can see the reason of the difficult of the corporate management, which is duo to it pestered with Crowd Psychology.
If you ask common citizen of Waterloo city, maybe there is no one remembers the news on local TV about the mob event that happened in NCR Waterloo years ago. As common citizen, they would not concern the important to keep a local enterprise health running. But if you ask the officials of Waterloo city, they will clearly remember that, because that they had made every effort for the stay of NCR, but failed.
We need a powerful means to prevent such sadness playing continuously. For this point, the ISO standards will play a perfect role.
Here I think of Mrs. Joyce, she is the landlord of my colleague, I visited my colleague in her home in 2005 summer. She eagerly talked to me about 20 minutes, and then she returned to her bedroom. When I ready went away to say goodbye to her in front of the door of her bedroom, she asked us in, I found her lying on the bed. She said welcome me come again and said sorry for that she cannot get up to see me off with a weak voice. When I went back home immediately called my colleague, knew that Joyce had liver cancer and has been a week without eating foods. Since then, I called to ask her illness every day. A few days later, she was admitted to the hospital, and after a period of time, she was gone forever.
More than 5 years past already, I still remember Joyce because her sound: “Ten years ago, Canada had a lot of big companies, but now has few; most of them have been sold to other countries.” This is the only time I heard such a far-sighted comment. It showed worries from a cancer sufferer. As a liver cancer sufferer with a clear mind she might already knew that she would say Goodbye forever soon. However, she still insists on talking to me for 20 minutes. Maybe she was with her last effort in the reception of her tenant’s friend, a never met stranger. Over the years, I always regret for that day I did not find she was a patient and consumed too much of her strength that maybe shortened the valuable time of her staying in this world. Now, I am tearful again.
Yesterday, Nov. 7, 2010, I called my colleague and knew that Joyce once was an accountant with suffering cancer more than 5 years, and later transferred to the liver when her aged about 75. Joyce made me an idea that people who have vision is often strong-willed, too. They will do very good job whatever. Our society is lack of such people.
If every people can think the problem like Joyce, conscientiously do own work, then, triton Company and NCR Company would not be closed, we will have more job opportunities. Our life would be much better.
Worthy to mention is that Grote Electroniks and DC Foods are still well running. This seems to be a problem that is no need to mention, because it is a matter of course. I do not know about the extruded products Company. However, I believe it will still be running, this is also a matter of course.
Recently, I read happy news. Canadian government rejected a foreign company’s acquisition of a Canadian mining company. Natural resources are shared by all citizens, involving our future generations, should be well preserved. If Joyce is still alive, she would be very happy with the news.
Above is involved with labor-intensive enterprises. It seems not applicable for intelligence-intensive enterprise. Such as, software programming. Following, I will try to discuss it.
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3... Follow is a reproduced report about Peter Shoore, the owner of Sunrise Farms, Vancouver B.C. Canada.
Business Profile
Sunrise Farms With a knack for the chicken processing business and the right timing, Peter Shoore has built the largest individual chicken processing plant in Western Canada.
How did a Vancouverite of Scottish heritage who studied classical music in the Netherlands for seven years become an icon in the Canadian chicken industry?
“Fate” says Peter Shoore, who is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Sunrise Farms, formerly called Sunrise Poultry.
“It’s a case of being in the right place at the right time.” After earning his doctorate in music in the mid-1970s, Shoore decided to return home rather than remain in an overcrowded Europe. Deciding he couldn’t make it as a classical musician, Shoore went to work in his father’s small cannery where, among other things, he canned whole chicken.
That led to an offer from White Spot, a chicken-based restaurant chain then owned by General Foods, to run their small money-losing chicken processing plant in Surrey, B.C. He was an instant success.
“It clicked with me,” Shoore says.
“Operating a chicken processing plant turned out to be something I was really good at.” The plant was located on leased property, with the lease set to expire in early 1983. After General Foods made a failed half-hearted attempt to buy the property, Shoore was prompted by his mother to make an attempt of his own.
It was the first of many “gutsy moves” Shoore has made over the past 25 years.
In fact, his holding company is fittingly called “High Noon Enterprises.” (Shoore’s various operations are structured as separate companies, which are in turn owned by the holding company. “My employees are on profit-sharing plans and I only want them to benefit from the company they’re directly involved in rather than the whole operation,” Shoore explains.)
When the lease expired, Shoore simply told White Spot, which itself was in the process of being sold and which remains one of his customers, the lease would not be renewed, effectively daring them to remove their equipment. They didn’t – selling it to him instead.
At the time, the plant was about 20,000 square feet and killed about 25,000 birds/ week. It has since grown to 120,000 square Feet and now kills over 600,000 birds/ week.
While still number three overall in British Columbia. (Lilydale and Hallmark are both bigger processors), Sunrise’s Surrey plant is the largest individual chicken plant in Western Canada. Shoore’s operations also includes a hatchery in the Fraser Valley, a former beef plant which is now used primarily for packaging and storage, a further processing plant in Abbotsford, a massive live haul fleet and, most recently, a hatchery and processing plant in Lethbridge. Among them, the various operations employ about 1,000 people. Shoore also owns three broiler farms in the Fraser Valley.
Shoore admits his timing to get into the business couldn’t have been better, displaying the B.C. Chicken Marketing Board’s annual production graphs to prove it. After flat production in the late ’70s and early ’80s, the market “went stupid” in 1983. Production has increased almost every year since and is now triple what it was 25 years ago.
Others may call it lucky, but Shoore prefers to think “we created the wave.” Unlike many others, he thinks the end is not yet in sight.
“We see a lot more growth in raw,” he says, “it would require looking for new markets but the will to do that doesn’t seem to be there in Canada.” While he recognizes feed prices have skyrocketed and are putting the brakes on growth, he believes that is only temporary.
He insists the increased feed costs are actually good for chicken, saying “the more expensive feeds become, the more reasonable chicken becomes.” He points out that not only is chicken a much more versatile meat, meaning it can be used in a wider variety of dishes than beef or pork, but it takes only two pounds of feed to produce a pound of chicken, as compared to four pounds of feed for a pound of pork and eight pounds of feed for beef.
“Our company is always pushing for more growth. Eventually the hog price will go up and when it does, a lot more chicken will be required.” Because chicken supply is so tightly controlled, he decided “the only way for us to grow is through further Processed.” He therefore built his further processing plant. His forseight was justified: Opened in 1997 with one line, it now operates three cooking lines. The products are sold in both retail and HRI (hotel, restaurant, institutional) markets across Canada.
The further processed plant is just one of Shoore’s innovations. In 1991, Sunrise was the first processor in Canada to go to a tray-catching system, which is not only used with automated catching machines but also allows automated loading of the killing line.
Shoore has seen tremendous change in the past 25 years, not the least of which is change in the chicken itself.
When he started, chicks were sexed and it took cockerels 6 weeks and 3 days and pullets 7 weeks and 3 days to reach 3.8 pounds live weight. Today mixed flocks reach the same weight in just 32 days.
“If we sexed the birds, we could probably bring cockerels in at 28 days,” he states, adding he expects production time to continue to shorten a day/year for the next five years. “We now worry about the size of chick which goes to the barn and the actual time it gets delivered and later picked up.” While he has faced few adversities in his 25 years, Shoore admits he was stumped by when the avian influenza outbreak hit in 2004. “That was my most difficult time in the industry because I literally didn’t know what to do. I left it up to my managers and they decided To bring in birds from outside. It was logistical nightmare but it worked.” While AI was an expensive lesson for all sectors of the industry, Shoore doesn’t believe the lesson has been learned.
“I don’t think anyone has done a good enough job of preventing another recurrence. Producers don’t have any better biosecurity now.” While AI remains a huge threat, urbanization may be an even bigger threat. It not only faces farmers, whose practices are under siege by increasingly urbanized neighbours, but also the processing plants whose once relatively isolated locations are now surrounded by more upscale “clean” industries and even urban residences. Yet Shoore does not relish the prospect of moving.
“If they told (the processing plants) tomorrow we were gone, where would we find land with adequate water and sewer?” he asks.
Shoore admits B.C. processors and B.C. producers continue to have a running battle over price, but has little sympathy for complaints that grower returns are insufficient.
“The fiscal year of our own farms ended in April and we had a record year,” he claims.
He suggests producers having a tough time making it should look inward. “I see returns from a good producer to a bad producer are quite different. There is also a big discrepancy between feed companies. Producers need to put more pressure on there.” After 25 years in the business, Shoore is giving more responsibility to his upper management and starting to groom his son to take over.
“He just finished his first year at the University of the Fraser Valley and we want him to get an MBA.” His son is also learning every aspect of the business.
“He has worked on the catching crew, done chores on the chicken farm, done all the jobs in this plant and is now working in the hatchery.”
But that doesn’t mean Shoore intends to quit the business anytime soon. “
I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I retired. I hope they carry me out of here.”
In viewing that there so many readers were interesting this topic, I recommend my other articles that were talking about how to successfully run enterprises under unsatisfied social environment.
kwcg, Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature.
kwcg, Family Business and Management Board.
kwcg, The death of a Canadian business owner
kwcg, How to save Canada's manufacturing from disappearing.
How to save Canada's manufacturing from disappearing
The death of a Canadian business owner
A belated thanks for RIM's founders and their families.
Family Business and Management Board
Canada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure in Workplace
--- --- ---
As a smart entrepreneur, whether consideration from the interests of own family, or the interests of whole society, that ensuring the business long-term stable running is much meaningful than that of putting money in own pocket. The money will poison their children and grandchildren, while, the enterprise will act as an evergreen tree to provide shade for the million-generation descendants.
--- Frank Li Oct. 15 2013 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Enterprises are the important organization of social production to create material wealth for human survival, and the entrepreneurs invest their money to run the enterprises with a frugal living and risk taking, to provide employment for public living making and revenue for government social governing, thus, the enterprises are to be shared publicly in playing the role as social wealth.
Viewing in social significance, the entrepreneurs are the best social servants and the communists in playing the role as the most important cornerstones in supporting human society.
--- Frank May 6, 2018 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
4... Please look at the heart-monologue of Asia's richest man to feel his endless-concerns as successful entrepreneur:
Photo source:
Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong business magnate, the richest person in Asia, who once said that: "Everyone says that I am very rich, in fact, the part of the wealth that really belongs to me is the life insurance that I bought for myself and my families. Life insurance is the last life-saving straw that prepared to myself and my families for once enterprise encountering crisis, which is legally protected and the creditors can not take away.
As a wise man, with more than 50 years of hard struggle in the marketplace, Mr. Li Ka-shing has long been recognized that, there too many factors are impacting the rise and fall of the enterprise and thereby affect the changes in the wealth, which including the market risk, policy risk, operational risk, personal risk, liability risks, systemic risk, and so on. Some of them are controllable, some are not. Any occurrence of the risk can make the accumulation of lifetime hard working to be vanished instantly.
--- Frank Mar 18 2015 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
This world will never get rid of being ignorance kidnapped, democratic players are eagerly emphasizing the importance of manufacturing, but neglecting the founders of the manufacturing; and also eagerly emphasizing the importance of productivity, but legislated encouraging organized disruption of the productivity.
Talks to here, I think of that the intention of Karl Marx's communist vision is at that how to make human beings get rid of the harm of free play of greed of human animal instinct, thereby lives a humanized way as higher animal should be by contributing what oneself can do, while taking what oneself needs.
The communist vision of Karl Marx promoted communist movement and triggered the socialist practice led by the former Soviet Union for over 70 years and which invoved the countries of half of world.
Now, though the socialist practice has basically collapsed, but the communist ideology has rooted far-reaching influence. To this day, even if in those veteran capitalist countries that once and still vigorously oppose communism and socialism, but they still reserve the socialist-style state-owned economy and the communist-style social welfare and security system from the cradle to the grave. It shows that Marx's ideological brilliance is still creating happiness for the people world widely.
Now though large scale nationalization and based on which established comprehensive communist style social welfare system has developed as unbearable burden, due to market fundamentalism encouraged private capital unlimited plunders on public wealth.
People never get rid of animal instinct for civilizing with rational sense, in 100 years later today since Karl Marx visioned communist idea, many people are cursing Karl Marx and his communist ideology, while eagerly striking for enjoying more communist style social welfare without sense to contribute for.
In view the potential harm of the ignorant preaching of own student, in 1992, American political scientist Samuel Phillips Huntington who immediately proposed lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, which was then developed in a 1993 article titled "The Clash of Civilizations?", and further expanded as book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order in 1996.
In book, the greatest political scientist argued that future wars would be fought not between countries, but between cultures, between the world's major civilizations and the conflict would most frequently and violently occur because of cultural rather than ideological differences, and the Islamic extremism would become the biggest threat to world peace.
The political scientist proposed that, whilst in the Cold War, conflict occurred between the Capitalist West and the Communist Bloc East, it now was most likely to occur between the world's major civilizations—identifying seven, and a possible eighth: (i) Western, (ii) Latin American, (iii) Islamic, (iv) Sinic (Chinese), (v) Hindu, (vi) Orthodox, (vii) Japanese, and (viii) African. This cultural organization contrasts the contemporary world with the classical notion of sovereign states. To understand current and future conflict, cultural rifts must be understood, and culture—rather than the State —must be accepted as the reason for war.
In the book, the great political scientist argues that the Western nations will lose predominance if they fail to recognize the irreconcilable nature of cultural tensions. The post-Cold War shift in geopolitical organization and structure requires the West to strengthen itself culturally, by abandoning the imposition of its ideal of democratic universalism and its incessant military interventionism. He warned with that: In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture has gone into the dead end.
By years continuously efforts, the greatest political scientist try to enlighten us that, the end of the Cold War does not mean the peace of the world, but the world was still under the threat of war and even more severe than that of ever before. In future, the people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict and the wars would be fought not between countries, but between cultures, between the world's major civilizations and the conflict would most frequently and violently occur because of cultural rather than ideological differences.
In particularly, the political scientist warns the decline of the West and the potential danger in the process of such a decline. Because of that “Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers from three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.” It is false because other civilizations have other ideals and norms; immoral because “imperialism is the necessary logical consequence of universalism”; and dangerous because “it could lead to a major intercivilizational war.”
From history to today, the Universalism has been playing the role as the source of evil, under it encourage, irrational people are boldly coining new concepts and then being self-crowned with universal values, thereby deceive public for filthy personal interests, in such a simple way to degenerate of human society.
The products of the Universalism are not only in ignoring the existence of other civilizations have other ideals and norms, but are barbarically doing everything possible to destroy other civilizations, such as the religious killings that have lasted for thousand years, and the Cold War, their essence was the clash of civilizations.
The Cold War was mainly from Democratic Fundamentalism and Market Fundamentalism trying to destroy Communist Fundamentalism; and now regional riots and wars are mostly caused by Religious Fundamentalism, Democratic Fundamentalism and Market fundamentalism.
The most powerful evidence comes from recent days of the end of Feb. 2019, people globally were shocked by the incidents of warplane attacks and fights between India and Pakistan. Whether it is historical traces or today’s battle, it is all sourced at Religious Fundamentalism.
The most harmful product of the Universalism is the neoliberalism or market fundamentalism. Market fundamentalism (also known as free market fundamentalism) is a term applied to a strong belief in the ability of unregulated laissez-faire or free market policies to solve most economic and social problems. But, in nature are those greedy capitalists paving an easy way for their plundering on real economy – the production of the life necessaries, so that the profit margin of the real economy is too narrow to sustain.
John Maynard Keynes, The earliest condemned on laissez-faire economic policy was British economist John Maynard Keynes on several occasions in the The end of laissez-faire (1926).
Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek stated that a freely competitive, laissez-faire banking industry tends to be endogenously destabilizing and pro-cyclical. He stated that the need for central banking control was inescapable.
10... It is the greedy looting of finacial economy on real economy in causing financial csisis
The most famous contemporary economist who strongly opposes the laissez-faire policy is the American economist, public policy analyst, and a professor at Columbia University, Joseph E. Stiglitz. He is known for his support of Georgist public finance theory and for his critical view of the management of globalization, of laissez-faire economists, and of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
As my view, the problems of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are at that they has been forcing beneficiary countries to carry out the reforms as democratic and market fundamentalist, but which, in larger extent is from the pressure of some reckless individual from the United States. Here the individual means that many harmful ideas of American were not from the consensus in the level of government, but were from mindless individual.



Japan is a country that affected most by the civilization of China in pursuing peace. In Japan, Chinese characters are still used umtil today. However, after US’ Black Ships tamed Japanese into the camp of the Western Individualistic Civilization, Japanese were also to have started to look for looting and killing in endlessly provoking for wars with killed tens of millions of Asians.
It was China to have enlightened the modern civilization of the West
1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance
Gavin Menzies, the British submarine lieutenant-commander, as career needs, he once visited many countries and shocked by the ancient monuments that left by Zheng He Fleet of China. After retirement, on own spending, he cost 14 years to have researched on Ming treasure Voyages by visiting historic sites of 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archives. Then accordingly wrote books 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (2002) and 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (2008).
In the book, Mr. Gavin Menzies highly appreciated the practice of Zheng He Fleet of China with 7 times around the world (1405-1433), besides fair trade, did not carry out looting or colonial ruling. I think that it was just the humanized deeds of the people of China inspired Mr. Gavin Menzies willingly to spend 14 years to investigate throughout the world and wrote on.
He wrote that, in 1434, “a Chinese fleet, official ambassadors of the emperor, arrived in Tuscany in 1434, where they met with Pope Eugenius IV in Florence. The delegation presented the pope with a wealth of knowledge, from a diverse range of fields: geography (including world maps that the author believes were passed on to Christopher Columbus), astronomy, mathematics, art, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, civil engineering, military weaponry, surveying, cartography, genetics, and more.
This gift of knowledge sparked the inventiveness of the Renaissance, including da Vinci’s mechanical creations, the Copernican revolution, Galileo’s discoveries, and more.” “From 1434 onward, Europeans embraced Chinese intellectual ideas, discoveries, and inventions – all which have formed the basis of European civilisation just as much as Greek philosophy and Roman law. Erudite and brilliantly reasoned, 1434 is sure to make headlines and change the way we see ourselves, our history, and our world.”
On the website of Amazon, in the item 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance, there is comment “The brilliance of the Renaissance laid the foundation of the modern world. Textbooks tell us that it came about as a result of a rediscovery of the ideas and ideals of classical Greece and Rome. But now bestselling historian Gavin Menzies makes the startling argument that in the year 1434, China—then the world's most technologically advanced civilization—provided the spark that set the European Renaissance ablaze. From that date onward, Europeans embraced Chinese ideas, discoveries, and inventions, all of which form the basis of Western civilization today.”
In the Chapter 15 – Leonardo da Vinci and Chinese inventions of the 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance, Mr. Gavin Menzies, wrote that: “In my youth, Leonardo da Vinci seemed the greatest genius of all time: an extraordinary inventor of every sort of machine, a magnificent sculptor, one of the world’s greatest painters and the finest illustrator and draughtsman who ever lived. Then, as my knowledge of Chinese inventions slowly expanded, more and more of Leonardo’s inventions appear to have been invented previously by the Chinese.
"I began to question whether there might be a connection – did Leonardo learn from the Chinese?” “Leonardo drew all the essential components of machines with extraordinary clarity – showing how toothed wheels, gear wheels and pinions were used in mills, lifting machines and machine tools. All these devices had been used in China for a very long time. In the Tso Chuan are illustrations of bronze ratchets and gear wheels from as early as 200 BC which have been discovered in China.”
As my view, for Zheng He Fleet of China with 7 times around the world (1405-1433), besides fair trade, did not carry out looting or colonial ruling, it should thank moral guidance Confucianism to have properly humanized people of China.
The 550 years of civil wars since 771 BC – 221 BC enlightened people of China with that it is not all people who are in human feature are in human nature; some are in beast nature to eagerly vent their animality by endlessly provoking for wars and social unrest. So that China abolished the war soil of enfeoffment governance that produces vassal states as that of European nobilities and turned to govern in ministries, provinces and counties by select learned people as officials in technocratic democracy since 221 BC, while culture people by Confucianism and strictly suppressing ideologies and people grouping, and which has been the norm of successive governments of China until right now.
The founder of Confucianism, Confucius (551–479 BC) who lived in the chaotic war period of China; and the chaotic social environment inspired him struggling to build social order by preaching people that the son obeys the father, the wife obeys the husband; the minister obeys the Duke, the young people should respect and take care for elderly, everyone must respect on social morality and respect on own promise in the social activities, and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.
The Confucianism cultured people in the quality of pursuing social order and harmony. People are respecting the elderly and filial parents in the tendency help each other with the quality of collectivism in the sense of self-discipline for protecting the collective interests. Because, the proper cultured intelligence tell them that only collective interests guaranteed at first, and then the personal interests can be guaranteed also.
So, we may say that the Confucianism-educated people of Chinese pay attention to protect the macro-interests of society, do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. Vhile the Westerners who edified by the chaotic toxic ideologies pay attention to protect the micro-interests of individual; they do unto others what they would not like others do unto themselves.
--- Morning 3:39 am, Mar. 23, updtaed Mar. 31, 2021, in Waterloo Canada
12... The key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job
Maybe, due to the unbearable torture of seeing increasingly people are sacrificing to Covid-19 virus simply due to the ungovernable society; in Apr. 12, 2020, the rare outstanding media professionals; the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist, Dr. Adrian Wooldridge who jointly published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West to disappointedly sigh: “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.”
“Since Hobbes’s time, the world has come full circle. When he wrote “Leviathan,” China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence. China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s biggest city (Beijing had more than a million inhabitants), the world’s mightiest navy and the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.”
“Indeed, it was the struggle for mastery in Europe that propelled Western government forward: Europe’s monarchies seized on technological innovations — particularly new ships and weapons — to improve their chances of survival. When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.”
“The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul? Asia is catching up with the West, and in some smaller countries has overtaken it, in large part because Confucian Asia in particular has taken government seriously over the past few decades while the West has allowed it to ossify.”
“Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.”
13... Deng Xiaoping and Economic reform of China
This section is an excerpt from my article To Make Possible from Impossible by Breaking the Shackles of Dogmatic that is discussion in the experience of the success of economic reform of China.
The process of China's economic reform and opening up is a process of getting rid of the shackles of dogmatism. Former President Deng Xiaoping played the role of a political bulldozer to eradicate rubbish resistance on the road ahead.
In the West, the entire social system is kidnapped by dogmatism of liberal democracy, human rights, freedom, etc.
Frank Li 2012-07-29 23:49:38, Revised Nov. 2013, Feb. 27, 2015, Mar. 26, 29, 2021 in Waterloo, Canada
Jan. 30, 2016, in article Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance,, I indicate that:
The success of China’s economic reform was derived from the well understanding for human inborn nature and the culture of Ancient civilization.
For social governance, there are four main resistances.
First one is that has to deal with people who are with innate selfish nature and are capable in independent thinking and tend to act according to own preferred accord, which will negatively affect social governance.
Second one is that due to the improvement of social governance may cause the panic for potential risks from the uncertain social changes; the most of people would resist the reform.
Third one is that the improvement of social governance would involve in some social reform with the redistribution of social interest, and it would certainly encounter the fierce resistance of interest group.
Fourth one is that the way of thinking and behaving of people is dominated by accustomed old tradition or outdated ideologies. In The end of laissez-faire 1926, the British economist Keynes indicates that: “The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.”
Such behaviors caused by the inborn nature of human beings, in regardless the race, regardless the nationality and regardless the political model - one party dictatorship or multiparty democracy.
The process of China’s economic reform was the process of making efforts to avoid or reduce such social resistance.
The success of China’s economic reform was also benefited from the wisdom of long civilization in written records.
Oct. 2, 2014, in article Why did China not produce harmful native religions, I indicate that: “People appreciate the 5,000 years continuous civilization of China, however, most of people have overlooked the nature of the civilization, the valuable point, is not in the length of time, but, in the continuously documented historical facts – the facts in success and failure, which made valuable references, so that the future generations can avoid to repeat mistakes with lesser Detour.”
“The accumulation of experiences is wisdom.”
“The wisdom from 2600 years ago China lessons us that, the ordinary people can happily share in enjoying fruit, but they never willingly share the effort in growing the fruit. A rational government has to enforce them to do something that will benefit to them, but, do not expect to convince them in advance.”
--- Frank Mar. 29, 2021 in Waterloo, On. Canada
Deng Xiaoping and Economic reform of China
For facilitating the understanding to that of I am going to discuss, I think that, there is necessary to review the reflection of former Russian President Vladimir Putin on Russia's ridiculous experience in their socialist period.
In Dec. 30, 1999, Vladimir Putin made a speaking of Russia at the Turn of the Millennium and pointed out the Lessons that Russia have learnt: “For almost three-fourths of the outgoing century Russia lived under the sign of the implementation of the communist doctrine. It would be a mistake not to see and, even more so, to deny the unquestionable achievements of those times. But it would be an even bigger mistake not to realize the outrageous price our country and its people had to pay for that Bolshevist experiment. What is more, /it would be a mistake/ not to understand its historic futility. Communism and the power of Soviets did not make Russia a prosperous country with a dynamically developing society and free people. Communism vividly demonstrated its in aptitude for sound self-development, dooming our country to a steady lag behind economically advanced countries. It was a road to a blind alley, which is far away from the mainstream of civilisation.”
As same as other socialist countries in former socialist camp, the experience of China is similar to that of Soviet Union. For almost three-fourths of the last century, China lived under the sign of the implementation of the communist doctrine. The dogmatists have directed many ridiculous farces with a little knowledge about the theory of Karl Marx without grasping the living soul of Marxism, which is to make a concrete analysis for specific situations, to solve specific problem by specific solution.
Now please go forward to read below. From the stories, in bit by bit, to feel the great of Deng Xiaoping as a great man, and to share the sorrow of the sadness and the joy of the happiness from the ordinary narrative and the ordinary comments of me as an ordinary man.
There were many reports about economic achievements of China; however most of them were looking at the appearances rather than dug into the substance in the level of philosophy. Such as that, the most of daily goods worldwide are made in China, and that China has made economic miracle, but no one answered about that why did it happen?
Ezra F. Vogel, the Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Harvard University, who cost about 10 years, visited many key figure and historical sites, mastered informative first-hand information, to have written Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China> that published in 2011. In the book, he indicated that Deng’s formula for success was simple: “Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread.” I think this is the best understanding for the success of the economic reform in China. It certainly possesses universal significance.
I think that is the best understanding for the success of the economic reform of China - No templates, no prior design, but, listen to the people, follow the people, explore and practice, worked out experience, to promote any good ideas. It certainly possesses universal significance.
“Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread.” Whether the statement look, or sound is all very simple, but, it is hard to do so at the time of beginning of economic reform in China.
Firstly, that “Don’t argue” was impossible, because argue is the job or hobby of some people. If some of the socialist dogmatists considered something beyond the boundaries of socialism, even if "It works", they would not "let it spread." The aftereffect for the proposal providers or practitioners would be more than just argue, but a severe punishment. The creed of those dogmatists is: that would rather keep the socialist weed, but never adopt the capitalist seedling. In fact, the process of China’s economic reform was the process that broke the dogmatic shackles regarding the road of Socialism and Capitalism; it was called as political struggle of the two-line, and was considered as involved in alive or death of China.
That being the case seriously, then, how that China did broke the dogmatic shackle to make possible from impossible. Here I’d like to try to discuss it with some practical experiences of China.
At the beginning of China’s economic reform in three decades ago, most politicians and sociologists have objected strongly according to their dogmatic understanding for Socialism, Capitalism and Marxism.
Deng Xiaoping, an outstanding top leader in economic reform of China, he repulsed the useless dogmatic arguments with patient explanation that whether the share of planned economy is a little bit more or the share of market economy is a little bit more, it is not the essential difference for Socialism and Capitalism. That planned economy is not equivalent to Socialism, Capitalism also has plan, and market economy is not equivalent to Capitalism, Socialism also has market. The plan and the market are only the economic means that can help to develop economy.
He indicated that, if China does not reform to develop economy for improving the living of the people, any road would be a dead end. Poverty does not belong to Socialism. We need to build Socialist society with unique feature of China.
In China, officially called Deng Xiaoping as the chief architect of China's reform and opening up, however, Professor Ezra F. Vogel's findings were contrary. He calls Deng “the general manager” of China’s latest revolution. Due to that Deng was carefully not to get out in front of the economic reform, but used younger officials such as Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang for that. Even he did not involve in the decision-making to launch market-oriented special economic zones for capitalist-style experimentation.
In my view, in the process of China’s economic reform, the role of Deng Xiaoping is much significant than that of as a chief architect. As one of highest political leader with no dogmatic mind, Deng’s role was just as Bulldozers or Icebreaker to have successful excluded resistances for economic reform. I can say with certainty that, China, as a feudal imperial ideology deeply rooted country, if there was no strong political authority as Deng Xiaoping, the economic reform would never be able to achieve the outcomes today. Deng’s unique role, no one could replace.
Now, looking back the course of China’s economic reform, it had no previous theories or references in model or framework, there was no any prior design at all. It was just as Deng Xiaoping said: Wading across an unfamiliar river by feeling the rocks on the bottom of the river. It meant that the process of economic development was continuously adjusting the policy or direction according to the problems that emerged in the practice.
6.1. The initiation of economic reform
The proposals for the economic reform proposed one after another mainly from the grassroots, the ordinary people or Governors who were working in local Governments according to their personal experiences from the social root and approved by top Governors who were foresight without dogmatic mind and dared take the political risk personally, such as, Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang and Deng Xiaoping, they played decisive role at different historical period. Then implemented from point to line and from the line to area, step by step, avoided big social shake that happened in many other former socialist countries. Follow is an example.
