I was on a business trip in Asia on Tuesday when I got the call from the Munger family informing me that Charlie was in his final hours. I hopped onto the next flight I could find to California, and before departure, was able to talk to Charlie through the help of his daughter. Charlie had largely lost consciousness, but still I could clearly hear him trying to make a sound to acknowledge he had heard me. Upon landing, I learned that Charlie had left us a few hours earlier.
In our capitalist society, where do virtue, moral responsibility, truth-seeking and public service fit in? Charlie Munger answered these questions through his long exemplary life.
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李录先生是喜马拉雅资本的创始人及董事长。喜马拉雅资本是一家价值投资公司。李录先生自1997年以来一直是公司基金的主要管理人。李录先生出生于中国,就读于美国哥伦比亚大学,同时获得了经济学学士、工商管理硕士及法律博士三个学位。李录先生担任哥伦比亚大学校董和加州理工学院校董。李录先生热心投身各项慈善事业。他是美国亚裔基金会(The Asian American Foundation, TAAF)的联合创始人和董事会主席,旨在服务于美国2300万亚太裔人群,以追求归属感和富足生活,免受歧视、诽谤和暴力侵害。李录先生著有《文明、现代化、价值投资与中国》和《Moving The Mountain: My Life in China》。2020年,李录先生当选为美国人文与科学院院士。