【專輯藝人】: David Lanz
【專輯名稱】: Romantic: The Ultimate David Lanz Narada Collection
【發行日期】: 2002年
【唱片公司】: Narada
【專輯類型】: New Age, Piano Instrumental, Romantic
作為對David Lanz二十年音樂生涯的大體回顧,《Romantic》從他為數眾多的錄製專輯中精選了部分音樂,再加上四首合奏單曲,以及三首僅經過剪輯的單曲。鋼琴家的創作往往分為兩大類:引人沉思的當代樂器作品,以及深受古典主義風格影響的作品。而後者是令他熠熠生輝的領域,譬如因其感傷風格而別具一格的《Cristofori's Dream》和《Return to the Heart》,以及充滿沸騰般能量的《Vesuvius》和《Valencia》。在27首單曲中大部分是鋼琴獨奏。
然而,天馬行空的《Eagle's Path》是與Paul Speer合作,融合了搖滾吉他和一些別的元素,包括管弦樂器。這張雙片碟不是剪輯作品中“最好”的一張,但對資深歌迷而言,是一個獲得他們所不熟悉的單曲與樣品唱片的絕好途徑。更為重要的是,可以讓那些剛入道的樂迷了解,而後尋找Lanz的其他音樂,選擇自己喜歡的作品。
A broad overview of the two-decade career of David Lanz, Romantic collects music from his numerous studio albums plus four collaborative tracks and three compilation-only cuts. The pianist's works tend to fall into two categories: contemplative contemporary instrumental and classically influenced compositions. The latter is where he shines, as represented best by the sentimental stylings of "Cristofori's Dream" and "Return to the Heart," and the effervescent energy of "Vesuvius" and "Valencia." Most of these 27 tracks are solo piano performances. However, the soaring "Eagle's Path" (with Paul Speer) integrates rock guitar, and a few other pieces include orchestral instruments. This isn't a "best of" compilation, but the double-disc compendium is a good way for longtime fans to get lesser-known tracks and sample albums they are unfamiliar with. More important, it's a means for the uninitiated to learn about, and then seek out, other Lanz music of their choosing.
Disc: 1
01. Valencia
02. Masque Of Togaebi
03. Take The High Road
04. Leaves On The Scene
05. Sitting In An English Garden
06. Variations On A Theme From Pachelbel's Canon In D Major
07. Summer's Child
08. A Path With Heart
09. Reverie
10. Behind The Waterfall
11. Return To The Heart
12. Faces of The forest
13. Wings to Altair
14. Madre de la Tierra
Disc: 2
01. Cristofori's Dream
02. Vesuvius
03. Nightfall
04. London Blue
05. Dreamer's Waltz
06. Heartsounds
07. Eagle's Path
08. The Dragon's Daughter
09. Before The Last Leaf Falls
10. Madrona
11. Dream of The Forgotten Child
12. Courage of The Wind
13. Farewell Amparo
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