《Meet Joe Black》Brad Pitt, 一见钟情但在生死交错中错过的爱情故事 (A love story of -- love at first sight [they are right for each other] but missed amid the twists of life and death).
In 1997, at the beginning of this film, the male and female protagonists encountered each other in a café, experiencing love at first sight. However, during their parting, they missed the chance for a mutual gaze, making me suspect whether the director was paying homage to "dong'ai" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRVqKulkCPc
turning around and missing each other lookin always breaks my heart a lil bit. if only their eyes met one more time. Brad was so love-drunk that he clearly did not read the "Do Not Walk" sign.Claire is so dreamily distracted.
Life is funny sometimes, it gives you something and then takes something back. Nothing is lost I guess...
Morel of the story: Life is often shorter than you expected. Don’t be shy.
(East Asian romantic dramas), although this is no longer significant. What is love?
It is that moment of heart-fluttering [they are right for each other], unforgettable feeling. Encounters happen, but are missed, even though both parties frequently turn back, they cross paths in the sea of people, evoking a sigh of regret. This film is not just a love story; more importantly, it delves into the meaning of life and death. To conclude, I quote a passage: "Some people, some events, some farewells, turning around once is a lifetime." ...and lightening could strike... and she was HIT.
Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins give stellar performances in this film about a powerful man who receives a visit from Death and ...
- Actors: Brad Pitt "Joe", Anthony Hopkins, Claire Forlani "Susan" [great acting, but she never got any awards. She was in Jackie Chan's movie, "Medallion"]
- Director: Martin Brest
This movie told so many of life’s lessons we should all learn and know , loyalty, devotion , fathers love for his child , take nothing for granted and when you see that woman sitting at a table or booth or bar go up and say something you never know lightening could strike--that hit-by-a-car scene !!!!
As soon as he said lightning could strike and she looked at him... I got goosebumps

《东京爱情故事》(Tokyo Love Story):作者回顾了这部90年代的日剧,特别提到了剧中一场感人的告别场景,以及大结局时的转折。文章中表达了对爱情中勇气和怯懦的理解。
《Meet Joe Black》(第六感生死缘):这是一部于1997年上映的影片,描绘了一见钟情但在生死交错中错过的爱情故事。作者认为这不仅仅是一部爱情电影,更是一部探讨生死意义的作品。
世上的爱情影片很多很多, 你印象最为深刻的是哪几部? 我先罗列一下我的 -
第一部当归于九十年代的《东京爱情故事》, 印象最深刻的一幕是丸子和莉香晚上告别 时约定从一数到三, 结果丸子先转身准备离开, 而莉香根本就没有转过身去:-) 当整部剧大结局时,又来到了这一熟悉的桥段: 从一数到三后, 两人都转过了事, 这次是丸子恋恋不舍,充满悔意的先回头转身, 看着莉香离开的背影, 最终没有勇气叫她一声, 正像一句话说的: “它赞扬了爱的勇敢, 也理解了爱的怯懦”. 如果有一天在东京的街头, 你遇到一个眼睛笑得像月牙一样 的女孩, 阳光, 自信, 勇敢, 请大胆的上去认识一下.
第二部: 〈Mece Joe Black〉(第六感生死缘). 这部1997年的影片, 电影开头男女双方在咖啡馆邂逅,一见钟情, 分别时错过相互的回望镜头, 让我怀疑导演是否在致敬东爱, 虽然这已经不重要. 爱是什么? 是那一瞬间的心灵悸动, 念念不忘. 遇见,但又错过, 即使双 方频频回头, 但交错于人海, 令人唏嘘不已。这部影片不仅仅是一部爱情电影, 更重要的是一部探究生死意义的电影. 这里引用一段话来结束: “有些人, 有些事, 有些告别, 一转身就是一辈子.”
第三部〈甜蜜蜜〉. 我认为这是香港最好的爱情片, 影片拍得很精致, 细腻, 有几段 让人过目难忘. 第一幕, 在纽约街头, 李翘在被拘押的警车上看到黎小军骑着单车的身影, 猛然下车在车水马龙的时代广场人流中寻找他, 最后茫然无果,两人擦身而过; 第二幕, 还是在纽约街头, 两人不约而同驻足在电视橱窗前驻足观看邓丽君去世的新闻, 于茫茫人海中再次重逢,神奇的命运之约啊…当年我在狮城一个人在看这部电影时, 那种震撼加甜蜜温暖的感觉至今难忘. “在那里, 在那里见过你, 你的笑容这样熟悉, 我一时想不起…” 也引用一段影评来结束: "有些爱, 只能止于唇齿, 掩于岁月, 等岁月垂顾, 留时间解答, 而甜蜜蜜的意思, 就是再苦再难, 笑一笑, 都有甜蜜的回味."
遇见是美好的, 难忘的. 音乐诗人李建的作品〈传奇〉歌词里: "只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼, 再也没能忘 掉你容颜” 是的, 走在路上, 美女, 帅哥, 不妨多看几眼. 有感觉的勇敢问候一下, 有强烈想感觉的,告别后一定要多回头看几眼, 说不定那一刻他也在回望着你.