2 months ago (edited)
孟敖孟韋兩兄弟,帶著崔嬸和兩位孩子,來到崔中石的墳前,也不能跟小孩說,爸爸死了,讓人看了催淚啊!還要安排崔嬸一家去香港定居,讓孟韋ㄧ起去,還可以照應她們ㄧ家,孟韋還可以繼續讀書。孟敖把馬漢山埋的金條,挖出來了,給崔嬸ㄧ家過生活,安穩的日子。 每位角色的人物都演出的很精彩,演技都很出色,讚啊! 這部劇非常好看,值得信賴,值得一看。 這部戲裡面的演員們,都讓人佩服,也跟你們說聲,辛苦了!你們是最棒的團隊。加油!值得推薦。
北平無戰事 33 | All Quiet in Peking 33(劉燁、陳寶國、倪大紅等主演)
刘烨和廖凡对谈那段真是太有意思了 演的好 都在装傻哈哈

extrapolate themes out of my notes "古老的夜晚和远方的音乐是永恒的,但那不属于我。这是法国哲学家让·保罗·萨特的诗句 向未来张望的时光,或许孤独而漫长,希望努力过后,都是晴朗。 梁经伦:古老的夜晚,和那来自远方的音乐,是永恒的。但那不属于我。 2. 曾可达:不要再看萨特的书了,有空多看看曾文正公全集。(第六集)梁经伦心底里那份感叹涌了出来:是呀,几千年了,中华民族的女性从来都不说自己饿呀。 ... 黑夜传来----是自己心中理想的新 ...我将怀着敬畏之心,仰望壮丽的曙光全景,与此同时,太阳唤醒了沉睡的大地。 16、爱心是一缕黎明到来的晨光,使频临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望;爱心是一 ...诗歌是语言的精华、智慧的结晶、思想的火花,折射着人类灵魂深处永恒的情感和. 尊严。海外诗集表明,植根于心灵深处的祖国文化无论离开故土多远多久,都不会枯萎,. 即使 ..".
The themes that can be extrapolated from the provided notes include:
Eternal Elements of Ancient Nights and Distant Music:
The mention of ancient nights and distant music as eternal elements suggests a contemplation of timeless and universal aspects of human experience.
Hope and Longing for the Future:
The idea of looking towards the future with the anticipation that, despite potential loneliness and challenges, efforts and hope lead to a brighter outcome.
Cultural Perspectives on Longing:
The reference to the quote by Jean-Paul Sartre and the suggestion not to read Sartre's books but to explore the complete works of Zeng Wen Zheng Gong reflects a cultural perspective on intellectual pursuits and sources of inspiration.
Historical Reflection on Chinese Women:
The reflection on Chinese women's history and the assertion that they have never claimed to be hungry over thousands of years might hint at resilience, endurance, or societal expectations placed on women.
Symbolism of Night and Music:
The recurring mention of ancient nights and distant music could symbolize deeper meanings related to the human experience, emotions, and cultural richness.
Call for Cultural Appreciation and Identity:
The emphasis on the richness of Chinese culture, even when away from the homeland, suggests a call for appreciating and preserving cultural identity and values.
Transformation and Awakening Imagery:
The imagery of awakening landscapes and the sun waking up the sleeping earth can symbolize renewal, transformation, and the hope associated with a new beginning.
Love and Compassion as Hopeful Forces:
The mention of love as a dawn-like light bringing hope to those in despair reflects the positive and transformative power of compassion.
Poetry as Essence of Language and Wisdom:
The description of poetry as the essence of language, the crystallization of wisdom, and the spark of thought highlights its significance in expressing eternal human emotions and dignity.
Preservation of Cultural Roots:
The reference to overseas poetry collections indicating that the cultural roots of the homeland remain vibrant and unyielding, even when far away, underscores the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
These themes collectively reflect a blend of cultural reflection, historical contemplation, and an optimistic perspective on the future, often expressed through symbolic elements such as night, music, and the dawn.
