To be or Not to be 莎翁的名句: "To be or not to be: that is the question." 翻译成中文:"生存还是毁灭:这是个问题。" 说到期货交易,大多数人脑子里蹦出的第一批关联词或许是:高风险,暴富,爆仓,刀口舔血,跳楼。恰恰相反。今天我要介绍的一种期货交易模式,属于低风险、低投入、高回报, 你的第二个反应,该不会是: 杀猪盘来啦! 缺钱了,来割我韭菜? 老子不信邪! Too good too be true.难以置信 江泽民的名言:图样图森破 (too young too simple sometimes naive 太年轻 太简单。有点幼稚) 各位看官,且听我慢慢道来。 如果你是新移民,英语水平不高,听说读写不利索,在北美就业机会十分有限。但如果你知道如何使用电子邮箱注册,借助Google Translate英翻中,那么,恭喜你润出厉害国,找寻到一个新的谋生手段,帮你支付房租水电伙食保险,养家糊口,在异国他乡扎根安定下来。 最重要的是,借此机会,培养出没人可以从你手中抢走的一计之长。不管世道如何艰难,一笔小小的资金,几十或一两百,你就可以东山再起。再也不必为丢掉一份工作而辗转反侧,彻夜难眠,或者一时想不开,走上绝路。 2006年,双料博士蒋国兵在多伦多跳桥自杀拒用余生为错误...如果你是中产工薪族,与其抱怨拜登大笔一挥,勾销美国大学生10000美元学生贷款,但不爱借贷的老中没能得到一分好处,不如开源节流,另辟新径。俗话说,临渊羡鱼, 不如退而结网。 如果你仰慕拥有出租房,稳定现金流的房东,但又不愿意掏粪,不愿承受修理或管理房子,房客或者中介的种种麻烦,那么享受这个独善其身,自得其乐的赚钱工具吧。 如果你是空巢族,子女离家去繁华大都市求学或工作,这份额外收人,可以为后代在昂贵都市立足添砖加瓦,发挥余热。 如果你是勤工俭学的留学生,羡慕嫉妒恨富二代或红三代比你更会投胎,但又不甘心找寻甜爸干爹(Sugar Daddy)包养分担学费、生活费、名包费,那么这个方法提供了自食其力过上天上人间生活,甚至弯道超车的可能。背MK羡慕背LV,背LV羡慕背爱马仕。但凭自身能力,从期货市场赚来,不更香吗? 如果你梦想周游世界,那么想象自己乘飞机,坐邮轮,开房车,遍访名山大川,参观名胜古迹,了解风土人情,品尝各国美食的欢乐场景。 如果你喜欢豪车,憧憬一下开着兰博基尼,或者保时捷的飒和爽。 如果你渴望以交易为生,但没有规则,追涨杀跌,大跌时加仓,越亏越多,那么这种期货交易形式就是培养你的discipline,而且不受$25k Pattern Day Trader rule 限制。人生最大的快乐,莫过于做自己喜欢的事! 如果你慈悲为怀,乐善好施,期望将来建立慈善基金,资助贫困儿童或弱势群体求学就医,那么多一份收入,能帮助你更快地积少成多,集腋成裘,早日实现梦想,完成精神层面的追求,成为真正的贵族! Everything is possible!让情绪指引美好人生。你想要的和不想要的,只要带上强烈的真实的情绪,坚定的信念和不懈的努力,都会在不久的将来,呈现在你面前。 简而言之,情绪产生vibration频率震动,同频共振,吸引力法则才得以实施。希望有一天,你有喊出“我就是豪门”的底气,但不必遭受范冰冰逃税漏税之后的沧桑。
他山之石, 可以攻玉 他山之石, 可以攻玉: 意思是说别的山上的石头,能够用来琢磨玉器。 发挥聪明才智,正正当当运用别人的钱,帮助你实现梦想,这与坑蒙拐骗无关。 资金公司愿意提供资金供你交易,是因为你有能力帮公司挣钱。这世上没有免费午餐! 一年前偶然的机会,了解到这个资金交易形式, 然后整整花了2-3个月研究考证, 确认是真实可靠的。 其实股票和外汇,早就有这种资金公司提供交易者资金, 然后分享利润的形式。期货资金公司最近几年兴起, 这种交易形式的创始人, 自己曾经在交易中亏损8-10万多美元,就想方设法帮助同样际遇的交易员解决资金难题。后来Leeloo跟着建立。现在的业界大佬Darrell Martin, APEX的创办人, 最初在Leeloo交易,但Leeloo限制他提取利润。30万的账号,Leeloo只允许 期货资金交易公司提供的机会: 2. 签署协议并支付数据费(每月月费 80-85 美元,或终生一次性付费 150-250 美元左右),得到资金账户 (founded account),然后用资金公司提供的资金进行交易。 3. 达到各个资金公司设置的交易天数和利润最小目标后,开始为自己赚钱并与公司分享利润:首先$10k-$25K - -- 100%你赚,然后按80/20或90/10与公司分享利润。 4. 期货市场周日晚上纽约时间6点至周五下午5点, 每天开放 23 小时,工作日(weekday)下午 5 点至 6 点关闭 1 小时,交易时长适合几乎所有的全职或半职位员工。
