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李良书简 09/07/2023

华为新款的Mate Pro手机一出,一贯脑残的国会共和党中国组主席狗拉蛤先生就立马出面,强烈谴责中国政府限制公务人员使用苹果手机,好像美国举国上下整蛊TikTok的事儿都忘记了,至于孟晚舟无辜被捕,关禁了几年的事儿,在这个民主自由人权狗拉蛤先生的眼里,就好像从没发生过似的。



“数字监管组织 Citizen Lab 的研究人员周四表示,他们发现了与以色列公司 NSO 有关的间谍软件,该软件利用了苹果 (AAPL) 设备中新发现的缺陷。
公民实验室在一份声明中表示,上周在检查华盛顿民间社会组织一名员工的苹果设备时,发现该缺陷已被 NSO 的 Pegasus 间谍软件用来感染该设备。
多伦多大学蒙克全球事务与公共政策学院公民实验室高级研究员约翰·斯科特·雷顿 (John Scott-Railton) 表示:“这表明民间社会再次成为针对真正复杂攻击的预警系统。” 。
该数字监管机构表示,该漏洞允许运行最新版本 iOS (16.6) 的 iPhone 受到攻击,而无需受害者进行任何交互。
自 2021 年以来,这家以色列公司因涉嫌滥用职权(包括监视政府官员和记者)而被美国政府列入黑名单。“


New flaw in Apple devices led to spyware infection, researchers say


REUTERS 6:07 PM ET 9/7/2023

By Christopher Bing and Zeba Siddiqui

Researchers at digital watchdog group Citizen Lab said on Thursday they found spyware they linked to Israeli firm NSO that exploited a newly discovered flaw in Apple(AAPL) devices.

While inspecting the Apple(AAPL) device of an employee of a Washington-based civil society group last week, Citizen Lab said it found the flaw had been used to infect the device with NSO's Pegasus spyware, it said in a statement. 

"This shows that civil society is once again serving as the early warning system about really sophisticated attacks," said John Scott-Railton, senior researcher at Citizen Lab, which is based at the University of Toronto'sMunk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.

Citizen Lab did not provide further details on the affected individual or the organization. 

The flaw allowed compromise of iPhones running the latest version of iOS (16.6) without any interaction from the victim, the digital watchdog said.

Apple (AAPL) issued new updates on its devices after investigating the flaws reported by Citizen Lab. An Apple(AAPL) spokesperson said it had no further comment, while Citizen Lab urged consumers to update their devices.

A NSO spokesperson said it did not have any immediate comment on the Citizen Lab research.

The Israeli firm has been blacklisted by the U.S. government since 2021 for alleged abuses, including surveillance of government officials and journalists. 

(Reporting by Zeba Siddiqui and Christopher Bing; Editing by Jamie Freed)
