硅谷与华尔街掀起裁员狂潮 数十万乃至超百万人今年将失去高薪工作: 2024新年伊始 AI还是经济衰退?

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2023年ChatGPT的横空出世,让科技行业兴起了AI生成潮。前哈佛大学计算机科学教授Matt Welsh坦言,现在AI能够执行很多软件工程的工作,受此影响,整个行业程序员的工作保障和薪资水平都会下降。


hehe07 发表评论于
Jan. 26 - Salesforce laying off about 700 employees, roughly 1% of its global workforce, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Jan. 24 - IBM plans to lay off some employees in 2024, but will hire more for AI-centered roles, likely ending the year with its headcount unchanged.

Jan. 23 - eBay plans to cut about 1,000 roles, or around 9% of its current workforce.