就个人而言,我曾有两个5万和10万的考试账户,80% 打折促销时买的。正好赶上亲戚移民成功,落脚家里,那一个月忙这忙那,根本没啥时间操作。等他们搬出去,那两个账户一个月也快到期了,续约又要支付一份月费,心有不甘,就死马当活马医,放手一搏。碰巧标普那指大涨,那两个账户我一天就实现利润指标:5万账户的3千美金,10万账户的6千美金,双双通过考试。颇为得意,错把幸运当作能力,自以为一下子悟出了赚钱的真谛。开通founded accounts资金资助账户之后,没有风险管理意识,没过几天就双双爆仓,同时失去5万和10万资金账户。要说自个儿的损失,表面看不多,就是购买考试账户的几十块钱,外加通过考试后,资金账户所付的一两百数据费。但是,如果我小心谨慎,步步为营,这两个账户何止带给我成千上万的利润。所以,失去那两个资金帐号还是十分可惜的。
遥遥领先的一哥 APEX APEX是此新兴行业的领头军,创新者。APEX Trader Funding 的规模已超过其他所有资金公司的总和。APEX的各项条件基本都是对交易员最优惠的, 所以必须第一个强烈推荐。 现在中国大陆受限还不能参与, 台湾也是最近几个月因为APEX促销力度大, 支付交易者的利润数额遥遥领先后面几家资金公司, 开始走红走俏。 APEX允许每个交易员可以同时拥有20个资金账户,每个账户前面2万5千利润100%归交易员拥有,此后才利润分成。20个账户相当于50万刀的利润不必与他人分享。交易员留90%,APEX提走10%。7天通过 APEX其他好处包括: 没有单日亏损限制, 可以交易新闻, 最高支出没有总上限。 厉害的APEX交易者一个月可以从这20个PA资金账户赚到十几万,甚至几十万美金利润。同时也有不少人心致勃勃报喜,一口气通过考试得到20个PA资金账户,但没过几天又崔头丧气来报忧,一天又失去所有的账户。因此,初学者切记:不要好高骛远,指望一口气吃一个胖子。先从一个资金账户做起,能保持那个账户不爆仓3个月以上,再考虑循序渐进地逐步增加更多资金账户。
Now 90% 折扣 off and One-Day to Pass Evaluation thru 5/30/2024 EXTENDED UNTIL May 30th 2024 90% Off and One Day To Pass!!! 5万美金测试账户,月费原价$167 ,打折90%,只需16.7美元。测试账号Evaluation Account是模拟账号,但采用实时数据,被评估者负担月费包括数据费评估费之类,测试失败可以花钱复活reset或者下个月重新评估。 上一次October 2023APEX打折90%时, 我花费十几和不到30美元购买的5万和15万测试帐号, 5个已经转为资金帐号, 4个同时达到交易天数和利润安全带(buffer)的要求, 可以提取利润了。PA - Performance Account 就是资金账户。
# 90% off Sale extended till June 11th!!! for All Evaluations The 250k Lifetime PA fee will remain at $85 till 7/15/24 giving a few more weeks after the sale to pass and activate the accounts! That’s 1 Day Pass + 90% + 250k eval special + 250k lifetime promo going on right now!
Apex has paid out $200 MILLION in payouts! as of 6/18/2024 time to pass the evaluations.