The propcess of breaking of dogmatic ideology
Any social progress will be resisted by conservative forces, it does not matter in East or West. In China at that time was those who adhere to the socialist dogma, in current Canada is those who adhere the inexplicable value of Canada. To break such dogmatic ideology is very difficult, and it is the key for making a social progress.
At that time China, the initiator to break down such dogma was an ordinary scholar Hu Fuming who was with strong social responsibility and was ready to be put in jail, even the lost of own life, with a rational mind that any social progresses need brave person to sacrifice for it.
September 1977, Hu Fuming, an associate professor at the Philosophy Department at Nanking University of China, who wrote a paper Practice Is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth> to criticize the prevalent of Dogmatism. It challenged the absurd dogmatic argument of "two whatever" (which refers to the statements that "we will resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions that Chairman Mao made, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions that Chairman Mao gave").”
However, at the start, no one dared publish it. Until 8 months later, in May 10, 1978, it was published after personal validation of Hu Yaobang who was the executive director of Central School of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Hu was one of the few outstanding top leaders in promoting economic reform of China. He was always solving the problem depending on the actual circumstances without dogmatic mind.
The paper was suffered strong criticize. It was condemned as “absurd in theory, reactionary in ideology, and the intention was to cut down the red flag of China.” Obviously, those dogmatists have neither talent nor morality because they never study to improve them selves. They are always making irrational response for any sound. They are born of persecuting with full energy against the people of integrity. The only fear for them is the peace of the world. This was the reason that Deng Xiaoping was ousted from his political position 3 times in his life long. The writer Hu Fuming himself has prepared into jail. As a socially responsible scholar, he learnt that social progress need brave person to sacrifice for it, even with the life.
Fortunately, in June 2, 1978, on a meeting, Deng Xiaoping publicly supported the view of the paper of Hu Fuming and severely criticized the dogmatism. He called to liberate the thoughts by breaking the spiritual shackles of Dogmatic. In December 1978, on the third Session of the Eleventh Plenary Meeting of CPC, the event of discussion regarding the criterion of truth was being highly valued. It has further eliminated the dogmatic poison regarding the Socialism and Capitalism.
“The article gave rise to a nationwide "Debate on Standards for Judging the Truth".” In a large extent reduced the poison of Dogmatism, and “ushered China into an era of reform and opening up.”
There was a paper that praises the contribution of the article of Hu Fuming, the title was An article influences Chinese history>.
Before economic reform, China was a socialist society of public ownership and planned economy based on the guiding ideology from the theory of Marxism-Leninism. In deed, the dogmatic arguments related with the road of Socialist or Capitalist were never stop since the establishment of P. R. China in 1949. There were always some people to look at the tiny buds of Capitalism with a magnifying glass to disroot it.
6.2. White cat and black cat
In 1962’s China, there were some rural areas in response to famine and natural disasters, spontaneously generated some flexible production models without touching the bottom-line of the state-owned ownership. Such as, one of them was that took each family’s members as one production unit contracted to take the responsibility for a certain area of farmland to solve the thorny problems that some people did not work well when team-working in the production unit that the members were mixed together from different families. The selfish nature of mankind is inevitable; the key is how to well control it, how to turn the shortcoming to the strongpoint. Those new emerged production models were able to play this kind of role. They should have been a good thing with the function of improving the production efficiency, but were strictly prohibited by some dogmatists.
Only Deng Xiaoping supported them with his famous Cat Theory: “It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice.” In other words, he did not worry too much about whether a production model was capitalism or socialism as long as it can improve the production efficiency. This was obviously a sensible comment, but, it became main reason that he was purged from his political poison first time. However, Mr. Deng laughed finally in decades later with the success of the economic reform under his way.
Before economic reform, there were a lot of people from China illegally went into Hong Kong to be captured and sent back by the police of Hong Kong, then they went back and were sent back, thus recycling. Those illegal immigrants were considered as traitors to be rudely treated.
Many illegal immigrants drown in the Gulf between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Made me tearful is that, until now, no accurate statistics of how many people have made the sacrifice to the Gulf by their lives on the way swimming toward a dreamed place where they might get a better life.
Here, I think of the stories of East Germans fled into West Germany risked their lives over the Berlin Wall during the period of Cold War, especially a 77-year-old lady who was attempting to jump to West Germany from a building of East Germany near the Berlin Wall, however, when she saw the height where she was standing, she was immediately scared of paralyzed sitting on the floor, but when she heard the sound of policemen was breaking the door behind her, she immediately stood up and jumped down toward West Germany.
Flight roads were imprinted with blood, Shenzhen was as so. East Germany was as similar. What was the reason to have forced those people on this dead road?
The reason was very simple: it was the poor.
People are higher animals that can create wealth positively. However, those socialist dogmatic politicians restricted them to do so by insisting on the backward model of economical and production. Poor forced some brave people to seek a better life through illegal immigration by venturing in the risk.
6.3. The test zone for economic reform
November 1977, when the leaders of Guangdong province were uneasily waiting for the instructions after they had reported to Deng Xiaoping about the event of more and more people fled to Hong Kong. Deng Xiaopinghas been remarkably silent a while. He continuously smoked a couple of cigarettes, then slowly turned himself and calmly said that: "This caused by our improper policy and it could not be controlled by force." Deng Xiaoping stressed the significance of developing economy: only the life of the people improved, we can solve this problem. We must change the poor situation even on a blood road. His ambitious determination had further broken the shackles of the dogmatism regarding socialism that insisted on planned economy.
In 1980, Shenzhen, a small poor city closed to Hong Kong, with 300 thousand people, was set as a test zone for economic reform by central government through approved an application of Guangdong province, without any financial support besides the permission of making local policies independently:
1. Development based on absorbing foreign funds.
2. The economic models are Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative ventures and solely-foreign-oriented.
3. Products export-dominated.
4. Economic activities are market-regulated under the guidance of national plan.
At the same time, for the foreign investment in the test zone, provide special offers and conveniences in taxation, immigration employment and so on. The management model could be different from that of domestic. They may have greater power of autonomy following the international practice to tie closely to the international market.
Only several years, Shenzhen was developed as a modern city. Then the central government copied the experiences to another 14 coastal cities, and then much more.
A lot of people entered Shenzhen to seek opportunities from Hong Kong after the start of economic reform. At the end of 2006, there were more than 8.46 millions people in Shenzhen city; there more than one million were from Hong Kong among them. Now, the people in main land China are easily into Hong Kong legally no one illegally any more, which was pre-indicated by Deng Xiaoping.
Before disintegration of Soviet Union, a Russian governor who once visited Shenzhen and was impacted by that what he saw about the extensive economic reforms, which were totally contrary to the theory of Marxism and the socialist road that was insisting strictly by the countries in the international socialist camp, which supervised by the force of former Soviet Union. He talked to the top Governor of Shenzhen with somewhat scare: “you have placed your certificate of party member and even your head on shoulder to bet on economic reforms”. From the talks we would learn the political risk that was taking by those governors who were directing economic reforms.
From the perspective of today we would feel the absurdity that experienced in socialist countries. Those dogmatists who dogmatically comprehended the socialism, with good wish, but wrong way to have caused harm to human society. Today, although the socialist camp basically collapsed, but dogmatism did not go into its grave, it still widespread and endanger human society.
Apr 25, 2011 10:10 am EDT, there was a report on the website of Reuters Analysis: Shandong postcard: big changes sweep rural China>. It described the new scene in rural area of China currently. “Nationwide, per capita rural incomes after inflation rose 14.3 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, double the increase in urban disposable income, thanks to higher farm prices and bigger remittances by migrant workers.”
World Bank reported that, in the past 25 years, the achievements in poverty reduction, there 67% were attributed to China.
It is a proven fact that economic reform of China was correct. China’s success in economic development in step by step has avoided mass bleeding that had happened in many other socialist countries during social political and economical transformation.
China's current economic model has mixed with the both models of Socialism and Capitalism, which good applied the both advantages from the planned economy and the market economy. The current economy is controlling by two kinds of hands, visible and invisible. The economic theory is a mixture from Marxism, Adam Smith, Keynesian and others. This is the why that China has been making economic miracle in decades, while other former socialist countries had fell into long-term languishing due to changed their political and economical system in a very short time without any preparation in advance. Only China outshines all of the others.
Now the clear fact is that, no matter socialism or capitalism, which can promote the production of social wealth, will be a good-ism. No matter socialist or capitalist, who can give people a happy life, will be a good-ist. Superstition of any side will be a harmful. Mr. Deng Xiaoping was a good player on that.
The valuable experience derived from the success of China should be that, due to the objective world is continuously changing we must solve the specific problems according to the specific circumstances and avoid to respond to all questions with a same formula or dead doctrine.
While reviewing for success of China’s economic reform, some people even said that, in this world, there is nothing impossible but only the things that are unimaginable.
Any theories have their historical limitations. Along with the social development, it will accumulate some new problems that need to be solved through updating old theories or launch new theories. Such new problems emerge and to be solved timely is the driving force to promote the progress of human civilization.
7. Some essential elements have contributed to the success of China
Here, there is a necessary to make some supplements. I think that they are important but have been ignored.
Every one knew that, in nowadays, most of daily goods are made in China, but people may feel hard to imagine the huge capacity of production in China. And some one said that China's success in rapid development is due to have enjoyed the demographic dividend, the views are certainly not comprehensive, because some other populous countries seem not able to enjoy the dividends yet besides poverty and blindness. Indeed, besides economic reform, there are also many other essential elements have contributed to the success of China.
7.1. Official designed language – Mandarin has made social communication easier and to have promoted the efficiency of social production.
China, there are 51 different races, it said that there are about hundreds local languages. Even is same language in different area, the pronunciation may be different. You will easily imagine that the result of without an effective communication tool between people. Besides many times to simplify the writing of Chinese characters, in 1958s, the government of China published the pinyin system by use of Roman alphabet to regulate the pronunciation of Chinese characters and put in use forced by law. Now in China, those people under 60 years old can easily communicate each other. It may be only official designed language worldwide.
I have talked with local Canadians; they agree that, in Canada, the people from British Colombia are not easy to understand what they said from the people of Newfoundland. Even the people of Newfoundland have their own special dictionary.
7.2. Rare poison of spiritual opium
This point should firstly thank for the thought of Karl Marx, which has been taking as social guiding ideology in socialist countries. And secondly should thank the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that had uprooted the superstitious beliefs in the society of China. It led the people of China full of pragmatic sense to strive for a better life by creating material wealth with hands busy, rather than making fantasy for the good life through praying with hands clasped. Most people of China never put their hope on next time.
7.3. The edification of Confucianism
The people of China are easy well organized and disciplined. This point is very important for the production of large-scale collaboration. The admirable success of China 2008 Olympic Games is a good example. It was a sharp contrast with that of Commonwealth Games 2010 of India, which played an international joke. An Ambassador of India who works in China for three years, when he returned India and found an overpass that started to construct in three years ago is not completed yet. But, within the three years, in Beijing, he was seeing a lot of new overpasses have been put in use already.
Now, facing the difficult economic situation, we need the spirit of Keynes to question more about why and how, because it is very important to shake off the shackles of any dogmatism from time to time. It is essential to make more and more achievements by making possible from impossible according to own economic circumstances. No one will be an exception.
14... Western Individualistic Civilization corrupted productivity and in destroying economy
The most fatal threat for survival is not from mass destructive weapons, but from the confused philosophies and toxic ideologies. They are mass destructive weapons for destroying productivity of the cornerstone for survival by corrupting social environment.
As has discussed above, people can be seen as a kind of Robot, then the philosophical thoughts and ideologies are the software in driving human beings in behaving.
In the West, the confused philosophies and toxic ideologies have been in misleading some people wrongful behaving. Their improper behavior has corrupted social productivity.
Such as, values, freedom, human rights, and social justice of those stuff sounding extreme humanized, but the social effect is in the opposite; they fuel human brain wrongful reasoning to signal people wrongful behaving.
Though such toxic ideologies are unable to kill people directly, but they are able to make people suicide with they lived society together by corrupting social environment with undermining the foundation of social productivity.
In such a simple way, the most of western countries have been pushed into the model of suicidal.
The social productivity has been destroyed in the United States
2018, in book Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap, the American political scientist at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, the professor Graham Allison has indirectly proved that the United States has lost essential vitality along with the loss of social productivity.
The Professor introduced disappointed project of the silver line of the Washington Metro, it began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed.
The professor introduced another project that was the bridge across the Charles River between the Kennedy School and Harvard Business School in a distance that can be seen from his office window. In 2012, the State of Massachusetts said they were going to renovate this bridge, and it would take two years. But, in 2014, they said it wasn't finished. In 2015, they said it would take one more year. But it was finished until 2017 with three times over budgeting.
As sharp contrast, the professor introduced a project in Beijing China; a much bigger bridge called the Sanyuan Bridge was renovated within 43 hours. The Professor disappointed said that now China completed project in hours is more than that of the United States completed in years. The social productivity has been destroyed in France
Feb. 21, 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory."
"Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France."
"'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote."
In view of this, France comprehensive daily newspaper "Le Figaro" made an on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss.
It clearly showed that French people themselves are also dissatisfied with the status quo of the poor work ethic of people.
Such sadness was also not the result of French politicians who neglect their duties, or the low quality of French people who are ignorance without sense for hard work, but the social atmosphere of the country has been cultured as that of herding cats by the legally supported poisonous ideologies.
Brainlessly over-emphasizing the culture of individualism has destroyed the foundation of the social productivity; without proper social productivity, how to talk about the national economy; without proper national economy, how to talk about individuals’ interest; without national economic support, how to talk about individual survival.
It is the typical ignorance kidnapped people sliding towards ignorant way.
I once read a tearful article in Mandarin, it said that, in France, the business owners and their families, even if their relatives, are living in life that is radically different with their employees, they are hard working years long without time for enjoying the statutory paid leave and limited daily working hours.
Such confused ideologies corrupted social atmosphere is not easy to be reversed as that of the rust dead locked iron shackles in any key cannot open; because the low quality people are always fueling them. Just as that of heroin, people know it is harmful, but they can’t get rid of it by one self.
Due to the wrongful game of partisan politics and the existence of unchangeable human behavior of the Dunning-Kruger Effect and Crowd Psychology, in the most of time, in the most of society, it will be kidnapped by low ability people in according to the ideas from their defective brain to form a bad social atmosphere.
In such a social environment, the most of politicians and the most of citizens knew that it’s wrong, but they can only sigh helplessly, can’t change. Besides, they have to follow the wave and act against own heart; which exactly is the magic of the Dunning-Kruger Effect by the support of the Crowd Psychology.
As the mother country of the electoral democracy and major poisonous ideologies, French people and British people are enjoying the sweet fruits that planted by own ancestors with good wishes. Kind people are always willingly share good things to others, now the people in the most of democratic played countries are enjoying the same fruits that shared from France and Britain.
Too much absurd ideologies have been acting powerful social heroin in destroying the entire society. Then, turn to seek plunder again and exert animal instinct again.
The West should thank the generation who suffered the tragic life of the Great Depression and World War II, for their hard work and live a frugal life as that of well cultured by Confucianism of Asian Values, so that they laid the material foundation for today’s generation to waste.
15... British ancestors kindly prepared medicine poinsoned social productivity in Britain
In this concern the best example comes from Britain of the one of the main initiative countries of these ideologies. They are in eating the bitter fruit of their ancestor kindly plated for them.
Firstly, please look at the tragedy of the earlier day of the Industrial Revolution. It needs not to mention the Great Britain but only the United States has been enough.
Between 1888 and 1908, industrial accidents killed more than 700,000 workers and killed about 100 people every day. In 1901, there one of 26 railway worker was injured, and one out of every 399 people died. The death was without any compensation at that time. On July 4, 1894, it was on the National Day of the United States, in Chicago, it was not only did not hold a celebration, but instead, the federal army carrying machine guns killed 13 of 125,000 railway workers who were on striking.
It was just such tragedy inspired many countries to have nationalized their economy and based on which established comprehensive social welfare system in communist style with comprehensive legal provisions to protect labors.
In Britain, in 1945 to 1967, the Labor Party nationalized economy from private owned and based on which established comprehensive social welfare system to be called as from cradle to grave with comprehensive legal provisions to protect labors.
Due to toxic ideologies misled government to legally encourage people to organized strike for more by doing less and socially has recognized such behavior as social justice as inviolable right in humanity. It was just such toxic ideologies corrupted social environment and destroyed social productivity to have caused the loss of state-owned economy as irreparable bottomless pit.
As mentioned above, humans are a kind of Robot in driving by acquired knowledge. The toxic ideologies will drive people mal-behaving to detract society of own living depending on.
May 30, 1984, in the Remarks on Orgreave picketing, Margret Thatcher has pointed out the social effect of the toxic ideologies: "You saw the scenes that went on in television last night. I must tell you that what we have got is an attempt to substitute the rule of the mob for the rule of law, and it must not succeed.” “There are those who are using violence and intimidation to impose their will on others who do not want it."
It was just because of state-owned economy in serious losses, in 1979, Ms. Margaret Thatcher associated with American President Ronald Reagan to echo and cheer each other up; by the help of British Conservative Party to have privatized economy.
Here, the term of “to echo cheer each other up” means that Ms. Margaret Thatcher were under tremendous psychological pressure; because that she cannot predict the consequences of privatization, but it was no alternative available at that time.
Years ago, I once watch a TV talk show of Hong Kong in memory of British former British PM Margret Thatcher by focusing on that some British people publicly cheer for the death of Margret Thatcher.
A gentleman said that he once times went Britain before privatization. At that time, the unions organized strikes arbitrarily, garbage was piled up on the streets in stinky, and trains were not operating regularly, social order was completely disrupted. More worse is that arbitrarily strikes in state owned economies have greatly undermined social productivity and, as a result, badly worsened the finances of British government. The government has been too exhausted to fill the bottomless pit of the loss of state-owned economy.
The gentleman of Hong Kong concluded with that, at that time Britain, the privatization was an only feasible way out without any alternative available.
Now, in 35 years later, the economic foundation and social immunity that established by Margret Thatcher has rotted, and the old social disease has relapsed again; and which damaged their private run infrastructure, in Feb. 12, 2016, an article How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation reports that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer to deliver better value for customers. But the private services do not deliver good value.
The data show that Department of Health projects delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, but were paid around £80 billion at the end of these projects.
Article said that the £358 monthly rail ticket for the 35-minute journey from Chelmsford, Essex, to London and compared it to the cost of similar European examples. The results were startling: £37 in Italy, £56 in Spain, £95 in Germany, and £234 in France. In these countries a large majority of railways remain under public control.
Labor Party vows to renationalize their infrastructure again.
If this time renationalization finished, the Great Britain will finished the cycles of playing their beloved economy from private – nationalized – re-privatized – re-nationalized again, and which will outstand Great Britain as a unique country that has played their economy as that of baking pizza in double sides two times, which is the actual social value and the actual contribution of their admired values. No one can think of other value or contribution from the values.
Now, the rational Prime Minister Margret Thatcher has left away, who can save the economy of Britain.
I really wonder that, the British Labor Party is good at nationalization, but it may not consider that whether the Great Britons have fixed their teeth that was broken by the hard nut of state owned economy.
Now, I really doubt that whether Great Britons have cultivated the wand for taming the monster of state-owned economy - a monster that once beats Great Britain in decades ago. I really wonder that whether the Great Britons has developed the wand for properly playing the Ferris wheel of state-owned economy.
I really wonder that whether the Great Britons has developed the wand for properly playing the Ferris wheel of state-owned economy.
It is a doomed matter that renationalized economy of the Great Britain will fail again, because it has to run in the same low productive social environment that once failed the same economy, then, exhausted hard working British pelicans will be no way to turn the sides of their beloved economic pizza?
I am really worrying that if Britons fail in this time renationalization; then the Great Britons how to turn the side of their economic pizza in baking? It is a matter of most possibly, if it is still governed under same old way.
Why the Great Britons governed own Great Country in such the unordinary Great Way. No doubt, it was that confused ideology – Neoliberalism misled Great Britons in over trusted on the magic of French Laissez-faire that was polished as Invisible Hand by own Ancestor Adam Smith.
The sadness was not the result of British politicians who neglect their duties, or the low quality of British people, but the social atmosphere of the country has been cultured as that of herding cats by the legally supported poisonous ideologies.
The sad reality has clearly showed that if there is no effective supervision of the government, the inborn greed will drive people dared to replace the position of the sky and the earth.
Today, in 35 years later, the economic foundation and social immunity that established by Margret Thatcher has rotted, and the old social disease has relapsed again. Now, the rational Prime Minister Margret Thatcher has left away, who can save the economy of Britain.
We may say that, for centuries, it was the economic thoughts of the great son of the Great Britain in conducting world economy; they were Adam Smith and John Keynes, but, they seem have failed in saving the economy of own motherland.
Obviously, the thoughts of the best sons of the British Adam Smith and John Keynes was beaten by the toxic ideologies and failed in saving the economy of own motherland, even if their micro and macro economics have been conducting world economy for centuries by complement of each other.
The cause of all this is not duo to the low quality of the British people or the low quality of the British politicians, but the toxic ideologies have corrupted the social environment, in which, the social productivity has been badly damaged.
The practice of Britain has proved the dying negative effect of the toxic ideologies.
The ancestors of the Britons were never expected that the dark side of human nature is so dark; and their thoughtful thoughts are so perfectly fitting into the needs of such dark side of people and just as that of high-energy gasoline is poured into the high-horsepower engine to powerfully kidnap own beloved country going on the road of suicide.
The ancestors of the Britons were never expected that it is just because of the inborn dark side of human nature; their kindly fabricated extremely humane ideologies have been used by low quality people as nooses in hanging human society up; there is no one can untie.
The kind British ancestors were never expected that the dark side of human nature is so dark; their kind-intentioned humanized thoughts actually corrupted social environment and destroyed social productivity in threatening the survival of owns descendants and the people of all over the world.
The ancestors of the Britons were never expected that their kindly fabricated ideologies are just acting as the highly poison without an antidote in poisoning human society towards end road.
The rational ideologies will make a country better, but the toxic ideologies can act as that of cancer to finish a country.
The ideologies that culture people to put personal interest on the top of the national interest are certainly ignorance.
The country that purposefully cultured and legally encouraged own people to put personal interest on the top of the national interest has doomed hopeless.
The Western Individualistic Civilization that purposefully cultures people to put personal interest on the top of the national interest has certainly doomed hopeless.
In last year, there many people might once shed tears with the tear of Ms. Theresa May who resigned from the position of British Prime Minister.
In own mother-England, the tears seem not get sympathy, but, a sympathetic greeting came from a far away remote island, New Zealand Herald published Editorial: PM's example shows up world leaders in Apr. 1, 2019, with sympathetic sigh: “In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May's leadership is now so wounded by Brexit that even an offer to quit in exchange for MPs' support failed.” “May's job appears as difficult and thankless as herding cats. Both Parliament and the country are hopelessly divided. Brexit makes the entire political elite look bad.”
Now, current British Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson is ready to resign from his position due to the low income as Prime Minister is unable to support his family.
July 25, 2019, a Mandarin article Can Boris Johnson really live on the income of being British Prime Minister said that, Johnson quit his high-paying job to work as Prime Minister, his income at that time was times higher than the salary (£150,000) as Prime Minister.
The article also mentioned the British Attorney General Mr. Geoffrey Cox, who gave up his high paid job to work as senior minister. His current salary is estimated at 98,000 pounds. But, in 2014, he earned 820,000 pounds in 12 times of the salary as Attorney General.
Their selfless dedication seems helpless for own mother-country. They cannot help the continuing of troubled by Brexit, and the uncontrollable epidemic.
I am tearful...
The hardship of politicians and toxic ideologies corrupted the social environment in Britain is a typical mirror in reflecting other values kidnapped countries; in such a toxic ideologies corrupted social environment there would be no politicians are able to do a desired job.
Because of the toxic ideologies have been addicted as humane standards in unchallengeable, they will be continuously to corrupt social environment helplessly, so that the values kidnapped countries will be going on doomed way as that of Britain has been in going.
If a country loses its social productivity, it loses its foundation for survival.
In faced with such a sad situation, some politicians are still in open mouth values and closed mouth values; in fact, they are ignorance without brain cells to reason that what the value is? They have no idea for what humanized value is.
Obviously, in the Western Individualistic Civilization, those social design and political design sound extreme humanized but the social effect is just in the opposite, in perfectly messing social governance and messing human world into the state of suicidal self-destruction.
Due to those ideologies sound noble morals in no one dares to challenge, and they encouraged people are not bad but in inherently kindness with intention for kindness also. It is just precisely because of such goodness to have blocked people’s eyes and ears; so that they are extremely deceptive, which led the sadness that they making bad consequences cannot be stopped in extremely harmful.
The worse is that this phenomenon has been in dominating the political field.
With these highly poisonous ideologies, the efficiency of social productivity can never be improved, thus their actual social effect is in acting as noose in hanging society up, in no one can remove. Because the politicians need them for pleasing voters, some people need them for attacking other countries, some organizations need them for cheating livings by ganging social unrest, and some individuals need them for beautifying themselves as noblest globally...
Such poisonous ideologies are acted as that of the unbeatable virus can only be cleared with their invading hosts together.
I never doubt any politicians in the quality of the strong determination to make own country better, please look at those politicians tired faces in persuading with all their heart, but, the toxic ideologies have poisoned social existences in ungovernable; few politicians are able to satisfy their people and themselves.
Then what the updated government and society should be; the only answer will come from the civilization of China.
It is to make timely amendments for social governance by rigorous selecting high quality people in technocratic democracy; which is the practice of China in over 2000 years of technocratic democracy and thus creates people a prosperous life by making fireworks for celebration and since 2000 years ago, by old and new Silk Road to provide the life necessaries to the people world widely.
It is clear that due to the mistake in dealing with human nature, the humanized thoughts of the European Enlightenment thinkers have corrupted the most of social elements of own home countries in the state of dysfunction. There many democratic playing politicians are vowed to do what and what and what in a lot, but they seem ignored that their ancestors have made social elements in the ungovernable state; so that the realization of their beautiful hope is definitely imposable.
This is the practical value of the Western Individualistic Civilization contributes to the social reality.
In China; the freedom and rights must be in line with the collective interests and social order; it is in exchange for collective interests of majority people by sacrificing the individual interests of minority people.
In the West; the freedom and rights must be in line with the interest of individual, it is in exchange for personal interests of minority people by sacrificing the collective interests of majority people and social order.
The European enlightenment thinkers’ humanized idea of freedom and rights has created such a relaxed social environment, in which people are never worrying about to be punished for the bad consequence from what they are saying and writing. This simple cognitive error on Freedom and rights has caused constant riots in the society, and made society sustained in the state of ungovernable.
The big threat for the West is nothing else, but they advocated individualism based values. The valuable value of the values is to corrupt society for undermining social cornerstone – productivity. In this way, the values are acting as noose in hanging society up. The harm of the values cannot be getting rid of, besides as that of unbeatable virus that cannot be cleared until disappear with its invaded hosts together; because of; there various people are relying on peddling the values for living making and therefore they are continuously fueling them on to push society into grave.
This is the practical value of the Western Individualistic Civilization contributes to the social reality.
2019, in book People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent, the professor at Columbia University and recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2001, Joseph E. Stiglitz who authoritatively account of the dangers of unfettered markets and monied politics, urges to throw off the free market fundamentalists and reclaim our economy with alternative path forward through his vision of progressive capitalism, with a comprehensive set of political and economic changes.
People appreciate The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money 1936 (General Theory) of Keynes; because that it provided the handy usable economical and financial instruments; such as, the policy makers in various countries are anxiously waiting for the 2% inflation rate to adjusting banking interest rate accordingly. But I prefer that The end of laissez-faire 1926, because it was the ideological foundation for General Theory and acted as the pharos to show the correct direction to get rid of the shackles of dogma.
The Government must intervene of the economy directly rather than let it unbridled free developing of the market.
It was just the ideas to have helped the practice of Roosevelt’s New Deal and thereby saved world economy from great depression in causing people starved to die.
There is a comment in Mandarin on a Website of China, said that, Western capitalist countries have taken Keynesian macro economics as a general policy. The history has stepped into the Keynesian era. The macroeconomics created by Keynes has developed into an independent discipline. Moreover, Keynes also contributed to the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
However, many people have questioned that Keynes did not contribute to the New Deal, because of his General Theory published in 1936, at that time; the New Deal has primarily saved the economy already. If we go on this way of thinking, it was that seems the achievements of New Deal to have fully contributed to the General Theory. Therefore, Keynes was certainly a copycat that is not only lack of talent, but also lack of moral.
This phenomenon also shows that people are accustomed going into the dogmatic trap. They can only see the surface of things, but cannot make deep research into the substances.
I firmly believed that although Keynes had no direct suggestion for New Deal, however, he was the father of New Deal actually. The reason is that long before the New Deal put into practice, he had put forward the recommendations that Government should intervene in economy. Such as:
In 1919 in Economic Consequences of the Peace he started to publish his theories.
In 1924 in Monetary Reform he advocated the Government to control the economy by currency, which was through suitable inflation to stabilize prices and production levels.
In 1926 he published The end of laissez-faire to have publicly rejected the Laissez-faire principle of the free market.
In 1929 he suggested British Liberal Party to run the election campaign by advocating the government-run public works (such as, roads, residential construction, the implementation of electrification, land reclamation, etc.) to overcome the problem in unemployment.
In 1930, in Treatise on money he proposed to control the economy by regulating the interest rates.
His above ideas were appeared in New Deal. His view should be considered as theoretical foundation of New Deal in some extent, especially ideological preparation.
