Remembering General Billy Mitchell, Father of American Air Forces
"The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell"[Cast: Gary Cooper] The film depicts the conflict between a brigadier general and the American military leadership after World War I. The general passionately advocated for the development of military aviation, leading to a trial in 1925. The plot focuses on the dramatic events of the trial and the general's call to recognize the importance of aviation in future military conflicts.
Amazingly, he predicted that Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor in 1925 using air power!
In the movie, General Mitchell's visionary approach to airpower challenges established norms and traditional military thinking. His courage to dream beyond conventional wisdom becomes a central theme, emphasizing the potential for unconventional ideas to reshape military strategies. As Ronald Reagan aptly stated, "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, imagination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."
His closing statement highlights the American spirit of doing what is right at all costs.
"Either I am merely trying to establish your exact feelings on the question of insubordination. Colonel Mitchell, what is the first duty of a soldier to his superior? We've been over that. Are you afraid of the word, sir?
What word? The word that answers my question. In all the armies of the world, the word is obedience.
You're trying to quibble me out of the army. You know better than to call me disobedient, Colonel Mitchell. Why didn't you resign from the Army and conduct your campaign legitimately from a civilian position?
Because I'm an army man, sir. And do you consider your statement in Texas justified? Objection! The witness is being asked to pass judgment on himself. I'll answer, Colonel Mitchell. You don't have to answer that question.
Objection sustained.
In view then of your present opinion that your superiors are negligent and incompetent, could you give them unquestioned obedience should you be returned to duty? I asked the court to instruct the witness not to answer that question.
I'll answer that question too. You've asked me to state that I am unfit to remain in the Army because I have incurred the hostility of my superior officers. I can't admit that, and I won't. I've been wearing the uniform of the United States Army most of my adult life, and I've worn it with pride. But if being a good soldier is your kind of good soldier, of being unable to think for himself and say what he thinks, for being narrow and blind and insensible to a higher duty, you can have the uniform and all that goes with it. If trying to do something for your country, if fighting to correct injustice, is being a bad soldier, then I'm glad I'm a bad soldier. This issue goes far beyond being a good soldier in his sense of the word. It goes beyond blind obedience and depends on a man's faith in his knowledge of what is right. If being a good soldier is submitting dumbly and passively to injustice, indecision, and complacency, then I'm glad I'm a bad one.
Really, thank you, Colonel Mitchell. That's all. No further cross-examination.
The Army rests its case. Does the defense wish to make a closing statement? The defense has nothing further. The court will retire to consider its findings. Stand up when the court enters.
What will come in order? The accused will stand.
Colonel William Mitchell, the court in closed session, and upon a secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present at the time this vote was taken concurring therein find you of all specifications and the charge guilty. Order in court. The court, again in closed session, and upon a secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, sentenced you to be suspended from rank, command, and duty with forfeiture of all pay and allowances for five years.
The court is thus lenient because of your military record during World War 1. The court has adjourned. Do you have a statement to make, Colonel? Will you remain at war? But how do you feel about the Army now, Colonel? The Army owes me nothing. I owe the Army everything. What do you intend to"
biography of general Billy Mitchell
General William "Billy" Mitchell was a pioneering and controversial figure in the early history of the United States Air Force. Here is a brief biography of General Billy Mitchell:
Early Life:
Birth: William Lendrum Mitchell was born on December 29, 1879, in Nice, France, to a prominent American family.
Military Background: His father, John L. Mitchell, served as a U.S. Senator, and his grandfather was a Union Army general during the American Civil War.
Military Career:
West Point: Billy Mitchell graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1903.
Aviation Pioneer: Mitchell became fascinated with aviation and quickly recognized its military potential. He took flying lessons and earned his pilot's license in 1916.
World War I: During World War I, Mitchell's vision for the role of airpower in modern warfare gained prominence. He served in various aviation-related roles and played a key role in the development of American air combat tactics.
Post-World War I Advocacy:
Promotion of Airpower: Mitchell continued to advocate for the importance of airpower after World War I, predicting the rise of strategic bombing.
Controversies: His outspoken nature and criticism of military leadership, particularly regarding the importance of airpower, led to clashes and controversies. Mitchell's views often put him at odds with traditional military thinking.
Criticism of Leadership: Mitchell's outspoken criticism escalated, leading to a court-martial in 1925. He was charged with insubordination for openly challenging the efficacy of naval and military leaders.
Conviction: Mitchell was found guilty of insubordination and suspended from active duty for five years. Despite this, he continued to be a prominent advocate for airpower.
Visionary: General Billy Mitchell is often regarded as a visionary who foresaw the strategic importance of airpower in future conflicts.
