The U.S. side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position.
亨利·基辛格的秘密旅行与中国建立了长达半个世纪的关系 century-long-105300348
作者:KEN MORITSUGU 和 DIDI TANG 2023 年 12 月 1 日
文件 - 2011 年 1 月 20 日星期四,在华盛顿美中贸易全国委员会联合主办的午餐会上,前国务卿亨利·A·基辛格向私营和公共部门领导人介绍时任中国国家主席胡锦涛。 中国官方称基辛格为“老朋友”。 一位评论员将他比作一只大熊猫,是几十年来经常发生争执的两国之间的亲善大使。 基辛格于 2023 年 11 月 29 日星期三去世,在他 100 岁的后半生中与中国建立了特殊的关系。2011 年 1 月 20 日星期四,在华盛顿美中贸易全国委员会联合主办的午餐会上,前国务卿亨利·基辛格向私营和公共部门领导人介绍了时任中国国家主席胡锦涛。 中国官方称基辛格为“老朋友”。 一位评论员将他比作一只大熊猫,是几十年来经常发生争执的两国之间的亲善大使。 基辛格于 2023 年 11 月 29 日星期三去世,在他 100 岁的后半生中与中国建立了特殊的关系。(美联社照片/Pablo Martinez Monsivais。
北京——中国官方称亨利·基辛格为“老朋友”。 一位评论员将他比作一只大熊猫,是几十年来经常发生争执的两个国家之间的亲善大使。
周三去世的基辛格在他一百岁生命的后半段与中国建立了特殊的关系。 事情始于 1971 年的一次秘密旅行,当时他在巴基斯坦的一次会议上假装生病,卧底飞往北京进行史无前例的会谈,促成了美国总统理查德·尼克松 (Richard Nixon) 于次年进行了开创性的访问。
由于这一行为,他作为一名特使在中国得到了积极的评价,他愿意在冷战最激烈的时期忽视意识形态差异,并促成两国和解,随着时间的推移,使共产党统治的中国完全重新融入国际大家庭。 许多中国人在社交媒体上哀悼基辛格的去世。
“这是他受到尊敬的主要原因之一,”上海复旦大学国际关系教授赵明浩说。 “他帮助尼克松打开了中国的大门,推动了中美关系的解冻。 关系”。
近年来,随着中美关系的恶化以及华盛顿民主党和共和党对中国的攻击不断增多,忽视分歧的意愿变得更加重要。 据中国政府称,基辛格曾100多次访问中国,并作为可以交谈的美国人而受到欢迎; 就在七月,他还受到了中国领导人习近平的会见。
“目前,美国没有一个人能够与中国最高领导人进行坦诚、面对面的对话,了解中国,能够成为下一个‘大熊猫’,”评论员施树思说道,他将基辛格比作“大熊猫”。 这种动物已成为中国外交的国际象征。
国营《环球时报》的一篇社论称基辛格的去世“是中美关系的巨大损失”。 关系”。 它以“愿美国出现亨利·基辛格的继任者”为标题,批评了美国当前的对华政策方向。
国际关系学者王缉思上个月写道,基辛格在 1995 年被北京拘留的美籍华裔维权人士吴弘达的释放中发挥了作用。王表示,基辛格淡化了吴弘达的重要性,并表示这样做不值得。 中美关系因为一个人而恶化。 中国很快就驱逐了吴。
“像基辛格这样的人的作用不是为政府提供建议,而是通过穿梭于不同国家的政客和商界人士,利用自己的智慧、人脉和经验,为国家的长远利益服务,”王在一篇发表的文章中说 北京大学官方新闻网站。
时任国防部长李尚福在拒绝了今年春天会见美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀的请求后,在 7 月访问北京时会见了基辛格。 习近平在钓鱼台国宾馆五号别墅接待了这位元老,50多年前基辛格曾在这里会见了时任中国总理周恩来。
1971年的北京之行对中国和美国政府来说都是一次冒险的旅行。 他们在冷战中处于对立面,美国正式承认台湾政府是全中国的政府。
我们不会忘记我们的老朋友,也不会忘记你们为促进中美关系发展作出的历史贡献。 习近平对百岁老友说:“发展两国关系,增进两国人民友谊。”
唐从华盛顿报道。 美联社驻北京研究员于冰对此报告做出了贡献。
Secret trip by Henry Kissinger grew into a half-century-long relationship with China
Henry Kissinger is being remembered positively in China as an envoy who was willing to overlook ideological differences at the height of the Cold War and long after

BEIJING -- Official China called Henry Kissinger “an old friend.” A commentator likened him to a giant panda, a goodwill ambassador between two countries that have been at odds more often than not over the decades.