In past 154 years before the New Deal, the market was controlled by Invisible Hand that advocated by Adam Smith in his famous book The Wealth of Nations 1776. This doctrine has been strongly advocated by some interest groups under greedy purpose, by which handcuffs government to force it abandon the effective regulation on market. The Laissez-faire market has led to many insurmountable economical problems. Maybe on this context, Keynes wrote the end of laissez-faire in 1926.
Today, here, now, I want to say that great contribution of Keynes is not in the economy but in the ideology that provided in the end of laissez-faire. It is his ideology in decisively affecting people’s behaving rationally.
In the article The end of laissez-faire, Keyes indicated that: “These many elements have contributed to the current intellectual bias, the mental make-up, the orthodoxy of the day. The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.”
Keyes disappointedly said that: “to suggest social action for the public good to the City of London is like discussing the Origin of Species with a bishop sixty years ago. The first reaction is not intellectual, but moral. An orthodoxy is in question, and the more persuasive the arguments the graver the offence. Nevertheless, venturing into the den of the lethargic monster, at any rate I have traced his claims and pedigree so as to show that he has ruled over us rather by hereditary right than by personal merit.”
“The average man averts his attention from the problem, and has no clear idea what he really thinks and feels about the whole confounded matter.” “Confusion of thought and feeling leads to confusion of speech.”
Finally, Keyes indicates that: “The next step forward must come, not from political agitation or premature experiments, but from thought.” “We need a new set of convictions which spring naturally from a candid examination of our own inner feelings in relation to the outside facts.”
Above, Keynes pointed out the absurd phenomena in 94 years ago, the public has been misled by something without reasonable ground or something that legitimacy have been lost long time ago and should be sleep in their tomb.
Clearly, the intention of Keynes in writing the end of laissez-faire was toward broad scope in far beyond economics. In fact, it still is the common phenomenon even more severe in today, in the 94 years later.
In 86 years later today, please look around the world, the sad concern of Keynes is still in popular. So called moral or so called social justice, fairness and values; they are actually in playing the role as beautiful coat covering the ugly nature of some people for reaching the immoral purpose. The fight for social justice and fairness is just the one of the causes in messing society ungovernable. The touted values are just in culturing people and society towards the state of valueless.
Please look around, there are many things have lost the real reasons of existence, the reasons have solemnly entered their graves after completed their missions in long time ago, but they are still alive and still a strong influence on our daily life, or even determine our destiny. Because some people need these undead for various purposes and therefore they endlessly fuel them.
For example, today, the original motivations of establishing some constitutions were gone away for a long time, and the objective circumstances for making those constitutions have entirely changed already, however, those constitutions have still been used to suppress public will and even harm public interest without any modification.
Mar. 26, 2019, I once wrote article John Keynes expressed his depressed mood by his epitaph to indicate that:
“As an unordinary contributed economist, in the life time, Keynes was in enjoying respect that enough made anyone to be complacent, but, the epitaph showed that Keynes was tortured in depressed mood, which inspired me to think of his disappointed experiences, especially his good suggestions were rejected during the talks of Treaty of Versailles and Bretton Woods system. I clearly felt that as an unordinary sober British Man, it was unordinary painful for that had to be lived among the crowd of ignorant people who were without mentality for reasoning the bad consequence.”
“The unordinary annoyed for the unordinary sober Man was helpless seeing that human beings will never get rid of the kidnapping of confused ideologies, and will be irreversibly devalued as only instinct of endless fighting politically, socially and between countries, without brain cells for logical reasoning bad consequence under universal values crowned Fundamentalisms that rooted in the ignorant Universalism. Even if some people can luckily keep their sober minds but have to be kidnapped towards the ignorant way.”
“The Invisible Hand or Market Fundamentalism that was dubbed from laissez-faire has been recklessly playing its role with economic disasters; Democratic Fundamentalism has been effectively malfunctioning government. The hope of human beings is at getting rid of such abduction as that of Keynes hoped, but that is extremely difficult.”
“Such inconvincible behavior of humans is not from people’s bad intention, but is from their believed good that reasoned by their brain. However, the reasoning function of human brain must be backed by acquired knowledge. A person cannot proper reason on something that has no related knowledge in memory, so that they may mal-reason the bad as good. Such as, the people who were instilled by the only thoughts of Montesquieu, she or he will never understand the advantage of technocratic democracy, it was the clear way of dictatorship since it is without the play of election, and especially it dared dump their proud of opposition encouraged political fighting into garbage bin.”
Maybe, due to extremely despaired by the helpless ignorance of people, as the rare truly humanized man who was concerning more for public concern in less selfish concern, the greatest economist of 20s century John Maynard Keynes who once wrote an epitaph for himself in advance; I eagerly searched in libraries and later Googled on the Internet for great many years, but until right now, there only Mandarin version is available, and in a lot; which made me a feeling that the great economist has been forgotten by own countrymen.
The fact shows that the people of China are eager studying the good thoughts of other civilizations and missing the people who have contributed to human civilization. But, the people of the West are not only refuses to learn from other civilizations, but scorns and tries to destroy them. It seems also in forgetting the founder of macroeconomics; the outstanding British economist John Maynard Keynes.
I translated the epitaph from a Mandarin version as bellow.
Don't be sad for me, my friend; please do not tear for me.
Because of, in the future, I will never have to work exhaustedly.
The heaven will be resounded with the hymns and sweet music.
But, for me, will be never to sing anymore.
I am tearful......
I have been long desire for a photo of Keynes’ tombstone with epitaph.
16... Margaret Thatcher saved the Britain and the United States by beaten mob
Nov. 7, 2016, I once wrote article Margaret Thatcher Changed The UK Forever By Defeating Unions, in which I cited the famous Remarks on Orgreave picketing of Ms. Margret Thatcher in May 30, 1984.
“You saw the scenes that went on in television last night. I must tell you that what we have got is an attempt to substitute the rule of the mob for the rule of law, and it must not succeed. It must not succeed.”
“There are those who are using violence and intimidation to impose their will on others who do not want it. They are failing because of two things.”
“First, because of the magnificent police force well trained for carrying out their duties bravely and impartially (loud cheers).”
“And secondly, because the overwhelming majority of people in this country are honorable, decent and law abiding and want the law to be upheld and will not be intimidated, and I pay tribute to the courage of those who have gone into work through these picket lines, to the courage of those at Ravenscraig and Scunthorpe for not going to be intimidated out of their jobs and out of their future. Ladies and Gentlemen we need the support of everyone in this battle which goes to the very heart of our society. The rule of law must prevail over the rule of the mob.”
Then, the government of Britain took brave action to have defeated the reckless of the mob and returned social order with higher social productivity.
As my view, the British economy today and the courage for the Brexit, is the contribution of Ms. Margaret Thatcher rationally dealt with social problems by judging the behaviors of involved individuals according to human or inhuman, soberly recognized that government must forbid people to play according the rule of the mob, rather than according to the confused ideologies - rights or justice.
At the same time, by collaboration with the US President Ronald Reagan, she also saved the economy of the United States by the same way. For the later successor of the U.S. presidents, whether it is former President Bill Clinton, or today's Trump, they all should not be self-proud of economic boom under their tenure, but should thank the rational contribution of Margaret Thatcher on radically improved social productivity.
As an example of confused ideology, the Great Britain, as a typical capitalist country, even in the period of state ownership in dominating economy, no one has questioned its capitalist nature. Its callus in capitalism is too thick to see the nature. But also, we should recognize that, in the development of human civilization, the Great Britain has made great contributions by hardly trial economic models.
Now, we may be convinced that whether the socialism or capitalism, state owned planning economy or private owned market economy, nationalization or privatization, one party dictatorship or multiparty democracy, they are the models in trying for creating better social governance, for achieving a better living social environment to people.
Maybe, encouraged by the bold action in privatization of the two major economies – the Great Britain and the Great United States of America, in the 1980s, in the Western countries have launched a wave of privatization.
Now, the crown of the Great has been a shame for some politicians in some countries by causing financial crisis and drove many people out of their warm homes as refugees embarked on the road to escape toward a uncertain future and many of them have died on such road, and the over load of refugees has been troubling Italians, which is in bearing the results of the reckless of some politicians in other countries.
Please Google, there are too much articles in talking about the great contribution of Margret Thatcher.
17... Book: The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
By William Easterly 2006
An informed and excoriating attack on the tragic waste, futility, and hubris of the West's efforts to date to improve the lot of the so-called developing world, with constructive suggestions on how to move forward.
William Easterly's The White Man's Burden is about what its author calls the twin tragedies of global poverty. The first, of course, is that so many are seemingly fated to live horribly stunted, miserable lives and die such early deaths. The second is that after fifty years and more than $2.3 trillion in aid from the West to address the first tragedy, it has shockingly little to show for it. We'll never solve the first tragedy, Easterly argues, unless we figure out the second.
The ironies are many: We preach a gospel of freedom and individual accountability, yet we intrude in the inner workings of other countries through bloated aid bureaucracies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank that are accountable to no one for the effects of their prescriptions.
We take credit for the economic success stories of the last fifty years, like South Korea and Taiwan, when in fact we deserve very little. However, we reject all accountability for pouring more than half a trillion dollars into Africa and other regions and trying one "big new idea" after another, to no avail.
Most of the places in which we've meddled are in fact no better off or are even worse off than they were before. Could it be that we don't know as much as we think we do about the magic spells that will open the door to the road to wealth?
Absolutely, William Easterly thunders in this angry, irreverent, and important book. He contrasts two approaches:
(1) the ineffective planners' approach to development-never able to marshal enough knowledge or motivation to get the overambitious plans implemented to attain the plan's arbitrary targets and
(2) a more constructive searchers' approach-always on the lookout for piecemeal improvements to poor peoples' well-being, with a system to get more aid resources to those who find things that work.
Once we shift power and money from planners to searchers, there's much we can do that's focused and pragmatic to improve the lot of millions, such as public health, sanitation, education, roads, and nutrition initiatives.
We need to face our own history of ineptitude and learn our lessons, especially at a time when the question of our ability to "build democracy," to transplant the institutions of our civil society into foreign soil so that they take root, has become one of the most pressing we face.
18... The rational politicians and social elites of Canada disappointed for childish democratic play
When most people blindly worship liberal democracy, some rational politicians, scholars and social elites have worried its fatal flaw.
Dec. 15, 2014, I once wrote article Justin Trudeau a rational leader of Canadian Liberal Party to have indicated that:
Irrational people are mostly ignoring the nature of the problem, they never ask that: why do we want a government, why do we want the democracy? What is the ultimate aim of the government or democracy? The only ultimate aim of the government or democracy is to proper govern society, is to proper develop economy, is to improve people's lives.
However, looking around the world, there rare democratic governments are playing right function. Holy dignified Congress became the place where those irrational politicians play bickering.
A government designed as election of several gang to fight as that of street punks in the holy hall for the nation's destiny decisions making, mutually constraints to make a government cannot make major decisions in a timely manner. This is absurd, abnormal, and it is a typical retrogression of human civilization.
From the Crusades - in the name of faith, let us killing each other, which started in 1095 to the Era of Great Voyages - in the name of free trade, let us killing each other, even in the design of political politics – in the name of democratic to have continued conducting fighting by the establishment of multi-parties.
The history of Western civilization is a barbaric civilization with killing and looting. It has never stepped into the civilization as civilized human beings should be.
A society takes absurd as of course, takes the abnormal as normal, cheers non-civilization as civilization, it is ignorance, it is the sadness of democracy.
Now, please look at that how Justin Trudeau views the political parties - democracy, and you may understand that why I said that Canadian Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau is admirable?
Nov. 8, 2013, the article At Toronto fundraiser, Justin Trudeau seemingly admires China’s ‘basic dictatorship’ reported that: Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is facing criticism for confiding an apparent admiration for China’s dictatorial tendencies during a “ladies-night” themed fundraiser held in Toronto on Thursday.
When an audience member asked Mr. Trudeau which nation’s “administration he most admired." Mr. Trudeau responded: “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar. There is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.”
When noting he was on camera, Mr. Trudeau then said: “But Sun News can now report that I prefer China.”
The comments of Mr.Trudeau suffered extensive fierce criticism.
"This wasn’t Mr. Trudeau’s first expression of admiration for the quasi-Communist rising global superpower."
"Mr. Trudeau’s remarks on China show he is unfit to lead the 'greatest democracy in the world.'”
"The comments made by the leader of the Liberal party are an insult to the many Canadians who fought for the basic values and freedoms that we enjoy today. His answer demonstrates again a long-standing position of our party that he is in over his head.”
Those Great Critics were all garbled quote out of context to have intendedly ignored Mr.Trudeau's intention is that how to effectively solve urgent problems that Canada is facing.
Nov. 16, 2014, I once wrote an article that Admirable Vancouver's Mayor Gregor Robertson, I excerpt some as follow:
Nov. 16, 2014, I read the article Gregor Robertson: "you can question how worthwhile democracy is...", and was shocked by the rational response of Vancouver's Mayor Gregor Robertson to the CBC reporter's question about working with an authoritarian regime:"
" can be critical of a lot of regimes around the world, and you can question how worthwhile democracy is in a lot of countries right now which are, frankly, ignoring the biggest crisis in the history of our species which is climate change. That's where you see the Chinese government taking radical dramatic action in investing in turning the ship around. And you do not see that in Western governments right now, democratically elected, and that's because they're afraid. And that's not serving the greater interests of society."
I appreciate the pragmatic spirit of Mayor Gregor Robertson. He can see the problem from the nature without the the shackles of dogma.
In 2019, article Chrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians", Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland said that “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” Freeland said this theme exists in what she called “unhappy liberal democracies,” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.”
In 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who wrote article: “The political pendulum has swung too far to one extreme,” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create,” “politicians are no longer capable of exercising their political authority.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”
In 2010, article Carried away by communism reports that: Gregor Robertson, the Mayor of Vancouver Canada, was disappointingly said: "You can question how worthwhile democracy is in a lot of countries right now." The article said that the idea may have been Ken Livingstone, the former mayor of London (U.K.), who made a similar claim in a speech in Vancouver last year.
Not only Canada, but the scholar from the United States was also disappointed for democracy
In 1992, in the Great United States of America of the Great World Leader, with Cold War finished along with Berlin Wall overthrew; the American political scientist Dr. Francis Fukuyama who was very happy and excited argues that the Western liberal democracy may be the final form of human government. However, in 2014, after experienced the outstanding performance of “the final form of human government”; it was the same Dr. Francis Fukuyama who desperately sighs that America in Decay was “NO WAY OUT”.
19... Enlightenment in China helps settled complex relationship between major social existences
From 771BC to 221BC, China once suffered 550 years tragic wars between over 100 enfeoffment states after the economically independent enfeoffment state is stronger than the imperial court. The tragic wars life has also positive side with the Enlightenment for the development of the civilization of China; which was that it promoted the rational people to actively explore the better way in social governance to avoid wars, thereby bred the birth of the Daoism, Legalism and Confucianism; and by which paved the foundation of the civilization of China.
Thanks Enlightenment thinkers of China for their rational thoughts; so that China was able to have settled down the complex relationships between the major social existences – nature, man, society and mind by leading philosophy and ideology - Daoism, Legalism and Confucianism.
The dialectical philosophy Daoism settled the relationship between man and nature; the moral guidance Confucianism settled the relationship between man and man; the legal system Legalism settled the relationship between man and society. Later, by invaded Buddhism from India comforted the relationship between man and mind. Thus, the quality people under quality social governance created quality wealthy life and developed as a global supplier of the life necessaries through old Silk Road.
In comparison, in the Western countries, the complex relationships between the major social existences are in the mess states, and can never be settled down due to the toxic ideology freedom encouraged endless free fabricating toxic thoughts.
The West has prided for the richness of thoughts, but, they never reflected their social effect good or bad. The varieties of ideologies like a botanical garden, though it is rich in species, but it is mixed with highly toxic weeds.
Such as, Hegel’s philosophical thought has been highly respected and played far-reaching influence. But, if you look closely at Hegel’s philosophy, such as, advocates the rationality for the wars have contributed greatly to the barbaric play of the West.
If you look at those philosophies and ideologies, they are the actual evil source in advocating the rationality for the wars, in advocating the rationality of fighting against government and in advocating the rationality of putting personal interest on the top of national interest, and more, which are actually in messing society ungovernable.
In the self-proud of the democratic played countries, the freely developing confused political philosophies and toxic ideologies kinapped political system to be designed with all kinds of political parties in opposing each other and thus is perfect for reckless partisan opposition without care about messing society unlivable, in the way that only higher animals with super intelligence are able to think of Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, New Democratic Party;....
Thus, the confused political philosophies and toxic ideologies have successfully and perfectly evolved society as that of Coliseum and tamed people as super fighters in fighting politically and socially. Thus, they made society as that of cockfighting yard and people are properly tamed as fighting cocks to make society as ground for herding cats.
Also, the long wars life of killing and looting makes people constantly live in the fears and alert state for self-protection and strong possessive desire for survival, which cultured people in the quality of selfishness in only concern self-interest of individualism without sense of collective interest in the tendency of self-help, less sense for helping others and less sense for protecting collective interest. Thus we may call Europe based civilization as Western Individualistic Civilization.
For the failure in the anti-epidemic control, the Western Individualistic Civilization cultured some people into ungovernable state is also a cause.
Although, many rational politicians and economists have been trying hard to unify Europe, but, the sharp differences in culture and big differences in economic interests between countries make the integration increasingly difficult. Now the Brexit is a fact.
The sad part of Western civilization is at that it did not properly learn lessons from Dark Ages, did not eliminate the nobilities of the roots of wars, did not recognize the huge differences in human quality, but wrongfully insisted on equality and freedom for all. The permissive development of various confused philosophies and toxic ideologies has completely corrupted the social ethos. The childish played social governance entangling with the citizens who have been cultured in self-centered made the society increasingly unmanageable.
Dr. James Watson is the Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine in 1962, known as the father of DNA. No one dares deny that in today's world, he is the person who understands human nature best. He indicates that “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says, not really.”
Dr. James Watson means that it is some certain ethic group in low intelligence, but the reality is more worse than that, the people in low intelligence is wide existed in any ethic population, even in same families.
Regardless of the past or the present, the greatest mistake of the West lies in ignoring the correct understanding for human nature; it is not all people who are in human feature are in human nature. So that many policies are conducive to the free play of low-quality people and help them legally messing social governance.
This is the greatest sadness of the West, no matter how ambitious a politician is, she or he cannot govern a society with inefficient government and increasingly ungovernable people.
20...The darkside of human nature and Crowd Psychology badly impact social governance
Feb. 09, 2014, in article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I indicate that “Human behaviors are determined by dual natures: The cultural nature of those acquired altruistic qualities, and natural (animal) nature of those inborn selfish instincts.” “The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with the culture nature driven by meeting the animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations.” “Therefore, the Management is the Art of playing human natures.”
The animal selfish instinct is the essential motivation to drive people survival. The acquired qualities are essential motivation to drive humans humanized behaving and create self a humanized living environment.
Suppose that it is without the animal nature of selfish instinct, babies would be unable to suck nipples naturally, and human beings would starve to die from the birth. Suppose that there is no inborn hormonal-driven sexual behavior between men and women, human beings would be unable to breeding.
Suppose that it is without cultural nature of acquired qualities, people would be unable to reason the possible bad consequences of own behaving; so that will be no humanized orderly society. The elegant manner of gentle-man or gentle-lady is the co-cultured result of the acquired qualities and the restriction of the law and social morality.
MRI brain scans and antisocial crimes are both proved brutal reality that it is not all people who are in human feature are in proper human nature; some people are in low quality that has not properly humanized but distorted reasoning function in anti-human thinking and behaving. In any race population, even in the same family, may have some people in low quality of the inhuman state.
The easy understandable mechanism of computer program Alpha Go beats human top professional Go player by referencing inputted layouts of the past played game Go revealed the physiological mechanism of human intelligence, which is the acquired knowledge as references in supporting human brain reasoning and judging for signaling behaving; thus, actually, humans are a kind of Robot in driving by acquired knowledge and the toxic ideologies will drive people mal-behaving in antisocial inhuman way.
Such as: 1971, in the U.S. originated concept of sovereign citizen that see themselves as answerable only to their particular interpretations of the common law and as not subject to any government statutes or proceedings. They believe that the U.S. government is illegitimate. Such toxic ideology poisoned people inhuman behaving. In the U.S., Aug. 2, 2020, report A tenant killed his landlord with a sword over a rent dispute: the killer believed he was a sovereign citizen.
Human brain has inborn structural flaw and someone is severe as brain defects in causing bad behaviors of anti-social crime and bullying.
Studies show that the antisocial behavior of criminals were caused by the abnormal in brain - the regions that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognizing were strikingly smaller and caused them cannot produce the feeling of guilt, so that they brutally hurt others without hesitate. The brain of the bullies was abnormal in wrongfully perceiving pleasure from intentionally inflicting pain on others.
The facts reveal a sad reality that is not all people in human feature are in proper human brain.
The behavioral tendencies and crimes caused by the brain structure will be repeated and cannot be corrected for life long. For example, thieves, rapists, and murderers are all repeated hobby, once get chance they will repeated do same thing.
Such as, the experience of psychologist shows serial killers were never remorse
As clinical psychologist, Dr. Vonda Pelto once was tasked to meet with the serial killers daily and prevent them from harming themselves with humane-kindness under values and rights.
However, after 3 years of persuasive communication with those serial killers, with exhausted all kinds of attempts with good intentions, finally, Dr. Vonda Pelto who was convinced that those killers never think of themselves were wrong and therefore they never show remorse for killing others besides remorse for being caught and jailed without the chance to kill more.
As clinical psychologist with full-heart professional working, Dr. Vonda Pelto was not only failed in persuasion of those killers, but also she was deeply mental-harmed by such a desperate experience. She once suffered the threat of being killed by the killer when she talks with him as usual work, thanks the prison guard who has timely rushed in and saved her.
Maybe, driven by such a shocking and unforgettable experience, in Nov. 2007, Dr. Vonda L. Pelto who published book Without Remorse: The Story of the Woman Who Kept Los Angeles' Serial Killers Alive.
The real cases in the book reveal those serial killers have permanently lost their humanity or may say that they are without humanity inborn.
Modern studies revealed shocking fact that political tendency is also determined by brain structure; which means that the policy making of lawmakers is not from proper judgment, but from the natural product of innate brain structure without relation with social reality.
Apr. 26, 2011, the researchers in University College London published study report Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults, by MRI scans from 90 healthy young adults who self-reported their political attitudes confidentially on a five-point scale from “very liberal” to “very conservative”. They found that increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex was significantly associated with liberalism; while the increased gray matter volume in the right amygdala was significantly associated with conservatism.
The report also indicates that “apart from the anterior cingulate cortex, other brain structures may also show patterns of neural activity that reflect political attitudes. Conservatives respond to threatening situations with more aggression than do liberals and are more sensitive to threatening facial expressions. This heightened sensitivity to emotional faces suggests that individuals with conservative orientation might exhibit differences in brain structures associated with emotional processing such as the amygdala. Indeed, voting behavior is reflected in amygdala responses across cultures.”
The difference in the brain structure and the difference in the acquired knowledge caused the difference in human behaving; some people are rational, some people are antisocial; which also proved that, it is not all people who are in human feature are in proper human nature. Some people are in defected brain with distorted reasoning function that cannot humanized distinguish good or bad in taking wrong as right and ignorantly making bad for good without sense for considering bad consequence.
People take IQ scores as the indicator for judging the level of intelligence for people. The studies show that whether in a same ethnic population or between deferent ethnic group, the ratio of IQ level is from low to high to peaks down in normal curve distribution, which means that there is always people in low-intellectual level, even if the people who were born in the same family. The difference is at the level of the average IQ scores between the races in different regions.
The terrible is that the higher IQ scores cannot ensure people in high quality human nature.
May 26, 2017, in article What science can reveal about the psychological profiles of terrorists, Dr. Coral Dando, the Professor of Psychology, University of Westminster, discussed the psychological basis of the terrorists from the research in imprisoned Columbian paramilitaries, in compared with normal people of non-criminals, the terrorists have no differences in terms of IQ scores and executive functioning besides the difference in moral cognition with poor moral reasoning ability.
British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who indicates that: “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”
Dunning-Kruger Effect reveals that low-ability people have cognitive bias in wrongfully self-estimated as more superior and capable than others did, without ability for reasoning bad consequence, so that they are over confidence and over active in the leading position socially.
In reality, under the driving of over self-estimated, those low ability people are more confident and therefore more active in the purpose of fighting for good in the manic state. They constantly running around for gathering speeches that are not for preaching good, but for venting own resentment under hatred twisted mind by ruthlessly condemning everything in shamelessly acting as a global supervisor, especially, attacking the policies of other countries with incitement of public hatred mentality. Such kind of people is the evil promoters of manmade disasters.
The factors that are in badly affecting social governance, it is not only from the complexity of human nature, but also from the complexity of the Crowd Psychologies.
When people grouping in social activities will naturally produce Crowd Psychology or called as Herd Mentality, in which rational people are over concern for the bad consequence and caused indecisive in action to have to blindly follow others and thus made favorite conditions for these people who feel certainty to perform wrongful deeds. The crowd psychology is in making the favorable social environment for those low ability people.
The bad impact of Crowd psychology on social governance
Besides the impact of human natures on social governance, other significant one is Crowd Psychology that has been badly impacting on social governance, which generated when people grouping.
In the book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind 1895, the writer Gustave Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology:
The "impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgment of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others..."
The “determines in the individuals of a group special characteristics which are quite contrary at times to those presented by the isolated individual.”
“To understand this phenomenon it is necessary to bear in mind certain recent physiological discoveries. We know to-day that by various processes an individual may be brought into such a condition that, having entirely lost his conscious personality, he obeys all the suggestions of the operator who has deprived him of it, and commits acts in utter contradiction with his character and habits.”
“The most careful investigations seem to prove that an individual immersed for some length of time in a group in action soon finds himself—either in consequence of the magnetic influence given out by the group, or from some other cause of which we are ignorant—in a special state, which much resembles the state of fascination in which the hypnotised individual finds himself in the hands of the hypnotiser….”
“The conscious personality has entirely vanished; will and discernment are lost. All feelings and thoughts are bent in the direction determined by the hypnotiser.”
In the book L'ge des foules (The Era of Mob), the writer French social psychologist Serge Moscovici (1925 – 2014), who said that: In short, the era of mob is a handful of people on the illegal use of a huge crowd in order to achieve the purpose of the interests of small groups face sounding era.
Note: the title and what Serge Moscovici said is translated from the book in Mandarin that released in April 2003. Therefore, above comment may be not exact in wording, but it is true in meaning; which revealed sad reality that huge crowd was coerced by a handful of people for the purpose of the interests of small group.
In the article Moscovici and Minority Influence that was updated in 2018 has discussed the existence of the reality of a minority influences the majority and how does the minority change the majority view? Thanks for great work of the writer Saul McLeod at the University of Manchester, Division of Neuroscience & Experimental Psychology; School of Health Sciences.
About Crowd Psychology, Monsieur Serge Moscovici has touched the essential soul that huge crowd was coerced by a handful of people for the purpose of the interests of small group people.
As our experience, in the crowd environment, individual is not to be hypnotized, but is in a sober state with retaining their opinions without speaking out.
The key of the problem is that why a few people can successfully control the majority of people to do something that may harm the interest of the majority or the society.
This is because, I think that, some few people lack of the ability of rational thinking, they do something with their animal nature, only in consideration of the interests of themselves, and they never consider the interests of others and the harms for others.
It also is the matter of brain immature.
It is the reason that why small number of brain defective people can play a decisive role to enforce human being living in the state in more barbaric than that of wild animals.
The Crowd psychology has been playing the role as amplifier in helping bad guy playing their bad role.
In the Crowd Psychology kidnapped social environment, those over self-estimated low ability people will always play a role as hypnotizer and high ability people will stay in the state of being hypnotised and acted as blind followers, even if they are in sober mind with a clear sense that was wrong. So that it is the Crowd Psychology has been in playing the role as booster or amplifier in helping those ignorant low ability people to powerfully play their bad role.
The most frightening reality is that those low ability politicians have no a sober consciousness for what they are doing, without clear awareness for the bad consequence of they are in making. So that, at the time they ruthlessly endangering the lives of others, they are also in endangering the life of themselves and their families, in making that there is no one able to live a peaceful life.
This is the why that human society establishes government for suppressing the wrongful behavior of those low-quality people to create a livable social environment, but unfortunately, the government is often kidnapped by those low-quality people to take the power of the State Apparatus as handy tools to destruct human society unlivable.
People are inborn selfish animals; people’s social activities are driven by selfish instinct for survival and people free grouping, mostly, are harmful to society in stronger power, but the partisan grouping is the most dangerous one, because it may attract more social garbage together with more bad ideas and with the potential to take the power of the State Apparatus to more powerfully threaten human survival.
The reason for people is eagerly ganged as group, because that the more people gathered together, the more powerful in social influence in favorite of personal interest gains. It said that now globally, the number of NGOs has reached about 10 million, from the consideration of human selfish instinct; the most of them will be harmful for social governance by misusing the grouping power.
For people grouping, the most harmful one is not those gangs of antisocial criminals but those so called think tanks, in which the most of them in self proud of specialist, but due to the scope of knowledge is narrow, some of them cannot make rational judgment. Some thinkers sell their souls for personal gains. Because they are all dressed as so-called thinkers in the holy think tanks, so that, their opinions are deceptive powerfully; many of wrongdoings of the politicians are from their misleading.
So called think tanks actually are the jars for fermentation. The jars are mostly in fermenting toxins to poison human society.