Airpower Advocate: His advocacy played a crucial role in the development of the independent U.S. Air Force, which was established after his death.
Recognition: Despite his court-martial, Mitchell is posthumously recognized for his contributions to the evolution of military aviation.
General Billy Mitchell passed away on February 19, 1936. His legacy endures as a pioneering figure in the history of airpower and the early development of the United States Air Force.
• not on fear, USA was built on courage, imagination,Resolve - TJKCB - ♀
(8781 bytes) (6358 reads) 01/24/2024 14:37:45
• 世界战争史有几千年,人类飞行历史只有一百多年,现在的空军已经是大国军事力量不可或缺的兵种 - 永远老李 - ♂ (47 bytes) (2 reads) 01/24/2024 15:39:06
• My cup of tea!!! 彩色海报上的飞机是B-25B以Mitchell命名,Doolittle raid - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/24/2024 16:04:05
• 让B-25B一战成名,西方人真是不缺冒险家,杜立特竟敢冒险把陆基中型轰炸机从航空母舰小小甲板起飞去轰炸东京 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/24/2024 16:07:02
• 而且还冒着惊涛骇浪,这对珍珠港后美军的士气是极大的提升,最后这些轰炸机不得已改飞中国沿海耗尽燃油迫降,很多人被救 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (7 reads) 01/24/2024 16:09:46
• 当年的Lieutenant Colonel 军衔至General James Harold Doolittle96岁高龄 - 移花接木 - ♂
(42 bytes) (3 reads) 01/24/2024 16:13:14
• Thanks. President Reagan emphasized encouragement again - 唐宋韵 - ♂
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/24/2024 17:01:46
• after the tragedy of space shuttle Challenger in 1986 -- - 唐宋韵 - ♂
(194 bytes) (5 reads) 01/24/2024 17:03:16
• They touched the face of God. - TJKCB - ♀
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/24/2024 20:40:06
• How could he predict Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor in 1925? - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/24/2024 17:38:05
• sounds like a prophet. - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/24/2024 17:38:57
• Great minds think alike, Mitchell与Yamamoto 想一块去了, 呵呵,其实作为战略家 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/24/2024 18:08:49
• 他一是预见空军的发展及作用,就如多年前那些预言AI,二是珍珠港的美军战略存在严重威胁日本的海上扩张 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/24/2024 18:12:03
• 珍珠港威胁日本的海上扩张,原来如此。谢谢解惑! - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/24/2024 19:00:39
• 可惜他比山本还沉不住气,日本直到1941年底才炸珍珠港, - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/24/2024 20:06:06
• He was ahead of his time. Sadly, the gov did not like him. - TJKCB - ♀
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/24/2024 20:41:25
• 只有懂得政治的军人才能适应时代的变化,典型的是艾森豪威尔,不论当秘书当盟军总司令当大学校长当美国总统,样样拿得起放得下 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/25/2024 04:35:27
• 纯粹的军人如陈纳德,巴顿那样的人在战争结束后必定鸟尽弓藏。 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/25/2024 04:36:58
• 是这个理。 - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/25/2024 05:58:42
• USA was built on independent war, of course not on fear! - 方外居士 - ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/24/2024 20:32:52
• The Best of President Reagan's Humor - TJKCB - ♀
(3613 bytes) (6 reads) 01/24/2024 21:06:52
• Not only independent but also sustainable freedom USA seeks - TJKCB - ♀
(144 bytes) (0 reads) 01/25/2024 12:40:20
• 早在1921年,意大利军事理论家Douhet就写了《制空权》一书,他的远见是惊人的 —— - 唐宋韵 - ♂
(322 bytes) (8 reads) 01/24/2024 21:56:02
• 好笑的是很多这些理论最后成就了敌人,英国人首创用舰载空军奇袭意大利塔兰托军港重创意大利舰队,给了山本灵感用航母偷袭珍珠港 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/25/2024 04:27:52
• 戴高乐的装甲战理论被德国人学习融会贯通,成就闪电战的理论基础,而法国人对他嗤之以鼻只想着防御建工事 - 移花接木 - ♂
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/25/2024 04:31:22
• 如数家珍 - 盈盈一笑间 - ♀
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/25/2024 05:59:12
• Action speaks louder than words: Comic story=theory - TJKCB - ♀
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/25/2024 12:29:51
• law vs. courage, imagination, and determination. How do you - dhyang_wxc - ♂
(176 bytes) (2 reads) 01/25/2024 11:40:41
• Your answer is in Mitch's film - TJKCB - ♀
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/25/2024 12:30:48
• sustainable freedom on grass-roots people - TJKCB - ♀
(144 bytes) (0 reads) 01/25/2024 12:41:06