Kissinger, who died Wednesday, developed a special relationship with China in the second half of his 100-year-long life. It started with a secret trip in 1971, when he feigned illness while at a meeting in Pakistan and flew undercover to Beijing for unprecedented talks that led to U.S. President Richard Nixon's groundbreaking visit the next year.
For that act, he is remembered positively in China as an envoy who was willing to overlook ideological differences at the height of the Cold War and to engineer a rapprochement that over time brought communist-ruled China fully back into the family of nations. Many Chinese people mourned Kissinger’s death on social media.
“This is one of the main reasons for him to be revered,” Zhao Minghao, an international relations professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, said. “He helped Nixon open China’s door and promoted a thaw in China-U.S. relations.”
The willingness to overlook differences took on renewed importance in recent years as U.S.-China relations frayed and attacks on China mounted from both Democrats and Republicans in Washington. Kissinger made more than 100 trips to China, according to the Chinese government, and was welcomed as an American it could talk to; as recently as July, he was met by China's leader Xi Jinping.
“At present, there is no one in the U.S. who can have frank, face-to-face talks with the highest Chinese leader, who understands China and who can be the next ‘giant panda,’” commentator Shi Shusi said, likening Kissinger to the animal that has become an international symbol of Chinese diplomacy.
“He was the giant panda the U.S. sent to China — rare and friendly," Shi said. "Since the U.S. doesn’t have such an animal, Kissinger played giant panda.”
An editorial in the state-run Global Times newspaper called Kissinger's death “a tremendous loss for China-U.S. relations.” It criticized the current direction of U.S. policy toward China under the headline: “May there be successors to Henry Kissinger in the U.S.”
Over the years, Kissinger met every top leader of communist China, from founder Mao Zedong to economic reformer Deng Xiaoping and Presidents Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi.
Following the Chinese military crackdown on democracy protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, Kissinger met Jiang three times between 1989 and 1991 as China worked to mend its relations with the United States.
Wang Jisi, an international relations scholar, wrote last month that Kissinger had played a role in the release of Harry Wu, a Chinese American rights advocate detained by Beijing in 1995. According to Wang, Kissinger downplayed Wu’s importance and said it would not be worthwhile for U.S.-China relations to sour over one person. China deported Wu soon after.
“The role for people like Kissinger is not to advise the government but use their own wisdom, connections and experience to serve the long-term interests of their country by shuttling among the politicians and businesspeople of different countries,” Wang said in an article posted on the official news site of Peking University.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who met Chinese officials in Beijing in June, said he sought Kissinger's advice when he “was traveling to China more than 50 years after his transformative trip.”
Kissinger's meetings with China's leaders made the top headlines in state media, contributing to his fame among the general public, said Zhang Feng, a former journalist who is a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York.
His realpolitik approach resonated with many Chinese, who admired his ability to set aside values and negotiate back and forth among several countries with ease, Zhang said.
Then-Defense Minister Li Shangfu met with Kissinger on his July trip to Beijing — after turning down a request to meet with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in the spring. Xi hosted the elder statesman at Villa No. 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, where Kissinger had met then-Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai more than 50 years ago.
The 1971 trip to Beijing was a risky one for both the Chinese and U.S. governments. They were on opposite sides of the Cold War, and the U.S. officially recognized a Taiwan-based administration as the government for all of China.
Kissinger, who was national security advisor at the time and later secretary of state, held ultimately successful talks with Zhou that paved the way for Nixon's visit.
“We never forget our old friends, nor your historic contributions to promoting the growth of China-U.S. relations and enhancing friendship between the two peoples,” Xi told his 100-year-old friend.
Tang reported from Washington. Associated Press researcher Yu Bing in Beijing contributed to this report.