90% Off Plus 150k- $250k- $300k Evaluation Account marked down to same price as $50k!!! Only $16.70!!!! Code: DEJJOLDZ
多元化的老妹 Leeloo Leeloo创办人是一位家中有矿、含着金钥匙 Leeloo Entry (LE):前几天促销打折80%,25K LE, 50K LE月费不过几块钱,成本极低, 特别适合新手练习。但便宜也有便宜的坏处,如果通过 Leeloo Bundle (LB):上市不到一年,非常受欢迎。同时有5-10个账户供你交易,只有一个账户通过 Leeloo Foundation (LL)与APEX 类似。 Leeloo Express 14天通过 Leeloo Weekly: 每周提取利润, 只有25K & 50K, 价格较高, 没买过。 Leeloo 最多只能拥有10个funded accounts PA资金账户,通常是满30个交易日之后支付第一笔利润。例外的有 weekly提款账户,或者遇到促销花10美刀买一个特别附加条件,即交易10天提利润。所有账户加起来前面12.5K利润归你,后面90/10分成。Traders are entitled to 100% of the first $12,500. Above $12,500 the trader receives 90% of the payout amount. 十月中旬 10月20号赶上30万Leeloo Bundle (LB) 测试账户促销90%,一次给10个30万账户随你折腾,还有一些附加条件called ”Leeloo Edge”,比如预先支付$10元,通过测试之后一次性终身数据费119元, 这实在太便宜了。APEX 15万账户一次性数据费260元,30万要340元。我买了Leeloo Edge,如果没通过测试就打水漂了。幸好我不到一个月实现了30万测试账户要求的2万刀利润 现在北美星期天期货市场还没开门, 下面截图显示$0交易。 Leeloo还有一个优势, 就是可以免费试用两周, 有助于熟悉交易平台和规则。 另外, 绝大多数资金公司要求当日清仓, APEX系统自动帮你close。但Leeloo允许隔夜持仓, 只要资金帐号PA不超过3 ES, 30个MES。当然你也得忍受开盘跳空高开或跳空低走,与你的趋势相反带来的账面损失和潜在爆仓的风险。
紧跟老大的小清新 BULENOX BULENOX (click on hyperlink) then enter 90% off Coupon Code NOVPRA2023 good until 11/28/23 for option 1 先点击BULENOX名字,去网站注册,得到两周免费试用,熟悉交易平台, 推敲交易策略。 BULENOX期货产品有两种选择,第一种与APEX类似。当APEX90%促销时,你可以要求它match 匹配报价 BULENOX所有资金帐号赚的第一个1万刀,100% 归属于交易者, 后面才分成。 BULENOX是第一家对资金帐号funded Master Accounts收取一次性终身数据费的资金公司。 这一点后来被APEX采纳借鉴。多家公司竞争,互通有无, 绝对对交易者有利。 BULENOX交易者最多可以拥有 11 个Master Accounts, 主账户(资金帐号)。交易者最多可以同时管理三 (3) 个主账户(资金帐号)。要激活每个额外的主账户(资金帐号),需要达到一定条件,经过审核才能增加。 不建议购买BULENOX5万之上的测试帐号, 因为通过之后,收取的数据费太高。APEX 15万数据费$260, BULENOX这里要付498, 不划算。而且BULENOX利润分成与APEX有天壤之别。如果价格合适, 可以买两个BULENOX小账户练练手。 我有两个BULENOX5万帐号, 第一个是Master Account 主账户(资金帐号), 第二个是测试帐号, 都是打折90%十几块钱买的。 Update on 12-1-2023: Requested $1K payout from the Master Account above the threshold of $52600, and Passed the Evaluation Account > $53000 on the same day.
心动不如行动 今天抛砖引玉,过几天有时间再进一步扩充,也算是为有缘的的新老移民打开一条门缝。世界那么大,不妨去看看: APEX, Leeloo, BULENOX. 授人以鱼不如授人以渔。下一篇文章, 将会分享我从一系列失败、沮丧、绝望中摸索出的秘诀, 值得期待、收藏、转发。如果你有啥问题,可以在此留言,但不喜勿喷,敬请绕过。如果读了这篇文章,你付诸行动因而改善了你的生活, 也期望你回来分享一下你的喜悦以示鼓励。 另外, 下一次我还会特别介绍一家资金公司,不需要你辛苦建立好几千美元安全带(buffer)才有资格提款, 而是随赚随提。你第一天申请, 第二天就能收到钱, 让你感觉特别爽! May your future be bright. 一语双关,祝愿你前程似锦,或者从期货交易者的角度,祝福你期货(futures)人生早日开挂! 祝新老移民感恩节快乐! Happy Thanksgiving! May Your Future be Bright!
