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Jan Oberg, China,

US is Militarizing Itself to Death, While China Emphasizes Cooperation | Jan Oberg

November 28, 2023


so the huge miscalculation of the West

is panic decision confrontational

policies and then finding out afterwards

that oops what we did was

counterproductive and

self-destructive well it's a general

problem with Western perceptions of

conflict that you divide them into two

parties normally the good guys and the

bad guys and then you feel an urge to

say we end with this or we don't like

them or you focus on a leader on the top

whether slon and milosovic or Saddam

Hussein or whatever it is if truth is

the first victim in a war complexity is

the second victim it's hugely complex

what goes on in let's say Ukraine Russia

NATO relations involving probably 30

countries over 30 years if you take the

Palestine uh Israel if that's even the

right way to pronounce it or to describe

it I would say it involves the whole

region of the Middle East it's Iran and

Saudi Arabia and all that and the

relationships with Europe and United

States so the moment you boil it down to

say Good Guys bad guys we stand with one

you've lost it completely because the

moment you take a stand between parties

you cannot do anything constructive and

that's why it goes so madly wrong we've

now had since the UK war in Ukraine has

started this saying that this is a

Russia ukra ukine thing and Russia has

invaded an innocent country and all I

mean that has nothing to do with reality

intellectually and academically it's

lousy this is a much more complex thing

namely NATO's expansion which all

important leaders promised uh the last

president of the Soviet Union m s

gorbachov never to do I repeat this

because there's aot of lies about it's

well documented that gorbachov was

promised that if he got a United Germany

in NATO if he accepted that East Germany

at the time part of the Soviet influence

sphere into NATO NATO would not expand

the formulation was one inch now that is

what NATO countries and the Western

world and the US does not want to talk

about and therefore they focus on this

is Russia who out of the blue unprovoked

invaded an innocent Country Now what was

happening then was a very quick support

basically by everybody who believed in

that narrative to close off Russia and

say everything is Russia's fault we did

nothing wrong it was unprovoked and so

you had a black and white and very

massive reaction in favor of Ukraine

although nobody seems to have known the

complexities of Ukraine either the

ethnic ing the destruction of the

Russian language the Civil War which

killed 16,000 people over 8 years after

the US orchestrated Kuda in KF that

installed the pro Western Government so

that was a a a much more simple thing in

the minds of people because they were

told that that narrative was so simple

now if you go to the Middle

East the difference is that that is a

much older

conflict it's probably I mean it's in

that since one of the world's oldest

conflicts and that's why it's so

difficult also to heal it because those

who live in this area have never known

peace now what is a difference here is

that the Western World and particular in

the non-west or the rest knows the

Palestinian issue and the repression and

the aparte that the Palestinians have

been uh objects and victims of for so

long so people solidarity with the

Palestinians because of the overkill the

arrogant and the nuclearism of Israel in

both cases they did the the leaders of

the western world did the capital

mistake taking sides say everything is

all to Russia and everything is good in

Ukraine which none of it is true and

pumping in weapons using Ukraine to make

Russia weaker and we know why they want

to make Russia weaker because when

Russia is weaker and gone if they could

do it as a threat they can concentrate

on China so it's much more complex but

both cases they took stand I mean Madame

from theion immediately said on October

8th we Europe stands with Israel she

should never have said that it means

that she is a conflict illiterate person

and a person who does not know anything

about peacemaking we keep on arming and

I don't know how many hundred thousand

people have already died in Ukraine

because of these stupid policies it's

deeply immoral and many of these leaders

government leaders are war criminals but

they will never be

convicted yeah well I think the great

surprise for for people in the west

particular NATO and the European Union

was that they immediately without

thinking without doing any analysis of

the consequences decided this barrage of

sanctions against Russia now Russia has

not been suffering from these sanctions

but the West Europeans have been and the

US decided and that's on public both by

Madame Nan and President Biden that we

will destroy n

stream northstream is history's biggest

destruction of

infrastructure and has had huge

consequences for the economy the gas

Import in Europe cheap gas that can

cannot get in anymore and that's why

seor her's analysis of nordstream is

basically censored away in the western

world because he's probably right but

they found out that contrary to their

expectations the rest of the world 85%

of human lives under governments which

do not support that policy against

Russia like China trying to keep neutral

