“别说了,不是好的。”我斩钉截铁地说。 “Daddy, 妈咪said 达爷的 is bad word” 小东西气急败坏地跟他爸爸告状去了。
无法弄 发表评论于
回复 '幸福剧团' 的评论 : 唉,是我害他了,惭愧啊
幸福剧团 发表评论于
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回复 '水星98' 的评论 : 老师觉得他淘气,我觉得可爱:)
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回复 '音来小提琴' 的评论 : 音来好!就是啊,失误啊,影响孩子了
音来小提琴 发表评论于
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回复 '可能成功的P' 的评论 : 天真无邪的孩子最可爱。新年快乐!
无法弄 发表评论于
回复 'elfie' 的评论 : I am not sure the topic going narrower or wider. Whatever it’s personal thing. Lovely to know your opinion about language. Happy New Year!
可能成功的P 发表评论于
elfie 发表评论于
I'm not saying you would want children to work intelligence related jobs. But knowing Chinese would push your children in that direction. There's no" international corporation" that needs Chinese speaking workers. It's another type of intelligence job, sometimes business related.
I don't think knowing more than one language is a necessity. There are many jobs for people who don't know any other language but English and those people could live very well. The most important thing is to have a set of skills that are either rare in supply or in popular demands, then you have something to sell in the job market. There are gazilion people who know Chinese or other languages in the U.S so it's not really a special skill or rare commodity, let alone it's not in popular demands. Unlike many Mexican immigrants, Chinese people don't need special services or TV channels. Many of them also speak good English.
If you are a surgeon or a plumber, then your skills are more marketable than just the language skills. You don't need to look for the very narrow niche for using your language skills because everyone needs to hire a plumber at some point, and a surgeon could save your life if you get a brain tumor. The rarity and/or popularity of the two jobs are both very good selling points.
无法弄 发表评论于
回复 'elfie' 的评论 : Hi Elfie! it is bit worrying about it.however, there are some benefits to know two languages without being a spy. Language is a skill. Working in an international company or environment, more skills more easy life. Spanish is useful in US and the rest of the world. I’d like my son to learn it if we are in US. Happy New Year! :)
I never want to teach my children Chinese because it has nothing to do with their current lives in the U.S. It's not helpful for American kids to know Chinese. My children are half Asian and know nothing about living in China. If I know Spanish it could be beneficial to them in the future, but not Chinese. The worst scenario is the American or Chinese government recruits them as spies and I'd lose my children for good, in jail in either country.