妈妈身体健康的那些年,每次我回国探亲,白天倒时差时,她总会轻轻走近我的卧房,帮我盖好被子关紧房门。那时我习惯于她在房子里走来走去,“take mobility for granted”, 我从未想过几年后,妈妈会突发脑出血,从此行动不便。而最令我难过的是,由于脑出血的后遗症,妈妈丢失了部分数字记忆,她不再记得我的生日。今天夏天我六十岁,原本我给妈妈看我生日的照片,告诉她六十岁是生命的重要节点,因为我人生暮年的序幕已拉开。没想到,妈妈看着照片对我说:“花开堪折须亦折,莫待无花空折枝”。我笑妈妈忘了我的年龄,说:我今年六十岁,不是二十岁,而她却一脸困惑,认真地问我是哪一年生的?
回复 'elfie' 的评论 : Thank you for coming and sharing your thoughts. It is true that everybody gets old eventually. However believe it or not, some people can slow down the aging process one way or another, but some cannot, and even worse than that, they may speed up the aging process by not taking good care of themselves...
You're 50, looking like 30, congratulations!! You know what? your looking younger benefits no one but yourself. Merry Christmas!
Women get old almost overnight. It's the ovary that provides female hormones.
Once the ovary shrinks significantly then there will be wrinkles and brittle bones and old looking. Some younger women may look older because their hormone levels are lower. Everybody gets old eventually, you and I and everyone else, with no exceptions. At 70 and 80, every woman is full of wrinkles, unless using botox to freeze the facial muscle earlier.
If you don't believe it, look at the Hollywood stars, Audrey Hepburn,
Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Lauren, they can't stop it either. Elixir doesn't exist. Getting old is natural. I'm afraid one day I won't be able to recognize myself in the mirror so I never look into it. I'm 50, looking like 30.
So what? I will be an old hag like Hilary Clinton.