Any organizations or government agencies are composed of individuals; so that any mistakes of the organizations or government agencies are the trouble making of the low quality individual. In actual operation, many government agencies may inevitably be evolved into the tools for the individuals in power to vent their dictatorship.
Among these government agencies, the most dangerous one is the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of National Security. The low quality leaders may fabricate false information to exert their inhuman mentality and may provoke wars.
The occurrence of wars, besides for defense; mostly, is not from the will of the majority people, but from the exertion of bestial instinct of the inhuman low quality individual; this is why that once some person takes the position as defense minister, immediately looking for barking and attacking rather than looking for peace.
In most of cases, the arguments by the name of some organization are actually from some individual. People say that some government is bad, but actually it is the bad of some politicians in power.
On national affair, people have cognitive barriers. In fact, in many countries, the happen of many unexpected problems are not form the will of the people of the whole country. Rather, they are caused by the low quality individuals who misused administrative power of government under personal will.
As my view, on this small Earth, no matter it is in the East or the West; all of people are inborn with dual nature of animal instincts and acquired qualities.
The animal instincts are just valuable as the essential motivation in driving people for survival and self-reproduction. Without animal instincts will be no human beings.
It is just because of such a both rational and irrational contradictory nature of people made social governance complicated. If it is without powerful rationalized social governance, for survival, all of people would be falling into the beast play as that of bloody fighting cocks; include you and me, no one can be outstanding besides extra bad.
Therefore, social governance must be humanized to be according to brain signaled behaviors – humanity or inhumanity.
It is just such natural phenomenon of the complexity of human nature entangling with Crowd Psychology makes social governance difficult and thus caused the sharp difference among the civilizations that decided by the humanized level in social governance.
There are many things that are happening among minority people can be acquiesced with one eye open and other close, but they definitely not allowed rising onto the table of legal level as a reason to cause mischief in reckless social unrest. It is illegal of the politicians who put some ugly maters on the table of legislature in voters pleasing concern.
21... Recruit employee by the quality of brain not the academic degree
— The Prestigious Universities are disabling the Genius
Frank July 26, 2014, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; Updated Jan. 5, 2017, Oct. 28, 2019, 13, April, 2021
Only the people with well developed brain in both of innate high quality and acquired high quality in knowledge and experiences are able to make rational reasoning with reasonable judgments and perfect practices, but, the brain defective one is not.
Here, I would like to point out that, in daily operation, any businesses, organizations or communities cannot be absolutely fair and reasonable, it will provide enough reason for those brain defectives complaints endlessly with upset bickering to make an ungovernable situation with achieves nothing.
Therefore, we must identify those brain defectives out, especially from the management team. We do not need to tolerate them messing up our managements and resulting in unnecessary waste of social resources, thereby mess up our living environment.
In the actual process of hiring people, it is not easy to identify those brain defectives out. In particular, in modern society, that teaches others how to beautify themselves and how to fraudulently respond to job interviewers, has become a profitable career. That is, some professional trainers are in training people deceive those bodies that recruit employees.
In Canada, also as same as many other countries, the government specializes in providing free training for job-seeker in resume writing, and interview-skills - interviewers often asked questions, and how to answer wittily.
We cannot simply deny the positive side of such kind of services. However, we also cannot deny its negative effects potentially, the low-quality people are clever dressed as high-quality one, so that the employers cannot prevent to be cheated by job seekers in low quality - hired a hot yam that scalds own hand to pain, introduce a person that is incompetent at work, but extra competent in troublemaking, and also it is not easy to kick out.
Therefore, in the process of recruiting employee, besides considering the qualification of academic degrees, to view resume, to interview with questions, the significant part, as my view, it is to examine the quality of brain of candidates by ability testing intellectually and physically, for example:
1.. Examination of humanities and history knowledge, especially, the communist and religions, those who get high scores proved that they have acquired a wide range of knowledge, thereby they can think rationally with a proper social behaving; especially in humanized thinking and behaving. This point is vital important for those who will work as lawmakers and officials
2…By abbreviating a certain length article to a shorter brief one in simplest words with keeping the original meaning as much as possible to test the abilities in writing and wording, which is best way for testing the quality of a person's brain in both of innate and acquired.
Neat and beautiful handwriting shows that writer’s brain is well functioning so that hand can well follow brain’s commanding signal without tremble. The good rhetoric in writing indicates that the brain is efficient enough in logically reasoning based on sufficient acquired knowledge.
The rigorous logically reasoning is the prerequisites for doing any job properly.
3…By glancing or listening to a group of over ten random numbers then writing down from memory to test the capacity in concentration and short-term memory.
Good results suggest that attention can be well concentrated with a good short-term memory; it shows that brain has well developed.
4…By threading the buttons together with needle and thread in certain time test the ability of hand-brain coordination.
Threading buttons faster is a sign of good hand-brain coordination.
5…By watching videos in violent or sorrow test the reaction of compassion.
No feeling of compassion is a sign of defective brain. A person less in compassion cannot make a perfect job with a potential stirring up trouble in workplace.
6… The harmful hobbies, such as, the smokers, alcohol abuses are also the sign of the brain defective.
Such people are unable to properly self behavior control.
7…The sense of humor
Easy in laugh, witty humor language and response, is also the symbol of well developed brain in high intellectual level. A person with humor is the most advanced intellectual sign.
A depressed people will be no sense of humor, but will be endlessly complaining. They are not only in low efficiency of their own work, but also will badly influence others, to make others in depressed state and lower down the systematic productivity.
An intelligent person can well follow the topic and exactly answer for whatever asked with simplest words. Otherwise is a mental defective, at least in somewhat.
No matter what the topic, a person with well-developed brain can give convincing insights.
And so on…….
An intelligent person can well follow the topic and exactly answer for whatever asked with simplest words. Otherwise is a mental defective, at least in somewhat.
No matter what the topic, a person with well-developed brain can give convincing insights.
And so on…….
Such skills are very simple and being often used in doing daily tasks, but less people can do perfectly, especially those people of brain development is not matured, or harmed by bad living habits, such as, smokers, alcoholics.
In fact, those harmful hobbies are also the sign of brain not well developed, so that they are unable to proper self-behavioral control.
Those brain development normal people, in general, will be able to do their best in whatever they engaged in, and will be able to continuously concentrate on their daily jobs or on professional studies, rarely complaint. And more importantly, they will be good at cooperation with others, this point is very important for well accomplishing most of work.
On the contrary, those whose brain is in non-normal will be the players of troublemakers with endless complaining due to they are sustained in depressed mood under defective brain. The worse is that they would badly influence others by causing a depressed work environment.
Under the impact of Crowd Psychology or Herd Instinct, the bad work ethic of brain defectives will misleading the people surrounding them, thereby lower down the efficiency systematically.
Ensure to hire high-quality brain is extremely important for those who work as management.
If the mental defectives take the position in management, they would harm entire system, they may lure people to bully others with doing everything possible.
For the candidates who are with outstanding ability, we should hire directly without the restriction of the academic degree. Since that in the Era of the knowledge explosion, there are many channels for knowledge updating, which are not limited to the schools. On other hand, as mentioned above, in some extent, the rigid mechanized teaching model of schools may stifle the creativity of the students.
Talk to here, we may say that, in simply put, so called corporate management or social governance is to select a group of brain to rule certain group of brain for finishing purposeful tasks by meeting the brain cells that are responsible for selfishness of animal instincts to drive the brain cells that are responsible to exert acquired skills by regulations to trigger the brain cells that are responsible to abide social order under the conscious of self-esteem.
The motivation of the topic
The profitable-businesses are the important cells of national economy in providing jobs for people’s living making and revenue for Government's social governing. We must ensure them in healthy sustained development, thereby ensures a livable social environment.
Also, various non-profit organizations, especially the government agencies, as an integral part of an orderly society, their efficient functioning in social governance are indispensable to ensure a habitable society.
In consideration of overall social governance, we must avoid that makes businesses or organizations as charity to care about some incapable individuals with detriment of systemic efficiency, which may easily cause businesses or organizations failure, result in more people unemployed with greater uncharitable.
For this end, no matter it is the businesses, or the organizations in profit or non-profit, or government agencies, that continuously improves systemic efficiency is important and necessary, in this concern, to the root essense, it is at timely optimizing in Human Resource.
However, it would inevitably involve in the replacement of people - to replace the incapable person by capable one. In this process, that hires people with a job providing is everyone happy, but, that lay off people with job losing is no one happy but an issue that is extremely difficult to deal with, or even cause bloody conflict in many real cases.
There no one would like to play a role as wicked person to cut off the job of others. On this regard, it is same for any people, no matter which race, which nation, the East or the West.
For avoiding the sadness of laying off people, it is better to take prevention in beforehand, rather than to make up afterwards, in this concern, it is important that ensure to select or recruit quality people who can make a perfect job that never needs to be replaced.
Only the people who have well developed brain in both of innated quality and aquired quality can properly reasonining to ensure a high quality work with high efficiency in lesser trouble causing.
So, there is necessary to particularly discus how to recruit high quality people.
July 26, 2014, I read article Don’t Send Your Kid to the Ivy League, with subtitle – The nation’s top colleges are turning our kids into zombies.
The writer William Deresiewicz wrote with that: “Our system of elite education manufactures young people who are smart and talented and driven, yes, but also anxious, timid, and lost, with little intellectual curiosity and a stunted sense of purpose: trapped in a bubble of privilege, heading meekly in the same direction, great at what they’re doing but with no idea why they’re doing it.”
The comments inspired me to think of an issue in long consideration - how to identify people that are perfect in smart and wise.
According to my own experience and the comments of others when working in a research institute, among the people who achieve higher academic degree, especially those grads of Prestigious Universities, only few of them are with better research ability to accomplish some groundbreaking work, most of them are mediocrity that cannot independently complete simple research tasks with no ability for innovation besides to draw tiger by imitating cat with following the footprints of others.
Modern MRI brian scans prove that it is the brain structure - in both of innated quality and aquired quality in determining personal intelligence and behavior. It is high quality developed brain in supporting high quality people.
Photo source:
The medical outcome has provided availability for recruiting satisfied people from the level of brain structure.
July, 30, 2012, in the article Recover Mental Disorders by Chinese Medicine, I indicate that: Recent years, scientists have learnt more clearly about human brain structure and work mechanism. Our brain is an extraordinarily complex organ that is made up of many different structures. Any of human behaviors is dominated by the specific population of cells in the brain. Because that mature degree of human brain is varies greatly with big difference from person to person, so, people's behaviors are also a great difference.
More evidences have showed that various abnormal behaviors or mental disorders are connected with the abnormality or atrophy in brain. The antisocial behaviors are also caused by mental disorders, such as that Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens, Criminal Minds Are Different from Yours, Brain Scans Reveal, and Happiness linked to size of precuneus in Brain.
We can speculate that, even if, people have no significant behavioral problems, but, the character of each individual is also in big different, some are impulse and radical in depressed mood and lack of compassion; some are sober and rational in happy mood in full of compassion. Those are also due to the differences in brain structure, it will certainly affect people's work ethic, such as, in the workplace, some people work mindlessly, and some people work full-heartedly in whatever they engaged.
Modern studies show that Brain Cells can regenerate.
The quality of brain in easily generating or activating the brain neurons in idle is the foundation that we can remember those we have studied and experienced in the past and can remember those we will be studied and experienced in the future - and which is the innated quality.
The wide range of studies and social experiences will promote the generation of new populations of brain cells or activating the brain neurons in idle, thereby perfect brain in the structure with perfect reasoning function. And more brain neurons in memorizing knowledge and experiences, especially the experiences from successes or failures will provide more references for rationally reasoning - and which is accquired quality.
A good innated quality integrates good accquired quality is the prerequisites for making a reasonable judgment with perfect decision making, and thereby makes correct practice.
The accumulation of the knowledge and experiences is wisdom.
It is that more in success less in mistake with ability in perfect correct predictability made a person as Sage.
On other hand, if a person is lack of extensive reading and social experiences, the person will fall into a situation as that of watching sky by sitting in the bottom of a deep well, which will largely narrow the field of their vision, and thereby limits the scope and the depth of the reasoning. Thus, when faced with intractable problems, the person cannot flexibility come up with feasible solutions. It will be more harmful for those who are on the key position of the government or any management.
— Frank July 26, 2014, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Follow is a related article.
Ivy League miseducation
22... The mechanism of human intelligence and the fatal flaw of liberal democracy
Oct. 3, 2020, in article To end epidemic from the root of stopping virus-production by curing the diseases in civilization, I discussed the nature of human intelligence.
Human is formed by a skin wrapping 206 bones and the specific behavior is signaled by the reasoning result of specific population of brain cells. Due to the existence of brain defects, it is not all people who are in human feature are in human nature. Even if for those quality normal people are in lifelong selfish instinct and which is the essential driver for seeking survival; without selfish instinct driven people social activities will be no human society.
People’s selfish instinct is a double-edged sword in decisively affecting the governance of human society.
The computer program AlphaGo was developed for playing China’s 2,500 years old board game Go – a game for two players, in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent by abstract strategy. In China, the computer was also called as electronic brain, which is more realistic for AlphaGo in consideration of the role it will be acted.
Go and Chess
Therefore, the process of AlfaGo – an electronic brain beats world’s best human professional Go player Ke Jie was a process of electronic brain beats human brain in artificial intelligence fighting against human intelligence, which provides us an ideal demonstration for understanding the physiological-structure and working-mechanism of human brain by comparison with the well-known assembly-structure and working-principle of electronic brain.
Those above are the basic physical functional framework of brain; although, still there are more complex different details, such as, signal transduction, various chemicals in the human brain; ..., but all in all, they are developed in order to perform a main role – logical reasoning, rational judging and decision making…
Suppose that we view the capability of two kind of brain is equal; then, the key to decisively support the realization of their function is those data have pre-stored in electronic brain, and those information have memorized in human brain. This point is vital important, due to those data and information are the essential references for brain reasoning, judging and decision making, and thereby determine the rational or irrational in physical action.
The wrongful knowledge will drive people wrongful behaving; without related knowledge as reference cannot make proper reasoning on related issue.
May 26, 2017, in article What science can reveal about the psychological profiles of terrorists, Dr. Coral Dando, the Professor of Psychology, University of Westminster, discussed the psychological basis of the terrorists from the research in imprisoned Columbian paramilitaries.
Professor Dando wrote that “What went though the mind of the suicide bomber Salman Abedi just before he blew himself up in Manchester this week, killing 22 people? We often dismiss terrorists as non-humans, monsters, at first. But when we learn that they were seemingly normal individuals with families and jobs, it’s hard not to wonder about how their minds really work.”
By compared with normal people of non-criminals, Professor Dando found that terrorists have no differences in terms of IQ scores and executive ability besides the difference in moral cognition with poor moral reasoning ability; which meant that the dead killers are living among us as normal people in unidentifiable before them making tragedies.
MRI brain scans show that the antisocial behavior of criminals were caused by the abnormality in brain - the regions that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognizing were strikingly smaller and caused them cannot produce the feeling of guilt, so that they brutally hurt others without hesitate. The brain of the bullies was abnormal in wrongfully perceiving pleasure from intentionally inflicting pain on others.
British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who indicates that: “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” It is just the doubt and indecision of rational people paved the way for irrational people.
As of current, social governance has developed as that set orbit by legislation and then society run accordingly; so that it is the lawmakers in decisively deciding the quality of our life.
Sadly, modern studies revealed shocking fact that political tendency of the lawmakers is determined by brain structure; which means that the policy making of lawmakers is not produced from proper judgment according to social problems, but produced by innate brain structure without relation with reality.
Apr. 26, 2011, the researchers in University College London published study report Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults, by MRI scans from 90 healthy young adults who self-reported their political attitudes confidentially on a five-point scale from “very liberal” to “very conservative”. They found that increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex was significantly associated with liberalism; while the increased gray matter volume in the right amygdala was significantly associated with conservatism.
The report also indicates that “apart from the anterior cingulate cortex, other brain structures may also show patterns of neural activity that reflect political attitudes. Conservatives respond to threatening situations with more aggression than do liberals and are more sensitive to threatening facial expressions. This heightened sensitivity to emotional faces suggests that individuals with conservative orientation might exhibit differences in brain structures associated with emotional processing such as the amygdala. Indeed, voting behavior is reflected in amygdala responses across cultures.”
The difference in the brain structure and the difference in the acquired knowledge caused the difference in human behaving; some people are rational, some people are antisocial; which also proved that, it is not all people who are in human feature are in proper human nature. Some people are in defected brain with distorted reasoning function that cannot humanized distinguish good or bad in taking wrong as right and ignorantly making bad for good without sense for considering bad consequence.
Now, we have sadly understood that in the holy parliament of State Apparatus and the holy street of modern society, the reasons of fighting of lawmakers and the fighting of people against government is not from rational reasoning according to reality; but it is from brain defects.


Please see the childish play of those MPs, the reason of they are fighting is not for making correct policy according to the judgment on actual social problems; but it is from the innate defected-brain naturally determined in advance. It is their defected-brain in driving them in defected-behaving.
Facing the above pictures, people will immediately think of the lunatic asylum.
Now we can infer that the medical experts in Western medicine who resist the use of experience based Traditional Chinese Medicne - TCM are mostly because their acquired knowledge of the reference for reasoning is limited in western medicine, so that they cannot understand the humanized practice of TCM that cures human diseases by natural therapies to promote the restoration of natural physical balance.
From another perspective, the doctors in TCM have never rejected the practice of Western medicine, but the people in Western medicine have been endlessly attacking the practice of TCM, which revealed the sad reality that European based Western civilization has a manic effect of distorting the reasoning function of people and dehumanize some people without rationality to be extremely exclusive.
In this time Covid-19 treatment, the medical experts who reject the participation of the medical experts in TCM were from the distortion of Western civilization on their soul. Because of they are clearly remembering that in 2003 SARS treatment; the therapeutic effect of TCM on coronavirus has been clearly demonstrated and much better than the treatment of western medicine.
The problem is not limited in the use of experience based medicine, the irrational behavior of the medical experts in western medicine had misled WHO and many governments banned the use of the hydroxychloroquine and others have clinically showed effective synthetic drugs; and even they attack French Professor Didier Raoult, due to the Professor clinically proved and announced that the hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment to cure COVID-19 patients in decreasing the virus carriage duration.
Besides medical experts, some writers are also joined the team to mislead the practice of anti-pandemic. Diet vinegar is a cheaper and easy available agent that can effectively inactivate Covid-19 virus, but there are many articles in talking about that vinegar is ineffective on Covid-19 virus.
However the study report from Japan Jun. 24, 2020 Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2 and Italy July 20, 2020 Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo have both proved that vinegar effectively inactivated Covid-19 virus. Even the fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Above sadness are not the most harm of the medical experts in western medicine; the most harm is the misleading in the direction of study on the treatment of Covid-19 infections by focusing on synthetic chemicals.
In social governance, the people who are with distorted reasoning function are in badly distorting social governance, by looking for attacking ideologically, politically, socially and some people even take which childish play as business for living making.
The political design in west is perfect for reckless exertion of the dark side human nature; please look at what stuff in determining the fate of mankind from the root of policy making: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, New Democratic Party;....
Faced with the increasingly ungovernable and unlivable society, the rational people feel sadness, but helpless sigh.
Years ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau once said that he appreciate the high efficiency of the government of China, but was fiercely attacked by public opinion.
2019, article Chrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians", Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland said that “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians.” Freeland said this theme exists in what she called “unhappy liberal democracies,” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.”
2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who wrote article: “The political pendulum has swung too far to one extreme,” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create,” “politicians are no longer capable of exercising their political authority.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”
Now, we have understood that the cause of the worries of Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland and Goldy Hyder is not from the manner of people who made rational judgment on the social problem, but is from the manner of people whose mind have been distorted or in inborn brain defects.
Philosophy, medicine and people are the main parts of civilization, so I said that to end epidemic from the root of stopping virus-production by curing the diseases in civilization.
Here, I have to mention a event that shows the reason why that we cannot get effective solution to end the epidemic.
I once made a phone call to a Professor who is in taking the positions in Universities, Research Institutes and Academic Associations; the multi-academic titles made me full of hope, I begged for testing the inhalable antiviral volatile and told him that the practice of DC Foods Waterloo has proved that it is safe and effective for uprooting the epidemic quickly. I was afraid that he would refuse, and continued said that the test is extremely simple. But, he definitely told me that he is not interested.
23... The way out for humans in social governance is at non-partisan civil legislature
Jan. 30, 2016, in article Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance, I indicate that, the improvement of social governance may encounter four main resistances.
First one is that has to deal with people who are with innate selfish nature and are capable in independent thinking and tend to act according to own preferred accord, which will negatively affect social governance.
Second one is that due to the improvement of social governance may cause the panic for potential risks from the uncertain social changes; the most of people would resist the reform.
Third one is that the improvement of social governance would involve in some social reform with the redistribution of social interest, and it would certainly encounter the fierce resistance of interest group.
Fourth one is that the way of thinking and behaving of people is dominated by accustomed old tradition or outdated ideologies. In The end of laissez-faire 1926, the British economist Keynes indicates that: “The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.”
Such human behaviors are caused by the inborn nature of human beings, in regardless of the race, regardless of the nationality and regardless of the political model - one party dictatorship or multiparty democracy.
Social improvement is to create better life for people; though the final outcome of the improvement will be good for people; but in the process of striving towards that, it must be by the way that public is acceptable.
The best way is to start from the approach that will be easily acceptable by the people in all level, and then develops forward gradually in carefully avoids social unrest and reducing the harm to people. The hard life has made people in the state of nervousness and easily panic for the potential risks from uncertain perspective of social changes.
A humanized goal should not be achieved by non-humanized way.
The improvement of the social governance requires progress gradually with people understands and acceptance in step by step. If, in 20 or 30 years, an obvious progress is made, it is already a huge success.
First of all, we can try to run the two models of the old and new in parallel to gain experience, and then promote it accordingly.
The process of China’s economic reform was the process of making efforts to reduce or avoid such social resistance rather than overcome.
In last century, Shenzhen city set as special economic zone in China was for this purpose, to obtain reliable and successful experience and then gradually promoted it national widely.
For democratic countries, the method of China in locally pre-test is just good at helping ruling party to practice flexibly in any time by the name of test, thereby bypassing the legislation that may fail in opposition. Then the convincing fruits from the test may help to eliminate the excuse for opposition, by such roundabout way in acceptable by the people in all level, even if it is under current political system, the ruling party is still able to make rational business.
In the speech and subsequent publication Free Thought and Official Propaganda in 1922; Bertrand Russell indicates that: “None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error. The methods of increasing the degree of truth in our beliefs are well known; they consist in hearing all sides, trying to ascertain all the relevant facts, controlling our own bias by discussion with people who have the opposite bias, and cultivating a readiness to discard any hypothesis which has proved inadequate.”
In which, Bertrand Russell was for emphasize the importance of unrestricted freedom of expression in society. However, due to the inborn selfish nature of human beings, the freedom of expression has been also used as tool that harms society.
Now, the multiparty supervision has failed, and media supervision has failed, so how to ensure the rationality of the government?
As mentioned above, human society develops into this day, the social governance has been evolved as that by legislature legislating policies as orbit and then society runs accordingly.
The hope for humanized social governance is at non-partisan civil legislature in naturally formed by quality humanized people under certain qualifications in unlimited numbers to be work at electronic office in self reliance.
Without the temptation of high salaries and political privileges, no one would struggle for partisan opposition to messing social governance by making bad for good.
As Bertrand Russell has indicated: “none of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error.”
Now that there is no one is perfect qualified civil lawmaker, then we may choose best one. Among all social groups, only the entrepreneurs is the best qualified.
As the organizers of the social production in creating employment and revenue, the interest of the Entrepreneurs is the most in line with the interest of majority people and national economy, therefore their opinion will be good for public and also they are in mostly understanding the needs for developing a better society.
On other hand, the people who can legally run business for 20 years have proved their personal quality in rational thinking with high intelligence, and which is the key for rational legislation.
We may take the entrepreneurs as main body lawmaker in non-partisan civil legislature in unlimited numbers besides the strict qualification of that has legally found and successfully operation of manufacturers for 20 years and currently is over 500 or 1000 employees without debt or recoverable in debt, with paid certain tax to government annually.
The entrepreneurs must be limited in the manufacture or agriculture of real economy, rather than those in other industries, especially those who work in the financial economy in making money by money from plundering real economy, which will breed their greedy mentality and thus, they will be cultured in harming human society.
The qualified entrepreneurs should work in electronic office by self-spending, to provide voted suggestions when elected legislature fails in reaching agreements or suggests new ideas.
The advantage of the political neutral nature will make the voice of the non-partisan civil legislature with unique credibility for convincing the nervous people who are in doubt because of fear; therefore, will be able to solve some thorny social problems.
In comparison, some of the scholars, or so called thinkers in so called think tanks; the most of them are irrational, in playing negative role for a better society.
Their focuses are not on how to develop economy and how to improve the life of people, but, talkative with selfish concern in that who is number one, how to act as superpower by the tone of the street boys or street girls in full hearted striving to mess they have over-messed world.
Such low quality thinkers are the main culprits for the chaotic world in misleading those low quality politicians to destruct world by the power of State Apparatus, because the coat of thinker is extremely deceptive, so that they are more harmful.
Of course, there are many rational scholars are in eagerly exploring the way out for human society with good ideas. It is possible to invite such scholars as lawmaker in the civil legislature in recommended globally with certain payment for their good suggestions.
Although non-partisan civil legislature cannot directly participate in legislation, the voices of many entrepreneurs will constitute a psychological deterrent to those irrational legislators and prevent them from being unscrupulous.
Now, the non-partisan civil legislature cannot replace current political legislature, it needs a long way to go. The feasible way is to go hand in hand at present.
Maybe, we need 30 or even 50 years to reach fully governance in non-partisan civil legislature along with the contribution of the non-partisan civil legislature gradually increased and which will naturally gradually fade the influence of the political philosophy and ideology in partisan politics of liberal democracy; which people have long been accustomed.
In Canada, the Business Council of Canada is a best platform for establish non-partisan legislature.
Mar. 31, 2013, I once wrote article Italian president initiates a new Era of rational politics, after inspired by article Italy: Napolitano invites 'select group' on cabinet in Mar. 30, 2013: Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has named 10 "wise men" to work in two separate groups to offer a policy platform to end the impasse in forming a new government.
The report interested me to search more information on this regard.
Giorgio Napolitano (born 29 June 1925) who served as the 11th President of the Republic from 2006 to 2015, and in April 2013, Napolitano (aged 87) reluctantly agreed to stand again, becoming the first President of Italy to serve a second term.
Nov. 2011, Berlusconi resigned as Prime Minister. Then Napolitano asked former EU commissioner Mario Monti to form a technocratic cabinet - All ministers are served by non-political scholars and experts, which was referred to as a "government of the president" by critics.
Mar. 30, 2013, an article reports that Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has asked a select group of people to offer a policy platform to end the impasse in forming a new government. He named 10 "wise men" to work in two separate groups. While Mr. Monti's caretaker cabinet was still "operational" and "in charge".
After a record eight and a half years as president, Napolitano resigned at age 89 in January 2015.
Mr. Napolitano may be an only president that resigned due to aged rather than dumped away by own people among those democratic players in the West.
The fact proved that he dictatorially named technocrats as high rank officials was a rational choice that acceptable socially.
The fact also proved that after the dictatorially named technocrats occupied high rank official position, without the temptation of the generous wages and benefits, those low-quality people will naturally be as that of the deflated balloons, lost the motivation to continue tossing about.
It is easily imagined, the practice of the Technocratic cabinet avoided government to be dysfunctioned by the irrational partisan opposition, as that of playing in the parliament of many democracies. The technocratic cabinet has essentially improved social governance without social resentment as that of the revolution that has to do for social progress.
Generally, world widely, people respect outstanding nonpartisan person who is cultured with profound knowledge, to organize a government by such technocrats will less encounter social resistance. And also, more significantly, knowledgeable people can make rational reasoning with lesser reckless.
The Italian politicians have made more rational practices.
As same as that of many other countries, in Italy, the state owned enterprises have developed as unbearable burden in urgently need to be reformed. However, even so, throughout the 1980s, when other neighboring countries were busy in privatization, Italians stayed in patiently observation without action, besides made some light touch up on profitable adjustment in the management of the state-owned enterprises.
After waits for 10 years with observed and analyzed the problems from the radical privatization in neighboring countries, Italian carefully privatized their state owned enterprises with Gov-holding veto right (golden rule powers) to have avoided the harm of the overplaying of human animal nature. And later, the president names technocratic cabinet avoided the harm of reckless democratic play.
In 2014 Italy, former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi undertook a major reform on the managements of state owned enterprises, in which he capped the annual salary of the executives in 238,000 Euros and which has been well carried out. Such as, the Remuneration Report 2016 – Eni (Italian multinational Oil and Gas Company) indicated that the maximum remuneration for Board of Directors was up to 238,000 euros.
Viewing from the significance of social governance, the political measures of Italian politicians have both broken the popular practice of other countries that were fully following the universalism crowned Market Fundamentalism and Democratic Fundamentalism. The independent practices demonstrated the outstanding of the Italians.
In a global environment that has been abducting by the confused ideologies, any rational policy is difficult to be formulated. Only Italian can realize that, since they dare boldly practice independently without the constraint of the dogmatic thinking, and dared violate the popular practice and despise the suggestions of others, of those people who self-recognized as nobler as world No.1 in desperately supervising globally in behalf of the universalism.
