The movie in question is "Satan Never Sleeps," a 1962 American drama romance war film directed by Leo McCarey and David W. Orton. The movie stars Clifton Webb, William Holden, France Nuyen, Athene Seyler, and Martin Benson. The plot revolves around a priest, played by William Holden, who arrives at a mission-post in China accompanied by a young native girl who has joined him along the way. Clifton Webb plays the role of Rev. Bovard, who is also at the mission-post in China. The movie is set during the Chinese Civil War.
Unbelievable Military Drama You Can't Miss | History, War Movie | Clifton Webb, William Holden The Communist People's Party makes life difficult for mission priests Rev. O'Banion (William Holden) and Rev. Bovard (Clifton Webb) in 1940s China. The cook for their mission, young local Siu Lan (France Nuyen), is in love with O'Banion, but her innocence is lost when the communist forces of leader Ho San (Weaver Lee) raid and decimate the mission. Ho San continues to persecute the priests, but struggles with his communist ideology when he receives disturbing orders from his leaders.
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Set against the backdrop of the Chinese Civil War, the film explores the challenges and complexities faced by the characters in this wartime setting.