中国与西方的消亡:“东南亚是世界经济引擎” 22.SkfVIVl24p.html
作者:帕特里克·弗雷瓦 2023 年 11 月 22 日
亮点:中国与西方的消亡:“东南亚是世界经济引擎” 专家认为西方“处处衰落”,中国是大国。 沃尔夫拉姆·埃尔斯纳表示,美国和中国之间的“气氛改善”是可能的,“世界上许多战争贩子”将处于守势。 他说,华盛顿的声明和行动之间的差距正在扩大。 美国对华“混合战争”进一步火上浇油。
一位中美专家认为西方在地缘政治上注定要失败。 中国作为全球大国正在回归“千年历史传统”。
北京/华盛顿 - 乔·拜登和习近平最近在亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会上会面。 经济学家沃尔夫拉姆·埃尔斯纳 (Wolfram Elsner) 解释了美国总统和中国总统的会晤对国际社会的意义。 这位著名的美国和中国问题专家在接受采访时将中国的急剧崛起描述为回归“千年历史常态”。
这位曾在两国都担任过教授的人看到西方强国在经济和政治上都在衰落。 与此同时,中国在国际上的地位已经倒退到了应有的重量级地位。 《柏林报》采访埃尔斯纳时援引埃尔斯纳的话说,“东南亚成为世界上最具活力的中心和经济引擎”的一个关键原因是东南亚自由贸易区(RCEP)的成功。
这位73岁的老人表示,我们正处于一个时代的终结:“400年前的欧洲-盎格鲁-撒克逊殖民主义、帝国主义和自闭症自我中心主义很快就会被证明是历史上的一个例外。” 埃尔斯纳不能指责西方价值观共同体的末日情景仅基于理论发现:此人是不莱梅大学的经济学教授,也曾在美国和中国任教。 时间。 他还在密苏里大学(美国)和吉林长春(中国)担任客座教授。
考虑到(也正因为)其地缘战略,埃尔斯纳认为美国的霸权力量注定要失败:美国现在正在努力“改写其叙事和戏剧”,他怀疑美国是否愿意适应已经改变的世界局势 。 通过这样做,这位经济学家加入了那些看到未来多极世界秩序的人的行列:
他认为,这清楚地表明“西方世界正在走向衰落”。 他说,美国及其盟国在“经济和外交上”都陷入了绝境,并且不存在“多极世界的模式”。 沃尔弗拉姆·埃尔斯纳认为,在国际舞台上,美国的立场不再关注缓和局势,而是更多地关注威胁姿态。 这位经济学家引用了自由市场经济中的一个例子:“一家失去市场份额的公司会与专家坐下来,做功课并修改其市场策略,而不是跑到竞争对手的总部四处射击。然而,以美国为首的西方国家 ,好像错过了这个学习点。”
埃尔斯纳显然对拜登和习近平之间的最新会面并没有抱太大期望:美国和中国这两个大国之间的“气氛改善”是可能的,并且“世界上许多战争贩子”将处于守势。 但总体而言,华盛顿的声明与行动之间的差距正在扩大。 一个例子是联合国关于一个中国政策和台湾问题的第2758号决议的签署,但另一方面,美国对华的“混合战争”进一步火上浇油。 这将采取芯片战争的形式,并下令在中国撤资,并在中国周围建立军事基地。
中国和美国的大国旗帜:专家认为西方“到处衰落”(象征性图像)。 © Wirestock/Imago
在亚太经合组织会议上,美国总统原本打算取消中国向美国出口芬太尼的禁令,以便将中国数以百万计的毒品死亡归咎于其经济政策对手。 埃尔斯纳称这一举动是出于国内政治的动机,因为即将举行总统选举。 人工智能作战无人机等项目也被列入拜登和习近平会面的议程上。
沃尔夫拉姆·埃尔斯纳在评论欧盟在中美冲突中的作用时对《柏林报》表示:“世界上几乎没有人在谈论华盛顿的主要弟子欧盟。” 埃尔斯纳认为,在政治上依赖美国的过程中,西方不再能够“朝着可信的和平、谈判与合作进行战略大转变”。 当然,这意味着,如果地缘政治领域的发展对当地工业以及私人家庭的财务实力产生巨大影响,像德国这样的经济国家的福祉就会分崩离析。
APEC成立于1989年,当时正值单极世界体系(以及苏联解体)的鼎盛时期,是美国的霸权计划。 APEC集团由21个太平洋国家组成。 除了今年的主办国美国之外,还包括中国、俄罗斯和日本,以及穆斯林占主导地位的马来西亚和印度尼西亚。 大约40%的世界人口居住在APEC国家。 该集团的国内生产总值 (GDP) 合计约占全球的 60%。 该集团旨在通过减少贸易壁垒加强亚太地区成员国的经济增长。
鉴于目前的情况,埃尔斯纳认为西方国家有时对待其他地区的傲慢态度(“道德化”)是致命的:“一个相互依存(相互依存,编者注)的世界不能简单地按照‘西方价值观’来瓦解, 尤其是当仇恨的对象是迄今为止最大的贸易伙伴时。”
惊人的发展:中国如何使其经济实现气候中和。 (PF 材料来自 dpa)
China and the demise of the West: "Southeast Asia is the economic engine of the world"
By Patrick Freiwah 11/22/2023
Highlights: China and the demise of the West: "Southeast Asia is the economic engine of the world" An expert sees the West "in decline everywhere" and China of the great powers. "Atmospheric improvements" are possible between USA and China and "numerous warmongers of this world" will be put on the defensive, says Wolfram Elsner. The gaps between declarations and actions in Washington are widening, he says. The "hybrid war" of the US against China is further fueled.