Here, we can see the rationality of the Italians. They firmly follow the correct path of they have carefully identified. Since Italian understood that state-owned enterprises are the lifeblood of the national economy and the basic foundation in supporting people survival; they must be treated very carefully without any flaws allowed, since that any minor mistake may cause big trouble for the life of own people.
In fact, it is the ancient civilization in backing Italians rational reasoning and thereby managed political measures independently according to the situation of own country without blindly following the popular practice of others that dogmatically follow the preaching of the mal-valued Fundamentalisms.
In comparison with the rational practice of Italian, the politicians in most of Western countries were in childish talent and treated vital social issue as that of playing game of babies, by simply following the preaching of others without selves thinking over.
24.. The wisdom of Confucius who was the founder of Confucianism
This is an excerpt from my Oct. 3, 2020 article To end epidemic from the root of stopping virus-production by curing the diseases in civilization.
For being able to enjoy a peaceful life since ancient, the people of China should thank those ancient outstanding thinkers who found the rational culture to have paved the humanized civilization. The Confucius was the unique sage among them with great contributions.
At the same time, the people of China should be grateful to own ancestors for always keeping and following the good ideas of humanity; while kicked away those absurd trash thoughts that are harmful to social development.
Comparatively speaking, the ancestors of the West always reserving and following absurd ideas, such as, that design democratic played government in the dysfunction state, and ideologically misleads people to hatred government as enemy and fight against it to make society ungernable.
For example, English-born American political activist, political theorist and revolutionary, Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809) in his said that "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one."
Apr. 12, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, Dr. John Micklethwait and the political editor of the Economist, Dr. Adrian Wooldridge who jointly published article to disappointedly sigh:
“The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.”
“Since Hobbes’s time, the world has come full circle. When he wrote “Leviathan,” China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence. China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s biggest city (Beijing had more than a million inhabitants), the world’s mightiest navy and the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.”
“Indeed, it was the struggle for mastery in Europe that propelled Western government forward: Europe’s monarchies seized on technological innovations — particularly new ships and weapons — to improve their chances of survival. When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.”
According to above intraduction sbout the deeds of Europe’s government in centuries ago, the views of Thomas Paine on government was perfect correct, but that is for the government in the Western countries, it is not suitable for the government of China. The deeds of Confucius was a vivid proof.
In any case, the negative comments on government of Thomas Paine have had a bad impact on the current social governance in the Western contries.
9.6.2.. 500 BC Confucius starts to develop Confucianism
The founder of Confucianism was Confucius. He was a teacher, politician, and philosopher lived in 551– 479 BC of China. The Analects of Confucius was a collection of sayings and ideas of Confucius, was compiled by his followers.
The life time of Confucius was just in the middle of the chaotic period of China (771 - 221 BC) historically with endless civil wars. Faced with chaotic society; as a man with unordinary humanized reasoning function; he struggled to build social order by preaching people that the son obeys the father, the wife obeys the husband; the minister obeys the Duke, the young people should respect and take care for elderly, everyone must respect on social morality and respect on own promise in the social activities, and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. When three people go together, always there is one for learning some good qualities, while the bad one will teach what requires correction in self; and so on.
In 134 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty issued an edict to solicit strategies for better governing the country and adopted Dong Zhongshu's suggestions: "Dismiss all schools of thought and only respects Confucianism" and funds Royal University that once reached 30 thousands people as Think Tanks and reserve officials.
Since then the Confucianism was taken as only moral guidance and strictly control other ideologies under the conduction of the successive government of China. It is the reason today's Chian still strictly control ideologies, which was from ancient bloody lessons.
The implementation of all these governance measures was the result from the tragic lessons of past 550 years’ bloody wars; by thoughtful consideration with feasible approaches to prevent the tragedy from happening again.
It was just in this period, the old Silk Road has been opened.
The Confucianism cultured people in the quality of pursuing social order and harmony. People are respecting the elderly and filial parents in the tendency help each other with the quality of collectivism in the sense of self-discipline for protecting the collective interests. Because, the proper cultured intelligence tell them that only collective interests guaranteed at first, and then the personal interests can be guaranteed also.
So, we may say that the Confucianism-educated people of Chinese pay attention to protect the macro-interests of society, while the Westerners who edified by the chaotic toxic ideologies pay attention to protect the micro-interests of individual.
Here was the pratical proof about the difference in the quality of people in China and the West.
1994, in the book Asian values and the United States: how much conflict, David Hitchcock introduced a survey on the societal values and which revealed the existence of the Eastern collectivistic civilization and Western Individualistic Civilization.
Asian respondents are: (i) orderly society; (ii) societal harmony; (iii) accountability of public officials; (iv) open to new ideas; (v) freedom of expression; (vi) respect for authority.
American respondents are: (i) freedom of expression; (ii) personal freedom; (iii) rights of the individual; (iv) open debate; (v) thinking for oneself; (vi) accountability of public officials.
Also after the invasion and colonial ruling of the westerners, some Asian countries have mixed with Individualistic Civilization; such as, after US’ Black Ships tamed Japanese into the camp of the Individualistic Civilization of the west, Japan was also to have started to look for looting and killing in endlessly provoking for wars with killed tens of millions of Asians.
Here was social contribution of high quality people.
Mar. 31, 2020, Reuters reports that in the storm of infection and death sweeping Italy, 50,000 ethnic Chinese who live in the town of Prato were zero infection. In Italy, the most of Chinese people wear masks when they go out since the pandemic started; also other reports said that Chinese people are no longer seen in the public entertainment venues since the start of the pandemic. The high degree of self-discipline of people is the key to China won victory over the virus.
No one will doubt that, if there were no China's workers, there would be no Western and Atlantic Railroad of the United States and Pacific Railway of Canada. Sep. 20, 2015, article Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers said that the work-speed of China's worker is 50% higher than that of others.
Some people say that the others are in destroying the world in everywhere, but the people of China are in rebuilding them in everywhere. Nowadays, only the Confucianism cultured people of China with Asian values are able to finish larger construction projects timely.
The valuable quality of Confucius was not limited in empty preaching, but, put into practice.
9.6.3.. Since 500 BC China started to prevent the potential harm of people grouping
In West, the free developed confused ideologies and people free grouping as the evil sources have been in worsening society increasingly ungovernable. But, in China, the ancient thinkers took measures to control social ideology in about 2240 years ago and people grouping in about 2700 years ago.
Modern legal system does not observe the good or bad in mentality, but only observes whether the behavior of a person is legal or not. Such practice is actually in waiting those bad people to have successfully harmed others, then the law starts to play its role. Modern legal system is really childish enough with ignorance of waiting for the manmade tragedy.
However, the thinkers of ancient China have taken measures to prevent potential consequence according to the judgments on the mentality of a person.
According to historical record, Confucius once worked as judicial officer of the State Lu, only 7 days after he took the position, he killed a man named Shao Zhengmao who has not committed any crime yet, but was just in a possibility according to his speeches and potential mentality. Confucius believed that people have five evils, as long as a person has one of them, it cannot escape from the killing by the gentleman; but the theft is not included.
It is sober in introspection, but, is sinister in actual.
It is sinful in action but stubborn in unrepentant.
It is in hypocritical and is also in good at sophistry.
It is memorized something in weird, messy and numerous.
It is a clear mistake but still beautifies it.
Confucius said that Shao Zhengmao has these five evils at the same time; thus in the place where he lives, he will be capable enough to gang people together. His words are capable enough to cover up evil and confuse for misleading everyone. If he used it for personal interest, it will be capable enough to turn good into bad, and to be a unique organizer for making evil, and this is the hero of the villain, it must be killed by gentlemen.
Here, we can understand that why the government of China attaches importance to prevent and avoid unfavorable events by controlling people grouping, especially control the individuals who showed potential eager for making nonsense.
People are inborn selfish animals; people’s social activities are driven by selfish instinct for survival and people free grouping, mostly, are harmful to society in stronger power, but the partisan grouping is the most dangerous one, because it may attract more social garbage together with more bad ideas and with the potential to take the power of the State Apparatus to more powerfully threaten human survival.
The reason for people is eagerly ganged as group, because that the more people gathered together, the more powerful in social influence in favorite of personal interest gains. It said that now globally, the number of NGOs has reached about 10 million, from the consideration of human selfish instinct, the most of them will be harmful for social governance by misusing the grouping power.
For people grouping, the most harmful one is not those gangs of antisocial criminals but those so called think tanks, in which the most of them in self proud of specialist, but due to their scope of knowledge is narrow, some of them cannot make rational judgment. Some thinkers sell their souls for personal gains. Because they are all dressed as so-called thinkers in the holy think tanks, so that, their opinions are deceptive powerfully; many of wrongdoings of the politicians are from their misleading.
In actual operation, many government agencies may inevitably be evolved into the tools for the individuals in power to vent their dictatorship. Among these government agencies, the most dangerous one is the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of National Security. The low quality leaders may fabricate false information to exert their inhuman mentality and may provoke wars.
Any organizations or government agencies are composed of individuals; so that any mistakes of the organizations or government agencies are the trouble making of the inhuman low quality individual. In actual operation, many government agencies may inevitably be evolved into the tools for the individuals in power to vent their dictatorship.
Among these government agencies, the most dangerous one is the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of National Security. The low quality leaders may fabricate false information to exert their inhuman mentality and may provoke wars.
The occurrence of wars, besides for defense; mostly, is not from the will of the majority people, but from the exertion of bestial instinct of the inhuman low quality individual; this is why that once some person takes the position as defense minister, immediately looking for barking and attacking rather than looking for peace.
In most of cases, the arguments by the name of some organization are actually from some individual. People say that some government is bad, but actually it is the bad of some politicians in power.
On national affair, people have cognitive barriers. In fact, in many countries, the happen of many unexpected problems are not form the will of the people of the whole country. Rather, they are caused by the low quality individuals who misused administrative power of government under personal will.
Above practice of Confucius, kills the person, who has not committed crime but only has possibility, as my view, can be viewed as the start of the control on people grouping in China, which was in 2700 years ago. It revealed the humanized principle of social governance, which is, in a certain extent, the rational social governance must make the interests of individuals meet the need of the interests of the public.
The practice of Confucius showed that:
In China; the freedom must be in line with the collective interests and social order; it is in exchange for collective interests of majority people by sacrificing personal interests of minority people.
In the West; the freedom must be in line with the interest of individualists, in exchange for individual interests of minority people by sacrificing collective interests of majority people and social order.
This simple cognitive error on Freedom has caused constant riots in the society of the West, and the society sustained in the state of ungovernable.
Please take a look at the social state of the main fabricators of the concept of Freedom - the French Republic, the Kingdom of Great Britain and their co-bred the United States of America. Freedom has been acting as handcuffs to deadly handcuff government, so that the government cannot excise its effective administration.
9.6.4.. Since 500 BC, Confucius recognizes the education should top legal punishment
Confucius served as the Minister of Justice of the State Lu. There was a lawsuit between the father and the son, Confucius detained the son; but did not make a judgment for three months. The father requested to withdraw the case, and Confucius released the son.
According to the Zhou rituals advocated by Confucius, the son's lawsuit against his father is a treasonous act, and it is even harder to be accepted by the people in the state of Lu, which who advocates ethics.
A man who heard about the incident and was very upset with complaint: "This old gentleman deceived me. He once said to me: 'The country must be governed by filial piety.' Now, he should kill the son as punishment for his unfilial; but he released him." Then someone told the comments to Confucius.
Confucius emotionally argued: "Hey! Suppose that Duke made a mistake, the minister actually wants to kill him, how can he do that? The government does not properly educate their people, but only verdicts their lawsuits; this is killing people who are not guilty.
The law is slack but punish is severely, this is in making maiming. The crop growth needs a certain season; but, taxation is constantly carried out regardless of the season, which is in making cruel. Require citizens to abide by the law but not educate them, this is tyrannical.”
“If these three behaviors are improved, then the penalties can be imposed.”
Shangshu (Book of Documents, the one of the Five Confucian Classics) said: "Even if you use the punishment according to the proper principles and kill according to the appropriate law, we should not do it immediately. We just say that we have not done things properly."
So the ancient wise king who once announced the principle of governing the country, they would be firstly practiced by themselves. If the principle is not practicable, let the wise to teach the people; if it still can't be practiced, you should remove the incompetent officials to deter those people who disobey.
In this way, for up to three years, the people will obey the principle. If there wicked person still does not comply, we must punish them by law, so that they know their sins.
Thus, even if there is serious authority, it may not be needed. Although there penalty has been set, but, it may not need to be implemented.
However, this is not the case in today's society. The education is in chaotic, the punishment is in numerous, but, people are confused and degraded, and as a result, there more punishments are imposed. Although the types of punishments have been increased much more, but we still cannot overcome evil.
A steep slope is just in three feet high, even if an empty car cannot be pulled up. However, even a hundred feet high mountains, the heavy-duty car can also climb up, why? Because of the slope is gentle.
Adults can't climb over a few feet high, but children can climb the mountains of over 100 feet high, this is because of the slope is gentle.
9.6.5.. Since 500 BC Confucius comprehends the philosophy of life from natural phenomena
The civilization implied in the calligraphy of S-Korean Speakers handwrote to US Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Feb. 14, 2019, the South Korean Speakers handwrote ancient aphorisms of China to the United States House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the fact reveals a meaningful reality, that is, as same as that of Japan, since ancient time, South Korea has also deeply cultured by the human civilization of China and now they are trying to humanize the Westerner.
The calligraphy of South Korean Speakers has implied the true essence of Chinese civilization.
In above calligraphy, the pronunciation (by phonetic of Mandarin) and the meaning of the Characters from top to bottom.
No.1, Wan - Ten thousand
No.2, Zhe - Twists and turns
No.3, Bi - Destined determinedly
No.4, Dong - East, Eastward(True intention is South Korea)
The meaning of the whole sentence apparently: Despite being endlessly forced setback, it is still insistently redirected flowing towards East: which expressed philosophy of excellent personality that is firmly adhering to own will and to achieve determined goal by overcoming all of difficulties.
In here, the South Korean Speakers is implying that after failure, finally, the West civilization will turn to follow the Confucius cultured Eastern civilization.
China, geographically, due to the influence of the formation of the Himalayas, the overall terrain is high in the West and low in the East; which determined the direction of water flow in domestic China. The South Korean Speakers was proud of being just located in the Far East of the world.
The aphorism that wrote by South Koreas Speaker was from the story of Confucius views flowing water that was wrote in book Confucius Collection.
The student saw Confucius in watching the water flowing eastward. He asked Confucius: "When a gentleman meets a big river, he is always to watch it. Why?
Confucius said: "The water flow is vast endlessly and is universally given to various creatures, thus it seems to be inaction, but as if it is a virtue. It flows to the lower place, though, even if the waterway is curved, but it still can follow the law of flow, as if it is faithful. It is vast and inexhaustible, as if it is morality.
If we dig up the blockage and help it flow, it will echo with the sound, and it is not afraid to flow to unpredictable dangerous deep valley, as if it is brave.
When it is being filled into the gauge, it must remain flat, as if it is a judicial. It doesn't need to be flattened after filling it up, it seems to be correctness. It can gently flow to any subtle place, as if it can perform careful inspection.
Even if we put all kinds of things into it, the things will be beautiful and clean, as if it is good at domestication.
Even if, it encounters thousands of twists and turns, it will be always eastward redirected, as if it has been willed.
So the gentleman must see it when he meets the big river.
The sentence “Even if, it encounters thousands of twists and turns, it will be always eastward redirected, as if it has been willed” was the Original source of S-Korean Speakers handwrote to US Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Below section was from the 28th section among total 32 sections of book "Xunzi" of the most important works of the Confucian school in the late Warring States Period China (475 - 221 BC). The writer was Xun Zi (313 - 238 BC), a famous thinker, educator, and the key representative of Confucianism, who was born in 238 years later than Confucius was (551- 479 BC).
He advocated the ethics and highly valued the rule of law; he advocated that "human is with the nature of evil in born" and emphasized the significance of acquired knowledge in reshaping human nature. He also proposed a simple materialist view of people who are determined to win the nature with opposing fatalism, and all things on Earth are following the laws of nature.
All of these show that he was more pragmatic without the constraint of doctrines. The famous scholars Li Si and Han Fei were both his students, and they two have greatly contributed to the progress in social governance of China.
After reading and translating Xunzi, I produced a feeling that Xun Zi was trying to further interprete Confucianism by integrating the principle of Legalism.
Follow is the excerpt translation.
Once, Confucius visited the temple of the Duke Huan of Lu (731 BC - 694 BC, the fifteenth Duke of Lu State during the Spring and Autumn Period) and saw that there was a tilted utensils.
Confucius asked the person who kept the temple: "What is this utensil for?" The person said: "This is probably the device that used by the Duke for warning himself daily by placed on the right side of the seat.
Confucius said, "I heard that this kind of utensil will tilt when it is not filled with water. When it is poured water in half, it will be straightened. When it is filled full of water, it will fall over again.
Confucius asked a disciple: "Please pour in water!", when the water reached in half, the utensil is straightened. After filling full, the utensil fall over again, and tilted in emptied.
Confucius emotionally self-questioned: "Hey! How can make it be filled full of water without tipping over?”
A student asked: "I want to know, if there is a way to keep it full without tipping over?”
Confucius said: "The wise saint must keep oneself with clumsy; those who have contributed the world must keep oneself in a modest attitude; a brave and powerful person must keep oneself with timidity; the rich people who have the wealth of the world must keep oneself in thrift. This is the ways to keep full without tipping over.
From the above description, we can feel that Confucius can understand profound philosophy from simple natural phenomena. Even if in today, in the 21st century, it seems that few people can look at the problem so deeply. This is the reason that I talkative so much in here.
25... Why did China not produce harmful native religions
Frank Oct. 2, 2014, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada Updated Dec. 29, 31, 2018. Jan. 3, 5, 7, 15, 2019.
Harmful religions refer to those use of certain doctrines to brainwash the believers and make them foolish without ability for proper reasoning from right judgment, even being fooled to perform antisocial or even kill others by suicide attack.
In China, besides some native religions in the nature of philosophy and doctrine in healthy living , such as, Daoism, those harmful religions are all invaded foreign one.
In China, the harmful religions were killed by the wise officials in the stage of their budding.
There was a true case in 400BC, in Ye County, took the chance of frequently floods, the local officials with witch conspiracy levy money by the name of presenting a girl as wife to please river God to avoid river flooding, and thus drowning innocent girl every year, and defrauds wealth of people into own pockets by the name of wedding.
A wise magistrate Ximen Bao who completely eliminated the evil misdeed by thrown the witch and her accomplices into the river with the name of sending a message to the river God, he will chose a more beautiful girl as wife later.
Above is a page of picture book about this story. Ximen Bao ordered to throw local officials into river after witch in the same name.
In order to eliminate the disaster of flooding, Xi Menbao suggested to excavate canals, but, people refused to do such a hard job, then, by the power of Government, Xi Menbao forced them to dig twelve canals to bring water from the river to irrigate the farming land as a water irrigation system that serves to today.
At that time, Ximen Bao made a famous comment: the ordinary people can only share enjoying the success but cannot willingly share the hardship for achieving the success. Government must enforce them to do something that will benefit to them, but, do not expect to convince them in advance.
The story has been widespread in China with many history books and textbooks, until to today. Thus, as a explicit reference to help people distinguishing deceptive superstitious activities, and effectively inhibited the budding of religion, due to the subsequent governments were able to timely distinguish and kill harmful religions, which is started in 2600 years ago until to today.
I think that is the main reason for that China did not form any harmful Religions. The case shows the wise social governance of China in 2600 years ago, and well demonstrated that what is the true human civilization?
The personal deeds of Ximen Bao have decisively influenced the civilization of China in two major aspect for a safer stable society: first one is avoid the harm of religions, second one is to have set a model for that how a Government rationally perform their governing role.
As my view, this is the reason that China’s economy has always been ahead of the world before the civilization was interrupted by the Opium War of Britain and later by the invasion of Japanese. It is also one of the reasons why that China rapidly rise in the economy after the end of foreign aggression.
People appreciate the 5,000 years continuous civilization of China, however, most of people have overlooked the nature of the civilization, the valuable point, is not in the length of time, but, in the continuously documented historical facts – the facts in success and failure, which made valuable references, so that the future generations can avoid to repeat mistakes with lesser Detour.
The accumulation of experiences is wisdom.
Follow is translated and edited from Mandarin articles. The link of main reference is asfollow:
Ximen Bao’s Administration of Ye County of Ancient China
Frank Oct. 2, 2014, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Wei was a feudal vassal state of Western Zhou Dynasty (BC 1046 – BC 771) in Ancient China. Its territory lays between the states of Qin and Qi at that time and included parts of provinces of Henan,Hebei, Shanxi, and Shandong in modern China.
Photo resource:
According to Historical Records – A Classic Masterpiece for Comprehending the Ancient Chinese History of West Han dynasty China 104 B.C.-101 B.C. Ximen Bao who was an atheist, a famous Statesman, Military strategist and Hydraulic expert with many great exploits when the reign of Duke Weiwen(BC 472-BC 396) in the time of Warring States Period (BC475 – BC221) China.
When he came into office after was appointed as magistrate of Ye County that located in today’s Hebei province of China, he found that the county was a deserted place with sparsely populated, barren land and slump economy.
After visits the local people, he learnt that there a river within the Ye County was always flooding and devouring the lives of many people. Local people have tried many ways, but, helpless, the river was still flooding. Then, there was a witch who said that there was a god in the river, the god must marry every year, if we do not marry him with beautiful young woman, the god would harm people by spells causing Flooding. Since then, every year, the witch will choose beautiful girl to marry the river god.
The county chiefs and local officials took the opportunity to collude with the witch to plunder wealth. They levied several million coins by the name for the marriage of the river god, but with only small partial of them to pay for the girl to marry the river god, and the rest were shared with the witch.
At the day the river god wedding, the witch had a beautiful girl sat on a bed to float down the river and finally the girl to be drowned with the bed was sank into the river.
Due to such fear, people who had good-looking daughters often brought them to distant places to evade to be killed in such way. As a result, the county has become ever more deserted and poverty-stricken.
After learnt the evil fact, Ximen Bao was enraged and conceived a countermeasure.
When the day to send a girl to river god, he came and had a look at the girl, then said to the witch: “This girl is not beautiful. I’ll trouble you to report to the river god that we’ll choose a more beautiful one and send to him in another day.” Then he had the soldiers seize the witch to throw into the river.
“Why did the witch not come back in so long time?” later he said. “Let one of her disciple to hurry her up!” Thus a disciple of the witch was thrown into the river, and then others in a total of three.
“The witch and her disciples are all women, no good at making a clear report to river god,” Ximen Bao said. “I’ll trouble county chiefs to do that.” Thus the county chiefs were thrown into the river.
Ximen Bao pretended respectfully with bowed low and waited with patience. The local officials who were shocked and frightened, with fear of being as messenger thrown into the river, they all bowed on the ground and forehead touchdown again and again, as that of chickens pecking rice on the ground, even head bloodshed.
Later Ximen Bao said relentingly: “You may stand up! The river god seems to detain his guests for a long time, you may dismiss now.”
Thenceforward, no one dared mention the sacrificial marriage for river god again.
Afterwards, Ximen Bao mobilized the people to dig twelve canals to bring the water from the river to irrigate the farming land, and to have ended the flood disaster entirely.
The construction of the canals was hard work, people felt to be troubled and unwilling to continue. Ximen Bao forced them with own administrative power to have finished the canals finally.
Ximen Bao made a famous comment that: the ordinary people can only share enjoying the success but canot share the initiation of the success. Though you may hate me for causing you troubles in today, but, a century later, your descendants will surely thank of what I said today.”
Since then, the irrigation by the canals has been up to today, and the people there have been living in abundant lives due to no disasters of water logging or drought.
Ximen Bao as magistrate of Ye County was famed throughout the state of Wei at that time. With his beneficence affecting countless generations, he has been regarded as a sagacious statesman until today China.
This is why that China has not formed any kind of harmful religions and heresies in the thousands of years civilization, because that rational officials killed them when their budding.
But, some religion with lesser harm, the government was allowed to exist, such as the Buddhism was introduced from India in 2,000 years ago, and existing until to today in China.
Other harmful religions were all invaded, and now are producing terrorists’ also.
Talking about India, it is a country with a long ancient civilization as similar as that of China, but, to be harmed miserable by free proliferation of religions, such as, for seeking happiness, their people are not to seek hard work as that of the people of China, but to pray with hands clasped together.
Indians believed that cattle is deity and letting them free around the streets, people and cattle are both still openly defecation.
Religions made the ignorance of Indians and caused India still in the semi-civilized state.
From the wisdom of an ancient sagacious statesman – Ximen Bao, we may learn that why china did not copy the West, but developed successfully.
And that is why that British Martin Jacques said that China is based on the civilization and the West is based on the nations.
For the sake of national well-being, government must ensure social stability. In some cases, it is rational that government takes coercive force to promote something – such as, to control the religious development.
For centuries, Western religion groups have been sending missionaries to China again and again, with the hope of trying to domesticate the people of China. However, the effect was not obvious. Westerners never knew that people of China has been acquired immunity for thousands years.
Follow is the place where the historical story of Xi Menbao happened.
Above is map that Googled in Jan. 5, 2019, the red point area is Xi Menbao's Memorial Temple that built long time ago and has been badly damaged. The Temple located nearby Zhang-River in Beifeng Village, Anfeng Township, Anyang County, Anyang City, Henan Province, China.
Then, please look at that why religion is harmful?
The MRI scan on the structure of human brain and the fact of AlfaGo computer program beats top professional human Go player shows that computer is a kind of electronic brain, and the work mechanism of human brain is similar as that of computer. As same as that the defects or missing in the computer parts would cause malfunction of electronic brain, the defects or missing in the brain cells will also cause malfunction of human brain.
If we look at people's brains as same innate quality, that is, it is all same in the ability of attention, memory, logic analysis and the judgment for right or wrong, then the acquired knowledge of brain as reference is in acting as that of the instruction-codes in signaling human behaving. Viewing in this natural way, human beings are a kind of robots in action according to the Robot Software of acquired knowledge as set of coded commands or instructions.
Because of the difference in acquired knowledge, so that coded commands are difference between people to people, which is why that some people are rational in humane, and some people are anti-social in inhumane.
Religion uses specific doctrine to brainwash the believers, which is to instill the improper instruction-codes, thereby cause the behavioral flaws of people.
In large extent, religions have been playing as the most effective schools in culturing or even training evil forces against human society. There are no one would doubt that such extremists are the fatal threats to people’s normal life. They have pushed everyone living in fear every day without a sense of security.
To conduct killing in the name of faith seems a symbol of Western civilization. The great Crusades – in the name of faith, to induce and even force people to kill each other, which started in 1095. Nearly a thousand years have passed, the name of faith of the religions is still an effective tool to organize and enforce people to conduct killing. Please look at social unrests in any countries, the vast majority of them are from extremism that cultured by religions.
-- Frank Jan. 8, 9, 12,2019, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The most evil are not those who advocate extremes by religions, but those people who are in advocating religious freedom. They are clearly in making livings by deception.
-- Frank Jan. 13,2019, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Motivation of the topic
Oct. 2, 2014, the articles Thousands of women, accused of sorcery, tortured and executed in Indian witch hunts and Witch Hunting in India: Poor, Low Caste and Widows Main Targets shocked me to reflect the role of religion and think of book The Essence of Religion. Although the behavior of Witch Hunting in India is not entirely religious, but, with the fictional preaching to brainwash is similar to a kind of religion.
In The Essence of Religion, Ludwig Feuerbach indicates that: “The religious admiration of divine wisdom in Nature is only an incident of enthusiasm; it refers only to the means, but is extinguished in reflecting on the purposes of Nature. How wonderful is the spider’s web, how wonderful the funnel of the ant-lion in the sand! But what is the purpose of these wise arrangements? Nothing but nourishment.”
I appreciate the view of Ludwig Feuerbach on the nature of the religions.
In fact, religions have been also playing the role as tools that have been used by various people for various purposes, such as, pleasing voters, but all of those people who are lack of humanity to deceive those ignorant people and to drive those ignorant to obtain benefits, in regardless to harm to others and to harm to the world.
Cruel reality shows that, nowadays, religions have become one of the root scourges for the world. It has become a powerful tool that cruel people gain more cruel power by gathering more cruel people to kill good people cruelly.
Facing such a cruel reality, some people still call for religious freedom. For these people, we have enough reason to question their property as the members of human beings?
India and China are both noted as ancient civilizations.
In India, the facts from above articles showed that absurd religions make the Indians still trek between Modern civilization and Ancient barbaric civilization.
— Frank Oct. 2, 2014, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada
According to Ludwig Feuerbach – Wikipedia that edited on Jan. 1, 2019, it was in 1841, German philosopher and anthropologist Ludwig Feuerbach who published the book The Essence of Religion and then it is considered as classic of humanism, and the book strongly influenced Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, thereby contributed to the birth of magnum opus and the development of historical materialism.
Now, I would like to say that it is not only Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, but, Ludwig Feuerbach who has decisively influenced the civilization of human beings with communist movement and socialist practice. Today, we are able to enjoy the humanized society with comprehensive social welfare in communist style should thank great thinker Ludwig Feuerbach for triggering the communist vision of Karl Marx.
— Frank Oct. 2, 2014, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Please look at how a wise man talks about religion.
Left photo source:
Right photo source:
(born April 9, 1967) is an American author, philosopher, critic of religion, blogger...... The one of his many books is The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason that concerns about organized religion, the clash between religious faith and rational thought (2004).
The End of Faith - Wikipedia
By Dr. Sam Harris
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason is a 2004 book by Sam Harris, concerning organized religion, the clash between religious faith and rational thought, and the problems of tolerance towards religious fundamentalism.
