A man will choose the woman who makes him feel secured, safe,, and loke his home the one who gives him peace ..and who is loyal
and treats him with respect, kinfness and shows understanding.

3 months agoIs it ever possible that he will chose the one he thinks/feel compatable and in love with? Just wondering.
thank you
some people have a natural alarm clock
allowing them to awake when they want
this is actually caused by a natural
stress hormone
89 percent of people who do chores while
listening to music report that the tasks
are easier a study shows
the average person has at least three
dark secrets in which they will never
share with anyone
walking through a doorway causes memory
lapses which is why we walk into another
room only to forget why we did
respect people who find time for you in
their busy schedule
but love the people who never look at
their schedule when you need them
crying is how your body speaks when your
mouth can't explain the pain you feel
always remember
God will never take anything away from
you without the intention of replacing
it with something much better
people who keep their hands in their
pockets while around large crowds are
generally anti-social or shy
according to studies people often change
their behavior by positive comments
rather than hearing it is bad
a relationship lasts longer when you
don't tell people your business
pretending not to feel anger sadness or
loneliness can literally destroy your
mental health
to studies the deeper we love someone in
a relationship the stronger is our
hatred for them when the relationship
falls apart
the best person in your life is the
first person who comes to your mind
after reading this sentence
according to research people who write
down their goals are more likely to
achieve them than those who don't
according to studies people are more
attracted to their potential Partners
who display kindness toward other people
according to studies on average people
fall in love seven times before they
actually meet the right partner
according to psychology people with
socially awkward personalities tend to
be more loyal to their friends and
faithful to their relationships
according to a study men who smile
excessively are less attractive to
potential partners
not getting enough sleep and being
hungry are the two biggest reasons for
being angry
according to psychology when a man is
dealing with two women he will always
stay with a woman who has a weaker mind
thank you
He will stay with the woman who meets his needs, eg, intimacy and emotional needs. I have seen this 3 times in my life. He will stay with the woman who makes him feel wanted and attractive. Good luck to everyone searching for their person to love [] ?
He will choose the woman who is his only option. The woman who chooses herself is no longer an option.
1 reply
It’s difficult to say for sure where a man will stay when dealing with two women…each situation is different…but from my experience his heart and his body will most likely belong to one woman, while his other heart and body will physically live with someone else, but not fully invested in her…until he is forced to choose by the woman he really loves, or until life chooses for him…
Here's a fact for you: Psychology does not deal with what "god intends" or what is or what a particular behavior will do to ;your soul."
Stay with the one who puts up with it!
1 reply
I love reading these comments from women. They usually go like this, a man chooses a woman he can control or manipulate. Where that sounds real amusing and catchy, it really breaks down to this. A man chooses a woman who gives him less stress. If you were going to choose between two cars—a reliable one and one that broke down all the time—you would choose the reliable car. Anyone who chooses a situation that is mentally exhausting, costly to his budget, and rife with stress is a damn fool.
16 replies
He will choose the second one. And the first one should be happy for it, because if he loved her, he would not look for a second woman.
[Psychology Hasha]
3 replies
In my experience, most men are unfaithful. They may never set out to do it but the sameness of one woman is boring. It may only happen once, perhaps after a very hurtful quarrel. They do it to feel desirable. The girl friend can always outshine the wife because she is free of domestic responsibilities for him and his children. When she sees him can can be beautiful because she makes the extra effort. If the man has income he doesn’t have to account for, he takes his girl friend to nice places and buys expensive gifts. The hard truth is that there are not enough eligible men to go around.
[Psychology Hasha]
3 months agoHe will choose the woman who is his only option. The woman who chooses herself is no longer an option.
1 reply
1 month agoIt’s difficult to say for sure where a man will stay when dealing with two women…each situation is different…but from my experience his heart and his body will most likely belong to one woman, while his other heart and body will physically live with someone else, but not fully invested in her…until he is forced to choose by the woman he really loves, or until life chooses for him…
4 months agoHere's a fact for you: Psychology does not deal with what "god intends" or what is or what a particular behavior will do to ;your soul."
3 months agoStay with the one who puts up with it!
