Sep 25, 2023
麗綺和孟昊玄是一對廣州90後夫妻,分別畢業於中山大學、廣州美院。去年,在大廠工作8年後,倆人一拍即合,共同裸辭,決定搬離城市,去鄉村生活。關於如何除草、種地、施肥、養鴨,如何處理廁所、用電、高溫等一系列問題,他們從零學起,鬧出不少笑話,堪稱在田間地頭「打怪升級」的生活。 Zhong Liqi and Meng Haoxuan are a post-90s couple living in Guangzhou. They graduated from Sun Yat-sen University and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Last year, they both decided to resign and move to a rural area after working in large internet companies for 8 years. They started from scratch, learning how to farm and deal with a series of problems, such as toilet building, power supply and hot temperature. As a result, many amusing situations happened. Check out today's video for the couple's interesting countryside life.