然而,无论多么不情愿,拜登退选2024应该不可避免。拜登总统的难题是他的年龄。具有讽刺意义的是,拜登娴熟优秀的治理技巧,是40多年政治经验的结果,本应是他连任的优势,但40多年的从政变能力得越来越成熟的同时,他也变得越来越衰落,从而成为他连任的障碍。与挖坑不同,治国需要智慧而非体力,而智慧是与年龄相联系的。然而,民主竞选的确需要体力,"骑车100里,彻夜数度缠绵后清晨再骑车赶回去上班,车链子居然还能在晨曦中闪着昂扬的火花"是20岁人们过的日子,走路颤巍巍的拜登早已负担不起,只能乘坐空军1号克服距离的隔阂,这让"拜登太老了"变成大众脑中挥之不去的印象。民主政治恰恰就是"印象 -- 看上去/听上去如此这般.."。按英文的说法, Politics is all about a perception.
真能改变拜登对第二任执着的人,是第一夫人 Jill Biden. 很久前就意识到拜登连任可能性渺茫,她一日终于对拜登说,"Honey, we are done with this, let's go home. Think positively, it surely will save you a lot of overnight Airforce One trips that the public is not aware of. (Honey, 这事儿咱做得差不多了,回家吧。往好了想,这肯定会省去很多大众不知道的空军1号连夜行程)
Calmes: Biden has the best legislation record of any president since LBJ. Why can't voters see it?
By Jackie Calmes, Los Angeles Time, 02/09/2023
"自Lyndon B. Johnson总统之后,拜登总统拥有最佳的立法记录。为什么选民视而不见?"
Jackie Calmes 2023年2月9日发表在"洛杉矶时报"上的评论文章。
More than 6 in 10 Americans, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll published on the eve of President Biden's State of the Union address, said that the president — widely credited by historians and nonpartisan analysts for having achieved more legislatively in his first two years than any president since Lyndon B. Johnson — had accomplished “little or nothing.”
Calmes: Biden has the best legislation record of any president since LBJ. Why can't voters see it?
By Jackie Calmes, Los Angeles Time, 02/09/2023
voiceofme: andrew cuomo确实比newsom强,当年看cuomo update 纽约州的covid情况,真的是条理清楚,很有智慧。可惜他犯在他兄弟的事上了。
他那个在CNN当主持的弟弟Chris Cuomo 采访他,对Chris 来说“was a grievous fault, and grievously has he answered it"-- CNN 解雇了Chris Cuomo。
这个错误与Andrew Cuomo 关系不大。
Andrew Cuomo 是 Me Too 运动的牺牲品,有助手指控他有性骚扰行为,而且一时间指控此起彼伏。在党内极左派的喧嚣下,很多民主党众参议院员要求他辞去纽约州州长职务。
有限的抗争(接受他弟弟Chris 采访是其中一部分)之后,为了党的政治利益,Andrew Cuomo拒绝认错而辞职,并为自证清白对指控开启司法行动。
两年多之后的今天,法院给出判定,"性骚扰指控不成立"。在几周前的 Bill Mahar 的 "Real Time with Bill Maher"的节目上宣布了这个好消息,并明确表示,将竞选民主党2024年总统大选提名。
大众会对被冤枉的人多有一份同情,民主党内那些受到本党极左派影响而催促他辞职的人,会为自己当初的鲁莽而有负罪感,这些都对Andrew Cuomo有利 .
对民主党内的极左派危害的论述,我在拜登刚上任时写过几篇博文。一群不知节制的"革命者", deny a good thing only because it is not perfect (因为不完美而拒绝一件好事), 最终导致革命彻底失败. 一帮找不到北的 suckers.
新林院 : 奥巴马说过一句流传很广的话:“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.
He said that.
But it took him 6 years to just understand that China is not a country that he could reason with, while in fewer than 3 years, Biden has taught Xi jinping more lessons than he could have ever caught up with learning.
And at the most terrible time claiming the moral equivalence between State of Israel and Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, the former president Obama has undercut the sitting President Biden's efforts to manage a dangerous war that may easily spill over to different countries in the Middle East, which is truly a fuck-up.
面对一场很容易扩大到中东其它国家的战争,在最糟糕的时间把以色列国与巴勒斯坦恐怖组织哈马斯在道德上相提并论,"前总统奥巴马"这么做削弱了"现任总统拜登"管控这场危险战争的努力, 这才是真正的 fuck-up.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
风中的苇絮 : 请预测一下谁是下一任美国总统哈哈!
纽约州前州长 Andrew Cuomo.
新林院 发表评论于
奥巴马说过一句流传很广的话:“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”