but others too saying well it was wrong

legally what Russia did but Russia had a

reason to do it Russia had said that it

would do it because it cannot have a

NATO member that close to its border

with longrange weapons 2 minutes flight

from Moscow now the Americans or the

French or the British would never have

accepted anything like that if they had

had their countries there where Russia

is today so the huge miscalculation of

the West is panic decision

confrontational policies and then

finding out afterwards that oops what we

did was counterproductive and

self-destructive and that's why I don't

think that anybody is basically

listening anymore to the Western World

when it comes to Israel the world knows

that this is an asymmetric conflict

where the Palestinians are the uh as

people innocent victims I'm not talking

about Hamas but the people the

Palestinian people have been innocent

victims for decades and it's time to do

something serious about it and I hope I

hope that there will be mediation by the

UN and by countries outside the West the

West cannot be a mediator in a conflict

in which it is so heavily involved

itself you cannot be a mediator and a

participator in a conflict well the long

story short is

that there's only one organization that

can do that main main organization

that's the United Nations but the long

story short is that the Western world

has done it utmost in contrast to China

to undermine the United Nations and not

follow the normative framework of the

charter we know there's a lot of

bureaucracy and inefficiency and

privilege in the UN but the charter is

your Mankind's most important single

document it's the only time where the

world's governments have signed

something that g

could have written and that was done

because we don't want war ever more now

then people say but the UN is not very

efficient and they couldn't do this and

they couldn't do that that's the wrong

way of thinking the United Nations can

never be better or

stronger than its member states want to

make it that was uttered in 1948 by its

first Secretary General the Norwegian

trick Val and it's still fundamentally

the most important thing said about the

UN if we don't as member states support

it with money clear mandates all the

things it needs our best people civilian

and Military the UN will be a porn in

the game if we don't deliberately avoid

to elect forceful Visionary secretaries

General and the last one was Kofi Anan

if we find it not important to accept

something be beyond our own nation

states we are doomed and I'm glad to sit

here in Shanghai and say China is always

very uh strongly emphasizing the

importance of the UN and its chter now

when it comes to the concrete thing in

the Middle East there's a huge mistake

made in thinking that this is an Israeli

Palestinian thing and can be solved with

that and a two-state solution everybody

now is back to a two-state solution

which we've heard about for more than 20

years now I wonder whether we should not

expand it to the Middle East as a whole

region and say how can we put together

the Middle East in a way that everybody

would benefit that it would be a winwin

for all Middle Eastern countries Iran

Saudi Arabia Syria what have you all

these also devastated

countries in which a Palestine and an

Israel could find a way to live together

with a middle

eastern occe if you will Organization

for security and cooperation in the

Middle East a kind of economic uh

Community the more and that's the

philosophy you have in China with the

belt and Road initiative the more we tie

countries to each other economically the

less likely they are to start killing

each other so this idea focus on Israel

and Palestine and then either say Let

One swallow the other or make a

two-state solution I ask myself you make

two states next to each other with the

hatred that has spilled over decades how

do we know that a two-state solution

will not end very quickly in a war

between those two countries now if you

make a kind of security and peace

Arrangement out in the for the whole

Middle East and maybe tied in with the

European Union if it could behave itself

a little bit more

intelligently and the United Nations a

huge permanent presence of the United

Nations peacekeepers negotiators civil

Affairs and civil police people we need

desperately un missions well financed

clear mandates best people and if we

give that to the UN the UN can help the

world solve its problem but it cannot do

that with 6% of the world's military

expenditures this world is totally crazy

with its priorities it's imbalance

between militarism weapons weapons

weapons and almost no money for the

United Nations don't ever complain about

the United Nations but look at what your

own country does economically

politically in terms of legitimacy to

make the United Nations a strong

organization all the member states that

might be more degrees different degrees

all the member states are still living

in the outdated world of nation states

my government is the most important I

have National interest

no intelligent government leaders today

know that they have global common

interest not National interest we all

have to give something of our own

priorities before we can solve

Humanity's very important problems

together and there's no future if we

cannot work

