在婆婆那个年代,女人不婚是要被人看不起的.所以当她快30而没有对象的时候,就非常着急了.觉得非得抓一个人结婚,后来就挑了公公.可怜的婆婆连结婚戒指都是自己买的,让我惊讶不已.在我看来,聪明能干的女人不应该委曲求全.要结婚,必须嫁给爱情,而且是男方心心念念把你当掌中宝那种.结婚后婆婆更是家里家外一肩挑,忙个不停. 幸运的是她有个好儿子,从小到大没有让她操心的时候.
而我可能看了太多关于恶婆婆的电视剧,总觉得婆婆不是好相处的. 加上她每周还要跟我们住2天,真让我心里发毛. 后来我发现自己多虑了. 婆婆由于自己婚姻的问题,一直是既不催婚,又不催生,让我完全没有压力. 在饮食方面,她也很好伺候.基本上我煮啥,她吃啥.就我这一手没油没盐的菜,还经常得到她的夸奖,特别健康.婚后短短1个月,婆婆的血糖降到了历史最低点,而我也成了最大的功臣. 后来我才知道,原来他们一直吃外卖.虽然明知道不健康,但老公不会下厨房,婆婆年级大,精力不济,只能这么将就. 另外婆婆也是人情世故的高手,结婚时老公的红包就薄薄的一张,而我的是厚厚的一叠.
当然,任何人际关系都需要技巧,和家人相处也不例外.我们做婚姻辅导的时候,我特地选了老公从小长大教会的牧师.就是为了多了解婆婆的喜好. 买婚房的时候,也带着她一起看.还特意选了能说三语的经纪,陪她聊天.总之,让婆婆有参与感. 每周末,只要有时间,都会陪她看她喜欢的恩雨之声. 更是很有兴趣的阅读了老公的家谱,而老公由于不会中文,这些事情都不可能干.最近婆婆说,还是你父母有福气,生了个女儿. 这边我父母听说还有点不快,在娘家的时候也不做饭呀.我说,那是你们看不上我的手艺,所以本小姐不伺候.
回复 'elfie' 的评论 : Somehow what you said is true. However, my husband doesn't want to date anyone likes his mum. His mum is too tolerant, which is not a good thing. He wants someone confident enough to know who she is and to hold it strong.
I have two sons and they are both mama's boys. I bet their future wives gonna have a hard time matching with me, haha. My sons, especially the younger one, like to hold me tight to go to sleep. I wonder who can beat his mother in closeness. A boy's best friend is his mother, until he gets married. Then it's whoever that can be compared with his mother! And mom is always the best model, consciously or subconsciously. Men can't help but want to live with women that resemble their mothers the most. And they get disappointed inevitably.Because no one loves them more deeply than their own mothers. A mother's love for her sons is not being matched by any others. It's an adoration mixed with lots of fond memories, a very unique relationship.