Harris began writing the book in what he described as a period of "collective grief and stupefaction" following the September 11, 2001 attacks.[1] The book comprises a wide-ranging criticism of all styles of religious belief.
The book was first published August 11, 2004,[2] and it was awarded the PEN/Martha Albrand Award for First Nonfiction the following year.[3] The paperback edition was published in October 2005. In the same month it entered The New York Times Best Seller list at number four, and remained on the list for a total of 33 weeks.[4]
In response to criticism and feedback regarding The End of Faith, Harris wrote Letter to a Christian Nation two years later.
Religious fundamentalism.
Harris began writing the book in what he described as a period of "collective grief and stupefaction" following the September 11, 2001 attacks.[1] The book comprises a wide-ranging criticism of all styles of religious belief.
The book was first published August 11, 2004,[2] and it was awarded the PEN/Martha Albrand Award for First Nonfiction the following year.[3] The paperback edition was published in October 2005. In the same month it entered The New York Times Best Seller list at number four, and remained on the list for a total of 33 weeks.[4]
In response to criticism and feedback regarding The End of Faith, Harris wrote Letter to a Christian Nation two years later.
The End of Faith opens with a literary account of a day in the life of a suicide bomber – his last day. In an introductory chapter, Harris calls for an end to respect and tolerance for the competing belief systems of religion, which he describes as being "all equally uncontaminated by evidence". While focusing on the dangers posed by religious extremist groups now armed with weapons of mass destruction, Harris is equally critical of religious moderation, which he describes as "the context in which religious violence can never be adequately opposed."
Harris continues by examining the nature of belief itself, challenging the notion that we can in any sense enjoy freedom of belief, and arguing that "belief is a fount of action in potentia." Instead he posits that in order to be useful, beliefs must be both logically coherent, and truly representative of the real world. Insofar as religious belief fails to ground itself in empirical evidence, Harris likens religion to a form of mental illness which, he says, "allows otherwise normal human beings to reap the fruits of madness and consider them holy." He argues that there may be "sanity in numbers", but that it is "merely an accident of history that it is considered normal in our society to believe that the Creator of the universe can hear your prayers, while it is demonstrative of mental illness to believe that he is communicating with you by having the rain tap in Morse code on your bedroom window."
Harris follows this with a brief survey of Christianity down the ages, examining the Inquisition and persecutions of witches and Jews. He contends that, far from being an aberration, the torture of hereticswas a logical expression of Christian doctrine – one which, he says, was clearly justified by men such as Saint Augustine. Going still further, Harris sees the Holocaust as essentially drawing its inspiration from historical Christian anti-Semitism. "Knowingly or not," he says, "the Nazis were agents of religion."
Among the controversial aspects of The End of Faith is an uncompromising assessment and criticism of Islamism, which Harris describes as being a "cult of death." He infers a clear link between Islamic teaching and terrorist atrocities such as 9/11, a notion he supports with quotations from the Koran that call for the use of violence.
He also presents data from the Pew Research Center, purporting to show that significant percentages of Muslims worldwide would justify suicide bombing as a legitimate tactic.[5][6] In an attack on what he terms "leftist unreason," Harris criticises Noam Chomsky among others for, in his view, displaying an illogical willingness to lay the entire blame for such attitudes upon U.S. foreign policy.
However, Harris also critiques the role of the Christian right in the United States, in influencing such areas as drug policies, embryonic stem cell research, and AIDS prevention in the developing world. In what he sees as a steady drift towards theocracy, Harris strongly criticises leading figures from both the legislatureand the judiciary for what he perceives as an unabashed failure to separate church and state in their various domains. "Not only do we still eat the offal of the ancient world," he asserts, "we are positively smug about it."
Next, Harris goes on to outline what he terms a "science of good and evil" – a rational approach to ethics, which he claims must necessarily be predicated upon questions of human happiness and suffering. He talks about the need to sustain "moral communities," a venture in which he feels that the separate religious moral identities of the "saved" and the "damned" can play no part. But Harris is critical of the stance of moral relativism, and also of what he calls "the false choice of pacifism." In another controversial passage, he compares the ethical questions raised by collateral damage and judicial torture during war. He concludes that collateral damage is more ethically troublesome. "If we are unwilling to torture, we should be unwilling to wage modern war," Harris concludes.
Finally, Harris turns to spirituality, where he especially takes his inspiration from the practices of Eastern religion. He writes that there have been mystics in the west and calls some of these "extraordinary men and women", such as Meister Eckhart, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Seraphim of Sarov, but that, as far as Western spirituality is concerned, "we appear to have been standing on the shoulders of dwarfs." He discusses the nature of consciousness, and how our sense of "self" can be made to vanish by employing the techniques of meditation. Harris quotes from Eastern mystics such as Padmasambhava and Nisargadatta Maharaj, but he does not admit any supernatural element into his argument – "mysticism is a rational enterprise," he contends, "religion is not." He later elaborates: "The mystic has reasons for what he believes, and these reasons are empirical." He states that it is possible for one's experience of the world to be "radically transformed", but that we must speak about the possibility in "rational terms".
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The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature: reason, honesty, and love. The only demons we must fear are those that lurk inside every human mind: ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith, which is surely the devil's masterpiece. |
” |
Writing for The Independent, Johann Hari was largely positive, describing the book as "a brave, pugilistic attempt to demolish the walls that currently insulate religious people from criticism."[7]
Other broadly positive reviews have come from Natalie Angier,[8] Daniel Blue,[9] and Stephanie Merritt.[10]
Richard Dawkins has also endorsed the book.[11]
In a review for Free Inquiry, the editor Thomas W. Flynn alleged that Harris had allowed his argument to become clouded by his personal politics and by his use of spiritual language.[12] Harris later described Flynn's review as "mixed, misleading, and ultimately exasperating."[13]
Another review by David Boulton for New Humanist, also stopped short of a ringing endorsement, describing the book as containing "startling oversimplifications, exaggerations and elisions."[14]
Critical reviews from Christians have included those by R. Albert Mohler, Jr. for The Christian Post,[15] and Matthew Simpson for Christianity Today.[16] Madeleine Bunting, writing in The Guardian, quotes Harris as saying "some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them." Bunting comments, "[t]his sounds like exactly the kind of argument put forward by those who ran the Inquisition."[17]
Quoting the same passage, theologian Catherine Keller asks, "[c]ould there be a more dangerous proposition than that?" and argues that the "anti-tolerance" it represents would "dismantle" the Jeffersonian wall between church and state.[18]
The paperback edition of The End of Faith, published in 2005, contained a new afterword in which Harris responded to some of the more popular criticisms he has received since publication. His essay "Response to Controversy" also clarified the context of the apparently troubling passage, which was that he was referring to very specific cases like that of the religiously motivated terrorist, where the attempt to kill a murderous terrorist would essentially constitute killing someone for a belief they hold, namely the belief that unbelievers of their particular faith should be killed.[19]
See also
Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon (Daniel Dennett)
God Is Not Great (Christopher Hitchens)
The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)
Why I Am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell)
Some reports on China
British Martin Jacques West should learn from China humbly
Martin Jacques Understanding The Rise of China
West should learn from China humbly
26.. The quality of civilization decides Covid-19 deaths
It is the quality of civilization in deciding the quality of a country controlling the epidemic covid-19
Frank (Hongde Li); May 3, 2021; in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
It is necessary put this section on top - The nature of man, intelligence, society, social governance and human civilization
This is an excerpt from my Oct. 3, 2020 article To end epidemic from the root of stopping virus-production by curing the diseases in civilization.
The understanding on human nature will help us understand the reasons why that human society is so difficult for governing.
A skin wrapping 206 bones formed human body, many such body forms so called human society. The bodies succeed appear struggling for living in a certain period to form so called history with breeds a so called civilization. The bodies are self-proclaimed as higher animal as human being with superior intelligence than that of lower animals, however, in reality, they act more barbaric than that of lower animals in endless provoking for wars and endlessly stirring social unrest to live in the way of the Law of Jungle in far from higher animals should be.
Human‘s specific behavior is signaled by the reasoning result of specific population of brain cells. Due to the existence of brain defects and the different in acquired knowledge, it is not all people who are in human feature are in human nature. Even if for those quality normal people, the lifelong selfish instinct is the essential driver for seeking survival; without selfish instinct driven people social activities will be no human society. So that people’s selfish instinct is a double-edged sword in decisively affecting the governance of human society.
The two players' board game Go is originated in China over 3000 years ago. The work mechanism of computer reveals the mechanism of computer program AlphaGo beats human top professional Go player and revealed the work mechanism of human brain; which is the acquired knowledge as reference in supporting brain reasoning for signaling physical behaving. Views in this way, humans are acting as a kind of Robot in driving by acquired knowledge as software driver. The wrongful knowledge will drive people wrongful behaving; and the West advocated philosophies and ideologies are just highly toxic in playing such wrongful roles without collective concern.
Dunning-Kruger Effect shows that low-ability people wrongfully self-estimated as more superior and capable than others did, without reasoning function for bad consequence, so that they are without anything for worrying about, and thus make them over active to occupy leading position socially. British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who indicates that: “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” It is just the doubt and indecision of rational people paved the way for irrational people.
It is just due to the complexity of human nature and the complexity of crowd psychology when people grouping; it would inevitably pave the boulevard for low quality people easily occupying the leading position socially; so that any good humanized political designs or humanized thoughts will be inevitably mis-used by low quality people. This is the reason of the power of State Apparatus is often used for exerting the beastly mentality of some individual. This is the cause that China once suffered 550 years of wars from 771BC to 221BC after Royal Court lost control on over 100 enfeoffment states and that the West once stays in long Dark Ages; and that the world has been in forced towards increasingly unlivable with manmade large amount nuclear weapons for times destruction of the world.
The tragedies of history also prove that the animal instincts are almost the same for both Easterners and Westerners. Once society is out of control, the animal instinct of human beings will savagely break out. For wealth, for faith, for all kinds of fabricated absurd reasons, low-quality people will constantly provoke others to fight and kill of each other.
The hope for human beings are able to live a humanized way is at able to effectively control those low quality people; in this concern, the feasible way to block the way of low quality people kidnapping social governance by dumping liberal democracy into garbage bin, and then by proper humanized quality people performing social governance as that of China doing, not elect, but select outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars as lawmaker. The top leadership is the Politburo of 7 members who have practically proved in political ability and personal quality, without collective consensus; no one freely talks opinions at will; thus can largely ensure by collective wisdom controls social governance to avoid personal dictator.
Human beings are selfish animals; even if those quality people tend to act according to own selfish accord, such selfish behaviors are often conflicting with the collective interests of society. Generally say, only the interests of entrepreneurs in real economy are largely in line with social collective interests and conform to the development of the national economy. From the perspective of intelligence, an entrepreneur can run an enterprise to be world renowned in nowadays hot competing market, at first; the entrepreneur has acquired profound knowledge as that of philosopher, strategist, psychologist, military conductor, and more. It is just such unique social elites can humanize social governance.
British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who once indicates that: “None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error.” There are no perfect people in the world; include stupid guy of myself who stupidly exhausted thinking and typing such a stupid topic; so that we must avoid the inborn weaknesses of human beings from the design of political systems.
Main topic:
Without vaccination and herd immunity, China has quickly contained epidemic; now works hard for the global supply of life necessaries and as engine drives world economy. However, in the West, the epidemic did not be contained but gets worse and worse in negatively hoping for vaccination and herd immunity. Explore the reason; actually, it is not virus in killing people, but the flawed civilization in killing people.
The flawed civilization fools people addicted in wrongful believes without sense for epidemic protection. In faced with increasingly infection and death of covid-19; for fighting against the policies of government, for religious beliefs, for the holy elections, for the sake of democracy and freedom, there great many people are still gathering to accelerate the spread of the virus. Many people even think that the virus does not exist at all.
The flawed civilization bred liberal democracy without quality control on the players to have made government in the dysfunction state under the kidnapping of low quality politicians. The most of politicians are lack a ability with a brain that cannot perform humanized reasoning for a rational judgment to conduct rational practice. This is why that those politicians once elected, immediately to look for attacking from opposition parties and foreign courtiers. In such a childish political system, government cannot exert humanized governing role; because of humanized rational politicians cannot play their humanized rational role.
The flawed civilization bred philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine cultured medical experts and health officials addicted in the double blind clinic trial and view that cannot make double blind clinic trial of the natural medicinals of Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM as unscientific to reject the use. But in China, dialectic philosophy Daoism guided TCM integrating Western Medicine massively cured patients quickly in fewer complications.
The complex complications with various fatal symptoms of coid-19 survivors show that virus’ infection causes multi-lesions on human body. The multi-lesions need the treatment in multi-targeted medications; and multi-combined natural medicinals of TCM are the best medication, but the doctors in Western medicine based on philosopy Reductionism from flawed civilization treats patients by single synthetic chemical making patients deaths and fatal sequelae. They used treatment of convalescent plasma in causing virus mutation.
Bellow is the cause for the radical difference in the quality of people and social governance between China and the West and why does European-based civilization not belong to human beings of qualified higher animal.
The original geographic integrity without geographical barrier made China united dozens of ethnic groups together as one country from the time that can be called as nation since 2070 BC Xia Dynasty, though, once experienced times replacement in royal family, but, there were no long wars until 771 BC. Because of the enfeoffment system continues to enfeoff royal land as enfeoffment states with independent economy, finally the imperial power declined and lost control on more than 100 enfeoffment states into 550 years of wars.
221BC, China reunited as Qin Dynasty. The tragic life of 550 years of wars enlightened social governance in Ministries, Provinces and Counties by selecting learned quality people as officials to have formed Technocratic Democracy actually; and which is the root reason that in today's China, the lawmakers are the outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars. The top leadership is the Politburo of 7 members who have practically proved in political ability and personal quality, without collective consensus; no one freely talks opinions at will.
By selecting right people doing right business is the long tradition of China; so that this time anti-pandemic Covid-19, it is a team of top medical experts in taking full charge, the officials of all level work as assistants only. Any feasible anti-pandemic suggestions will be implemented immediately. For example, blockade the city, use commercial venues and sports venues as temporary hospitals
The tragic life of 550 years of wars enlightened that it is not all people in human feature are in human nature, some are in beast instinct and ideologies in decisively affecting human nature; so that Emperor Qin ordered to have burnt civil books and banned private schooling. In 134 BC Han Dynasty, Emperor issued an edict to solicit governing strategies to have adopted suggestion: Dismiss all schools of thought and only respects Confucianism; while establishes Royal University - once reached 30 thousands of people as teaching for reserve officials and Think Tank.
Since then, the Confucianism was taken as only moral guidance, while strictly suppressing other ideologies under the conduction of the successive government of China. This is the reason that today's government of China strictly controls ideologies, which was from bloody lessons of 550 years endless wars. Because of the toxic ideologies cause social unrest; and the war provokers were often provoking wars by misleading ideologies.
The history of China and the West both show that once society loses control, the greedy nature of mankind will drive people to plunder and kill. In this point, the greedy nature of people is the same, whether it is Easterner or Westerner. The key is at that recognizes such nature and properly control to avoid its harm. In this point, China is rational, the West is irrational.
The founder of Confucianism was Confucius (551– 479 BC) who lived just in the middle of the period of China in endless wars. Faced with chaotic society; as a man with unordinary humanized reasoning function; he struggled to build social order by preaching people that the son obeys the father, the wife obeys the husband; the minister obeys the Duke, the young people should respect and take care for elderly, everyone must respect on social morality and respect on own promise in the social activities, and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. When three people go together, always there is one for learning some good qualities, while the bad one will teach what requires correction in self; and so on.
By optimal selective control, gradually, China has purposefully developed leading philosophy and leading ideology; and by which settled down the complex relationships between the major social existences – man, nature, society and mind in 2000 years ago.
By dialectical philosophy Daoism settled the relationship between man and nature; the moral guidance Confucianism settled the relationship between man and man; the legal system Legalism settled the relationship between man and society. Later, by government specially sent people to invite Buddhism from India comforted the relationship between man and mind. Thus, the quality people under quality social governance created quality wealthy life and developed as a global supplier of the life necessaries through old Silk Road since 2000 years ago.
The Confucianism cultured people in the quality of pursuing social order and harmony. People are respecting the elderly and filial parents in the tendency help each other with the quality of collectivism in the sense of self-discipline for protecting the collective interests. Because, the proper cultured intelligence tell them that only collective interests guaranteed at first, and then the personal interests can be guaranteed also. So, we may say that the Confucianism-educated people of Chinese pay attention to protect the macro-interests of society.
Since ancient time, in Asia, the neighboring countries were deeply affected by the culture of China; so that in Asia, surrounds China, the long term peaceful life cultured people in the tendency help each other. There many Asian countries were using the character of China. Even there foreigners were working as officials in China through Imperial Examination, which civilized a peaceful cluster in Far East Asia with Confucian culture.
The culture of China cultured the people of neighboring countries in high quality with dialectical thinking; so that they are able to share the same value with the people of China to be called as Asian Values; which is the foundation of Asian countries are the best players in epidemic covid-19 control. The high degree of self-discipline of people is the key to win victory over the virus.
Thanks Enlightenment thinkers of China for their rational thoughts; so that the people of China and the people of neighboring countries are able to live in long peaceful life; I call China based civilization as Eastern Collectivistic Civilization with a circle of Asian Values of Collectivism.
Here is a social value of the Asian Values of Collectivism.
Mar. 31, 2020, Reuters From zero to hero: Italy's Chinese help beat coronavirus> reports that in the storm of infection and death sweeping Italy, 50,000 ethnic Chinese who live in the town of Prato were zero infection. In Italy, the most of Chinese people wear masks when they go out since the pandemic started; also other reports said that Chinese people are no longer seen in the public entertainment venues since the start of the pandemic. Please remember, this happened in the democratic governed Italy without the pressure of dictatorship but in the state of freedom as free as that of herding cats.
No one will doubt that, if there were no China's workers, there would be no Western and Atlantic Railroad of the United States and Pacific Railway of Canada. Sep. 20, 2015, article Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers said that the work-speed of China's worker is 50% higher than that of others.
Some people say that the others are in destroying the world in everywhere, but the people of China are in rebuilding them in everywhere. Nowadays, only the Confucianism cultured people of China with Asian values are able to finish larger construction projects timely.
This is the practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality.
In the poorest time 1950s of the early days of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China after second Sino-Japanese War 1937- 1945 and civil war (1945-1949), in the Korean War (1950-1953), the army of China with backward weapons defeated the "United Nations Army" of 16 national armies and 5 national medical forces led by the United States and forced U.S. to have signed armistice agreement. In Indian War (1960), the army of China defeated Indian army as a Westerner described as that of driving a herd of buffaloes.
The won of the wars of China was from the high quality intelligence of people. Once the wars start, the soldiers of China will always keep in a sober state and will be able to fight properly, even independently, while the soldiers of other countries will be fear and lose their sober without clear mind for proper fighting. The high quality intelligence made the combat effectiveness of a single Chinese soldier exceed dozens or hundreds of foreign soldiers.
The facts that China, with backward weapons, defeated the well-equipped United Nations Army and later Indian army that once army-equipped by many western countries firmly proved that, for winning a war, the advanced weapons are not the decisive factor; without high-quality people control, they are a pile of rubbish; and their soldiers will be fear to flee as that of the herd of buffaloes.
This is the practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality.
The collectivistic quality of people is the basis for China's high social productivity and promotes rapid economic development.
As my view, Human beings are the product of the natural environment affected social environment, and it is the people lived social environment in determining the development of human intelligence.
In Europe, the Ocean waters segmented land as many pieces to constitute many ethnic based nations with own cultural circle; while too many nations to avoid wars.
The ethnic based nature made European nations in persistence of own respective interests and self-belief or nationalism, which caused various relatively independent philosophies and ideologies without available of leading philosophy and leading moral guidance for settling the relationship between key social existences; so that the major social existences in the state of chaos.
The mess in the relationship between social existences caused the society ungovernable, due to the contradictions and conflicts between various social elements; such as, the bloody conflict between the religions and between different ethnic groups.
The difficulties of life from long wars of Dark Ages of killing and looting made people in the state of constantly fears of life threats and vigilance for self-protection and strong possessive desire for survival, which cultured people in the quality of selfishness with only concern self-interest without sense of collective interest in the tendency of self-help, less sense for helping others and less sense for protecting collective interest; which have promoted the formation of a Europe-based self-protective egoist civilization. I call such a Europe based civilization as Western Individualistic Civilization.
In contrast with Eastern Collectivistic Civilization cultured people are able to guarantee individual interest by guaranteed collective interests at first; in the countries of Western Individualistic Civilization; the individual interests of individualistic people are loss with the collective interests together.
1994, in the book Asian values and the United States: how much conflict>, the author David Hitchcock introduced a survey on the societal values and which revealed the radical difference in the quality of people between China and the West; which also proved the existence of the Collectivistic Civilization and Individualistic Civilization.
Asian respondents are:
[1] orderly society; [2] societal harmony; [3] accountability of public officials; [4] open to new ideas; [5] freedom of expression; [6] respect for authority.
American respondents are:
[1] freedom of expression; [2] personal freedom; [3] rights of the individual; [4] open debate; [5] thinking for oneself; [6] accountability of public officials.
The individualistic quality of people of the West are in dooming own home place and without sense for caring about future. As you see, the liberal democracy actually is a casino for the low quality people freely exerting their mad mentality; this is the reason of those democratic politicians who are with the only talent is for looking for attacking in between opposite parties and foreign countries without human brain cells for thinking about how to help own people live a better life.
In some countries, for the failure in the anti-epidemic control, the Western Individualistic Civilization made society into ungovernable state is the main cause.
In Western countries, because of, either has no rational thoughts available as reference, either the politicians have no ability for judging the bad consequence for what they are going to do, but have to blindly follow the idea of those so called thinkers from so called Think Tanks; actually, if we carefully review the lessons in the past, it is just those so called thinkers in misleading those low quality politicians to recklessly harm human world. As my view, the so called Think Tanks are exactly the jars in fermenting highly toxic social poisons.
The cause of some Western thinkers evolved as social evil promoters is stemmed from their brain to be filled with the stuff of flawed civilization. Because they have been making living by chewing the cultural garbage of history, absorb too much toxins, are obsessed with the past, and unable to think about the future. The so-called thinkers in the jars are mostly that useless wastes, the most of them are in harming human society by wasting human food to excrete feces of wild dog.
The West has prided for the richness of thoughts, but, they never reflected their social effect good or bad. The varieties of philosophies and ideologies like a botanical garden, though it is rich in species, but it is mixed with highly toxic weeds. Such as, Hegel’s philosophical thought has been highly respected and played far-reaching influence. But, if you look closely at Hegel’s philosophy, such as, advocates the rationality for the wars have contributed greatly to the barbaric play of the West.
Besides Hegel’s philosophy, if you look at other philosophies and ideologies, the most of them are the actual evil source in advocating the rationality for the wars, in advocating the rationality of fighting against government and in advocating the rationality of putting personal interest on the top of national interest, and more, which are actually in playing the role in messing society ungovernable.
The rational leaders of China not only strictly controls such social scumbags in today, but also even buried them alive in 2000 years ago. According to Book Burning of Wikipedia that was last edited on 21 October 2020.
“In 213 BCE Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, ordered the Burning of books and burying of scholars and in 210 BCE he ordered the live burial of 460 Confucian scholars in order to stay on his throne. Some of these books were written in Shang Xiang, a superior school founded in 2208 BCE. The event caused the loss of many philosophical treatises of the Hundred Schools of Thought. Treatises which advocated the official philosophy of the government ("legalism") survived.”
Here, in my view, the reason that Qin Shi Huang burnt books and buried alive of those scholars was because of they were deadly advocate the restoration of the Enfeoffment System of former Zhou Dynasty without care about that caused 550 years of wars; and their practice has caused the armed riots in some areas for returning old system. Suppose that Qin Shi Huang had followed the ideas of those scholars, and then China would had returned the chaotic wars as that of Dark Ages in Europe, because that the economically independent state from Enfeoffment System will inevitably produce military power to provoke wars endlessly.
The writer of the Book Burning of Wikipedia showed deep sorry for the loss of books that were written in a superior school founded in 2208 BCE with many philosophical treatises of the Hundred Schools of Thought. But, in reality, those thought did not help the people of China from avoiding tragic life of 550 years of wars; which is a perfect proof of those thought is useless, besides fooled 460 Confucian scholars as social gabage to insist to return old Enfeoffment System that once caused 550 years of wars and thus they were buried alive as social garbage.
In the current human society, those who advocate freedom of speech, those who advocate human rights, those who advocate free democracy, and those who specifically seek targets for ideological attacks, are all this kind of professionals who chew historical garbage and then use ignorance to disrupt the governance of the real society. Such people are the public nuisance in human society.
Thanks properly humanized Qin Shi Huang for having a strategic vision of civilization to have burnt the books in toxic ideologies and buried alive of trash scholars; thereby paved a foundation for China to avoid wars; and thereby avoided the people of China to live in the inhuman war life as that of the Europeans who were ruled by the mixture of nobles, religions, knights......
The fact shows that the people of China are good at summing up experience, inheriting and promoting good things, while timely discards bad things.
In comparison, in the West, on the contrary, they specialize in picking up rubbish as treasure and promoting it everywhere. The people in this quality have no brain cells to learn from suffered tragedies, so that they insisted walking on a wrong path.
The sorrow of Western Individualistic Civilization lies in being kidnapped by ignorant people politically and ideologically. The most of them self-proclaimed as thinkers as same as that of Qin Shi Huang buried alive of trash scholars of China; they are talkative by taking wrong as right, take stupid as smart and recklessly promote bad for good, until right now.
Such ignorant people are self-proclaimed as the mentor to mankind, but their defective brain fills with social garbage and makes them work as root source of social evil; and which is the big sorrow of Western Individualistic Civilization.
As self proud of higher animals of human being; the absence of plunder and war is the minimum standard for human civilization. Japan was once most affected by China based Collectivistic Civilization in long pursuing and enjoying peace, but, after it was tamed by the black ships of the United States, it also began to plunder and kill, and to have killed about 30 millions of Asians by provoking world war II.
Frank Feb. 09, 2014 in Waterloo, On. Ca.
Human behaviors are determined by dual natures: The cultural nature of those acquired altruistic qualities, and natural (animal) nature of those inborn selfish instincts.
The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with the culture nature driven by meeting the animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations.
Therefore, the Management is the Art of playing human natures.
Whether the Corporate Culture or the Organizational Culture, they all should be composed of the measures that can motivate the maximum exertion of employee’s cultural nature with minimum play of employee’s animal nature to maximize the production efficiency.
Do not simply use morality to cover up human animal nature, do not use of so-called value to perform social governance.
The success of any enterprise is the result of very good played human nature.
The famous American management consultant Peter Drucker said that: “The purpose of an organization is to make ordinary people do extraordinary things.”
Management is efficiency. Management is profit.
1.. Foreword
2.. The motivation for the topic
3.. Reverse-thinking for Canada's mid-sized firms decline
4.. An Mindless Employee made a Company Closed
5.. Human brain's maturity determines the level of intelligence
6.. Workplace Troublemakers may have Brain Problems
7.. Human Nature and Crowd Psychology
8.. Reverse-thinking for Saving Energy 30% by ISO50001
9..The Analysis of Crowd Psychology Affecting Efficiency
10..The absurdity of modern social governance
11..To motivate productivity by well playing human nature
11.1. Patent-related bonus drives IBM's patent invention
11.2. Rationalization proposals drive German manufacture outstanding
11.3. The payment calculated based on the production yield
11.4. Incentive Rewards in 2300 years ago China
11.4.1.. The development of the characters and writing expression
11.4.2..The Birth of the The Art of War
11.4.3. Incentives Drive the Birth of Unified China
11.4.4..Qin had implemented the accountability in manufacturing
12..The solution for Canadian Corporate Management
A comment from my article Why did Keynesian fail in saving Japan's economy?
"The great economists, and, as well as the entrepreneurs, philosophers are mostly profound insight into human nature. For example:"
"Noted economist Adam Smith, his own favorite book was The Theory of Moral Sentiments, while Keynes wrote The end of laissez-faire, I think, he was in the analysis of the impact of human nature to social progress. The greatest spiritual teacher Dale Carnegie who wrote Human weakness, human nature and the advantages of communication arts. And Scottish philosopher David Hume wrote A Treatise of Human Nature, by which he strove to create a total naturalistic "science of man" that examined the psychological basis of human nature."
A well understanding of human nature is also significant for effectively improving corporate management.
--- Frank March 16, 2015, in Waterloo, On. Ca.
Corporate Management relates to the production of material wealth for human survival, it is vital for all of us. However, it is inevitable that there some people's irrational behaviors negatively affect the normal production. Therefore, the conduct for human behaviors by promoting the positive and reducing the negative has been the significant part in the Corporate Management.
Generally view the results of many studies, human behaviors are determined by dual human natures: The natural (animal) nature of those inborn selfish instincts and the cultural nature of those acquired altruistic qualities.
In consideration of human natures, we may say that, the Management is the Art of playing human natures, which is to finish purposeful tasks with human culture nature by meeting human greedy of animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations. Therefore, the Management is the Art of playing human natures.
The best example for understanding the management is the art of playing human nature is the process of taming animal actors, in which, the beastmaster tempts animals to learn cultural nature for serving human by meeting their greedy of animal nature with foods under the enforcement of whipping.
For the success of taming animal actors, the foods and the whips are equally important, both are indispensable. In the same way, for well playing the Art of the human natures, the payment and regulations are both indispensable.
