
The Diverting History of John Gilpin 痴汉骑马歌

William Cowper (1731–1800)


JOHN GILPIN was a citizen 昔有富家翁,

   Of credit and renown, 饶财且有名,

A train-band captain eke was he 身为团练长,

   Of famous London town. 家居伦敦城。


John Gilpin’s spouse said to her dear, 妇对富翁言,

   ‘Though wedded we have been 结发同苦艰,

These twice ten tedious years, yet we 悠悠二十载,

   No holiday have seen. 未得一日闲。


‘To-morrow is our wedding-day, 明日是良辰,

   And we will then repair 城外好风景,

Unto the Bell at Edmonton, 愿乘双马车,

   All in a chaise and pair. 与君同游骋。


‘My sister, and my sister’s child, 阿姨与其女,

   Myself, and children three, 妾偕三小儿,

Will fill the chaise; so you must ride 一家盈车载,

   On horseback after we.’ 君当骑马随。


He soon replied, ‘I do admire 富翁对妇言,

   Of womankind but one, 相敬既如宾,

And you are she, my dearest dear, 若不从汝言,

   Therefore it shall be done. 相爱岂是真?


‘I am a linen-draper bold, 我是贩布客,

   As all the world doth know, 声名驰寰区,

And my good friend the calender 有友情更重,

   Will lend his horse to go.’ 愿借千里驹。


Quoth Mrs. Gilpin, ‘That’s well said; 君言诚良是,

   And for that wine is dear, 还当载美酒,

We will be furnished with our own, 沽市酒值昂,

   Which is both bright and clear.’ 家醅旨且有。


John Gilpin kissed his loving wife; 妇言良可钦,

   O’enjoyed was he to find 富翁喜不禁,

That though on pleasure she was bent, 虽怀行乐志,

   She had a frugal mind. 犹存节俭心。


The morning came, the chaise was brought, 诘朝将车来,

   But yet was not allowed 未许直到门,

To drive up to the door, lest all 趋车出庭户,

   Should say that she was proud. 恐惹他人论。


So, three doors off the chaise was stayed, 相去两三户,

   Where they did all get in; 车马立踟蹰,

Six precious souls, and all agog 大小六家口,

   To dash through thick and thin. 登车任驰驱。