1 reply
3 months agoI love reading these comments from women. They usually go like this, a man chooses a woman he can control or manipulate. Where that sounds real amusing and catchy, it really breaks down to this. A man chooses a woman who gives him less stress. If you were going to choose between two cars—a reliable one and one that broke down all the time—you would choose the reliable car. Anyone who chooses a situation that is mentally exhausting, costly to his budget, and rife with stress is a damn fool.
16 replies
3 months agoHe will choose the second one. And the first one should be happy for it, because if he loved her, he would not look for a second woman.
[Psychology Hasha]
3 replies
1 month agoIn my experience, most men are unfaithful. They may never set out to do it but the sameness of one woman is boring. It may only happen once, perhaps after a very hurtful quarrel. They do it to feel desirable. The girl friend can always outshine the wife because she is free of domestic responsibilities for him and his children. When she sees him can can be beautiful because she makes the extra effort. If the man has income he doesn’t have to account for, he takes his girl friend to nice places and buys expensive gifts. The hard truth is that there are not enough eligible men to go around.
[Psychology Hasha]
Treats him with the respect that he deserves as a man & is less confrontational
1 reply
3 months agoHe will stay with the one who doesn't find out []
1 reply
2 months agoA man can make mistakes... I did but I always had a conscience. I could have slept with the other woman but I didn't! Not all men cheat because they are pigs! My wife had me feeling unloved for a long time, it had me longing for a connection that had become a void inside. Mentally it became more damaging than filling. Lot of heartache...
1 month agoPlease take it from me. The spouse who has had a physical affair or an emotional affair. Will always choose his or hers married spouse. Because he or she knows that it is genuine love. The spouse has to go through their selfishness and thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Don't forget that spouse has to mow that yard too. That's when the reality check happens. It will neither be too late for the spouse who did the betrayal. Or the betraying spouse has got to do a whole lot of work to win his or hers trust back. Believe me. The spouse will do it.
Man who keeps hand in pocket feels cocky all day. []
1 reply
3 months ago (edited)My ex choose one he thought he could control more than I.. She ended up being a control freak and makes his life hell. How do I know? His sister and her husband told me. Mutual friends told me. He is scared to death of her! She has him on an extremely tight leash. Then he tried to reconect with me. Nope. Guess I wasn't so bad afterall. The grass isn't always greener on the other side as they say. She mirrored him while dating. Once married that dropped and he saw the real person. Oops.
3 months agoMost of these are just laymen opinions not psychological facts
3 months agoIf a man is dealing with two women he will choose the one he loves the most. It's simple as that. These other responses sound bitter
1 reply
3 months agoHe will choose the one that provides whatever it is that he values. Simple.
2 replies
2 months agoHes going to choose that one rare one just like him. [] and the one who has waited patiently for years. That is me
3 months agoIf he can't control you he don't want you
4 months agoA real one will pick wherever the peace is. One is enough. I wonder if the women commenting feel the same way about a woman that needs more than one man etc though…
1 reply
2 months agoIf she is right she will make you respect other woman [] not be rude with them cause they hurt you..She won't make you become rude to others because she wants you alone..She won't treat you like a kid in a cage....who can't have friends..
1 month agoA man will choose the one he really cares about,a man knows what one he wants for his wife
3 months agoGoodluck to their always cycle roller coaster rides in their chaotic relationship. Life is a choice!
3 months agoYou claim that the stronger you love someone, the stronger our hatred is when the relationship falls apart. Not always true. You can be hurt more, yes buy doesn't mean you hate them (at all), you may even be fooled into believing that you two will get back together in the future and you hold onto that slim hope, to keep your sanity. Holding onto that and also using music therapy to keep your sanity.. it is the worst pain you will ever feel. No Joke. Loosing your true love is the worst pain you will ever feel. But, using music therapy and using hope of reunion in the future will help keep your sanity, and all. You hold into the for dear life and never let go or things will be unbearable. Plus, telling yourself it is not going to be long we just need to split and go our separate ways for now, to do some things (soul mission) and then we will be back together later.... (even if that day never comes, you still have to tell yourself that because otherwise things will litterally be unbearable for you.. you would litterally break!)
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4 months ago[] Really? Sure there are always exceptions to the rule.
[Psychology Hasha]
2 months agoA real man wouldn't get his self in that situation to start with