The failure of the socialist practice was not fully due to the Autocracy Governance and the Planned Economy, but essentially was due to that it over relied on the human culture nature by madly suppressing the exertion of human animal nature under the enforcement of State Apparatus.
The success of the capitalist practice is not fully due to the Democracy Governance, but due to the Market Economy that benefits society by meeting the greedy of human animal nature through gaining profit according to the needs of the society in the marketplace.
There were a lot of researches on the economic success of China, and most of them attributed the success to the magic of the Invisible Hand. But, that was not fully true with ignored the essence - it was that China has broken the egalitarian wage system, that implemented for decades in the socialist period, to have largely increased the share of work performance-related payment.
In consideration of market competing, Adam Smith's Invisible Hand is mainly driven by human animal nature - selfish and greedy.
The driven force for German outstanding manufacturing mainly comes from their legislated management for rationalization proposals, which is to extract bonus from the profit gained in the application of the rationalization proposals to motivate all staff to pay their full talent into the business running since Mr.Krupp initiated it in 1872. That is 142 yeras ago.
The driven force for patent invention of 102 years old IBM has been counting on the top of those world-class corporate giants in the United States for 20 consecutive years is the patent-related bonus incentive system.
The payment of Canada with less work performance-related is following the dust of failed road of former Socialist Camp. It is the main reason that Canadian firms are less competitiveness or even vanished, and it provided significant potential and direction for saving our firms.
Whether the Corporate Culture or the Organizational Culture, should be composed by those measures that can motivate the maximum exertion of employee’s cultural nature with minimum play of employee’s animal nature to maximize the production efficiency.
Those above are the key for well understanding what I will discuss in follow and the key for improving Canadian corporate management.
2. The motivation for the topic
I have a friend, as a strategic analyst, who is working at Canada Alberta branch of a large multinational oil company that headquartered in the United States. We often long chat via telephone to talk about the corporate management, especially for the successful experiences of the world class companies.
We both worry about the economic downturn in Canada.
He said that, in the recent years, the house rent is skyrocketing in their neighborhood, a same basement room was $300 per month before, now is $450. The tenants are mostly from Eastern Canada.
The rapid increase of the house rent demonstrates two facts:
1. The production is thriving in Oil and Gas producing areas in West Canada.
2. There more and more job positions are disappearing in East Canada.
People may be excited for the thriving in oilfield region, but I have to pour cold water on your happy mood with bad news that exciting prosperity is beginning to recede due to the energy export market for Canada is shrinking and new clean energy is replacing polluting fuels of Oil and Gas, which threatening Canada's major wealth that supports our hospitals, schools and more.
We are facing The Oncoming Energy Crisis of Canada, which is determined by the development trend and will be irreversible historically.
If we do not explore new economic growth point as alternative as soon as possible, then, the waiting time for the medical treatment will be much longer, the teachers for educating our kids will be not enough, and even, there no enough police manpower to protect our families, and much more.
Previously, for long waiting of medical treatment, I blame doctor's poor work ethic, but recently, there two facts happened around me to have completely changed my views.
My colleague said that his relative had a pulmonary resection with thoracotomy, simply says that is a surgery to open chest and belly, and then cut down some part of lung. Think about it, how terrible it is. However, only three days after the operation, the doctor let him back home for recovery treatment.
Other colleague's daughter broke her hip bone and femoral head when skiing, the next day after surgeries, doctor let her back home for convalescing.
For such large complex surgeries, in China, after operation, at least 7 days stay in hospital for possible bad reactions’ observing and incision sutures removing.
Above stories gave me a clear sense of that, in Canada, the doctors has been doing every effort to hardly manage the limited medical resources to meet the need of more people. Now, I am tearful.
I think that there few people would rationally consider such urgent economic dilemma, with only complaining the government did not fulfill their duty. But, I would like to mention that, please look around the world today, besides the Government of Germany, the Government of Canada is most rational.
For promoting economic development, for great many years, the government of Canada has been actively exploring the international market, and the start is earliest with significant achievements. I appreciate the rational of Canadian governors and have made the similar comments in my article The Oncoming Era of the Globalized Free Trade>.
Canada is the place sharing by all Canadian for survival. Facing today difficult living situation, it is not the only responsibility for the Governors, but for all of Canadians. We should not just complain, but should seriously reflect on own responsibility, whether we have done the best for what we should have done as a Canadian for our homeplace.
Due to our energy wealth is losing value, for Canada, for a long-term development strategy, for our greater good, the only hope is in our industry of manufacture and agriculture.
More and more job positions disappearing shows that there more and more job providers - enterprises are disappearing.
That is a clear sign that industry of Canadian manufacture is in declining.
Many people would blame that the decline of the manufacturing sector in Canada is the result of world-wide economic recession. But, I firmly believed that is not main reasons.
As my observation from the past 12 years intendedly working in different type of enterprises of Canada, the most of them have been shrouding with absurd ideological, it is that there is a serious antagonism between employees and employers, which leads to some employees, even some management personnel lack of the sense of responsibility, and even makes vandalism in workplace. It results production inefficiency, and that is the main reason of the most of enterprises' closure.
In view of this, I have written some articles, such as, The Fatal DNA of RIM & Canadian Enterprises>, My View on the Argument of Social Polarization> and My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore>, with the hope to make people establish a clear sense with that.
Essentially, the Enterprise is the lifeboat to be sharing by owner and employee to struggle for survival in nowadays hard time.
However, for the rational people, my above preaching is talkative. For those irrational people, the preaching is acting as that of howling at the moon, it is certainly ineffective.
Today, I would like to try to discuss the more effective way, the way that can stop some of employee and management staff chiseling holes on own lifeboat.
3. Reverse-thinking for Canada's mid-sized firms decline
For the job position losing and the businesses disappearing, in Feb. 13, 2013, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) issued the survey report to have given a proof with exact data – Canada's mid-sized firms have declined by 17% — from 9,370 to 7,814 — from 2006 to 2010, in which, the manufacturing sector reduced more than half, from 2,807 to 1,381 between 2001 and 2010.
For searching proportion of mid-sized firms in the enterprises of Canada, I got following information.
Sep. 10, 2013, Industry Canada issued Key Small Business Statistics - August 2013>: As of Dec. 2012, there were 1,107,540 employer businesses in Canada, in which 1,087,803 were small-sized business (01-99 employee) that make up 98.2% of employer businesses, medium-sized businesses (100-499) make up 1.6% of employer businesses and large businesses (500+) make up 0.1% of employer businesses.
In view of the small-sized business is 98.2% and mid-sized is only 1.6%, with consideration of the number of declined mid-sized firms, that the number of declined small-sized business may be much more. For large business, RIM, is a good example, now is the Blackberry also ......
The fact shows a real disaster in the economy of Canada.
As Canadian, we have enough reason and responsibility to search that - why and how?
The report of Canada's mid-sized firms decline has given the answers for the firms' decline: the rapidly appreciating Canadian dollar, financial crisis, recession, fierce competition, availability of financing and employee acquisition and retention.
Above reasons sound reasonable, however, we should break the traditional way of thinking to actively seek a way out from passive to active, rather than merely pessimistic sigh.
We should question that, in the same poor economic environment, why there many companies are still survival, even against the plight to have grown and developed?
Since that I have been concerning about the corporate management, in the past 12 years, I specifically worked in different types of enterprises in Canada to have observed their management, and inspired by the experiences I have written some articles. Such as, the Canada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure .
In Canada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure, I introduced some of Enterprises as good and poor examples in anonymous.
In general comparison, the management level of foreign companies is much better than that of local Canadian companies.
The closure of some firms was even simply caused by some mindless employee. In the article, I have taken the DEF Company (Anonymous) as example.
4. An Mindless Employee made a Company Closed
I once worked in the final section of a production line in a machine assembles Company (Anonymous asDEF) that located in Waterloo Ontario with 1300 employee, which was a branch of a transnational company headquartered in the U.S. in manufacturing machines of banking and cashing.
When I newly work there was with 6 people to assemble machines. My job is installation of electrical wires and switches on the empty case-frame of the machine, and then other people install the parts insides and make final testing for sending to customers.
In my team, there was a gentleman Jim who was in a very good appearance with good personal civilized, but he was supervising others to slow down their work with smile.
After first hour of my first day’s work, Jim friendly told me that: “my friend, please do not work too hard like this; you may go to washroom to have a rest, or go to other work station to talk with friends. Any way, you should slow down the work.” Then, I noticed that other people were talking and joking with parts holding on hands, but did not put on machine. Due to that my team was in the final section, thus, the production capacity of whole production line has lowered 50% around.
Compared with other Companies, that DEF has occupied the top of the supply chain with welcomed end products, it certainly has greater profit margins supported by an enviable team of skilled technicians and operators. So that it should be running better and sustainable. However, it moved to Mexico before outbreak of Financial Crisis 2008. Jim and other 1300 people lost high quality jobs – good paid with good work environment, which is that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been striving hardly.
The jobs of our team were assembling Cashier Machine with the parts that finished by the teams in the top of the production line. This kind of jobs was similar as that of assembling a big computer, it was not heavy physically and could not work fast also. I am still wondering that why Jim did that? His behavior was no any interest for himself or any others? If it was not what I had seen, I would never believe that was true.
About half a year later, after the DEF Company was shut down, in a supermarket, I met Jim, at that time, he was looking for a new job after worked a couple of months in a job agency. I felt sadness when talking with him; he was enjoying the bitter fruit that he planted. Viewing from social perspective, he made a big trouble for other 1300 colleagues and their families.
The mindless employees as that of Jim are common in Canadian businesses, although most of them are not severe in harming company as that of Jim, but their boldly pranks greatly reduce the productivity, it also can cause business failures indirectly. Such as the supervisor John that introduced in my article Family Business and Management Board>.
People might ask that, why no management person stops their ridiculous behavior? Why do not fire them? The answer is not as simple as that of people's common sense.
I would like to use the fruits of modern medical researches, from the perspective of human physiology, human nature, crowd psychology, and social governance, to discuss this issue.
5. Human brain's maturity determines the level of intelligence
According to my personal experience, in Canada, in the majority of enterprises, it always has certain individuals to do nonsense without rational reason, and in most cases, with no management person dared to punish them, or even dissuade them from troublemaking.
I deeply feel the fatal problem for Canadian corporate is that can not effectively restrict those mindless employees making trouble in the workplace.
I deeply feel that there is necessary to dig the reason and the solution.
Thanks modern medical technology for revealing the mechanism of human brain and revealing the mystery of why some people are rational, and some are not, or even mindless.
The Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic scans of human brains have gradually revealed the relations between the brain structures and the intelligence or the physical behaviors. Human behaviors, whether it is mental or physical, are dominated by certain cells in certain area of the brain.
The studies show that human brain development varies greatly from person to person, so, people's intelligence and behaviors are also a great difference.
The article Einstein's Brain Reveals Clues to Genius> said that the brilliant physicist had extra folding in his brain’s gray matter, the site of conscious thinking. In particular, the frontal lobes, regions tied to abstract thought and planning, had unusually elaborate folding.
Sept. 27, 2013, the article Musicians 'have sharper minds': study> reported that researchers measured the behavioral and brain responses of amateur musicians compared with non-musicians when performing simple mental tasks and found that Musicians have sharper minds and are able to pick up and correct mistakes quicker than non-musicians. Musicians also responded faster than those with little or no musical training, with no loss in accuracy.
This study has showed us meaningful method to evaluate a person's intelligence and ability for doing some meaningful work.
Obviously, those musicians have a well developed brain for finishing any job perfectly. In other hand, those people who, although, are not musician but have achieved fruitful accomplishment will certainly have well developed brain.
6. Workplace Troublemakers may have Brain Problems
Apr. 01, 2011, report Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens said that:
“The neuroscientists used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the size of particular regions in the brains of 65 teenage boys with conduct disorder (CD) compared with 27 teenage boys who did not display symptoms of behavioral disorder. Their findings revealed that the amygdala and insula – regions of the brain that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognizing were strikingly smaller in teenagers with antisocial behaviour. ”
“The greater the severity of the behaviour problems, the greater the reduction in the volume of the insula.”
Mar. 04, 2011, article Criminal Minds Are Different from Yours, Brain Scans Reveal> reported that:
“The latest neuroscience research is presenting intriguing evidence that the brains of certain kinds of criminals are different from those of the rest of the population.” “While these findings could improve our understanding of criminal behavior, they also raise moral quandaries about whether and how society should use this knowledge to combat crime.”
Above studies show that development degree of the human brain determines the brain’s working state; the brain's working state determines human behavior. Or we may say that, it is that human brain’s physical structures determine human psychological state, and the psychological state determines the physical behavior. It is that abnormal brain caused human abnormal behavior.
We may infer that even if people have no significant behavioral problems as that of the criminals, but, the character of each individual is also a big difference. Some people can do any thing rationally; some people are prone to impulse and radical, those are also due to the differences in the degree of mature of the brain development.
Those workplace troublemakers may also likely have problems of inadequate brain development. Although, some of their behaviors are not severe to be considered as crime, but, with the amplifying-effect of Crowd Psychology, its harm may be huge.
One such a mindless person, in the environment of large scale production, may play a role of greatly reducing the production efficiency, even make a good business have to be closed. Above Jim in DEF Company is a good proof.
Although, the absurd behavior of workplace troublemaker is not to be considered as crime yet, but, its harm may be much severe than that of criminal, because of it may make much more people jobless. Currently, there are no corresponding legal provisions for inhibiting or punishing them yet.
This point, we must seriously take measures.
Those findings on human brains provide us a new potential for improving the management of Canadian corporate, since that corporate management, essentially say, it is to select a certain group of people to rule certain group of people to finish purposeful tasks. In this process, no matter for the rulers or being ruled, to select a brain well matured one is important.
But, in the practical recruitment process, we can not scan any candidates by MRI machine. Even, some questions would be too sensitive to be asked. We must find alternative way.
I discuss it in Recruit employees by the quality of brain, not the academic degree.
7. Human Nature and Crowd Psychology
7.1. Human Nature
There are many studies on human nature. Generally say that humankind has dual nature, namely animal nature (natural nature) and cultural nature, human behavior is determined by the two natures.
The animal nature is obtained genetically, they are those basic survival instincts that conduce to oneself, such as, greedy, egoistic, etc., and the cultural nature is mainly acquired through learning in practical life, they are those cultivated behaviors that may conduce to society, such as, self-discipline, altruistic, etc.
Although, such a description is not perfect accurately, but, as a reference to discuss management issues, I think it is feasible.
Talking about human nature, I think of Adam Smith, in his famous book The Wealth of Nations>, he suggests that benefits society by meeting the selfish and greedy of human animal nature with free competing in the marketplace under the control of invisible hand.
In consideration of market competing, Adam Smith's invisible hand is mainly driven by human animal nature - selfish and greedy.
In viewing of this, I call Adam Smith as the good player of the human animal nature.
The successful social practice by following the vision of Adam Smith, have achieved prosperity of the material wealth and to reach the goal of benefiting humankind.
Hoever, the disaster Financial Crisis 2008 has induced people to reflect the flaws of the capitalist system.
In April 13, 2012, 9:45 am, the Founder and Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum, Prof. Klaus Schwab posted an article The End of Capitalism -- So What's Next? on his Blog with that:
"This year's World Economic Forum in Davos saw intense debate about the future of capitalism. Many participants were asking whether capitalism, with all of its excesses, still has a place in today's world. The media, meanwhile, speculated that if even managers and bankers were raising doubts about the system's future, then perhaps capitalism had already been laid to rest in Davos."
"The reports about capitalism's imminent demise may be somewhat exaggerated, as the ideology of a free but socially committed and fairly regulated market economy was never questioned in Davos. However, there was some discussion as to whether capitalism in its present form serves or undermines the free market economy."
People began to rethink Marx's communist ideology world widely. It is said that in Germany, the sale of Marx's Das Kapital increased.
The vision of Karl Marx:”From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Critique of the Gotha Programme 1875 was perfect ideal social system.
However, more than 100 years of the communist movement, and more than 70 years of practice of socialist, which involved the countries almost half of the world, finally failed. Although the vision of Karl Marx is perfect for human beings, but practice proved that it did not work.
The reason for the failure of the practice of communist and socialist, most people blame the improper political and rigid planning economy.
But, as my view, the true essential, it was that the perfect social system over depended on the exertion of human cultural nature with madly suppressing the exertion of human animal nature.
Also, as my view, the reason of people losing the faith for the capitalism is that the capitalist system over depended on the exertion of human animal nature with less proper regulation.
Nowadays, the economic structure is changing, the economic capacity in increasing, the population in increasing, over-developed Financial Economy , especially, the rapid flow of the large number of international hot money to help bestial mad plunder to the Real Economy as easy as once finger click.
The social governing is not updated with the pace of social advancement yet. So that the human animal nature is able to be over exertion.
A successful society must be the one that can well play human nature. As similarity, a successful corporate management must be the one that can well play human nature.
7.2. Crowd Psychology
Besides the impact of human natures, other significant one is Crowd Psychology that generated when people grouping.
In the book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind> 1895, the writer Gustave Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology:
"impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgment of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others...".
“determines in the individuals of a group special characteristics which are quite contrary at times to those presented by the isolated individual.” “To understand this phenomenon it is necessary to bear in mind certain recent physiological discoveries. We know to-day that by various processes an individual may be brought into such a condition that, having entirely lost his conscious personality, he obeys all the suggestions of the operator who has deprived him of it, and commits acts in utter contradiction with his character and habits.”
“The most careful investigations seem to prove that an individual immersed for some length of time in a group in action soon finds himself—either in consequence of the magnetic influence given out by the group, or from some other cause of which we are ignorant—in a special state, which much resembles the state of fascination in which the hypnotised individual finds himself in the hands of the hypnotiser….”
“The conscious personality has entirely vanished; will and discernment are lost. All feelings and thoughts are bent in the direction determined by the hypnotiser.”
In the book , Monsieur Serge Moscovici said that: In short, the era of mob is a handful of people on the illegal use of a huge crowd in order to achieve the purpose of the interests of small groups face sounding era.
Note: I could not find in English. The Title of and what Monsieur Serge Moscovici said is translated from the book of the version in Mandarin that released in April 2003. Therefore, above wording may be not exact correct, but the main meaning is true.
About Crowd Psychology, Monsieur Serge Moscovici has touched the essential soul that huge crowd was coerced by a handful of people for the purpose of the interests of small group people.
As our experience, in the crowd environment, individual is not to be hypnotized, but is in a sober state with retaining their opinions without speaking out.
The key of the problem is that why a few people can successfully control the majority of people to do some thing that may harm the interest of the majority or the society.
This is because, I think that, some few people lack of the ability of rational thinking, they do some thing with their animal nature, only in consideration of the interests of them selves, and they never consider the interests of others and the harms for others.
It also is the matter of brain immature.
It is the reason that Jim in DEF Company, as a general operator, could play a severe bad role.
8. Reverse-thinking for 3M Canada Saves Energy 30% by ISO50001
March 13, 2013, the Canadian Manufacturing Online published the report of Power play, said that 3M Canada saves Energy 30% by ISO50001.
The achievement was great, but the process was unexpected simple: “We try to treat the plant as we would our homes. If we leave a room, we turn off the lights and shut down equipment when it’s not being used. ”
There were reports taking the energy save 30% in 3M Canada as a proud achievement. However, I would like to question that, by the same group of people with the same equipments in the same place, why they could not effectively save the energy similarly before the implementation of ISO50001 standards?
Why they could not treat the plant as that of in own homes to turn off the lights and shut down the equipment when it’s not being used before the implementation of ISO50001 standards?
The achievement of energy saving is also reflecting the CHAOS in the management of 3M Canada. It is common in many Canadian enterprises, which is one of the reasons of the mid-sized firms is declining. It is not my surmising boast at all. It is the terrible facts of my personal observation and experience in the enterprises of Canada.
I think that the corporate management may be the most intricate and most grueling tasks, since it has to deal with the labors – human beings who are with the brain that can act of their own accord.
If there was no mandatory of the ISO50001 standard to strictly enforce the staff as that of the law enforcing social members, only relying on their management team and their own developed management rules, 3M Canada would never get such an achievement.
As a senior engineer in metal material, I have been involved in the development of ISO standard application for oil drilling pipe. The deepest impression was that every aspect of every operation in the production, there are written procedures with specific people to take responsible. In fact, the role of ISO is to trace responsibility by tagging on the forehead of specific individual.
The experience of 3M Canada in energy saving has a significant role of providing us a direction for reversing the state of CHAOS, which is to copy the model of ISO50001 standard to optimize our firms’ management to dig out huge potential for gaining profit with an easy way.
We are clear that, in the business running, there are many management aspects besides energy saving with the plenty of room for cost-saving improvement. We can imagine that, if 3M Canada improves efficiency by 30% in all of their management aspects, then, see, what will happen? If we all firms in Canada are able to improve the efficiency by 30%, and then, see, what it will happen?
The CHAOS in the management of 3M Canada before the implementation of ISO50001 standards was also caused by the bad effect of the Crowd Psychology.
It also proves the correctness of my idea of the Corporate Management is the Art that plays human natures, which is to finish purposeful tasks with human culture nature by meeting human greedy of animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations. For well playing the Art of the management, the payment and the regulation is both indispensable.
9. The Analysis of Crowd Psychology Affecting Efficiency
The report said that, according to the requirements of ISO50001 standard, 3M Canada has developed a roles and responsibilities matrix to identify workforce needs to support the system, in which making plant manager accountable for the entire system and all operators and supervisors have defined roles to support the system and make sure it works.
I think that, in essence, that made a roles and responsibilities matrix is to put the responsible label on the forehead of each individual. It is the key for the success.
Because, only in this way, 3M Canada can enforce those irrational staff who have no rational sense doing a rational job to have to do a rational job, and to provide a reason for those rational staff to do rational job happily without worry about.
The worry about is induced by the Crowd Psychology.
According to the common sense from our daily life, we may easily imagine that, in 3M Canada, before the implementation of ISO50001, it was not that the employees and management staff did not see the facts of energy wasting, also it was not that nobody wanted to change the status quo, but it was that no one dared to do so. It caused by the harmful effect of Crowd Psychology.
As general employees, they were afraid to draw fire against themselves, and as management staff they were afraid to draw fire against themselves with legal proceedings, or even personal revenge.
This social phenomenon is a common behavior of mankind or may call it as common sick due to it harm to community, and as long as people grouping, it will inevitably take it bad effect.
It also is the reason that Jim in DEF Company could play a severe bad role without any people dared to inhibit.
These ordinary human crowd relations, we clearly knew not correct, but it is taking for granted, to be involuntarily and carefully observed. It seemingly is normal since that every one has to act as that. In fact, it is very absurd with a very bad effect to make daily operation of enterprise into a bad trap, in which many people are aware that lot things urgently need to do, but no one dare do. It causes production inefficiencies, or even causing enterprise bankruptcy, thus causing the loss of job, the loss of tax revenue. It is hazardous to the economy and our normal life of ordinary people.
Now, we can see the essence of the management: it is the art of playing human nature pestered with Crowd Psychology.
Besides above absurd interpersonal relations caused by Crowd Psychology, for some enterprise of Canada, there is an even worse phenomenon that is without proper regulations to regulate the daily operation.
We must find a proper approach to save enterprises from being closed by those mindless behaviors of those mindless people, thus, to save Canadian Firms from declining and save the job for those mindless people.
The achievement of 3M Canada saves Energy 30% by ISO50001 has provided us a useful inspiration for improving our corporate management.
10. The absurdity of modern social governance
Now, we have made clear that mature degree of human brain varies greatly from person to person, so, it is inevitable that always there are some brain immature people in human community or enterprises to badly interfere the normal life or normal production. The Crowd Psychology promotes the matter more complicated, and more thorny.
Jun 25, 2013, in the article My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore, I indicate that:
"The Entrepreneurs run Enterprises to create job position for citizen livehood-making and revenue for social governing, from this point of view, the Entrepreneurs are the best civil servants, and the communists in reality."
"However, historically, in worldwide, it has been lacking of concerning and supporting for Entrepreneurs, even, until now, there great many people are with hostile attitude toward them. The law seems to have ignored this group also, but tended to protect employees without updating of the outdated concept from the times of Industrial Revolution with ignoring that modern society has provided thoughtful social welfare and comprehensive legal protection."
"The outdated ideology and practice has badly affected the work ethic of employees and to have made Enterprises difficult for managing, even, encouraging some mindless employees' pranks boldly in the workplace without the fear of being punished. It not only badly affecting the production efficiency, but more terrible, it even caused the closure of some Enterprises."
Nowadays, those being over advocated of freedom, human rights, etc., are with lesser meaning for those people who are law-abiding to make livehood with full-hearted working, but for those brain immature, the freedom and human rights are being misused as protection umbrella for endangering our society recklessly.
In my view, it is the absurdity of modern social governance. Such absurdity has been badly impacting the normal work of the rational people in the production of social wealth of the essential for human survival.
In above mentioned DEF Company, there was a supervisor who took charge of our team, but he never say any thing besides hard working as same as that of the general operators. Even in the busy time of before Christmas, when company had hired a lot temporary workers to finish year long piled orders, he told me that he will take two weeks vacation.
I was suppressed after making clear what he said was not joking, and immediately thought of your guy stupid enough.
But later what happened shocked me very much.
One day, it is 2006, when I came in workplace, my colleague asked me that: Have you watched TV this morning? I said: No. He said: last night, the temporary workers mobbed riots, even smashed equipments after heard that they were laid off.
Now, looking back the cause of the incident, a group of temporary workers who did not well know of each other yet, how to organize together to boldly make trouble? Who was the organizer of it? It must be some organization.
I am afraid that Jim was the member of the organization, too.
At this point, I came to understand that why the supervisor dared not control Jim's pranks, and that he had to take vacation at the most busy season of the company.
It was that some special organization made the good run DEF company closed, and also made them selves of the members of the organization jobless.
This organization is composed of a group of fools, company is the ship that helps people for surviving, most people onboard strive to ensure safe, but those fools are making holes on the hull.
It was that State Apparatus supports the fools' organization boldly nonsense with the protection of absurd legislation. In essential, it is that State Apparatus supports the destruction of the enterprises - the essential cells of the national economy, and then to finish a state.
The powerful State Apparatus can not control the behavior of the brain immature that endangers our society, it is a tragedy of modern human society.
11. To motivate productivity by well playing human nature
The absurdity of modern social governance is difficult to be changed; we must change our mind to seek a new way to improve the production efficiency..
I said above, that human behavior is determined by the dual natures: animal nature and cultural nature.
The prosperity of Capitalism under market economy is to drive human culture nature by meeting human animal nature and the failure of Socialism under planning economy is over rely on human cultural nature with inhibiting human animal nature.
In above section , I have taken Jim in DEF Company as example.
From all aspects of assessment, he was well self-cultivated showing very nice and friendly without flaws in personality. His attitude towards work also is common in most of people universally, although, most of them are not as severe as that of Jim.
Any way, we can not deal such people with fire simply, because, that makes such mindless people jobless will make big trouble for community, and also they and their families need survival.
Indeed, for those successful world class Companies mostly have their own incentive methods to deal with this thorny issue by motivating those people's work ethic to reverse the unfavorable to favorable.
In essence, all kind of incentive methods are with same purpose that is to drive human culture nature by meeting human animal nature?
11.1. Patent-related bonus drives IBM's patent invention
Dec. 22, 2011, in the article The DNA of the Success of IBM & America's best-run companies, I mentioned that, the driving force for 102 years old IBM is still full of vitality and the patent invention has been counting on the top of those world-class corporate giants in the United States for 20 consecutive years in 2013 is the patent-related bonus incentive system. In IBM, for any staff, published an article, approved a patent, all have assessment records with regulated cash awards.
Following are the excerpts from article The DNA of the Success of IBM & America's best-run companies.
"Accumulates one point on each published being approved article regarding science and technology on the ."
"For each patented patent, the inventor will accumulate 3 points. The bonus for first patent is $1,500, plus souvenirs and gold-plated pins, etc.. For each subsequent patented patent will award cash $ 500."
"For each accumulation of 12 points, issue a Plateau Award $ 3600 with publishing the names and photos of the winner in company publications. Another accumulation of 12 points with another Plateau Award, and so on. Company may also give quota of awards depending on the circumstances from $10,000 to $100,000. It is very few of people who could achieve third Plateau Award."
11.2. Rationalization proposals drives German manufacture outstanding
May 28, 2012, in the article The DNA of the Success of German Manufacturing, I mentioned that, the driving force for German outstanding manufacturing mainly comes from their legislated management for rationalization proposals (RP), which is to extract bonus from the profit gained in the application of the rationalization proposals to motivate all staff to pay their full talent into the business running, since Mr.Friedrich Alfred Krupp initiated it in 1872.
Now, in all German businesses, their staff can use computer network systems to easily submit or query their proposals.
Following are the excerpts from article The DNA of the Success of German Manufacturing>.
"The award criteria for RP are basically same in different German companies. It is according to the net cost savings after implementation of RP in the first year. It divided into several grades, specifically, the annual net cost savings within the 2,500 Euros, according to the following standard bonuses:"
Annual net cost savings |
Bonus |
250 Euros |
20 Euros |
251-750 Euros |
75 Euros |
751-1750 Euros |
150 Euros |
1751-2500 Euros |
250 Euros |
"Annual cost savings are more than 2500 euros, then, the bonus is 25% of the actual amount of net cost savings. For example, net cost savings is 5000 EUR, and then the prize money amounted to 1,250 Euros."
"In such a corporate atmosphere, German business leaders have been emphasizing people-oriented, and taking the staff as working-capital. They encourage more employees to involve in optimizing the corporate management by exploring and exerting every potential to promote the development of enterprises."
