1. Whoever said money can't buy happiness, call me. We need to talk.
2. Money isn't everything? Tell that to the ex, the landlord, the bookie, and the IRS.
3. Money can't buy everything? Your kids will like to prove you wrong.
4. Money means everything, when you are broke.
5. Don't have money in the bank? Go in with a firearm, and don't forget to wear a mask. Your money is indeed in the bank.
6. Don't hate people who talk about money all day, they're just thinking out loud. You do it quietly, don't you?
7. Robber : Give me your money!
Victim : I don't have any.
ER doctor : Call it. Time of death.....
8. Let me get this straight : I pay taxes on the money I earn by working like an oxen on the field, I then have to pay tax again when I buy things I need to survive, and when I'm gone, my money is taxed again before my beneficiaries can get it. WTF!