A China and U.S. expert sees the West geopolitically doomed. China as a global power is a return to a "millennia-old historical tradition".
Beijing/Washington - Joe Biden and Xi Jinping recently met at the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The significance of the meeting between the US president and his Chinese counterpart for the international community is explained by economist Wolfram Elsner. In an interview, the renowned US and China expert describes China's steep rise as a return to a "millennia-old historical normality".
The man, who worked as a professor in both countries, sees the Western powers on the decline - economically as well as politically. Meanwhile, China has regressed internationally to the heavyweight it deserves. A key reason why "Southeast Asia has become the most dynamic center and economic engine in the world" is the successful Southeast Asian Free Trade Area (RCEP), Elsner is quoted as saying in the interview in the Berliner Zeitung.
World power China: "US-led West seems to have missed a learning point"
According to the 73-year-old, we are at the end of an era: "400-year-old Euro-Anglo-Saxon colonialism, imperialism and autistic self-centeredness will soon prove to be an exceptional case in history." Elsner cannot be accused of the fact that the doomsday scenario of the Western community of values is based only on theoretical findings: The man is a professor of economics at the University of Bremen, and he has also taught in the USA and China from time to time. He also holds visiting professorships at the University of Missouri (USA) and Jilin, Changchun (China).
In view of (and also because of) its geostrategy, Elsner sees the hegemonic power USA as doomed: The United States is now struggling to "rewrite its narratives and dramaturgies" and he doubts that the country is willing to adapt to the changed world situation. In doing so, the economist joins the ranks of those who see a multipolar world order for the future:
- on the basis of a "symmetrical recognition of international law".
- as well as the "recognition of the classical principle of free and equal world trade".
According to him, this makes it clear "that the West is in decline everywhere." The U.S. and its allies have their backs to the wall "economically and diplomatically," he said, and there are no "models for a multipolar world." On the international stage, the U.S. stance is less focused on de-escalation and more on threatening gestures, Wolfram Elsner believes. The economist cites an example from the free market economy: "A company that loses market share sits down with its experts, does its homework and revises its market strategy instead of running to the competitor's headquarters and shooting around. The US-led West, however, seems to have missed this learning point."
U.S. and China: "Hybrid war" with economic components
Elsner apparently does not expect much from the latest meeting between Biden and Jinping: "Atmospheric improvements" are possible between the great powers USA and China and that "numerous warmongers of this world" will be put on the defensive. Overall, however, the gaps between declarations and actions in Washington are widening. One example is the signing of UN Resolution (2758) on the one-China policy and Taiwan, but on the other hand, the "hybrid war" of the US against China is further fueled. This would take the form of a chip war and ordered divestments in the Middle Kingdom, and military bases would be built around China.
Flags of the great powers China and the USA: An expert sees the West "in decline everywhere" (symbolic image). © Wirestock/Imago
At the APEC meeting, the U.S. president had intended to wrest a ban on the export of fentanyl to the U.S. from China in order to be able to pin the millions of drug deaths in the country on its economic policy rival. Elsner describes this manoeuvre as motivated by domestic politics, due to the upcoming presidential elections. AI combat drones and other items were also on the agenda at the meeting between Biden and Jinping.
The West and China: "Object of hatred as by far the largest trading partner"
Commenting on the role of the European Union in the conflict between the United States and China, Wolfram Elsner told the Berliner Zeitung: "Hardly anyone in the world is talking about Washington's main disciple, the EU." According to Elsner, in the course of political dependence on the United States, the West is no longer capable of a "strategic U-turn towards credible peace, negotiations and cooperation." Of course, this means that the well-being of an economic nation like Germany is coming apart at the seams if developments in the geopolitical arena have a massive impact on the financial strength of the local industry, but also of private households.
About the APEC Association
APEC was founded in 1989, at the height of the monopolar world system (and the end of the Soviet Union) as a hegemonic project of the United States. The APEC group is made up of 21 Pacific countries. In addition to this year's host USA, these include China, Russia and Japan, as well as the predominantly Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia. About 40 percent of the world's population lives in the Apec countries. Together, the bloc generates around 60 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP). The Group aims to strengthen the economic growth of Member States in the Asia-Pacific region by reducing trade barriers.
In view of the current situation, Elsner considers the arrogance with which Western countries sometimes approach other regions ("moralization") to be fatal: "An interdependent (interdependent, editor's note) The world cannot simply be dismantled according to 'Western values', especially when the object of hatred is by far the largest trading partner."
Astonishing development: How China is making its economy climate-neutral. (PF with material from dpa)