11.3. The payment calculated based on the production yield
In the article Canada's Corporate Management & Reducing Psychological Pressure, I have discussed about this issue, which is dealing this thorny issue with well playing human animal nature. For reading convenient, I copy some section as follow.
"Management is a kind of art rather than a rigid technology, it provides a special stage for performing intelligent dramas, however, some of them may be enjoyable, and some may be not."
"Such as, for the shutdown of the DEF Company, one of important reason might be unsatisfactory productivity that caused by that of payment was not associated with the working-performance, which was no different for operators who finished 3 machines or 6 machines in a shift. Obviously, this kind of payment method was acting as a cooler to cool down employees’ working-enthusiasm. It also was one of the reasons that had triggered the collapse of former socialist countries. So I once said that in other article, capitalist countries are following the dust of the road that socialist countries have been past."
"The romance of payment and work-efficiency is a good topic for a good management drama."
"Suppose that, in the DEF Company, takes 3 machines as basic task of a team per shift, after finished first 3 machines, the fourth one pays $6 to each operator as bonus, the fifth pays $9, the sixth pays $12. Thus would incent the operators to work with full-load. In this way, every day will make extra profits from three extra machines by only extra payment of $189 that may only a little bit compared with gained extra profits. If so, the Company would be still running, that gentleman might still work there with a better payment rather than that of anxious for job-looking."
"Here, there a more detailed account can be calculated. When production without bonus, finished 3 machines per shift, suppose the profit margin is 20% after deduction of raw materials, wages, utilities and other basic costs. On this basis, for finishing extra 3 more machines, only need to increase the cost of raw materials and bonuses, then, the profit margins from extra 3 machines may be much higher than that of 20% of from first 3 machines."
"The bonus possesses magical effect that can satisfy both employees and employers at the same time."
11.4. Incentive Rewards in 2300 years ago China
China noted as 5,000 years of the history of civilization, which is based on the historic monuments, text written, bronzes and so on. Especially, the emergence of Chinese characters.
As my view, the essence of the 5,000 years civilization or the valuable part was the written records – the accumulation of the experiences in failed and succeed - the wisdom of the people of China.
11.4.1.. The development of the characters and writing expression
In about 8,000 years ago, Chinese characters have emerged, but, until around 600 BC, the development of the characters has been just able to help to communicate ideas in writing. The various ideologies began to bud, such as, Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism, etc. Those ideas were continuing to be improved by descendants to have formed systematical theories today, and to have affected the development of China, the countries in neighboring and South Asia.
Many historical documents of China are recorded on the stones, bronzes, Ceramic-utensils and bamboo-slips, so that they could be saved to today for restoring the history.
The most famous book about war strategy in Ancient China, the Art of War is inscribed on the bamboo slips in around BC 514.
11.4.2.. The Birth of The Art of War
After a long primitive society, in about BC 2070, the nation Xia emerged in China. In about BC 1600, Xia Dynasty was destroyed & replaced by Shang. In about BC 1046, Shang Dynasty was destroyed & replaced by Zhou.
Since the throne could only be passed to one son, the monarch of Zhou had to give certain area of land as fiefs to other sons, which formed vassal states, and then the sons gave certain area of own land as fiefs to their own sons, in this way, from generation to generation, formed more than 100 large and small vassal states.
In BC 771, the state of Zhou was out of control. The selfish of human animal nature began to exert freely. The wars of plundering and occupying were one after another in between the vassal states and the dependencies, which last about 500 years, known as the periods of the Spring and Autumn (771 - 476 BC) & Warring States (475 – 221 BC) of China.
The state of Qin was a weak vassal state located in today’s Shanxi province China. Please see following map.
The map of China in 5th century BC, the state of Qin located in the left side In BC 514, more than 200 years endless wars created rich experiences that promoted the birth of the famous book on military strategy - The Art of War. Today it has been taken as efficacious military Bible world widely. Also it is used for commercial competition.
Left: Bamboo slips of The Art of War Unearthed in a tomb of the Han Dynasty in Shandong, China, Apr. 4, 1972,
Right: A copy of modern imitation of Bamboo Book of The Art of War
The writer was Sun Tzu (BC 535- 470). His Great-grandfather and grandfather was both the famous warrior of the time. In such a family, since childhood, Sun Tzu interested in studying the art of wars.
From the photo, I think of that, we should thank the late of the invention of the paper; otherwise, many precious ancient thoughts might be destroyed, because of paper records can not last longer under or on the earth.
11.4.3. Incentives Drive the Birth of Unified China
In 361 BC, Qin's new monarch determined to make the state stronger; therefore, he issued an order for recruiting competent people from all of the states.
Shang Yang, a famous Legalist, from the state of Wei came to Qin, and the talks about national affairs with the new monarch continued for 3 days and nights. The monarch appreciated the opinion of Shang Yang very much. In 356 BC, Shang Yang was appointed to reform the old social system.
Shang Yang established a law system according to the Legalism, which focused on the enhancement of the military force and the food production for military logistical supply. This might be the earliest and most detailed law system world widely.
At that time, people had no any sense about the law. In order to improve the unordered social situation, Shang Yang put a long wood at the South gate of the city, and announced that: who can move the wood to the North gate, would get reward of 12 gold cakes (Φ5.1Cm 260G 99%Au). People did not believe that was true, no one was willing to try. Then Shang Yang increased the reward up to 50 gold cakes. Finally, a man moved the wood to the North gate with a mind of trying, but he immediately got award of 50 gold cakes.
Thus, Shang Yang established the trust for that what government announced in the minds of the citizen, and the reform was quickly and smoothly spread.
One of the laws was that made 20 title of nobility to reward those who contributed to the state.
According the law, the soldier who beheaded an enemy will obtain a prime rank of the title with Material Rewards: a certain area of farming land and a house with several servants. Beheaded more enemy will get higher rank title with more awards.
In the war with cold weapons, the mortality rate was almost in the two sides of the war. It said that killing 1000 enemies, the winner side will lose 800 people at least. A person once went to the battlefield, it meant to face the death. However, China’s history books described that, the citizen of Qin heard that will start the war, they eagerly wanted to go to the battlefield impatiently, simply did not care the matter alive or death.
In the battlefield, they did not like to wear the helmets and armours to protect themselves, because of it would reduce their running speed. They were left hand with a head of enemy, and right arm tucked a captive, to courageously chase enemy - their preys - the farming land, the house, and the prominent social status.
The incentive rewards made weak Qin state stronger and destroyed many states to form a unified nation – China. It was the origin of the name of China today.
In the management of modern enterprises, the method of incentive rewards from Ancient China will still possess significant value. Since the nature of ancient people and modern people is similar, it does not matter whether the Easterner or the Westerner.
"An important step of the success of China's economic reform was have broken the old wage system that was continuation from that of the Soviet Union, and largely increased the share of payment that associated with individual’s work performance."
"Some simple management measures could reduce the severity of the antagonism between employees and employers, and that will be good for all with reducing psychological stress in workplace, also can increase social wealth by improving the efficiency of production."
11.4.4.. Qin had implemented the accountability in manufacturing.
In Qin terracotta warriors and horses unearthed in China, the weapons were engraved with manufacturer's name. It was clear evidence that in 2000 years ago, Qin manufacturing had implemented the accountability to a specific operator.
12. The solution for Canadian Corporate Management
Now we are clear that Corporate Management is the Art of playing human natures, which is to finish purposeful tasks by use of human culture nature driven by meeting human greedy of animal nature with payment.
Besides, to drive human cultural nature by meeting animal nature, a good management needs strict regulations to regulate all members in the enterprise as that of law regulates social members.
Indeed, many companies have detailed management regulations, however, that seems useless due to difficult to implement, management staff manage based on own personal preferences.
The success of 3M Canada under the enforcement of ISO50001 standard provides us a perfect inspiration, that is, to legislate the management regulations by copying that of ISO standards to enforce the management of Canadian businesses by the power of State Apparatus.
The legislation means that is enforced by State Apparatus, and the State Apparatus is more powerful than that of no legal effect of ISO - the International Standardization Organization.
Frank Li, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. De. 22, 2011 Updated Jan, 22, 2016
1. 26-years’ IBM career
2. In search of excellence: lessons from America's best-run companies
3. IMF Director Christine Lagarde warns of 1930s-style depression
4. The reason of poor - a story happened in Canada
Recently, there was a report that Buffett's firm buys $10.7 billion of IBM stock. People may be curious to ask that what caught the attention of the most successful investors in the world to have self-broken his long rule of refusing to invest in technology companies due to his thought that is difficult to predict which tech applications or hardware will prosper in the long run.
“But he said he recently changed his view of IBM (International Business Machines) based on what he read in the company's annual reports. He said he should have realized years sooner that the heart of IBM's business is providing service and equipment to information technology departments.”
As my view, Warren Buffet seems to has ignored the micro details. A micro, but is the key issue – It was that where does the vitality of IBM come from? What is the reason of an over one hundred years old Big Blue keeping in prosperity among the wreckages of failed enterprises.
I think, it was that IBM emphasizes people-oriented, and takes the staff as "working capital" as same as that of doing in German Companies.
Now let us to go into IBM with Mr. Kenneth Chang.
1. 26-years’ IBM career
Mr. Kenneth Chang, who emigrated from Hong Kong to United States in 1958 when 40 years old, after 4 years’ work on the production of semiconductor chip from a beginner in GI Company, he transferred into IBM in 1963, and in the following nine years period, he was promoted 4 times and reached the highest technical position of IBM due to his creative works with many innovations and inventions, which shocked all people in IBM.
After worked 26 years in IBM, when he was preparing for retirement, his immediate executive requested him to summarize his achievements as archives for retaining in IBM. So the prototype of the book was born. Later, under the request and the help of his youth's classmate friend in China, the prototype was further detailed and refined into a 158 pages’ book to have published 5100 copies. The book was not only introduced his achievements, but also involved great details of incentive method of IBM for encouraging employees to make creative job. It revealed the secret of IBM growing into Big Blue.
Oct. 7, 1995, I fortunately discovered it in a heap of the used books at a book stall in a Saturday Flea Market in North East China. Since then I take it as valuable treasure. In the past 16 years, I have it with me. In this period, I once several times moved home, even when immigrating to Canada, the entire family property have to be compressed into a few suitcases and weighed accurate to grams, in this process, I have to throw away a lot of favorite books, however, I never consider to discard this book. Because of I deeply believed that the successful experiences of well organized manufacturer are significant for helping other manufacturers’ stable running. It is not only important for whole society, but also for any individual, since it is the preconditions that can provide a stable and peaceful community, in which that people can work and live to enjoy a prosperous life.
Following are the photos of the author and the book cover.
As that of sophisticated lattice on the cover of the book, the task of Mr. Kenneth Chang was researching the way that links the diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors and so on to be fixed in the designed point on a set of lattice.
As a common person, I never understand that how can integrated tens of millions of elements on a silicon wafer of only a square millimetre.
Here I would like to introduce about author and his creative works briefly.
He was with an Aeronautical radio background, before one week when he stepping on the job position of researching the manufacture of flat diode and triode in GI company of United States, he bought a book on semiconductor knowledge. That was the initial start of his knowledge on semiconductor.
In the summer of 1962, when he was on leave, a phone call asked him immediately return back to company because the production completely paralyzed with produced a large number of defects’ silicon chips.
The reason was that, in order to ensure the production smoothly in his leave period, GI Company hired a senior engineer from the large company - Texas Instrument Corp (TI) to work on his position. The senior engineer changed the production methods by copying the methods of TI, but totally failed.
Kenneth fixed the production line with his own methods and explained the reason that he improved the production with the methods that looks simple, even unscientific but were effective than that of being believed as highly advanced ones used in other companies, because of his methods were explored out from constantly trial and error in the practice of daily production. And, he illustrated with the comparison between the samples made in two ways. Since then, his popularity surged in GI company.
We may have the personal experience of that, in daily life, there are many actual objective results are contrary to the common sense of us with unfounded subjective judgments. Unfortunately, most people are always acting according to own subjective judgments, rather than based on the objective results from the practical trial.
His excellent work in GI helped him applied a position in IBM. When he submitted his resignation to the executive of the GI, the executive committed to increase his wage to 20% higher than that of IBM did and plus 5,000 shares of GI stock. Later, the stock rose to $40 per share, in which 5000 shares become $200,000, thus his friends felt regret for him. However, until retirement, he still believed that left GI into IBM is a right choice.
Another example of the harm of the unfounded subjective judgment happed in IBM.
In the process of semiconductor chips’ manufacturing, silicon chips need to go through hundred of processing steps. In which, a step is to thoroughly dry the photosensitive coatings on the silicon chips, otherwise, in the subsequent process would produce defects. According to the common sense of unfounded subjective judgment, for preventing from the dust in the process of drying, production technology designed to put the coated silicon chips into the metal box, and covered with lid before baking to dry. This technology was unstable, easily impacted by personal operation or environmental temperature or humidity, often resulting in defects, sometimes was a lot.
After careful observation and analysis, in the operation, Kenneth changed the production technology with the test that dried several coated silicon chips by keeping the metal boxes open, he found that drying effect was perfect. He increased the number of silicon chips for testing, the results were satisfied. The method was promoted to the large scale production, and to be warming welcomed. An immediate executive who wrote that, on the notebook for two shifts’ transfer, “Chang led us out of the forest.”
Later, he simply designed aluminum plate to replace the metal box. Thus largely facilitated the operation, and greatly improved the production efficiency.
IBM internal published an interview report about him. The article introduced his experiences and deeds, including his extensive hobby, bridge, tennis, and the play of gongs and drums of Chinese opera. Finally, the article said that, whatever to do, Mr. Chang will devote himself to hard study and to be outstanding.
There is a patent and reward system with a Plateau Award in IBM.
Accumulates one point on each published being approved article regarding science and technology on the Science and Technology Bulletin.
For each patented patent, the inventor will accumulate 3 points. The bonus for first patent is $1,500, plus souvenirs and gold-plated pins, etc.. For each subsequent patented patent will award cash $ 500.
For each accumulation of 12 points, issue a Plateau Award $ 3600 with publishing the names and photos of the winner in company publications. Another accumulation of 12 points with another Plateau Award, and so on. Company may also give quota of awards depending on the circumstances from $10,000 to $100,000. It is very few of people who could achieve third Plateau Award.
Kenneth Chang entered the IBM in 1963, but until 1968, by the reminding of others, he began to pay attention on the reward system of IBM. And since then he achieved seven patented patents, published 9 papers, gained 30 points, and one patent was on pending.
The incentive policy of IBM largely promoted the inventive activities of employees. The report of U.S. patent awards surge in 2010; IBM still tops is the vivid proof.
The number of U.S. patents awarded jumped significantly from 2009 to 2010 among the 10 companies that got the most. IFI Claims
I think those mentioned above are main reason that IBM can grow into the Big Blue taday and outstanding in the forest of the world leading Companies..
The success of IBM has benefited from its unique corporate culture. The success of Kenneth Chang also benefited from the corporate culture, which is emphasizing people-oriented, and taking the staff as "working capital" with a incentive system that encourages the employee to creatively work.
This year, 2011, Mr. Kenneth Chang will be 91 years old. I'm sure that, as a man of active thinking and unceasingly enterprising, he will be still in health, because he has basic conditions for healthy, which is the mental health first. Now, I have an idea that is to contact with him and get permission for translating the book into English. Since that I have deeply felt out the old-fashioned and poor on the management in most of local enterprises of Canada compared with that of most of multinational corporations.
IBM has a work dispute adjudication system
Any business is made up of people, it is inevitable conflict between each other. Especially in scientific activities.
R & D management is a dark field; it is difficult to control balance. Because, in the process of research and implementation of R & D project, will involve cooperation of many sectors, in particular, the need for leadership in coordinating role.
So, the distribution of the bonus created by R & D need to take care of all aspects, especially, the main management may take big share. Finally, the prize money into the hands of the actual developers will be rarely.
For dealing this thorny but important issue, IBM set up a work dispute adjudication system. If someone feels unfairly, he or she can manage up a complaint to higher management, if it is not satisfied with the results, it allowed continuing to appeal to a higher level of, until reaches to top management.
As my view, besides complaint, for solving this problem, company should regulate the prize money as two parts, one for administrative staff, other one directly put on the hands of researchers.
Perhaps the inventor of the inventive concept has no ability to conduct implement, however, because the breeding process of the concept of invention is a special intellectual work, it is not that any person can do, therefore, the inventor of the concept should get of 50 % above in total bonus.
The purpose for doing in this way is to encourage people to innovate, rather than that of only sit back waiting to share the fruits of others.
IBM and the origination of CIS
IBM, McDonald, Coca-Cola, Sony, and Canon is the world well known brands. It is that the design of Corporate Identity System (CIS) helps them being identified out easily from a number of companies.
As a complete corporate image design system, Corporate Identity System is considered to originate from IBM. In mid-50s, the chairman and CEO of IBM, Thomas John Watson, Sr. who led IBM to have conducted CI design under the guideline of "presenting the advantages and features of IBM through certain designs, making the designs unified in application".
Thomas John Watson oversaw that company's growth into an international force from 1914 to 1956. Watson developed IBM's distinctive management style and corporate culture, and turned the company into a highly-effective selling organization.
“In early 60s, some large and medium-sized enterprises in America began to apply factors that can build up and represent the company image to effectively publicize the CI, which involve the whole publicity strategy and methods that can penetrate all fields. After a long period, this complete plan and design were widely accepted and labeled as corporate identity systme. Imported to Japan in 70s, CIS theory was employed by a few far-sighted companies and helped to make great profits.”
Canaidan business cannot copy the success of IBM
Suppose that Kenneth Chang was working in some of Canadian Companies, he would be ousted in weeks due to his self-determined to do innovation, and straightforward proposals for improvement. Because of under different corporate culture, facing the proposals, in most of the bosses, supervisors, or colleagues, the first sense were that of they have been despised, the first psychological reaction is uncomfortable. Thus they would make everything possible even by despicable way to squeeze out the thorns from their eyes. They never care about the benefit would be gained from those proposals. This is not the nonsense; it was the personal experiences of mine in some Companies.
2. In search of excellence: lessons from America's best-run companies
The book of mine is a used one of translated version in mandarin from English. The writers were Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman. I bought it at same book stalls with , but I did not write down the date.
For over three years, “Peters and Waterman studied more than 43 successful American companies to discover the secrets of the art of management. The companies specialized in a number of areas: consumer goods, high technology, and services. What he discovered was that regardless of how different each company was, they shared eight basic principles of management that anyone can use on their way to success. Here they are, amply illustrated with anecdotes and examples from the experiences of the best-run companies in the world.”
Their findings suggest that eight attributes are common for an excellent organization:
1.Bias for action.
2.Close to the customer.
3.Autonomy and entrepreneurship.
4. Productivity through people.
5. Hands on, value driven.
6. Stick to the knitting (Focus on what you do best),
7. Simple form lean staff.
8. Simultaneous loose-tight properties (Balance in centralized/decentralized).
Michael Gering commented the author as“Tom Peters is widely credited with having created the management guru industry.”
Here, the “Autonomy and entrepreneurship.” and the “Productivity through people” is focused on emphasizing people-oriented, and takes the staff as "working capital".
The success of IBM demonstrates the importance of a comprehensive incentive system. The physical and intellectual level is similar between modern people. They are lazy or industrious depending on the effective incentives measure. The ignorant and lazy employees from the poor managed Companies into German Companies; they will become smart hard-working employees. The smart hard-working employees from German Companies into poor managed Companies; they also would become ignorant and lazy, because they do not have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents. On other hand, they must blindly follow the stupid directing with closed mouth; otherwise, they will be ousted soon.
3. IMF Director Christine Lagarde warns of 1930s-style depression
The article of reported that “IMF head Christine Lagarde, speaking in Washington, said the world economic outlook is "quite gloomy" and warned that failure to act collectively could lead to a 1930s-style slump.”
IMF Director Christine Lagarde warns of a global slump
From the anxious face of Christine Lagarde, we can read out the severity of current world economy and the sense of responsibility as one of the senior leaders of world core organization.
Economic globalization has made the world become an inseparable whole. Any part occur problem, will lead to a domino effect to destroy the world economy. Now, the world economy is acting as a leaky boat, only if we join hands to fill gaps, there is a hope to be survival. Otherwise, there no one will be safe.
4. The reason of poor - a story happened in Canada
Here, I think, there is a necessary to mention a story happened in Canada. It can help us understand the great role of Spiritual Opium that unveiled by Karl Marx in 1843.
In 2003, I met an old man who came from a poor populous country. I asked his views on Canada. He seemed to be angered by my question and answered loudly, Bill! Bill! Too much bills. Working! Working! Every day working! His answer had somewhat charm of poetry and aroused me to think of some of the scenes about his mother country. Some people are praying for the happier life by hands clasped together, some one says they are praying for the next time, because they have been convinced that everything is predestined by the pre-existence. Also, there some people are not praying, but squatting in the side of the street to watch the streetscape because they do not care good or not for the life of next time.
They made me clear the reason of that why are the living standards of the people in his mother country seems to have been in marking time. Although, there are some reports on the progress of this country, but the majority of them is the cajoling from abroad or narcissistic from domestic. It can not cover up the reality of ignorance and poverty.
I wonder whether the incentive of IBM can work for those people who addicted in the spiritual opium and satisfied the status quo.
--- 139 years Rationalization Proposals in Germany
Frank Li May 28, 2012 in Waterloo, On. Ca
Germany may be one of the few rich countries relying on the hard working rather than that of natural resources, which has attracted many international dignitaries to explore the secrets of its success, but most of them seem to have focused on the macro policy with ignoring the micro details.
The significant one of being ignored is the legislated management on rationalization proposals (RP) - to point out the existing problems with appropriate solutions and company extracts bonus to proposal contributor from the net cost savings in the first year by the RP .
Since Mr. Friedrich Alfred Krupp of German ThyssenKrupp AG firstly coined the management concept of RP in 1872, German companies have begun the practices of management on RP.
Currently, it not only is an important component of human resource management but also is one of the main features of corporate culture of German Enterprises.
Friedrich Alfred Krupp - Wikipedia
As human nature, as common sense, no matter which race and which nationality, including myself, when we heard advice from others, the first feeling is to be despised; the uncomfortable reaction may show on the face, or even verbal unfriendly. Maybe, it was the reason that German government enforces the management of rationalization proposals by legislation.
In such a corporate atmosphere, German business leaders have been emphasizing people-oriented, and taking the staff as working-capital. They encourage more employees to involve in optimizing the corporate management by exploring and exerting every potential to promote the development of enterprises. China saying goes, three ordinary brains are better than one unordinary one. I think that, the more eyes observed, the more problems would be found, and the more brains devoted, the more wisdoms would be produced.
In such a corporate atmosphere, the sense of responsibility of employees is largely increased. The enthusiasm of employees for the work is large upsurge. The spirit of tacit cooperation is cultivated. Every employee could work positively, initiatively, creatively and actively. The product quality is largely improved, the production efficiency is greatly increased, and the upgrade of the products is speeded up. Thereby, the enterprises are always full of vitality with high competitive ability in hot competing market.
They have established a sound management system of RP with corresponding incentive policies and accumulated a lot of valuable experiences. Such as, set up specialized department and specialized personnel to manage RP, the employees can easily input and query the contents and the implemented results of RP through corporate network system.
As the saying goes, if we hope horse running faster, we must feed it with grass. If we hope hen laying more eggs, we must feed it with grains. In the same way, the activity of RP can continue to develop in German enterprises; the reward in bonuses or materials plays a key role.
The award criteria for RP are basically same in different German companies. It is according to the net cost savings after implementation of RP in the first year. It divided into several grades, specifically, the annual net cost savings within the ? 2,500, according to the following standard bonuses:
Annual net cost savings |
Bonus |
250 Euros |
20 Euros |
251-750 Euros |
75 Euros |
751-1750 Euros |
150 Euros |
1751-2500 Euros |
250 Euros |
Annual cost savings are more than 2500 euros, then, the bonus is 25% of the actual amount of net cost savings. For example, net cost savings is 5000 EUR, and then the prize money amounted to ? 1,250.
Some RP can not estimate the direct economic benefits, but can play an important role in improving safety, preventing accidents, protecting environment, improving product quality and enhancing corporate-image, and thus can make indirect economic benefits, then, according to the grade of lowest, low, medium and high respectively give 20, 75, 150 and 250 Euros or material reward. In accordance with "Personal Income Tax Law" of Germany, material reward is tax-free. The taxes of bonuses are paid by enterprises.
German companies pay great attention to the training of management personnel on RP. In 1943, Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce, University of Frankfurt and eight companies jointly set up an authority of researching RP - German Institute of Business Administration, and designed to promote cooperation closely between research institutions and enterprises.
In 1954, the Institute established a Working Group to research the management mechanism of the RP. Currently, each year, the Institute held courses of "idea manager" to train management personnel of RP for corporate, and providing a platform for the exchange of the experience in the RP management.
The Institute also publishes the annual reports that comprehensively introduce the current state of RP management in German companies. And select top ten best companies in RP management, and select advanced enterprises in RP management from various industries.
Table 1. The annual statistics by the Institute on the economic benefits gained from the implementation of the RP in German Companies.
Year |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
Total number of enterprises involved |
441 |
425 |
371 |
359 |
365 |
307 |
Total number of employees (10 000) |
270 |
270 |
250 |
230 |
220 |
210 |
Total number of proposals(10 000) |
123.1 |
141.7 |
135.7 |
123.3 |
122.6 |
163.8 |
Total prize issued(A hundred million euros) |
1.73 |
1.86 |
1.64 |
1.52 |
1.51 |
1.59 |
Average prize issued (Euros) |
236 |
218 |
206 |
204 |
205 |
201 |
Highest prize issued(10 000 euros) |
18.8 |
31.2 |
25.8 |
22.8 |
33.2 |
19.5 |
Total Economic benefits(A hundred million euros) |
10.88 |
12.48 |
11.78 |
11.59 |
12.0 |
15.9 |
Now, we may understand that why did Germany become a big manufacturing country. Their experiences are valuable for the Corporations of Canada.
3 years ago, I once met a circus animal trainer, who once traveled many countries. He was very talkative. We talked a lot. The most of conversations has faded from my memory. But, there is one thing that I remember still as new. That is I once requested him to compare the differences between the countries. He said that, “Italians are good at enjoying life, listening to music, dancing, playing and so on. Germans are working! Working! Only life is working. They are simply crazy.”
December 19, 2011, 9:47:20 AM, I searched on Internet with the key words of Italian debt crisis, amazingly, only in 0.25 seconds, I got 126,000,000 results. It demonstrated the severity of the debt crisis in Italy. It is terrible. Too much enjoying has harmed the life of Italians, and may trigger big trouble for other countries. Now, people’s eyes are greedily watching hard-earned money of Germans and China-people, desire them make donation to save those trouble maker of European debt crisis.
Days ago, I read an article that . Obviously, smart Italians have started to turn on the right way.
Frugal living and hard working is the essential that human can be survival to today. We must re-pick up this spirit to learn from Great Germans and China-people.
Note: The information was excerpting translated from the articles on the Internet.
It's a very good article , and you are on the right track. I am sure you've been working hard on it. Keep up the good work!
Thank you very much. I am sure that what my discussing here is your concerning, too.
I eagerly hope to see some thing about the management of American businesses under your eyes.
I believed that, for the level of the corporate management, the Germany's is in No.1, U.S.'s is in No.2. The Japan's once in No.1, but now it not worth to mention due to they are lesser incentive to have caused their staff procrastination, lacking of the sense of essential responsibility. In my Blog here, I have wrote several article to talk about that:
2013-07-06 00:03 Esther yang
Ho ho ho :Why you had changed Marx's theories ?
No one can change the theories of Marx, unless that Marx resurrects and changes what he once said by himself, but others, including you and me, can only change the view on Marx's thoughts.
Marx's theories is good, but it, just is as that of the theories of Confucius and Mencius China, can not be implemented in a complex society.
In last centaury, more 70 years' socialist practice failed generally. It clearly showed that good idea of communism could not work in human society. It was because that human have dual nature of natural nature (animal nature) and cultural nature. Human behavior is determined by the two natures. The communism over relies on the cultural nature with ignoring the animal nature, so it can not be realized.
Adam Smith, in his famous book , suggests that benefits society by playing selfish and greedy of human animal nature with a free competing market under the control of invisible hand. Whether you prefer or not, the fact is clear, that market economy has stimulated the prosperity of the material wealth to have ensured the basic needs of human survival.
In deed, ever since U.S. President Roosevelt successfully rescued the 1929 Great Depression by Keynesian theory of government intervention in the economy, as well as that those old capitalist countries in Europe to have established a sound social welfare system, Marx's theories on planned economy and Communist ideology has been playing a key role in the capitalist countries.
Essentially, with a clear mind, it will no one doubt that, in nowadays world, for most countries, are the hybrid body in supporting by various theories.
Marx's theories are never dead, although, while some people enjoy the fruits of Marx’s thought in fact, but also condemn it.
Ho ho ho,The fact is: Marx's theories have been trying to persuade many countries to take on more than couple decades, but so far without success, neither in Europe nor in Asia.
**That has dead already.**
It only means that the practice of that time was dead, but Marx's thoughts have been playing their role actively in current society world widely.
CCTV 10集纪录片 公司的力量 解说词
2010-12-9 12:36:03
原文: 孝公既用卫鞅,鞅欲变法,恐天下议己。
甘龙曰: “不然。圣人不易民而教,)知者不变法而治。因民而教,不劳而成功:缘法而治者,吏习而民安之。”
杜挚曰: “利不百,不变法;功不十,不易器。法古无过,循礼无邪。”