I am King of kings and Lord of lords, dwelling in dazzlingly bright light! I am also your shepherd, companion, and friend -the one who never lets go of your hand. Worship me in my holy majesty; come close to me, and rest in my presence. You need me both as God and as man. Only my incarnation on that first, long-ago Christmas could fulfill your neediness. Since I went to such extreme measures to save you from your sins, you can be assured that I will graciously give you all you need.
Nurture well your trust in me as savior, Lord, and friend. I have held back nothing in my provision for you. I have held back nothing in my provision for you. I have even deigned to live within you! Rejoyce in all that I have done for you, and my light will shine through you into the world.
我是万王之王、万主之主,居住在耀眼的光明之中! 我也是你的牧羊人、同伴和朋友——一个永远不会放开你的手的人。 请在我神圣的威严中敬拜我; 靠近我,在我的同在中休息。 你需要我既是神又是人。 只有我在很久以前的第一个圣诞节的道成肉身才能满足你的需要。 既然我采取了如此极端的措施来将你从罪孽中拯救出来,你可以放心,我会慷慨地给你所需的一切。
培养你们对我作为救主、主和朋友的信任。 我对你的供给没有任何保留。 我对你的供给没有任何保留。 我甚至屈尊住在你里面! 在我为你所做的一切中喜乐,我的光将透过你照耀到这个世界。