免责声明:我不是财务顾问。 任何投资都有风险,参加与否由你自己决定。我只分享个人的想法,不能保证你的投资收益。 酒香不怕巷子深, 金子到哪都发光。 请尊重原创, 转发标注出处。




Thanksgiving Gifts for New and Old Immigrants (1) (2023-11-19 14:08:48)
To be or Not to be
Shakespeare's famous line: "To be or not to be: that is the question." Translated into Chinese: "To be or not to be: that is the question."
When it comes to futures trading, the first related words that pop up in most people's minds may be: high risk, sudden wealth, liquidation, knife-edge bleeding, and jumping off the building. Quite the opposite. The futures trading model I want to introduce today is low risk, low investment, and high return. In time, it can become a cash machine for you to collect your salary every month, every week, or even every day.
Could your second reaction be:
The pig killing plate is here!
I'm short of money, come and cut my leeks?
I don’t believe in evil!
Too good too be true.Unbelievable
Jiang Zemin's famous saying: Too young too simple sometimes naive Too young too simple sometimes naive. Too young too simple sometimes naive.
Dear readers, please listen to me slowly.
If you are a new immigrant and your English proficiency is not high and you are not good at listening, speaking, reading and writing, your employment opportunities in North America will be very limited. But if you know how to register using your email address and use Google Translate to translate from English to Chinese, then congratulations on finding a new way to make a living in a foreign country. It will help you pay rent, water, electricity, food and insurance, support your family, and take root in a foreign country. Come down.
Most importantly, take this opportunity to develop a talent that no one can take away from you. No matter how difficult the world is, with a small amount of money, a few dozen or one or two hundred, you can make a comeback. No longer do you have to toss and turn, stay up all night because of losing a job, or get stuck in your thoughts and end up on a dead end.
In 2006, Jiang Guobing, a double doctor, committed suicide by jumping off a bridge in Toronto and refused to spend the rest of his life as a mistake...
If you are a middle-class working class person, instead of complaining that Biden wrote off US$10,000 in student loans for American college students with a stroke of his pen, but the old and Chinese who don’t like to borrow did not get a single benefit, it is better to increase revenue, reduce expenditure, and find new ways. As the saying goes, if you are envious of fish in the deep water, it is better to retreat and build a net.
If you admire a landlord who owns a rental property and has a stable cash flow, but you are not willing to dig out the manure and bear all the troubles of repairing or managing the house, tenants or agents, then enjoy this self-sufficient and self-satisfied money-making tool.
If you are an empty nester and your children leave home to study or work in a bustling metropolis, this extra income can help future generations gain a foothold in expensive cities and make use of the remaining energy.
If you are a work-study international student who is envious, jealous, and hateful that the rich second generation or the rich third generation are better at reincarnation than you, but you are not willing to find a sugar daddy to support you and share the tuition, living expenses, and luxury goods expenses, then this method provides It is possible to live a life in heaven and on earth by one's own efforts, and even overtake others in corners. Those who carry MK are envious of carrying LV, and those who carry LV are envious of carrying Hermès. But wouldn’t it be better to earn money from the futures market based on one’s own ability?
If you dream of traveling around the world, then imagine yourself taking a plane, taking a cruise, driving an RV, visiting famous mountains and rivers, visiting scenic spots and historic sites, learning about the local customs, and tasting the joyful scenes of delicious food from all over the world.
If you like luxury cars, dream of driving a Lamborghini or a Porsche.
If you are eager to make a living from trading, but there are no rules, you chase the rise and kill the fall, add positions when the market falls sharply, and lose more, then this form of futures trading is to cultivate your discipline, and it is not subject to the $25k Pattern Day Trader rule. The greatest happiness in life is doing what you love!
If you are compassionate and charitable, and hope to establish a charity fund in the future to help poor children or disadvantaged groups to study and receive medical treatment, then an extra income can help you accumulate a little more quickly, make more money, and realize your dreams as soon as possible. Pursue at the spiritual level and become a true noble!
Everything is possible! Let emotions guide a better life. What you want and what you don't want will appear in front of you in the near future as long as you bring strong true emotions, firm beliefs and unremitting efforts. In short, emotions vibrate at the vibration frequency and resonate at the same frequency, so that the law of attraction can be implemented. I hope that one day, you will have the confidence to shout "I am a rich man", but you will not have to suffer the vicissitudes of Fan Bingbing's tax evasion.