1 year ago看到最后一分钟了,突然原谅谢丫头的任性无知了。谁家不希望自己的儿女可以肆无忌惮的生长发扬。这就是我们为什么拼了命要建设和谐社会。
3 years ago我曾经认为曾可达是蒋经国的猪队友,但是看到剧终我终于明白了,甚至有些感动,原来曾可达是民国的堂吉柯德。
2 years ago姑父抱住孝钰的那一段看哭了,那是一个失去女儿的父亲,想念女儿了
2 years ago原著裡各人的結局: 曾可達:對黨國心灰意冷去了美國,在一家餐廳當二廚,死於交通事故。摯友陸遠將其獨生女帶回上海。 謝培東:隱姓埋名去了蘇州,娶了一個叫趙美蘭的女人,生了個女兒叫蘇明玉。 方步亭:棄文從武,開創了宮家「六十四手」的威名,聯合了十幾個門派加入中華武士會,並推動北拳南傳。 徐鐵英:跟幾個黨通局的手下到了大連開了一家老酒館。 王蒲忱:改名楚天南在雲南販毒。 梁經綸:投靠了劫匪張麻子,後來跟著花姐去了上海。 何其滄:因緣際會穿越時空成了愛新覺羅福臨的第三個兒子。 方孟敖:解放後在綜藝節目擔任評審老師。 何孝鈺:因為不紅最後退出演藝圈。
3 years ago (edited)方孟敖 原型谢派芬1918年生人 1936年国民党空军军官学校毕业 1942年赴美战斗训练 1943年参加中美空军联队 先后在印巴 中国上空和日军作战39次 获得多枚奖章 1949年原定随笕桥航校赴台, 受共产党临时决定 谢派芬驾驶C-46从杭州起义飞赴解放区 后参加开国大典 开辟康藏航线 1962年晋升中校 63年45岁停飞 1980年离休 89年去世 他既没有像很多人想的会死于文革遭受迫害 也没有参加朝鲜战争 台海空战
2 years ago又看了一遍,外文书店的感情戏真是精华,这给了残酷年代情侣最理想的可能性,去台北,之后去美国,对于他们两个有特殊背景又生活在特殊年代的人来说真是好的不能再好的结局了
2 years ago34:34 榭襄理:谁还能看上我呀 小嫂:其实这么多年来我喜欢的是你。
1 year ago (edited)好戏!真是一部好剧,好小说。看了只有一个关键性的问题:到底方孟敖是“国民党”还是“共产党”?都是?或是都不是?到底他是什么? 这答案很重要。为什么?因为我们就更能理解剧里的好几个重要角色为什么可能是国民党,又可能是共产党。。。也可能都不是,或是都是。。。甚至看情况说定。 A good series indeed. And a good novel too. The million dollar question is: Is Fang Mengao (方孟敖) a Kuomintang nationalist or a Communist? Both? Or Neither One? What is he? The answer is very important. Why? It is then that we can better understand why a few very important characters in this story are also either Kuomintang or Communist...Or neither one, or both...or maybe depending on the situation.
3 years ago这一飞,此生永不相见……
1 year ago最后剩下这三个徐铁英孙秘书王蒲臣,都或多或少导致了谢木兰的被杀,也是活该呀
3 years ago何孝玉这个角色还可以更加丰满 她其实喜欢的是梁 而不是方 对方没有什么情感和理想基础 完全是男女主角要求 从逻辑上喜欢梁很合理
1 reply
2 years ago孝玉外表平靜內心渴望激情,方可以給她
1 year ago孝珏是干嘛的?
1 year ago让国民党把钱运走,把民心给我们留下。---我党,毛泽东主席
2 years agohi i watch finish but i didn't understand chinese too much i have a question ? 1. Fang Meng Ao say to He Xiao Yu wait he in peking but in the end why He Xiao Yu go to taipei with Fang Meng Ao ? 2. He Xiao Yu never love Fang Meng Ao but love Liang Jing Lun ?
1 reply
2 years ago1. He Xiaoyu‘s father, professor He, wanted his daughter to go with Fang. 2. I think He Xiaoyu’s love to Liang collapsed once she knew his real identity, while she finally found that she and Fang had same belief and feelings.