有维多利亚的观察者在1863年就指出,来自“天朝”的菜农几乎供应了所有城镇的食用蔬菜。[2]杨威廉牧师1868年对维多利亚八个金矿区华人情况的调查报告也显示,在这些地区充任菜农的人数超过800人,而其中华人人口最多的Beechworth(比奇沃思, 7,000人)和Bendigo(本迪戈, 3,500人)两埠,就分别有400和200个菜农。[3]1870年代之后,在维多利亚各地的中国菜园,大多仍然维持生产[4],对当地生活依旧产生着最大影响。[5]同一时期,在新南威尔士矿区的菜农也很多。1866年Sofala(索法拉)华人为百福免罪陈情书签名人中,就有黄三立、亚河和三盛等三人表明其职业是菜农。[6]悉尼南部100多公里的卧龙岗埠(Wollongong)及周边地区,华人经营的菜园也有声有色。[7]昆士兰白马河金矿场(Palmer River Goldfields)发现后,在1874年3月首批西人和华人寻梦者抵达Cooktown(库克敦)时,就发现已经有好几家中国菜园在那里为来到此间的各色人等提供上好生鲜蔬菜。这一事实显示,中国商家至少是在1873年底库克敦刚刚开埠时就已经闻讯来到这里并租到了土地经营菜园。[8]而在白马河矿区,许多河畔溪旁都有华人经营的菜园[9],其中亚彩(Ah Toy)经营的菜园也是极为出色。[10]事实上,昆士兰北部的华人菜农也以其质量成为当地社会生活的一个组成部分。[11]这些菜园不仅仅只存在于中国人集中的矿区和都市周边,在其它的乡镇地区甚至是干旱地区都有分布。新南威尔士南部滨海和冲积平原地区雨水充足,许多非矿区也都散布有中国菜园;而其西南和西北地区大多是牧区,也比较干旱,但在1870年代之后这里因开辟牧场需要大批华人协助清理土地,他们也由此而因地制宜地开辟菜园,既供应自己所需,也提供给附近乡镇各族裔居民。[12]进入Tasmania(塔斯马尼亚)东北部采锡的少数中国人,如来自广东省新会县的钟润(Chung Gon),在1890年代锡矿市场下滑之后,就转为从事菜园生意。[13]也有在1890年代来澳的中国人,就直接以经营菜园为业,如来自广东高要县的蔡文粹(Ah Young)在悉尼附近经营的新生和园(Sun Sing Wah Garden)[14]及广东人(具体县邑籍贯不明)佐治生(George Son)在新南威尔士内陆考拉镇(Cowra)经营的新盛耕园(Sun Sing Garden)。[15]十九世纪末西澳Perth(佩斯)南部的中国菜园,构成了当地独特的人文景观。[16]
[1] Waverley’s market gardens and gardeners, Published by Waverley Library from sources in the Local History Collection, 2011, in https://www.waverley.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/159352/Waverleys_Market_Gardens.pdf. 华人资本在澳大利亚更大范围的区域中的蔬菜种植与销售等,详见Joanna Boileau, Chinese market gardening in Australia and New Zealand: Gardens of prosperity, Springer, 2017.
[2] 引自Barry McGowan, “Chinese market gardens in southern and western New South Wales”, Australian Humanities Review, 36 (2005): 1-15.
[3] Rev. William Young. Report on the condition of the Chinese Population in Victoria. 据该报告所附图表整理。
[4] Zvonkica Stanin, “From Li Chun to Yong Kit: a market garden on the Loddon, 1851- 1912,” Journal of Australian Colonial History 6 (2004): 14-34.
[5] Jillian M. Stone, “Chinese market gardeners and their impact on vegetable consumption patterns in Australia, 1870-1920’,” Symposium of Australian Gastronomy Proceedings. 1987.
[6] Juanita Kwok, The Chinese in Bathurst: Recovering Forgotten Histories, p.374.
[7] Peter Gibson, “The Market Gardens of Dark Dragon Ridge, New South Wales, Australia, 1876–1930,” Australian Economic History Review, 60.3 (2020): 372-393; Rachel Henning, “‘Vegerable Johns’: Wong Gee and the forgotten Chinese market gardeners of Illawarra,” in https://www.academia.edu/download/64985373/VEG_FINAL.pdf (accessed 2023.2/24).
[8] "News from the Palmer", Northern Argus (Rockhampton, Qld.: 1865-1874), Saturday, 14 March 1874, P.3.
[9] Kevin Rains, “Behind the wattle fence: the Chinese market gardeners of early Cooktown,” Rediscovered past: China in northern Australia. Melbourne: Chinese Heritage in Northern Australia Inc (2009): 21-30.
[10] Ian Jack, Kate Holmes, and Ruth Kerr, “Ah Toy's garden: a Chinese market-garden on the Palmer River goldfield, North Queensland,” The Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology (1984): 51-58.
[11] Sandi Robb, "'Wanted-Chinaman gardener; first class wages-references required'," Australian Garden History 32.3 (2021): 13-16.
[12] Barry McGowan, “Chinese market gardens in southern and western New South Wales,” Australian Humanities Review 36.July (2005): np
[13] Jill Cassidy, “Chung Gon, James (1854-1952)”, Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/chung-gon-james-9745/text17213, published first in hardcopy 1993, accessed online 18 March 2023.
[14] Young, Ah, NAA: SP1122/1, N1957/6897.
[15] Sun Sing, NAA: SP42/1, C1910/3144. 亦见粟明鲜:“仕佑”,载粟明鲜编著:《民国粤人赴澳大利亚留学档案全述·珠三角其他县市卷》,第291-298页。
[16] Oline Richards, “Chinese market gardening: a Western Australian postscript,” Australian Garden History 13.1 (2001): 19-21.
[17] Joanna Boileau, Chinese Market Gardening in Australia and New Zealand, 1860s-1960s: A Study in Technology Transfer, PhD thesis, University of New England, 2014.
[18] Jillian M. Stone, “Chinese market gardeners and their impact on vegetable consumption patterns in Australia, 1870-1920’,” Symposium of Australian Gastronomy Proceedings. 1987.
[19] Ah Chee - Education exemption and son, NAA: A433, 1947/2/1013. 亦参见:“侯北胜”,载粟明鲜编著:《民国粤人赴澳大利亚留学档案全述·中山卷上》,广州:广东人民出版社,2022年,第320-332页。