Stones from other hills, can learn
Stones from other mountains can be used to polish jade: This means that stones from other mountains can be used to polish jade.
Use your ingenuity and use other people's money properly to help you realize your dreams. This has nothing to do with cheating.
Capital companies are willing to provide funds for you to trade because you have the ability to help the company make money. There is no free lunch in this world!
I learned about this fund transaction form by chance a year ago, and then spent 2-3 months researching and verifying it to confirm that it was true and reliable.
In fact, in stocks and foreign exchange, there has long been a form of capital companies providing traders with funds and then sharing the profits. Futures capital companies have emerged in recent years. The founder of this form of trading once lost more than US$80,000 to US$100,000 in trading, so he tried his best to help traders in the same situation solve their financial problems. Later Leeloo was established. Current industry tycoon Darrell Martin, the founder of APEX, initially traded on Leeloo, but Leeloo restricted him from withdrawing profits. For a 300,000 account, Leeloo only allows him to mention 300,000, and profits exceeding 300,000 cannot be taken out. Darrell Martin was so angry that he opened APEX Trader Funding, bringing revolution to this emerging industry! There is no upper limit on profit withdrawal, and each IP address can have 20 APEX accounts. The profit of US$25,000 in each APEX account is all yours, and will be shared with you later. You keep 90%, APEX only Take 10%.
Opportunities provided by futures capital trading companies:
1. Pass the test evaluation: reach the predetermined profit target without touching the loss amount, including the trailing drawdown of the tracking retracement target. The monthly monthly fee ranges from a few dollars to a dozen dollars (limited time sale), and usually a few dozen dollars per month (50%-90% discount) or more.
2. Sign the agreement and pay the data fee (monthly fee of 80-85 US dollars, or a lifetime one-time payment of about 150-250 US dollars), get a funding account (founded account), and then use the funds provided by the funding company to conduct transactions.
3. After reaching the minimum number of trading days and profit goals set by each capital company, start making money for yourself and share the profits with the company: first $10k-$25K - -- 100% you earn, then press 80/20 or 90/10 with The company shares the profits.
4. The futures market is open from 6:00 pm on Sunday evening to 5:00 pm on Friday, New York time. It is open 23 hours a day and closed for 1 hour on weekdays from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The trading hours are suitable for almost all full-time or part-time employees.
Becoming a consistently profitable futures trader takes time. Friends who have no foundation in futures or stock trading generally need to practice for 3-6 months and pass the exam to obtain a capital account. And it will take another 3-6 months to keep this capital account from being liquidated. In about a year, when you have made all the mistakes that futures traders can make, learned from the experience, and learned how to use trading plans, rules and system settings to restrain yourself, manage risks, and avoid big losses, it means that you have begun to mature. Can embark on the road of stable profitability.
Personally, I once had two exam accounts worth 50,000 and 100,000, which I bought during the 80% discount promotion. Just in time for my relatives to successfully immigrate and settle down at home, I was so busy that month that I had no time to do anything. When they moved out, the two accounts were about to expire in one month, and they had to pay a monthly fee to renew the contract. Unwilling to accept it, they decided to give it a try. It happened that the S&P Nasdaq rose sharply, and I achieved the profit target for those two accounts in one day: US$3,000 for the 50,000 account, and US$6,000 for the 100,000 account, and both passed the exam. I was quite proud, mistook luck for ability, and thought I suddenly understood the true meaning of making money. After opening the found accounts funding account, I had no awareness of risk management. Within a few days, both positions were liquidated, and I lost 50,000 and 100,000 capital accounts at the same time. As for my losses, they don't look much on the surface. They are just a few dozen yuan for purchasing the exam account, plus the one or two hundred data fees paid for the capital account after passing the exam. However, if I was careful and cautious, these two accounts would bring me hundreds of thousands in profits. Therefore, it is a pity to lose those two fund accounts.
APEX, the Leading Big Brother
APEX is a leader and innovator in this emerging industry. APEX Trader Funding is already larger than all other funding companies combined. The conditions of APEX are basically the most favorable to traders, so we must be the first to strongly recommend it.
Mainland China is currently restricted from participating. Taiwan has also started to become popular in recent months because of the strong promotion of APEX. The amount of profits paid to traders is far ahead of the following capital companies.
