外国中译本的名著也读了好多,可以说叫得上名字的都读过。最喜欢《简爱》,《傲慢与偏见》和《飘》。 那时大部分书都是从图书馆借来读的,后来才买了几本特喜欢的。 来到美国后,开始读英文版书籍。 去美国最大的连锁书店Barnes and Noble, 看到了《The Catcher in the Rye》(麦田守望者)和《The Great Gatsby》(了不起的盖茨比)的海报,于是买来书读,但发现这两本书实在是难负胜名。 最喜欢这三本英文书。
Harper Lee 的《to kill a mockingbird》(杀死一只知更鸟)让我认识到美国的那段种族歧视的历史。 J.D.Vance的《Hillbilly Elegy》(乡下人的挽歌) 让我了解美国Appalachia山区穷苦白人的堕落和挣扎。欣赏作者J.D.Vance对身边白人的自省。J.D.Vance 现在已经成为美国的参议员。Henry David Thoreau(亨利·大卫·梭罗)的 《Walden》(瓦尔登湖),读起来晦涩难懂,无论是英文版和中文版。但梭罗的simplify的思想被后人发展成“断舍离”,他的木板8.035 元,钉子3.90元。。。,总计28.12 元的写作形式被后人效仿, 足以证明这本书的Great。
I don't read Chinese books anymore. It's been a long time since I read the last Chinese book. Now I feel most comfortable reading in English. I also read in Russian because it's related with my teaching job. There are many more verbs in Russian! English is the easiest because that's part of my training: to read and write in English. I had to read many books a day in grade school, political science economics. It made me going to sleep. So reading classical English novels like Middlemarch is a real enjoyment. Walden, sorry, no. Life is short, I'd like to have a fun time reading.