APEX allows each trader to have 20 capital accounts at the same time. 100% of the profit of the first 25,000 in each account belongs to the trader, and the profit is shared thereafter. 20 accounts are equivalent to a profit of 500,000 U.S. dollars and do not need to be shared with others. The trader keeps 90% and APEX withdraws 10%. Pass the exam in 7 days. Each PA capital account trades for 10 days and has two profit withdrawal opportunities a month.
Other benefits of APEX include: no single-day loss limit, the ability to trade news, and no overall cap on maximum payouts.
A powerful APEX trader can earn hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit from these 20 PA capital accounts in a month. At the same time, there are also many people who are excited to report the good news. They passed the exam in one go and got 20 PA capital accounts. However, within a few days, they came back frustrated and reported their worries, and lost all their accounts in one day. Therefore, beginners should remember: Don’t aim too high and expect to eat a fat man in one go. Start with one capital account first, and if you can keep that account from being liquidated for more than 3 months, then consider adding more capital accounts step by step.
Click on the link below, visit the website, and use the discount code DEJJOLDZ to get a 90% discount, valid until 11/28 11:59 PM.
Now 90% off plus 1-day pass thru 6/11/2024
90% Off first month of Any size Evaluation Account
80% off recurring / renewing months and 1 day pass
Applies to all new Evaluation Accounts purchased during the sale!
Sale ends 06/11/24 at 11:59 PM ET
90% off all evaluations, 80% off future months (until JUNE 11, 2024)
50% off resets as well!
Pass In 1 Day!
$250K Price reduced to be $17 after the discount! (Until June 15th)
$250K Activation reduced to one time $85!
Take as many evaluations as you like
Up to 20 accounts can be funded
Apex has paid out $200 MILLION in payouts! as of 6/18/2024
To celebrate this amazing milestone in Apex's history + as an early July 4th holiday sale, enjoy this INCREDIBLE opportunity:
$150k | $250k | $300k accounts are now only $200 on both Rithmic and TDV!
80% off ALL evaluations (first/recurring months). And YES, this applies to the special pricing above, i.e. 80% off of $200 = $40 for $150k | $250k | $300k accounts every month
Lifetime PA fees for $150k | $250k | $300k accounts are only $85!!
One day pass is still ongoing
$35 Resets
Special evaluation pricing for $150k | $250k | $300k, 80% off, and $35 resets are available through July 9th, 11:59PM ET
Special Lifetime PA fee of $85 will be available until August 15th, 11:59PM ET to give you adequate time to pass the evaluations.
For a $50,000 test account, the original monthly fee is $167, with a 90% discount to only $16.7. The test account Evaluation Account is a simulated account, but uses real-time data. The person being evaluated pays monthly fees including data fees and evaluation fees. If the test fails, you can spend money to reset or re-evaluate next month.
The last time APEX was discounted by 90%, of the 50,000 and 150,000 test accounts I purchased for less than 10 and less than 30 US dollars, 5 of them have been converted into capital accounts, and 4 of them have met both the trading days and profit safety belt (buffer) requirements. , the profit can be withdrawn. In the figure, PA - Performance Account is the capital account.
Diverse Old Sister Leeloo
The founder of Leeloo is a woman whose family owned a mine and was born with a golden key. While inheriting the family business, she established Leeloo with her hobby of futures trading. Due to the sudden rise of APEX, Leeloo hired a CEO in February last year who graduated from a regular American medical school and had a medical background, but also loved futures trading, to take charge of operations. The positioning of the industry lies in product diversification and continuous innovation. Even if it’s hard to choose, you can eventually find one that suits you!
Leeloo Entry (LE): There was an 80% discount in the past few days. The monthly fee of 25K LE and 50K LE is only a few yuan. The cost is extremely low, especially suitable for novices to practice. But cheapness also has its disadvantages. If it passes the test, future profits will be equally divided, with each getting 50%.
Leeloo Bundle (LB): On the market for less than a year, it’s extremely popular. There are 5-10 accounts for you to trade at the same time, and only one account passes the test, which greatly increases the probability of passing.
Leeloo Foundation (LL) is similar to APEX.
Leeloo Express passed the 100,000 test in 14 days, and the return test fee was $77.
Leeloo Weekly: Withdraw profits every week, only 25K & 50K, the price is higher, I have never bought it.
Leeloo can only have a maximum of 10 funded accounts PA capital accounts, and the first profit is usually paid after 30 trading days. Exceptions include weekly withdrawal accounts, or when you encounter a promotion, spend $10 to buy a special additional condition, that is, trade for 10 days to withdraw profits. The first 12.5K profit from all accounts combined will belong to you, and the remaining 90/10 will be divided. Traders are entitled to 100% of the first $12,500. Above $12,500 the trader receives 90% of the payout amount.
In mid-October, I passed the test of a 150,000 PA account. The 150,000 PA capital account has exceeded the $5,100 safety belt, and there is $1,700 in profit that can be withdrawn, but I have to wait another week to reach 30 days of trading.
On October 20th, catch up with the 300,000 Leeloo Bundle (LB) test account promotion of 90%. You can use 10 300,000 accounts at a time. There are also some additional conditions called "Leloo Edge", such as paying $10 in advance. After passing the test The one-time lifetime data fee is 119 yuan, which is really cheap. The one-time data fee for an APEX account of 150,000 yuan is 260 yuan, and for an account of 300,000 yuan, it is 340 yuan. I bought the Leeloo Edge, but if it doesn't pass the test, it's useless. Fortunately, I achieved the $20,000 profit required for the 300,000 test account in less than a month. The 300,000 PA capital account was opened on November 16th, and there was a profit of $1,400 before the market closed on Friday the 17th, but it must exceed the prescribed safety belt of $7,600, and the transaction must be completed for 30 days before the profit can be withdrawn.
The North American Sunday futures market is not open yet, and the screenshot below shows a $0 transaction.
Another advantage of Leeloo is that you can try it for free for two weeks, which will help you become familiar with the trading platform and rules.
In addition, most financial companies require liquidation on the same day, and the APEX system will automatically close it for you. However, Leeloo allows overnight positions, as long as the capital account PA does not exceed 3 ES and 30 MES. Of course, you also have to endure the risk of book losses and potential liquidation caused by opening higher or lower, which is contrary to your trend.
Keep up with the boss’s fresh little BULENOX
BULENOX (click on hyperlink) then enter 90% off Coupon Code NOVPRA2023 good until 11/28/23 for option 1
First click on the BULENOX name, go to the website to register, get a two-week free trial, become familiar with the trading platform, and refine the trading strategy.
There are two options for BULENOX futures products, the first one is similar to APEX. When APEX is on sale at 90%, you can ask it to match the quote
The first $10,000 earned by all BULENOX capital accounts will be 100% owned by the trader, and will be shared later.
BULENOX is the first funding company to charge a one-time lifetime data fee for funded Master Accounts. This point was later adopted by APEX. It is definitely beneficial for traders to have multiple companies competing and sharing what they have.
BULENOX traders can have up to 11 Master Accounts, main accounts (fund accounts). Traders can manage up to three (3) master accounts (funding accounts) at the same time. To activate each additional main account (fund account), certain conditions need to be met and can be added after review.
It is not recommended to purchase a BULENOX test account above 50,000, because after passing the test, the data fee charged is too high. APEX 150,000 data fee is $260, BULENOX has to pay $498 here, not cost-effective. Moreover, the profit sharing of BULENOX is very different from that of APEX. If the price is right, you can buy two BULENOX small accounts to practice.
I have two BULENOX 50,000 accounts. The first one is the Master Account (fund account), and the second one is a test account. They were both purchased at a 90% discount for a dozen dollars.
Taking Action is Way Better than Being Excited
Today I'm going to start a discussion, and I'll expand it further in the next few days when I have time, which can be regarded as opening a door for new and old immigrants who are destined to do so. The world is so big, you might as well go and see: APEX, Leeloo, BULENOX.
It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. The next article will share the secrets I have discovered from a series of failures, frustrations, and despair. It is worth looking forward to, collecting, and forwarding. If you have any questions, you can leave a message here, but if you don’t like it, please don’t comment. Please bypass it. If after reading this article you take action and improve your life, I hope you will come back and share your joy as an encouragement.
In addition, next time I will also introduce a capital company that does not require you to work hard to build a buffer of thousands of dollars before you are eligible to withdraw money. Instead, you can withdraw money as you earn. You apply on the first day and receive the money the next day, which makes you feel really good!
May your future be bright. As a pun, I wish you a bright future, or from the perspective of a futures trader, I wish you an early start in your futures life!
Happy Thanksgiving to new and old immigrants! Happy Thanksgiving! May Your Future be Bright!
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Any investment involves risks, and it is up to you to decide whether to participate. I only share my personal thoughts and cannot guarantee your investment returns.
The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and gold shines wherever it goes. Please respect the originality and mark the source when forwarding.